Jou Herstel Reis Begin!     

Though everyone wants a sudden MIRACLE, and certainly, each time God restores a marriage it IS a miracle; but for most women, restoration actually happens quite suddenly when they least expected it!

Alhoewel almal ‘n skielike WONDERWERK wil hĂȘ, en sekerlik elke keer wat God ‘n huwelik herstel IS dit ‘n wonderwerk; maar vir meeste vrouens, gebeur herstel wanneer hulle dit die minste verwag!

However, to be ready to live in a restored marriage, you need to be changed from the inside out and be able to be the woman God is calling you to be. And though we each long to reach our destination as quickly a possible, you’ll find He’s called you not just so you reach your destination of a restored marriage, but what’s MORE important is how you will change during and along your journey. Changing from the inside out, including emotional healing from your past, and experiencing peace in the midst of each of your crises.

Nietemin, om gereed te wees om ‘n herstelde huwelik te lei, moet jy van binne af buite verander word en in staat wees om die vrou van God te wees wat Hy jou geroep het om te wees. En alhoewel elke een hunker om ons bestemming so gou as moontlik te bereik, sal jy vind Hy het jou geroep nie net om jou bestemming van ‘n herstelde huwelik te bereik nie, maar wat MEER belangrik is is hoe jy sal verander gedurende en op jou reis. Verander van binne na buite, insluitende emosionele genesing uit die verlede, en om vrede te midde van jou krisis te ervaar. 

* If you’re currently in a major crisis right now, you might want to stop and visit our Crisis Corner.

* As jy huidig in ‘n groot krisis is, mag jy dalk wil stop en ons Krisis Hoekie besoek.

If you're broken and you’ll simply ASK the Lord to help you navigate through this Restoration Journey HE WILL be faithful to help you. You don't need us or anyone else. This is just ONE of many KEYS that will lock each gate you come to.

As jy gebroke is sal jy eenvoudig die Here VRA om jou te help om deur hierdie Herstel Reis te 

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:13-14

“Gaan deur die nou poort in. Die poort wat na die verderf lei, is wyd en die pad daarheen breed, en diĂ© wat daardeur ingaan, is baie. Maar die poort wat na die lewe lei, is nou en die pad daarheen smal, en diĂ© wat dit kry, is min.” Matteus 7:13-14

KEY # 1 You have Someone Designed to Guide you. This has to be the most important KEY you need to remember. Anytime you have a question or concern or doubts or anything else you would normally go to someone else to ask, just stop and ask God as James 1:5–8 says we are to do. Read and mediate on what James 1:5–8 says. 

SLEUTEL # 1  Jy het Iemand Ontwerp om jou te Lei. Dit moet die mees belangrikste sleutel wees vir jou om te onthou. Enige tyd wat jy ‘n vraag of bekommernis of twyfel of enige iets anders het sal jy normaalweg na iemand anders toe gaan om te vra, stop en vra vir God soos Jakobus 1:5-8 sĂȘ ons moet doen. Lees en mediteer op wat Jakobus 1:5-8 sĂȘ.   

You don’t have to say any formal prayer, and it’s really better if you don’t. Just get away by yourself and ask Him anything and everything— you’ll be surprised how you’ll soon know and understand what to do. Even if it’s simply to wait and do nothing.

Jy hoef nie enige formele gebed te sĂȘ nie, en dit is regtig beter as jy dit nie doen nie. Gaan net weg by jouself en vra Hom enige iets en alles—jy sal verbaas wees hoe jy gou sal weet en verstaan wat om te doen. Selfs al is dit om eenvoudig te wag en niks te doen nie.

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 KJV

“Maar diĂ© wat op die Here vertrou, kry nuwe krag. Hulle vlieg met arendsvlerke, hulle hardloop en word nie moeg nie, hulle loop en raak nie afgemat nie.

And don’t make the mistake of asking your husband anything, like what his plans are or how he’s feeling. Proverbs 16:9 says, “The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps.” ONLY GOD knows.

En moet nie die fout maak om jou man enige iets te vra nie, soos wat sy planne is of hoe hy voel nie. Spreuke 16:9 sĂȘ, “‘n Mens beplan sy pad, maar die Here bepaal hoe hy loop

Feelings also change in an instant and these verses in Proverbs 7:21-27 proves your husband has no clue what path he’s on— especially if he’s fallen for another woman. Instead, asking men anything will prove to hurt you terribly and could lead you to do something that will destroy, rather than help you and your relationship to heal. So learn to be wise and don’t ask or snoop around.

Gevoelens verander ook in ‘n oomblik en hierdie verse in Spreuke 7:21-27 bewys jou man het geen idee op watter pad hy is nie—spesiaal as hy geval het vir ‘n ander vrou. In plaas daarvan, om mans enige ets te vra sal bewys om jou verskriklik seer te maak en kan lei daartoe dat jy iets doen wat sal veroorsaak dat jy jou verhouding verwoes, eerder as om jou te help en jou verhouding om te genees. So leer om wys te wees en moet nie vra of rondsnuffel nie. 

Proverbs 14:1—"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."

Spreuke 14:1—” ‘n Wyse vrou sorg vir haar huis; ‘n vrou sonder wysheid breek alles af.”

Daniella, now restored, learned this the hard way as she says:

Daniella, nou herstel, het dit op die harde manier geleer en sy sĂȘ:

Dear brides, let your earthly husband go. Do not snoop into his life, do not try to find out what he is doing. Occupy your thoughts and your life with Him and cleanse your heart by reading your Bible and where you'll discover His love letters to you. He is the only Man capable of making you truly happy. Not only does this allow your flesh to be killed each day, but because more of you must leave to give more space for you to receive more of the character of Love of Him in you. Stay in peace, do not give up, keep moving along your journey and in everything, be thankful to the Lord. The closer you are to your HH, the closer you will be to your restoration.

Liewe bruide, laat jou aardse man gaan. Moet nie in sy lewe rondsnuffel nie, moet nie probeer uitvind wat hy besig is om te doen nie. Hou jou gedagtes en jou lewe besig met Hom en reinig jou hart deur de Bybel te lees en waar jy Sy liefdes briewe aan jou sal ontdek. Hy is die enigste man in staat om jou werklik gelukkig te maak. Nie net laat dit jou vlees toe om elke dag dood gemaak te word nie, maar omdat meer van jou moet weggaan om meer spasie te maak vir die karakter van liefde van Hom in jou. Bly vredevol, moet nie opgee nie, hou aan om in jou reis aan te beweeg, en in alles wees dankbaar aan die Here. Hoe nader jy aan jou HM is, hoe nader sal jy aan herstel wees.  

~ Danielle, restored, “Weeping Lasts for a Night, Joy Comes in the Morning!” from one of many By the Word of Their Testimony books.

~ Danielle, herstel, “Weeping Lasts for a Night, Joy Comes in the Morning!” uit een van baie By the Word of Their Testimony boeke.

The reason we experienced our miraculous restored marriages (and why we see so many miracles in our ministry) is that we each of us went to to the LORD to guide us, speaking to Him, listening and reading His Word so we could be cleansed from our pain. And during our journeys, that’s when He called us to travel ahead of you— so that we could turn around and reach out to help you. Now we see women are able to get out of crisis even sooner based on what we learned and shared with them.

Die rede wat ons ons wonderbaarlike herstelde huwelike ervaar het (en hoekom ons so baie wonderwerke in ons ministeries sien) is dat elke een van ons na die HERE toe gegaan het om ons te lei, met Hom gepraat, geluister en Sy Woord gelees sodat ons gereinig kon wees van ons pyn. En gedurende ons reistogte, was dit toe Hy ons geroep het om voor jou uit te reis—sodat ons kon omdraai en uitreik om jou te help. Nou sien ons dat vrouens in staat is om gouer uit die krisis te kom gebaseer op wat ons geleer het en met hulle gedeel het.

The first thing we learned is that restoration is a very narrow road, maybe one of the NARROWEST a woman will ever travel along. And all of us were ridiculed by the people closest to us for even wanting or thinking our marriages could be restored. And what each of us was able to do, was the narrowest path of all— because only we, not our husbands wanted our marriage restored. In other words, almost ALL of our restored marriages were truly the most hopeless, dead marriages brought back to life. We were not like couples who both want help.

Die eerste ding wat ons geleer het is dat herstel ‘n baie noue pad is, miskien een van die NOUSTE wat ‘n vrou ooit kan op reis. En almal van ons was verkleineer deur mense naaste aan ons omdat ons gedink het en wou hĂȘ ons huwelike moes herstel word. Soos wat elke een van ons in staat was om te doen, was die nouste pad van almal—omdat net ons, nie ons mans nie wou ons huwelike herstel hĂȘ. Met ander woorde, amper AL ons herstelde huwelike was werklik die mees hopeloos, dooie huwelike wat terug na die lewe toe gebring is. Ons was nie soos paartjies wat albei hulp wou hĂȘ nie. 

That’s why this is such GOOD NEWS!

Dit is waarom dit so GOEIE NUUS is!

Our ministry was designed to help restore truly hopeless marriages—when ONLY one spouse wants their marriage restored. Our husbands wanted OUT of our marriage and most had left completely (physically, emotionally and mentally)!

Ons ministerie was ontwerp om te help om werklike hopelose huwelike te herstel—wanneer NET die gade hulle huwelike herstel wil hĂȘ. Ons mans wou UIT die huwelik kom en meeste het heeltemal geloop (fisies, emosioneel en geestelik)!   

This is what makes our ministry unique, and also so powerful. What we never do, and discourage you to do, is to pursue your husband or even talk to him about what you’re hoping for. Nothing will drive a man farther away than a needy, clingy, desperate woman who is chasing after him and not letting him go. Instead, we each learned to remain quiet and tell no one about what we were hoping for—since whatever you say always makes its way back to your husband, right? Or you get opposition, which is something you do not need right now. So, if you have told anyone about what’s going on or even what you’re hoping for—use this KEY to unlock your peace—and commit to saying no more about it to anyone.

Dit is wat ons ministerie uniek maak, en ook so kragtig. Wat ons nooit doen nie, en jou ontmoedig om te doen, is om jou man agterna te sit of selfs met hom te praat oor waarvoor jy hoop. Niks sal ‘n man verder weg dryf as ‘n, behoeftige, klouerige, desperate vrou wat agter hom aanhardloop en hom nie laat gaan nie. In plaas daarvan het ons elkeen geleer om stil te bly en niemand te vertel waarvoor ons hoop nie—aangesien watookal jy sĂȘ altyd sy pad vind terug na jou man toe, reg? Of jy kry teenstand, wat iets is wat jy nie nou dadelik nodig het nie. So, as jy enige iemand vertel het oor wat aangaan of selfs waarvoor jy hoop—gebruik hierdie SLEUTEL om jou vrede oop te sluit—en wy jou toe daaraan om niks meer daaroor te sĂȘ aan enige iemand nie.   

And as we said earlier, instead of offering any counseling because He IS the Mighty Counselor and you deserve the best! Someone who knows the future, someone who can change the present, and the one who sees and knows everything that's going on. No counselor has the power! Instead, we offer powerful courses, to heal you "by the washing of His Word" and renew your mind in His principles, while reading His Promises. Going to Him is another powerful KEY that will unlock your restoration.

En soos wat ons vroeĂ«r gesĂȘ het, in plaas daarvan om enige berading te offer omdat HY die Magtige Raadsman IS en jy die beste verdien! Iemand wat die toekoms ken, iemand wat die huidige kan verander, en die een wat alles sien en alles weet wat aangaan. Geen berader het die krag nie! In plaas daarvan, offer ons kragtige kursusse, om jou te genees “gereinig deur die woord” en hernu jou gedagtes in Sy beginsels, terwyl jy sy beloftes lees. Deur na Hom toe te gaan is nog ‘n kragtige SLEUTEL wat jou herstel sal oopsluit.  

KEY # 2 Go to the Mighty Counselor with each and every question. He will make your rough, crooked path straighter and therefore you will reach your destination sooner. He even knows exactly where there are landmines that most women fall into and He’ll help you to avoid them. As Lilliana, now restored, says:

SLEUTEL # 2 Gaan na die Magtige Raadsman toe met ieder en elke vraag. Hy sal jou rowwe, skewe pad reguit maak en daarom sal jy jou bestemming vinniger bereik. Hy weet selfs presies waar daar landmyne is waarin baie vrouens val en Hy sal jou help om hulle te voorkom. Soos Lilliana, nou herstel sĂȘ:

"Fall in love with your Heavenly Husband, look to Him and His Word for all your answers, He is waiting for you...He is good, He will never leave you nor forsake you. He has to be your Mighty Counselor. Stay close to Him, hold onto Him tightly...He is your only hope, don't give up no matter what."

“Raak verlief op jou Hemelse Man, kyk na Hom toe en Sy Woord vir al jou antwoorde, Hy wag vir jou...Hy is goed, Hy sal jou nooit los of versaak nie. Hy moet jou Kragtige Raadsman wees. Bly na aan Hom, hou styf aan Hom vas...Hy is jou enigste hoop, moet nie opgee nie maak nie saak wat nie.” 

~ Lilliana, restored, "We Made a Mistake Marrying Each Other"

~Lilliana, herstel, “We Made a Mistake Marrying Each Other”

This is why we strongly urge you to settle for nothing else but the Best—your future depends on it—and if you have questions simply stop to ask Him. Not only will He answer and guide you, very often He will take care of whatever it is you’re concerned about. You're left having to do nothing but praise Him!!

Dit is hoekom ons jou sterk aanbeveel om niks minder te aanvaar maar die Beste nie—jou toekoms hang daarvan af—en as jy vrae het stop eenvoudig om Hom te vra. Nie net sal Hy jou antwoord en lei nie, baie dikwels sal Hy omsien na watookal dit is waaroor jy bekommerd is. Jy word gelos met niks anders maar om Hom te loof nie!!

"Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it" —Psalm 37:5 

“Laat jou lewe aan die HERE oor en vertrou op Hom; Hy sal sorg” —Psalm 37:5 

We want to encourage you to stop asking for help or asking questions BECAUSE only HE knows real answers. Why ask a counselor, or a friend or family member when the Lord knows everything that’s going on and how to lead you to a bright future?!?! 

Ons wil jou aanmoedig om op te hou om te vra vir hulp of om vrae te vra OMDAT net HY die regte antwoorde ken. Hoekom ‘n berader vra, of ‘n vriendin of ‘n familielid wanneer die Here alles weet wat aangaan en hoe om jou in ‘n helder toekoms te lei. 

This means stop speaking to and sharing anything with anyone that has to do with your marriage.

Dit beteken om op te hou om te praat en enige iets met enige iemand te deel wat te doen het met jou huwelik.

Begin today to speak to the LORD only and begin to pour out your heart into each of your journals, which we provide at the end of each lesson during your course. And then when we see you're ready, we will pair you with an ePartner soon after you begin Rebuilding. An ePartner is likeminded and who will encourage, not hinder your progress.

Begin vandag om net met die HERE te praat en begin om jou hart in elke een van jou joernale te stort, wat ons voorsien aan die einde van elke les gedurende die kursus. 

Even though everyone encourages counseling and support groups, having just "someone" to talk to, we know that the Person Who you should talk to, who matters the most is also the most IMPORTANT relationship you need to develop: No, it's not with us or your husband (or ex-husband) because difficult relationships need time to heal and then be built on the Rock so the next time the rains come, it will remain standing.

Alhoewel almal berading en ondersteuningsgroepe aanbeveel, en net “iemand” om mee te praat, weet ons dat die Persoon met Wie jy moet praat, wat die meeste saak maak is ook die mees BELANGRIKSTE verhouding wat jy nodig het om te ontwikkel: Nee, dit is nie met ons of jou man of (eks-man) nie omdat moeilike verhoudings tyd nodig het om te genees en moet dan op die Rots gebou word sodat die volgende keer wat die reĂ«n kom, dit sal bly staan.  

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the Rock.” Matthew 7:25.

“Die stortreĂ«n het geval, vloedwaters het afgekom, winde het teen daardie huis gewaai en daaraan geruk, en tog het dit nie ingestort nie, want die fondament was op rots.” Matteus 7:25

And it's especially not important to have a relationship with us either. Once again, the MOST important relationship that you need to develop right now is with the Lord, your Heavenly Husband—because this ONE relationship will be the relationship that is always the determining factor to whether or not each Marriage is RESTORED. It's also the relationship that needs to be strong after you're restored, which you can read in so MANY restored marriage testimonies.

En dit is spesiaal nie belangrik om ook met ons ‘n verhouding te hĂȘ nie. Weer eens, die MEES belangrikste verhouding wat jy nou nodig het om te ontwikkel is met die Here, jou Hemelse Man—omdat hierdie EEN verhouding sal die verhouding wees wat altyd die bepalende faktor is om te bereken of of nie elke Huwelik HERSTEL is. Dit is ook die verhouding wat sterk moet wees nadat jy herstel is, wat jy kan lees in so BAIE herstelde huwelik getuienisse. 

As proof, when you read each of our lessons, you'll begin by reading a Restored Marriage Testimony and if you'll begin to notice one KEY principle—that their relationship with the Lord became #1 in their lives.

As bewys, wanneer jy elke een van ons lesse lees, sal jy begin deur n‘ Herstelde Huweliks Getuienis te lees en jy sal begin om een SLEUTEL beginsel agter te kom—dat hulle verhouding met die Here #1 in hulle lewens geword het. 

KEY # 3 Your Heavenly Husband. All of us felt the pain of being rejected when we began our Journey. That's why it's so important that you grasp this life-changing principle and concept.

SLEUTEL # 3 Jou Hemelse Man. Almal van ons het die pyn gevoel om verwerp te wees toe ons ons reis begin het. Dit is hoekom dit so belangrik is dat jy hierdie lewens-veranderde beginsel en konsep verstaan.

“Fear not, for you will not be put to shame and do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced; But you will forget the shame of your youth, And the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.

“Moenie bang wees nie, jy sal nie weer in die skande kom nie, moenie so verleĂ« daar staan nie, jy sal nie weer verneder word nie. Jy sal die skande uit jou jong dae vergeet en nie meer dink hoe jy verneder is toe jy ‘n weduwee was nie. 

“For your Husband is your Maker, Whose name is the Lord of hosts; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth.

“Hy wat jou gemaak het, is jou Man, sy naam is die Here die Almagtige. Die Heilige van Israel is jou Verlosser; Hy word die God van die hele wĂȘreld genoem.

“'For the Lord has called you, Like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, Even like a wife of one’s youth when she is rejected,' Says your God"–Isaiah 54:4-6

“Jy is ‘n verstote en bitter bedroefde vrou, maar die Here roep jou terug, want hoe kan ‘n man sy eie vrou vergeet? SĂȘ jou God”Jesaja 54:4-6 

As you read on Hope At Last, this Divine Appointment, when you cried out for help, was Him calling you to take this journey with Him—so you can experience the LOVE that casts our all fears and heals us of all our wounds.

Soos wat jy lees op Uiteindelik Hoop, hierdie Godgerigte Afspraak, toe jy uitgeroep het om hulp, was Hy wat jou geroep het om hierdie reis met Hom te neem—sodat jy die LIEFDE wat alle vrese afwerp en al ons wonde genees kan ervaar. 

The more you focus on HIM, we promise, the faster you will cease from the pain and begin to find peace—so you are prepared for restoration as Julie, now restored, says:

Hoe meer jy op HOM fokus, belowe ons, hoe vinniger sal jy van al die pyn ontslae raak en vrede begin vind—sodat jy voorberei is vir herstel soos Julie wat nou herstel is sĂȘ:

More than the restoration with my husband, I want to know the voice of my HH "Heavenly Husband", I want to hear Him speak to me. I want to have a relationship with Him above all else. I long to be His bride and I want Him to be my Heavenly Husband because this is where I've found real peace and love.

Meer as die herstel met my man, wil ek die stem van my HM ken “Hemelse Man”, ek wil Hom hoor met my praat. Ek wil ‘n verhouding met Hom hĂȘ bo alles. Ek begeer om Sy bruid te wees en ek wil hĂȘ Hy moet my Hemelse Man wees omdat dit is waar ek egte vrede en liefde gevind het.

The process of marriage restoration is not over when your husband comes home, even after he repents. Once he's home is only the beginning. If you don't have Him as your HH, and He truly is, then you and I can't expect to stop our foolishness and spiritual arrogance. We need to continue clinging to the only One who can help us with our lack of forgiveness, our contentiousness. Only He can help us put into practice the wisdom found in the books, lessons, and testimonies we have each found here at RMI. Without ongoing support, I would surely continue to push my earthly husband into the arms of yet another OW [other woman]. 

Die proses van huwelik herstel is nie verby wanneer jou man huis toe kom nie, selfs na hy bieg. Sodra hy by die huis is is dit net die begin. As jy Hom nie het as jou HM nie, en Hy is waarlik, dan kan jy en ek nie verwag om ons dwaaslikheid en spirituele arrogansie te keer nie. Ons moet voort gaan om vas te hou aan die enigste Een wat ons kan help met ons tekort aan vergiffenis, ons twisgierigheid. Net Hy kan ons help om die wysheid wat in die boeke, lesse, en getuienisse wat ons elkeen hier by HMI gevind het uit te leef. Sonder voortdurende ondersteuning, sal ek sekerlik voortgaan om my aardse man in die arms van nog ‘n AV (ander vrou) te stoot.   

~ Julie, now restored "Our Daughter's Illness Made Me Run Back"

~ Julie, nou herstel "Our Daughter's Illness Made Me Run Back"

So the sooner we can encourage you to focus on your KEY relationship, with the Lord (for comfort and assurance and guidance and for answers), especially press into HIM and His Word for your answers, not looking to us (or a counselor or a friend or anyone else)—the SOONER your marriage will be RESTORED—guaranteed!

So hoe gouer ons jou kan aanmoedig om te fokus op jou SLEUTEL verhouding met die Here (vir troos en versekering en leiding en vir antwoorde), nader Hom en Sy Woord spesifiek vir jou antwoorde, en moenie na ons kyk (of ‘n berader of ‘n vriendin of enige iemand anders nie)—hoe GOUER sal jou huwelik HERSTEL wees —gewaarborg!

We have been updating and refining our ministry based on the rising epidemic of divorces and failing marriages—and what we have witnessed works no matter how horrible the marriage crisis is!

Ons het ons ministerie bygewerk en verfyn gebaseer op die stygende epidemie van egskeidings en mislukte huwelike—en wat ons kan getuig werk maak nie saak hoe aaklig die huweliks krisis is nie! 

30-Day RYM
30-Dae HJH

*At Last There's Hope!*
*Uiteindelik is daar Hoop!*

Restoration Journey
Herstel Reis 


This first free course we offer is the very same course that was developed over a period of more than 25 years. Dozens of restored women studied this course as we continued to include more and more principles to aid in restoring marriages—resulting in more and more couples who soon experienced a restored marriage. Again, the Bible course is NOT something that happens with one dose, but are the proven biblical principles, which when studied on a daily basis, allows each principle to be more easily followed and incorporated into your daily life. This is what will result in even more miraculous testimonies and changed lives—YOURS!

Die eerste gratis kursus wat ons offer is dieselfde kursus wat ontwerp was oor ‘n periode van meer as 25 jaar. Dosyne van herstelde vrouens het hierdie kursus bestudeer soos wat ons voort gegaan het om meer en meer beginsels by te voeg om te help met die herstel van huwelike—die resultate was meer en meer paartjies het gou ‘n herstelde huwelik ervaar. Weer, die Bybel is NIE iets wat net in een dosis gebeur nie, maar bibliese beginsels wat bewys is, wat wanneer dit op n daaglikse basis bestudeer word, toelaat dat elke beginsel makliker is om te volg en in jou daaglikse lewe bygevoeg word. Dit is wat die resultaat sal hĂȘ van selfs meer wonderbaarlike getuienisse en veranderde lewens—JOUNE!   

* By investing in approximately 30 minutes a day for just one month, we can guarantee you will learn His ways along your Restoration Journey and get your marriage out of crisis and on your way to restoration. Then, by continuing the following the remaining courses, each will lead to you becoming ready for restoration as well as knowing how to encourage other women in crisis.

* Deur in ongeveer 30 minute ‘n dag te belĂȘ vir net een maand, kan ons jou waarborg dat jy Sy weĂ« sal leer op jou Herstel Reis en jou huwelik uit die krisis kry en oppad na herstel. Dan, deur voort te gaan met die opeenvolgende oorblywende kursusse, sal elke een jou lei om gereed te word vir herstel sowel as om te weet hoe om ander vrouens in krisis aan te moedig.   

Why do we continue to remind you to fill out the “Journals” each day? 

Hoekom ons voortgaan om jou te herinner om jou “Joernale” elke dag in te vul?         

First, sadly, we discovered that at least a third of the women filling out our Marriage Evaluation Questionnaire just wanted to vent and/or whine to someone about their relationship, BUT these women were unwilling to invest any time or effort. Another third start their course but gave up later.

Eerstens, treurig, het ons ontdek dat ten minste ‘n derde van die vrouens wat ons Huweliks Evaluasie Vraestel invul net wil uiting gee oor hulle verhouding, MAAR hierdie vrouens is onwillig om enige tyd of poging te belĂȘ. ‘n Ander derde begin hulle kursus maar gee later op.

These were often the same women who said they had paid counselors and then later paid for attorneys for their divorce when counseling failed and destroyed their marriages. If you Google the costs, you'll see the average cost for counselors:

Hierdie was dikwels dieselfde vrouens wat gesĂȘ het dat hulle beraders betaal het en toe later betaal het vir prokureurs vir hulle egskeidings toe berading misluk het en hulle huwelike verwoes het. As jy die kostes google, sal jy die gemiddelde koste sien vir beraders:

Cost varies widely among marriage counselors. ... The average is about $95 per session. Since most marriage counselors see couples for one session a week for the first three months, you can expect to pay about $1200 in that period of time if it's at about $95/hr. Most clients have paid under $1200 by the time they've completed therapy. But some counseling can continue weekly for as long as two years before the problems have been resolved. That would cost a couple $10,000 over two years.

Kostes varieer wyd onder huweliks beraders
 Die gemiddelde is omtrent R1500.00 per sessie. Aangesien meeste huweliks beraders paartjies vir een sessie ‘n week vir die eerste drie maande sien, kan jy verwag om omtrent R 18000 in daardie periode van tyd te betaal as dit omtrent R1500 per sessie is. Meeste kliĂ«nte het onder R18000 betaal teen die tyd wat hulle terapie voltooi het. Maar sommige berading kan weekliks voortgaan vir so lank as twee jaar voor die probleme opgelos is. Dit sal ‘n paartjie R150000 oor twee jaar kos.  

Chelle in Alabama, whom you’ll get to know during Course 1, since she has had an amazingly restored marriage for many years, told us that she spent thousands of dollars, she said, “to destroy her marriage" "using a counselor.” Then, when she came and found us, she said, “I purchased our EVERYTHING for Restoration Packet and God undid the damage” now her marriage has been happily restored ever since!

Chelle in Alabama, wie jy sal leer ken gedurende Kursus 1, aangesien sy ‘n ongelooflike herstelde huwelik al vir baie jare het, het ons vertel dat sy duisende rande spandeer het, sy het gesĂȘ, “om hulle huwelik te verwoes” en n berader te gebruik.” Toe, toe sy gekom het om ons te vind, het sy gesĂȘ, “ek het ons “ALLES vir Herstel Pakket aangekoop en God het die “skade” wat gedoen is ontdaan gemaak nou sedertdien is haar huwelik gelukkig herstel.  

* So, again, please be sure you do your part by pouring your heart out and Journal what you learned, what you want Him to know. Doing just one lesson per day for the next 30-Days to gain the full benefit, then go through EACH course the same way.

* So, weer, wees asseblief seker dat jy jou deel doen deur jou hart uit te stort en te Joernaal wat jy geleer het, wat jy wil hĂȘ Hy moet weet. Doen net een les per dag vir die volgende 30-Dae om die volle voordeel te win, gaan dan deur ELKE kursus op dieselfde wyse, 

Saying to yourself confidently, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith, in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness” (2 Timothy 4:7-8) As it says you’ll be in Proverbs 12:4 "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones."

SĂȘ vir jouself met vertroue, “ Ek het die goeie wedloop afgelĂȘ; ek het die wenstreep bereik; ek het gelowig end-uit volgehou. Nou wag die oorwinnaars kroon vir my” ( 2 Timoteus 4:7-8) Soos wat dit sĂȘ jy sal wees in Spreuke 12:4 “ n Knap vrou gee haar man hoĂ« aansien; een wat haar man in die skande steek, is vir hom soos vretende kanker.” 

-Here are 2 Praise Reports that can explain how important filling out the journals is, in order to gain the full benefit of our courses.

-Hier is 2 Lofverslae wat kan verduidelik hoe belangrik dit is om die joernale in te vul, om die volle voordeel uit ons kursusse te win. 

“He Changes the Heart”

“Hy Verander die Hart”

I wanted to give thanks and praise to our Lord for having just finished Course 1! Sweetheart, I thank You for always being with me. He guided me in pouring out my heart into my journal and was able to submit them daily.

Ek wou dank en lof gee aan ons Here net dat ek Kursus 1 voltooi het! Liefling, ek bedank Jou dat jy altyd by my is. Hy het my gelei om my hart uit te stort en ek was in staat om hulle daagliks in te dien. 

It was so different from just reading the book. Journaling after each lesson really made me look deep within myself and evaluate my life and my relationship with the Lord. When I bought the RYM book, I had no intention of applying for any of the courses. But after I read the RYM book a dozen times, I wanted more. I needed more. I had no idea just how much I would come to love doing my lesson and pouring my heart into my journals. This has become my favorite time each day—a special time for me and my Heavenly Husband. It would just be Us in our own little world for the next few hours as He guides me in pouring out my heart.

Dit was so anders as om net die boek te lees. Om te joernaal na elke les het my regtig diep laat kyk binne myself en my lewe en my verhouding met die Here te evalueer. Toe ek die HJH boek gekoop het, was ek nie van plan om aansoek te doen vir enige een van die kursusse nie. Maar na ek die HJH boek ‘n dosyn keer gelees het, wou ek meer gehad het. Ek het meer nodig gehad. Ek het geen idee gehad hoe lief ek sou word om my les te doen nie en my hart in die joernale te stort. Dit het my gunsteling tyd elke dag geword—’n spesiale tyd vir my en my Hemelse Man. Dit was net Ons in ons klein wĂȘreld vir die volgende paar ure soos Hy my lei om my hart uit te stort. 

He showed me even more truths and opened my eyes to all the things I missed when I was just reading the book. He encouraged me to reflect on what I am learning and write down all my thoughts without fear and often He would surprise me by revealing things to me I have never thought of before. Going through the chapters again combined with journaling was definitely a journey for Us together. I learned so many things about myself, my Lord, Our relationship and so much more. Ladies, if you haven't applied for the course, please start applying! Doing this course has brought me even closer to the Lord than I imagined and I love it! Lord! I praise Your Holy Name! Thank You!

Hy het my selfs meer waarhede gewys en my oĂ« oopgemaak vir al die dinge wat ek gemis het toe ek net die boek gelees het. Hy het my aangemoedig om na te dink oor wat ek besig was om te leer en om al my gedagtes neer te skryf sonder vrees en dikwels het hy my verras deur dinge aan my te openbaar waaraan ek nooit gedink het nie. Om weer deur die hoofstukke te gaan gekombineer met die joernaal was definitief ‘n reis vir Ons saam. Ek het so baie dinge oor myself geleer, my Here, Ons verhouding en so baie meer. Dames, as jy nie aansoek gedoen het vir die kursus nie, begin asseblief om aansoek te doen! Deur die kursus te doen het my selfs nader gebring aan die Here as wat ek my kon voorstel en ek is gek daaroor! Here! Ek loof U Heilige Naam! Dankie!

I wanted to share this PR about one particular change He has done in my heart. I started the 30-day course with no plans of taking other courses, I thought I only needed to take one. I didn't set out to become a minister,  I signed up for the course to help myself, and somewhere between day 1 and 30, He changed my heart, from focusing on me, He touched my heart and gave me the desire to help others! Now I want to finish all 6 courses and become a minister! Yes, Lord! Thank You! I will do this! With You, HH, I can do this! I know, I know! Me?! a Minister?! That's what I said too before I started this course! But God reminded me that I have been doing a similar thing for years a decade ago. I was an outreach volunteer sharing hope and inspiration to other people. But this time, I know why and who I am doing this for. For His glory! Amen!!! I couldn’t' think of a better purpose for my life!

Ek wou hierdie LV deel oor een besonderse verandering wat Hy in my hart gedoen het. Ek het die 30-dae kursus begin met geen  planne om ander kursusse te neem nie, ek het gedink dat ek net nodig gehad het om een te neem. Ek het my nie gereed gemaak om ‘n minister te word nie, ek het vir die kursus myself opgeteken, en ĂȘrens tussen dag 1 en 30, het Hy my hart verander, om op my te fokus. Hy het my hart aangeraak en vir my die begeerte gegee om ander te help! Nou wil ek al die 6 kursusse voltooi en ‘n minister word! Ja, Here! Dankie! Ek sal dit doen! Met Jou, HM, ek kan dit doen! ek weet, ek weet! Ek?! ‘n Minister?! Dit is wat ek ook gesĂȘ het voordat ek hierdie kursus begin het! Maar God het my herinner dat ek ‘n eenderse ding vir jare ‘n dekade terug gedoen het. Ek was ‘n uitreik vrywilligheids werker wat hoop en ‘n inspirasie aan ander mense gedeel het. Maar hierdie keer, weet ek hoekom en vir wie ek dit doen. Vir Sy glorie! Amen!!! Ek kan nie aan ‘n beter doel vir my lewe dink nie!     

God wasn't only guiding and teaching me in this journey, He has been changing me. I praise and thank You Lord for all the miracles You have done in my life! Only You Lord could have made it all possible. Thank You so much!! My life is forever changed! I will praise Your name forever! I love You my Heavenly Husband!!

God was nie net besig om my te lei en te leer op hierdie reis nie. Hy het my verander. Ek loof en dank Jou Here vir al die wonderwerke wat Jy in my lewe gedoen het! Net Jy Here kon dit alles moontlik gemaak het. Baie dankie!! My lewe is vir ewig verander! Ek sal Jou naam vir ewig loof! Ek is lief vir jou my Hemelse Man!! 

~ Joy, restored "It Was Me" 

~ Joy, herstel “It Was Me”

“By His Grace”

“Deur Sy Genade”

As I began reading through my lesson, I felt so down and so discouraged that I started slumbering through my lesson. But then I got to a portion where you confess your sins. Oh, sisters, that made a huge difference in my life. I woke up this morning feeling fresh, light and truly forgiven. In fact, I felt so much of His love flowing in my life, I am so much at peace with myself and I have a new life in Christ.

Soos wat ek begin het om deur my les te lees, het ek so teneergedruk en so ontmoedig gevoel dat ek begin insluimer het gedurende my les. Maar toe het ek by ‘n gedeelte gekom waar jy jou sondes moes bieg. O’ susters, dit het ‘n groot verskil in my lewe gemaak. Ek het vanoggend wakker geword en vars gevoel, lig en werklik vergewe. Om die waarheid te sĂȘ, ek het soveel van sy liefde gevoel wat in my lewe vloei, ek is so vreedsaam met myself en het ‘n nuwe lewe in Christus.   

“I now long for an intimacy with You even more. How great is Your love towards me oh Lord. No one but You can pardon all my sins and love me beyond measure.” Psalm 86:5

“U is goed, Here, U vergewe altyd weer, U is getrou teenoor diĂ© wat na U roep om hulp.” Psalm 86:5

Today I feel that I am a new bride with my HH who loves me above all things. It is time to stop condemning ourselves, but instead, run to Him! Even if we are deep down in the pit, crawl to the Lord because He will reach for your hand and lift you up.

Vandag voel ek dat ek ‘n nuwe bruid is met my HM wat my bo alle dinge liefhet. Dit is tyd om op te hou om onsself te veroordeel, maar in plaas daarvan, na Hom toe te hardloop! Selfs al is ons diep onder in ‘n put, kruip na die Here toe omdat Hy sal uitreik vir jou hand en jou oplig.  

Today He did what I even doubted could happen. Beloved, He loves us and wants to give us a makeover. He wants us to be the best we can be, and be loved by the Man of our dreams.

Vandag het Hy gedoen wat ek selfs getwyfel het kon gebeur. Beminde, Hy is lief vir ons en wil vir ons ‘n vernuwing gee. Hy wil hĂȘ ons moet die beste wees wat ons kan wees, en bemin te wees deur die Man van ons drome.

Thank You, Darling, I stand in awe of You forever.

Dankie, Liefling, ek staan in verwondering van Jou vir ewig.

~ Katrina, restored "No Way I'm Coming Back. It's Over"

~ Katrina herstel “No Way I'm Coming Back. It's Over” 

Let Him lead you. If you're anxious to get the best start in your life-changing journey—here is the perfect place to start Where Do I Begin >>

Laat Hom jou lei. As jy angstig is om die beste begin in jou lewens-veranderde reis te kry—hier is die perfekte plek om te begin Waar Begin Ek >>

Much love to you,

Baie liefde aan jou,

Our Marriage Evaluation Team

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