🎶Lied Vir Die Naweek – Deur Die Jare

"Vertrou jou lewe toe aan die HERE. Vertrou Hom, en Hy sal vir jou sorg." P37:5

Ek wil 'n baie spesiale Liefdes Liedjie met julle deel vir die naweek.

As ek terugkyk op my lewe kan ek werklik sê dat ons Liefling Here die hele tyd daar was en elke dag is beslis beter saam met Hom.

Die Liefdes Liedjies wat ons hier publiseer is nie die liedjie wat in 'n kerk gesing word nie. Ons draai van godsdiens na verhouding. MEER Liefdes Liedjies

So kosbare vrou ek wil jou aanmoedig om op 'n stil plek te gaan sit en mooi na die woorde te luister. Sing dit vir ons Liefling Here.

Through The Years

I can't remember when you weren't thereWhen I didn't care for anyone but youI swear we've been through everything there isCan't imagine anything we've missedCan't imagine anything the two of us can't do
Through the yearsYou've never let me downYou've turned my life aroundThe sweetest days I've foundI've found with youThrough the yearsI've never been afraidI've loved the life we've madeAnd I'm so glad I stayedRight here with youThrough the years
I can't remember what I used to doWho I trusted, who I listened to beforeI swear you've taught me everything I knowCan't imagine needing someone soBut through the years, it seems to meI need you more and more
Through the yearsThrough all the good and badI know how much we hadI've always been so glad to be with youThrough the yearsIt's better everydayYou've kissed my tears awayAs long as it's okayI'll stay with youThrough the years
Through the yearsWhen everything went wrongTogether we were strongI know that I belong right here with youThrough the yearsI never had a doubtWe'd always work things outI've learned what life's aboutBy loving youThrough the years
Through the yearsYou've never let me downYou turned my life aroundThe sweetest days I've foundI've found with youThrough the yearsIt's better everydayYou've kissed my tears awayAs long as it's okayI'll stay with youThrough the years

Kosbare vrou sluit aan by die bespreking in die kommentaar afdeling oor wat HIERDIE liedjie vir jou beteken het en watter gedeelte veral tot jou hart gespreek het.

As jy 'n liefdes lied het, deel dit asseblief in "Plaas jou Lof" sodat ons, ons ook daarin kan verlustig en dit kan deel op een van ons Liefdes Lied Vrydae. Hierdie Vrydag gaan net oor hierdie liedjie.

Laat 'n boodskap

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