“Let us hold on to the hope we say we have and not be changed.

We can trust God that He will do what He promised.

—Hebrews 10:23 NLV


"Laat ons styf vashou aan die hoop wat ons bely,

want God is getrou: Hy doen wat Hy beloof het."

—Hebreërs 10:23 Afr 83


What we say, everything that we allow to come out of our mouths, has to be one of the most important characteristics of a godly woman. Most of us learned this truth from reading How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage or reading A Wise Woman by Erin Thiele. We learned that the enemy has used the area of communication to undermine and destroy many women and their relationships. And I can attest that, like many of you, this is what destroyed mine.

Wat ons sê, alles wat ons toelaat om uit ons monde te kom, behoort een van die mees belangrikste kemerke van ‘n goddelike vrou te wees. Meeste van ons het hierdie waarheid geleer uit die Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel of deur ‘n Wyse Vrou deur Erin Thiele te lees. Ons het geleer dat die vyand die gebied van kommunikasie gebruik om baie vrouens te ondermyn en baie vrouens en hulle verhoudings te vernietig. En ek kan attesteer dat, soos baie van julle, is dit wat myne vernietig het. 

In the same books, most of us could relate to (and know first-hand) that counselors and so-called marriage “experts” still continue to tell us that it is a lack of communication that destroys our relationships. Yet, again, when searching the Scriptures after reading Erin’s book, you will find, as she did, as I did, that God tells us over and over again the exact opposite.

In dieselfde boeke, kan meeste van ons verband hou (en eerste-hands weet) dat beraders en so-genoemde huweliks “deskundiges” nog steeds aanhou om ons te vertel dat dit ‘n tekort aan kommunikasie is wat ons verhoudings vernietig. Tog, weer, wanneer ons die Bybel ondersoek nadat ons Erin se boek gelees het, sal jy vind, net soos sy het, dat God ons oor en oor die presiese teenoorgestelde vertel.

It's in this chapter that I will share with you even more truth about communication, which goes beyond relationships. We must hold on to the hope we say we have and not allow anything to change or vary it, lest we find ourselves robbed of so much more than we could have imagined.

Dit is in hierdie hoofstuk wat ek met jou selfs meer waarheid sal deel oor kommunikasie, wat bo verhoudings gaan. Ons moet vashou an die hoop wat ons sê ons het en nie toelaat dat enigiets dit verander of varieer nie, dat ons nie onsself beroof vind van soveel meer as wat ons kan dink.

There are so many Christians who never make it past the level of hoping for something, or maybe they only allow themselves to imagine for just a moment that something they long for will happen. This is due to an inability to comprehend the true nature of God—the God who can be trusted if what you desire is something that He has promised.

Daar is so baie Christene wie dit nooit verby die vlak maak om te hoop vir iets nie, of miskien dan net hulleself te verbeel vir net ‘n oomblik dat iets waarna hulle hunker sal gebeur. Dit is as gevolg van ‘n onvermoë om die ware natuur van God te begryp—die God op wie vertrou kan word as wat jy begeer iets is wat Hy belowe het.

 “So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His word” (Hebrews 10:23 MSG).

"Daarom kan ons sonder enige twyfel vashou aan die beloftes wat God aan ons gemaak het." (Hebreërs 10:23 DB).
Direkte Vertaling uit ENG MSG Bybel: "So kom ons doen dit—vol geloof, vol vertroue dat ons binne en buite presentabel is. Kom ons hou 'n ferm greep op die beloftes wat ons aan die gang hou. Hy hou altyd Sy woord" (Hebreërs 10:23).

Deep within the message of this verse above, we see something that often keeps us from asking for and believing God’s promises—even when we know what His word says. Are you “confident that you’re presentable inside and out”? What’s keeping us from believing is often due to feeling that we are unworthy, and this is what keeps us from asking and believing God for something wonderful. We think to ourselves, “If others only knew what I am like,” and we allow the enemy to convince us that we are far from “presentable.

Diep binne die boodskap van die vers bo, kan ons sien dat iets wat ons dikwels weerhou om te vra en in God te glo vir Sy beloftes—selfs al weet ons wat Sy woord sê.  Is jy “gemaklik dat jy “vol vetroue is dat jy binne en buite presentabel is” Wat ons weerhou om te glo is dikwels omdat ons onwaardig voel, en dit is wat ons weerhou om te vra en in God te glo vir iets wonderlik. Ons dink by onsself, “As ander net weet hoe ek is, “ en ons laat toe dat die vyand ons oorreed dat ons ver van “presentabel” is.   

Has this ever plagued you? I am sure it has, because the schemes of the enemy are always the same—first and foremost because so many of his schemes work. Honestly, who of us is worthy of receiving anything at all? Certainly not me! And if I were to think myself worthy, then I would be suffering from a serious condition known as pride! Humility is walking out the belief that we are unworthy while still having the knowledge that, by His grace and mercy, He has provided us first and foremost with His salvation, not just when we die, but right now. In addition, we understand that He also died to give us an abundant life in this world, not just in the next. Therefore, the question is not whether we are worthy.  The question is: Are we willing to allow one drop of the precious blood that Jesus shed to fall unused?

Het dit jou ooit gepla? Ek is seker dit het, omdat die gekonkel van die vyand altyd dieselfde is—allereers omdat so baie van sy gekonkel werk. Eerlikwaar, wie van ons is waardig om enigiets te ontvang? Sekerlik nie ek nie! En as ek myself waardig vind, dan sal ek aan ‘n ernstige toestand wat bekend staan as trots ly! Nederigheid is om die oortuiging dat ons onwaardig is uit te loop terwyl ons nog steeds die kennis het dat deur Sy guns en genade, Hy ons allereers met Sy redding voorsien het, nie net wanneer ons sterf nie, maar nou. Bygevoeg, verstaan ons ook dat Hy gesterf het om vir ons ‘n oorvloedige lewe in hierdie wêreld, nie net die volgende te gee nie. Daarom, is die vraag nie of ons waardig is nie. Die vraag is: Is ons gewillig om toe te laat dat een druppel van die kosbare bloed wat Jesus gestort het ongebruik word?    

 “Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you; For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him” (Isaiah 30:18 MEV). If you are longing for Him and what He has died to give you—then you can rest in His promises. However, if you are longing for what His hand can give you, the things of this world, then it’s quite possible you have missed the promise altogether.

Tog is die HERE gretig om julle genadig te wees en wil Hy Hom oor julle ontferm: Die HERE is 'n God wat reg laat geskied, en dit gaan goed met elkeen wat op Hom vertrou” (Jesaja 30:18 Afr 83). As jy na Hom hunker en waarvoor Hy gesterf het om vir jou te gee—dan kan jy in Sy belofte rus. Nietemin, as jy hunker na wat Sy hand vir jou kan gee, die dinge van hierdie wêreld, dan is dit heeltemal moontlik dat jy die belofte heeltemal gemis het.   

 “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” (John 10:10-11 ESV).

“Ek het gekom sodat hulle die lewe kan hê, en dit in oorvloed. “Ek is die goeie herder. Die goeie herder lê sy lewe af vir die skape” (Johannes 10:10-11 Afr 83).

If you are a mom, you know how you feel about giving to your children. We have this insatiable desire to give everything to our children, in spite of our own sinful human nature. So just think how much more God longs to bless us and how He hurts when we refuse His blessings. “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:11).

As jy ‘n moeder is, weet jy hoe jy voel om vir jou kinders te gee. Ons het hierdie onversadigbare begeerte om alles vir ons kinders te gee, ten spyte van ons sondelike menslike natuur. So dink net hoeveel meer God daarna hunker om ons te seën en hoe Hy seekry wanneer ons Sy seëninge weier. “ As julle wat sleg is, dan weet om vir julle kinders goeie dinge te gee, hoeveel te meer sal julle Vader wat in die hemel is, goeie gawes gee aan dié wat dit van Hom vra?” (Matteus 7:11).

Recently, for me to fully understand the hurt that our Father feels when we reject His blessings (gifts that Jesus actually died to give us), the Lord has seen fit for me to live through some extremely painful things. If you have already read my book Poverty Mentality (which is the third book in the “Abundant Life” series), then you know how difficult it was for me when my daughter refused to allow me to buy her a car, with cash. Even now her car has been a huge burden, because she denied the blessing that ultimately came from God. It showed me just a glimpse of how we mess up our lives and live in a state of poverty. We enter into lack, simply because we will not look for and accept the blessings that Jesus died to give us—longing to bless us.

Onlangs, vir my om ten volle die seer wat ons Vader voel wanneer ons Sy seëninge verwerp verstaan (geskenke waarvoor Hy gesterf het om vir ons te gee), het die Here  dit goed gevind vir my om deur sommige pynlike dinge te leef. As jy alreeds my boek Armoede Mentaliteit gelees het (wat die derde boek in  die “Oorvloedige lewe” reeks is), dan weet jy hoe moeilik dit vir my was toe my dogter geweier het om my toe te laat om vir haar ‘n motor te koop, kontant. Selfs nou is haar motor ‘n groot las, omdat sy die seëninge wat uitermatig van God af gekom het geweier het. Dit het my net ‘n blik gegee van hoe ons ons lewens opmors en in ‘n toestand van armoede lewe. Ons gaan ‘n tekort binne, eenvoudig omdat ons nie vir die seëninge uitkyk en aanvaar wat Jesus gesterf het om vir ons te gee nie—hunker om ons te seën. 

 Though that incident was difficult, the one that I most recently lived through was so hard that right now I am having trouble writing about it, because the wounds are so fresh. However, this too gives me a glimpse of His nail-scarred hands and spear-pierced side. It helps me come to grips with the fact that our Husband was and is our example. As it says in First Peter, “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps . . . and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him [God] who judges righteously” (1 Peter 2:21–23). This proves He knows our pain firsthand, and it explains why He is so understanding as a husband, living with us “in an understanding way,” as we are “the weaker vessel,” since we are women, and why He bestows honor on us daily. (See 1 Peter 3:7 ESV.)

Alhoewel hierdie voorval moeilik was, die een wat ek heel onlangs moes deurleef was so moeilik dat ek dit nou moeilik vind om daaroor te skryf, omdat die wonde so vars is. Nietemin, dit gee ons ook ‘n blik van Sy spyker-geletselde hande, en spies-deurboorde sy. Dit help my om die feit te  begryp dat ons Man was en is ons voorbeeld. Soos wat dit sê in Petrus Een, “ Juis hiervoor is julle ook geroep, omdat Christus self vir julle gely en so vir julle 'n voorbeeld gestel het, sodat julle in sy voetspore kan volg. . . Toe Hy beledig is, het Hy nie terug beledig nie, toe Hy gely het, het Hy nie gedreig nie, maar alles oorgelaat aan Hom [God] wat regverdig oordeel” (1 Petrus 2:21-23). Dit bewys dat Hy ons pyn eerstehands ken, en dit verduidelik waarom Hy so verstaanbaar as ‘n man is, en “ verstandig met ons saamleef,” omdat ons die “swakker geslag,” is aangesien ons vrouens is, en waarom Hy daagliks aan ons eer bewys. (Sien 1 Petrus 3:7 Afr 83.)

Once again, if you read my book Poverty Mentality, you also read the incredible and miraculous testimony about my son’s honeymoon to Hawaii. It was a miracle that left me soaring like an eagle; yet, would you believe that just weeks before the wedding I received a phone call, late one evening, from my son who simply said, “We decided not to go”? Let me be honest and tell you that at first it was such a shock that I had trouble comprehending it (and so did others who heard about it later). It hurt. It honestly broke my heart, and it left me more than a little bit bewildered.

Weereens, as jy my boek Armoede Mentaliteit gelees het, het jy ook van die ongelooflike en wonderbaarlike getuienis van my seun se wittebrood in Hawaii gelees. Dit was ‘n wonderwerk wat my laat sweef het soos ‘n arend; tog, kan jy glo net weke voor die troue het ek laat een aand  ‘n telefoon oproep van my seun ontvang wie eenvoudig gesê het, “Ons het besluit om nie te gaan nie”? Laat ek eerlik wees en vir jou sê dat in die begin was dit so ‘n skok dat ek dit moeilik gevind het om dit te verstaan (en so het ander wie later daarvan gehoor het). Dit het seergemaak. Dit het eerlik my hart gebreek, en my meer as net ‘n biejie verbouereerd gelos.  

It took time and tears in my prayer closet to come out with the peace and assuredness that I could trust the Lord and that somehow, in someway, He would work it out for good—though, at the time, I could not really imagine how He could. May I tell you that, even during your darkest hours, He is more than able to bless you and move mountains that you never think need to be moved? Well, He really can, but it takes trusting Him and His promises to unleash those blessings that are even more than you believe or imagine.

Dit het tyd en trane in my gebedshoekie geneem om  met die vrede en versekerheid uit te kom dat ek op die Here kon vertrou en dat op een of ander manier, Hy dit ten goede sou uitwerk—tog, destyds kon ek nie regtig dink hoe Hy kon nie. Mag ek jou vertel dat, selfs gedurende jou donkerste ure, is Hy meer as in staat om jou te seën en berg te versit wat jy nooit aan gedink het nodig was om versit te word nie? Wel, Hy kan regtig, maar dit neem om in Hom en Sy beloftes te vertrou om daardie seëninge wat selfs meer is as wat jy kan glo of verbeel te ontketen.

Like I am in the habit of doing, I simply claimed one of my absolute favorites verses, Romans 8:28, and it was that verse alone that unleashed the most powerful mountain moved that I have even experienced in my life! All things can work together for good, as long as we honestly love Him above all else and are called according to His purpose—allowing it to happen!

Sos wat ek in die gewoonte is om te doen, ek het eenvoudig een van my absoluut gunstelinge verse geeis, en dit was alleenlik daardie vers wat die mees kragtigste berg versit losgelaat het wat ek al in my lewe ervaar het! Alles kan ten goede meewerk, solank ons Hom eerlik liefhet bo alles en geroep is volgens Sy besluit—dit toelaat om te gebeur! 

Though everyone tried to convince me to cancel the vacation, there was really no point. I could not get those thousands of flying miles back, nor get any of the points returned from the resort, and the cost of the rental car seemed a bit trivial in comparison to the thousands of dollars that the honeymoon cost. And what mattered to me was not the cost at all, but it was that my gift was (for some reason) rejected. This has led me to understand more fully how He feels when we fail to accept His gifts for us. We all, as Christians, are amazed when we hope to lead someone to the Lord, and then that person rejects the gift of salvation—we simply don’t understand, do we?

Alhoewel almal probeer het om my te oorreed om die vakansie te kanselleer, was daar regtig geen punt nie. Ek kon nie daardie duisende vliegmyle terugkry nie, nog minder enige punte van die oord, en die koste van die huurmotor het ‘n bietjie kleinlik gelyk in vergelyking met die duisende rande wat die wittebrood gekos het. En wat vir my saak gemaak het was glad nie die koste nie, maar dat my geskenk (om een of ander rede) verwerp is. Dit het my gelei om ten volle te verstaan hoe Hy voel wanneer ons misluk om Sy geskenke vir ons te aanvaar. Ons almal, as Christene, staan verwonderd wanneer ons hoop om iemand na die Here toe te lei, en die persoon dan die geskenk van redding verwerp—ons verstaan eenvoudig nie, doen ons? 

Though my flesh wanted to hide the folder (that contained the documents they needed to bring with them on their honeymoon), the Lord had spoken to me that I needed to leave it out in plain view. Each time I saw the folder, I simply said, “I trust You,” but I confess it still hurt. And though I never shared what happened, that the honeymoon was cancelled, the word got out (maybe their brother told them). Even my effort to be discreet had been overridden. But it’s when my other children heard what had happened, specifically when my oldest son, who was also engaged, heard, that motivated him to try to do “something”—but he tried in his “own strength.”

Alhoewel my vlees die vouer (wat die dokumente bevat het wat hulle op hulle wittbrood saam hulle moes bring) wou wegsteek, het die Here eenvoudig met my gepraat dat ek dit moes uitlos vir almal om te sien. Elke keer wat ek die vouer gesien het, het ek eenvoudig gesê, “Ek vertrou op Jou,” maar ek moet bieg dit het nog steeds seergemaak. En alhoewel ek nooit gedeel het wat gebeur het nie, dat die wittebrood gekanselleer was nie, het die woord uitgekom (miskien het hulle broer hulle vertel). Selfs my poing om diskreet te wees was oorheers. Maar dit was toe my ander kinders gehoor het wat gebeur het, spesifiek  my oudste seun, wie ook verloof was, gehoor het, dat dit hom gemotiveer het om te probeer om “iets” te doen—maar hy het dit in sy “eie krag” gedoen.

It’s just like the picture of the woman on the cover of this Moving Mountains book; it’s foolish for any of us to attempt to move a mountain that is immovable. Ultimately, even though his heart was right, the effort left him frustrated and worn out, because it was “he” who tried to move it. Nevertheless, as I said, it showed the heart of my son, which proved to be a blessing, since not only did I see it, but so did the Lord, who was able to reward him accordingly!

Dit is soos die prentjie van die vrou op die omhulsel van hierdie Versit Berge boek; dit is dwaas vir enigeen van ons om te poog om ‘n berg te versit wat onbeweegbaar is. Uitermatig, alhoewel sy hart reg was, het die poging hom gefrustreerd en uitgemergel gelos, omdat dit “hy” was wat probeer het om dit te skuif. Nietemin, soos wat ek gesê het, dit het die hart van my seun gewys, wat bewys het om ‘n seën te wees, aangesien ek dit nie net gesien het nie, maar so het die Here, wat in staat was om hom dienooreenkomstig te beloon!

My son and his fiancé are a precious couple; however, they are both extremely talented and mentally capable of so much, which is why they can easily attempt to do everything in their own strength. Therefore, He often chooses to hem each of us in, in order to show us just how much He loves us and how much He can do when He is given the opportunity.

My seun en sy verloofde is ‘n kosbare paartjie; nietemin, hulle is albei uiters talentvol en verstandelik in staat van so baie, wat is waarom hulle maklik kan poog om alles in hulle eie krag te doen. Daarom, kies Hy dikwels om elkeen van ons te omring, sodat Hy vir ons kan wys hoe baie lief Hy ons het en hoeveel Hy kan doen wanneer Hy die geleentheid gegun word.

Let me also say to those of us who are obsessed with the fact that we are always running out of time, let’s remember that time is not a part of God’s make up. He was, is, and will always be. I know this concept is something far beyond what we truly can comprehend, but it simply means, God, on purpose, moves suddenly, yet often waits until the very last minute—and very often He appears to be late—just as He was when He allowed Lazarus to die in order for him to be raised from the dead.

Laat my ook aan die van ons sê wat behep is met die feit dat ons altyd uit tyd uithardloop, kom ons onthou dat tyd nie ‘n deel is van waaroor God gaan nie. Hy was, is, en sal altyd wees. Ek weet  hierdie konsep is iets ver bo wat ons werklik kan begryp, maar dit beteken eenvoudig, dat God, aspris, skielik beweeg, en tog dikwels wag tot op die laaste minuut—en baie dikwels lyk dit asof Hy laat is—net soos Hy was toe Hy toegelaat het dat Lasarus sterf sodat hy uit die dode verhef kan wod.

So, as is His very nature, God continued to tell me to trust Him, and then with time running out, suddenly, the Monday before the Saturday flight, there appeared in the sky a cloud, the size of a man’s fist—“The seventh time the servant reported, ‘A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea.’ So Elijah said, ‘Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you’” (1 Kings 18:44 NIV).

So, omdat dit Sy einste natuur is, het God vir my aanhou vertel om op Hom te vertrou, en toe met tyd wat besig is om uit te hardloop, die Maandag voor die Saterdag vlug, het daar ‘n wolkie in die lug verskyn, die grootte van ‘n man se vuis— “Na die sewende keer het hy kom sê: “'n Wolkie so groot soos 'n man se hand kom uit die see uit op.” Elia sê toe: “Gaan sê gou vir Agab: Span in en gaan van die berg af, anders sal die reën jou vaskeer.”’ (1 Konings 18:44).

My son’s fiancé called to tell me something “interesting.” She said that when she told her mother about the horrible honeymoon situation, she told her mom that if they (as a couple) could take the trip, they would, so that I wouldn’t lose anything. Her mom responded by saying, “Darling, if this happens—it’s God! Do it!” My son’s fiancé went on to say that she responded to her mom that even if it did work, neither of them had any cash (money for food, gas, etc. for the trip), but then her mom had reminded her that she gave them a thousand dollars for her wedding and that should be more than enough!

My seun se verloofde het geskakel om vir my iets “interressants” te vertel. Sy het gesê dat toe sy haar ma van die aaklige wittebrood situasie vertel het, sy het vir haar ma vertel dat as hulle (as ‘n paartjie) die reis kon neem, dan sou hulle, sodat ek niks sou verloor nie. Haar ma het reageer deur te sê, “Liefling, as dit gebeur—is dit God! Doen dit!” My seun se verloofde het aangegaan om te sê dat sy op haar ma reageer het en gesê het al werk dit nie, nie een van hulle die kontant gehad vir (geld vir kos, brandstof, ens. vir die reis nie), maar toe herinner haar ma haar dat sy vir hulle ‘n honderd en vyftig duisend rand gegee het vir hulle troue en dit behoort meer as genoeg te wees!

When I heard this, I told my son’s fiancé that “ready or not,” they were about to take that trip as her honeymoon! Though my son had tried before, I know how God works, and I knew that this tiny cloud meant that very soon there would be a downpour of blessings!!

Toe ek dit gehoor het, het ek vir my seun se verloofde gesê “gereed of nie” dat hulle op die punt gestaan het om daardie reis te neem as haar wittebrood! Alhoewel my seun voorheen probeer het, ek weet hoe God werk, en ek het geweet dat hierdie klein wolkie beteken het dat daar baie gou ‘n stortreën van seëninge sou wees!!

Then, the test happened. When my son’s fiancé called, she said my son's response was that they shouldn’t try. This is what happens dat sy when we try things in our own strength—we feel there is no use in trying again. So she called me back and, to me, she passed her test with an A+, when she said, “Mom, your son is about to be my spiritual leader; he always has to be. So, since he said “no,” I can't say another word. But what should I do? What do I do with these feelings that I believe God wants to do this and that I want so much?” Oh my, even now, what she said brings me to tears: that this precious girl will allow my son to lead her, and that she is asking ME for guidance. Though I may not deserve to be so blessed, I am going to accept this blessing from Him!

Toe, het die toets gebeur. Toe my seun se verloofde geskakel het het sy gesê dat my seun se reaksie was dat hulle nie moes probeer nie. Dit is wat gebeur wanneer ons dinge in ons eie krag probeer—ons voel dat dit geen nut is om weer te probeer nie. So toe skakel sy my terug, vir my, het sy haar toets met ‘n A+ geslaag, toe sy gesê het, “Ma, jou seun staan op die punt om my geestelike leier te wees; hy moet altyd wees. So, aangesien hy “nee” gesê het, kan ek nie nog ‘n woord sê nie. Maar wat moet ek doen?” O tog, selfs nou, wat sy gesê het veroorsaak trane: daardie kosbare meisie sal my seun toelaat om haar te lei, en dat sy vir MY vra vir leiding. Alhoewel ek nie verdien om so geeënd te wees nie, gaan ek hierdie seën van Hom aavaar!

In seeking my HH guidance, I answered by saying that this was a promise for her and it was meant to hide in her heart, just as Mary, the mother of Jesus did. I assured her that Mary was certainly a wonderful wife to Joseph, so she hid the tender things in her heart to ponder. I told her to trust that if this was God’s will, He would turn her future husband’s heart. I said, I too, would hide everything we imagined in my heart. How I felt or how my son’s fiancé felt, of course, was not my place to discuss with my son, who is being called to lead his wife (and very soon, I hope, his family) spiritually. Within the hour, my son called me to say, “Mom, this trip to Hawaii is something that I can tell my bride really wants; what can I do to make it happen?” Hallelujah, thank you Lord!! I said, “Let's just begin to imagine this mountain is starting to move!”

Toe ek my HM se leiding gesoek het, het ek geantwoord deur te sê dat dit ‘n belofte vir haar was om in haar hart weg te steek, net soos Maria, die moeder van Jesus gedoen het. Ek het haar verseker dat Maria sekerlik ‘n wonderlike vrou vir Josef was, so sy het die teer dinge in haar hart weggesteek om oor na te dink. Ek het vir haar gesê om te vertrou dat as dit God se wil was, dat Hy haar toekomstige man se hart sou draai. Ek het gesê, ek sal ook, alles waaoor ons gedink het in my hart wegsteek. Hoe ek gevoel het of hoe my seun se verloofde gevoel het, was natuurlik nie my plek om met my seun te bespreek nie, wie geroep is om sy vrou te lei (en baie gou, hoop ek, sy familie) geestelik. Binne ‘n uur, het my seun geskakel om te sê “Ma, hierdie reis na Hawaii is iets wat ek kan sê my bruid regtig wil hê; wat kan ek doen om dit te maak gebeur?” Hallelujah, dankie Here!! Ek het gesê, “Kom ons begin ons verbeel dat hierdie berg besig is om te versit!” 

Once you see that God is calling you to believe and imagine a mountain moving, there are two things that you need to know: one, don’t worry about what you can’t do, and two, just do what you can, as He leads you!

Sodra jy sien dat God jou roep om te glo en te verbeel dat ‘n berg besig is om te versit, is daar twee dinge wat jy moet weet: een, moet jou nie bekommer oor wat jy nie kan doen nie, en twee, doen net wat jy kan, soos wat Hy jou lei!

 “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul” (Psalm 23: 1-3).

“Die Here is my herder, ek kom niks kort nie. Hy laat my rus in groen weivelde. Hy bring my by waters waar daar vrede is. Hy gee my nuwe krag” (Psalms 23:1-3).

When the Lord led me to do my own taxes (something only a well-trained professional with an expertise in non-profit ministry should attempt), each time I came up against a brick wall (or the side of a mountain that wouldn’t budge), the Lord told me to look for something I could do. As crazy as this may seem, at least three times while doing my taxes the only thing I could do was to fill out my name on yet another form! But, somehow, and for some reason, it led me to keep going until, miraculously—it all got done!!

Toe die Here my gelei het om my eie belasting te doen (iets wat net ‘n goed-opgeleide professioneel deskundig in ‘n geen-profyt bediening moet aanpak), elke keer wat ek teen ‘n baksteen muur gekom het (of die kant van ‘n berg wat nie wil beweeg nie), het die Here vir my gesê om vir iets te soek wat ek kon doen. So gek as wat dit mag lyk, ten minste drie keer terwyl ek besig was om my belasting te doen was die enigste ding wat ek kon doen net om my naam op nog ‘n vorm in te vul! Maar, op een of ander manier, en vir een of ander rede, het dit my gelei om aan te hou totdat dit wondrbaarlik—alles gedoen was!!,  

This is what I told my son, who then asked, “Okay, what CAN I do?!”  Immediately I asked Him for the answer, and out of my mouth I asked my son “where” he was going to get married. When he first tried to make this honeymoon happen, they'd planned to get married here, then fly out on Saturday for their honeymoon. But now there clearly was no time. So his response was, “Well, I guess we can get married there, in Hawaii; we’ll have a destination wedding!!” So I told him to find out for sure if this was possible, if there was any waiting period, etc. When I hung up, I then asked the Lord what I could do. He led me to open the honeymoon folder that once brought heartache and now brought hope and expectancy, and He showed me there were three parts to this miracle: the flight, the resort, and the rental car.

Dit is wat ek vir my seun gesê het, wie toe gevra het, “Reg, wat KAN ek doen??!” Onmiddellik het ek Hom gevra vir die antwoord, en uit my mond het ek my seun gevra “waar” hy gaan trou. Toe hy eers probeer het om hierdie wittebrood te maak gebeur, het hulle beplan om hier te trou, en dan die Saterdag te vlieg vir hulle wittebrood. Maar nou was daar duidelik geen tyd nie. So sy reaksie was, “Wel, ek raai ons kan daar trou, in Hawaii: ons sal ‘n destinasie troue hê!!” So toe sê ek vir hom hy moet verseker uitvind of dit moontlik was, of daar enige wag tydperk was, ens. Toe ek klaar gepraat het, het ek vir die Here gevra wat ek kon doen. Hy het my gelei om die wittebrood vouer wat eens op ‘n tyd hartseer gebring het en nou hoop en afwagting bring oop te maak, en Hy het my gewys dat daar drie dele was met betrekking tot hierdie wonderwerk: die vlug, die oord, en die huurmotor.

The Lord prompted me to start with the resort. Expecting to sit on hold for at least thirty minutes, and sometimes as long as an hour, in awe I was connected to a “person” immediately. Less than ten minutes later, the “non-transferable” reservation was in the name of my oldest son!! The mountain was sliding closer to the sea…

Die Here het my aangehits om te begin by die oord. Ek het verwag om op hou te sit vir ten minste dertig minute, en somtyds so lank soos ‘n uur, in ontsag was ek onmiddellik met ‘n “persoon” gekoppel. Minder as tien minute later, was die “nie-oordraagbare” bespreking in die naam van my oudste seun!! Die berg was besig om nader aan die see te gly...

Let me interject something that I believe you will find most interesting. Before I called the resort, the Lord led me to read the bottom of the letter of confirmation; there, in big bold letters, I read that the reservations were non-transferable, non-changeable—in other words, it was impossible to make any and all changes! Yet, He did not stop there. When I looked at it, I held it up in comparison to the God of impossibilities. This is another key to unleashing the power to move mountains and what we learned from our father Abraham.

Laat my iets tussenvoeg wat ek glo jy mees interressant sal vind. Voordat ek die oord geskakel het, het die Here my gelei om onderaan die brief van bevestiging te lees: daar in groot vet letters, het ek gelees dat die besprekings nie-oordraagbaar , nie-veranderbaar is nie—met ander woorde, dit was onmoontlik om enige en alle veranderinge te maak! Tog, het Hy nie daar gestop nie. Toe ek daarna gekyk het, het ek dit opgehou in vergelyking met die God van die onmoontlike. Dit is nog ‘n sleutel om die krag om berge te versit te ontketen en wat ons by ons vader Abraham geleer het.

The principle is found in one of my ultimate favorite portions of the Bible. Here is what it says, “In hope against hope he [Abraham] believed…Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb; YET, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform” (Romans 4:18-21). Abraham didn’t ignore the impossibility of his having a son with his deadening body and Sarah’s dead womb; he didn’t pretend, but instead, it says he “contemplated” this fact, but then he determined to compare the facts to God’s promises, and His ability to perform what He promised!!

Die beginsel word gevind in een van my uiterste gunsteling dele van die Bybel. Hier is wat dit sê, “Toe daar geen hoop meer was nie, het Abraham nog gehoop en geglo, en so die vader van baie nasies geword volgens die belofte: “So sal jou nageslag wees.” Al was hy sowat honderd jaar en al het hy dus goed besef dat sy liggaam reeds gedaan was en dat Sara te oud was om kinders te hê, het sy geloof nie verswak nie. Hy het nie in ongeloof begin twyfel aan die belofte van God nie, maar hy is in sy geloof versterk en het aan God die eer gegee. Hy was ook ten volle daarvan oortuig dat God mag het om te doen wat Hy beloof het” (Romeine 4:18-21). Abraham het nie die onmoontlikheid om ‘n seun met sy doodgaande liggaam en Sara se dooie baarmoeder ignoreer nie; hy het nie voorgegee nie, maar in plaas daarvan sê dit hy het die feit “oorweeg het, maar toe vasberade om die feite teen God se beloftes te vergelyk, en Sy vermoë om te vervul wat Hy belowe het!!

When the Lord showed me the bolded, in all caps, laws (if you will) of these reservations, I already knew that nothing was impossible with God and that, because He wrote our laws, therefore, He can overturn them if He chooses to! In the exact same way, the Lord went on to show me the “no-cancellation policy statement” on the rental car, which quite honestly seemed minuscule and hardly worth my time, but again, He wanted to teach me something: always ask.

Toe die Here vir my die vetgedrukte, alles in hoofletters, wette (soos jy wil) van hierdie besprekings gewys het, het ek alreeds geweet dat niks onmoontlik met God was nie en dat, omdat Hy ons wette geskryf het, daarom, kan Hy hulle omkeer as Hy verkies om dit te doen! Op die presiese manier, het die Here aangegaan om my te wys dat die “geen-kanselasie polis verklaring” op die huurmotor, wat heeltemal eerlik klein gelyk het en skaars my tyd werd was, maar weer, wou Hy my iets geleer het: vra altyd.

When I got online, I asked Him what I should do, and He answered me in bold red letters right there on the page; when I began to type in the confirmation number, it actually popped up, “Do you want to cancel this rental car?” When my eyes jumped up to my second son’s name, I immediately said, “Yes” and clicked! Then I asked the Lord what I should do next, when it actually said in red letters, all caps, “Do you want to rent another car?” to which I yelled, “Yes!!” and proceeded to rent the exact same car, same pick up date, same everything—only the first name was changed to my other son and the payment transferred over!

Toe ek aanlyn gegaan het, het ek Hom gevra wat ek moet doen, en Hy het my geantwoord in vet rooi letters reg daar op die bladsy: toe ek begin het om die informasie in te tik, het dit eintlik opgespring, “Wil jy die hierdie huurmotor kanselleer?” Toe my oë na my tweede seun se naam gespring het, het ek onmiddellik gesê, “Ja” en geklik! Toe het ek die Here gevra wat ek volgende moet doen, toe dit eintlik in rooi letters, alles hoofletters gesê het, “Wil jy ‘n ander motor huur?” ek het uigeskree, “Ja!!” en voort gegaan om die presiese selfde motor te huur, dieselfde optel datum, dieselfde alles—net die eerste naam was verander na my ander seun sin en die paaiement was oorgeplaas!   

Too often, we lose connection with the Lord when we start moving the mountains in our lives. So be sure to continue to ask the Lord after each step you make, and don’t panic if it seems you made a wrong turn. Just ask again.

Te dikwels verloor ons verbinding met die Here wanneer ons die berg in ons lewens begin versit. So wees seker om voort te gaan om die Here na elke stap wat jy neem te vra, en moet nie paniekerig raak as dit lyk asof jy ‘n verkeerde draai gemaak het nie. Vra net weer.

With two parts down, I could now see and feel the mountain teetering; just one more push and that mountain, and all it stood for, was about to slip neatly into the depths of the sea!! It happened just a few hours later, when I got a call from my son’s fiancé, who told me excitedly that my son was standing in line at the airport to speak directly to the airline. I was beside myself with joy and expectancy; since I had a vision of my son in line at the airport just days earlier—this, to me, was the confirmation that the final step was about to happen!

Met twee dele af. Kon ek nou sien en voel hoe die berg wankel; net een stoot en daardie berg, en alles waarvoor dit gestaan het, was op die punt om netjies in die dieptes van die see te gly!! Dit het net ‘n paar uur later gebeur, toe ek ‘n oproep van my seun se verloofde gekry het, wat opgewonde gesê het dat my seun in die ry by die lughawe staan om direk met die lugredery te praat. Ek was buite myself met blydskap en verwagting; aangesien ek net dae vroeër ‘n visioen gehad het van my seun wat in die ry by die lughawe staan—dit, vir my, was die bevestiging dat die finale stap op die punt was om te gebeur!

Even before anything happened, I was so excited that I hurried to tell my other children (all who have faith like a child) to rejoice with me, that the miracle was about to happen. I just knew that I knew that I knew that it was going to happen in an instant; therefore, I began to act as if it had already happened! “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24 NIV).

Selfs voor enigiets gebeur het, was ek so opgewonde dat ek my gehaas het om vir my ander kinders te vertel  (almal wat geloof soos ‘n kind het) om saam my te verheug, dat die wonderwerk op die punt staan om te gebeur. Ek het net geweet dat ek geweet het dat ek geweet het dat dit in ‘n oogwink sou gebeur; daarom, het ek begin optree asof dit alreeds gebeur het! “Daarom sê Ek vir julle: Alles wat julle in die gebed vra, glo dat julle dit al ontvang het, en dit sal vir julle so wees” (Markus 11:24 Afr 83).

About an hour later, I got a call from my son. He was on his way home, and he told me that the airline had tried and tried, but the fields to be able to make any changes were blocked. The airline said that the only people who could make a change would be the booking agent where I used my flying miles. Though my feelings wanted to plummet, and so did his, I told him that there was a reason, and this would simply be “the next step.” So, I hung up and quickly made the call, only to find that they had closed; we missed them by just ten minutes.

Omtrent ‘n uur later, het ek ‘n oproep van my seun af gekry. Hy was oppad huis toe, en hy het vir my gesê dat die lugredery probeer en probeer het, maar die velde om enige verandringe te maak was geblok. Die lugredery het gesê dat die enigste mense wat die veranderinge kon maak die besprekings agent was waar ek my vliegmyle gebruik het. Alhoewel my gevoelens wou tuimel, en so het syne, het ek hom vertel dat daar ‘n rede was, en dit sou eenvoudig die “volgende stap” wees. So, toe sit ek die telefoon gou neer en maak gou die oproep, net om te vind dat hulle toe was; ons het hulle met tien minute gemis.

Waiting was good; it strengthens us spiritually, so, I told my son that this setback was all part of His plan, and I sensed that He needed to show me “something.” Sitting there quietly in my room, He had me pick up that infamous folder again. With my faith soaring, my Husband led me to read again the very fine print on the same document, this time online. It began the same, stating in bold that reservations were non-transferable, no changes, etc. etc., but then, I saw something paragraphs down. There it went on to say, deep within the paragraph in tiny, tiny print, that if the airline approved of a change, then we were to contact them first! There it was; it was written; that was it— now all I had to do was wait until morning.

Om te wag was goed; dit versterk ons geestelik, so ek het vir my seun gesê dat die terugslag was alles deel van Sy plan, en ek het aangevoel dat Hy nodig gehad het om vir my “iets” te wys. Waar ek hier stil in my kamer sit, het Hy my daardie infame vouer weer laat optel. Met my geloof wat bo uitstyg, het my Man my gelei om weer die fyndruk op dieselfde dokument te lees, hierdie keer aanlyn. Dit het dieselfde begin, en in vet letters verklaar dat besprekings nie-oordraagbaar was nie, geen veranderinge, ens, ens., maar toe, het ek iets ‘n paar paragrawe onder toe gesien. Daar het dit aangegaan om te sê, diep binne die paragraaf in klein, klein druk, dat as die lugredery ‘n verandering goed gekeur het, dan moes ons hulle eerste kontak! Daar was dit; dit was geskryf; dit was dit—nou al wat ons moes doen was om te wag tot die oggend.

Again, setbacks only prove that the Lord needs to show us something else. In this instance, He wanted us to speak to someone who would be working the next morning with the truth posted on their site. When a mountain is huge and immovable, He asks us to believe that everything, even setbacks and brick walls, are all part of His plan. Rather than falling apart and allowing setbacks to weaken your faith, use them to your advantage by knowing that they are just another part of your testimony, part of His plan, and He's going to move that mountain that has been grounded in your heart.

Weer, terugslae bewys net dat die Here nodig het om ons iets anders te wys. In hierdie instansie, wou Hy gehad het dat ons met iemand moet praat wie die volgende oggend sou werk met die waarheid wat op hulle webwerg geplaas is. Wanneer ‘n berg groot en onbeweegbaar is, vra Hy ons om te glo dat alles, selfs terugslae en baksteen mure, alles deel is van Sy plan. Eerder as om uitmekaar te val en toe te laat dat terugslae jou geloof verswak, gebruik hulle tot jou voordeel deur te weet dat hulle net nog ‘n deel is van jou getuienis, deel van Sy plan, en Hy gaan daardie berg wat in jou hart gegrond is versit. 

That night I fell asleep quickly but woke at 4 A.M. Not only were those four hours while I waited for the office to open at 8 not wasted, they proved to build my excitement and expectancy, as the Lord led me to write earlier chapters of this book, building my faith in His ability and desire to move this mountain, as I spoke it and believed!

Daardie aand het ek gou aan die slaap geraak maar 4 V.M wakker geword. Nie net was daardie vier ure wat ek gewag het vir die kantoor om 8 uur oop te maak gemors nie, hulle het bewys om my opgewondenheid en verwagting op te bou, soos wat die Here my gelei het om vroeë hoofstukke van hierdie boek te skryf, en my geloof te bou in Sy vermoë en begeerte om hierdie berg te versit, soos wat ek dit uitgespreek het en geglo het!  

Watching the last three minutes click by, I was literally trembling with excitement. (Mind you, my emotions wanted to take hold of me in the form of fear, which we will discuss in more detail in chapter 9.) When I finally made the call that morning, the Lord reminded me of how the “way of no resistance and cheerfulness” had worked so miraculously the day before with the telephone company. (You will learn about this principle in chapter 8.)

Deur die laaste drie minute te sien verby klik, het ek letterlik met opgewondenheid gebewe. (Weet jy, my emosies wou my beetkry in die vorm van vrees, wat ons meer in besonderhede sal bespreek in hoofstuk 9.) Toe ek finaal die oproep daardie oggend gemaak het, het die Here my herinner van hoe die manier van geen weerstand en vrolikheid” die dag vantevore so wonderbaarlik gewerk het met die telefoon maatskappy. (Jy sal in hoofstuk 8 oor hierdie beginsel leer .)

Sure enough, the first person I spoke to assured me that it was impossible, then proceeded to try to sell me something. Oh my, this is when our emotions want to jump out of our skin (and out our mouths). That’s the real challenge, dear bride. We must continue to stay peaceful, agreeable and not let haste or hurry, which leads to panic, take over. This, too, I learned while doing my taxes. I had to stay in perfect peace in order to hear His still small voice. Even in the midst of dogs barking, telephone calls, and children interrupting me asking trivial questions, I had to remain joyful and peaceful, if I wanted to move a mountain using His strength.

Seker genoeg, die eerste persoon met wie ek gepraat het het my verseker dat dit onmoontlik was, en voort gegaan om te probeer om iets aan my te verkoop. O, wee, dit is toe dat ons emosies uit ons vel wou spring (en uit ons monde). Dit is die regte uitdaging, liewe bruid. Ons moet voortgaan om vredevol, ooreenstemmend te bly en nie toe te laat dat ‘n gejaag of haastigheid, wat lei tot paniek, oorneem nie. Dit, ook, het ek geleer terwyl ek my belasting gedoen het. Ek moes in perfekte vrede bly sodat ek Sy stil klein stem kon hoor. Selfs in die middel van honde wat blaf, telefoon oproepe, en kinders wat my onderbreek en onbenullige vrae vra, moes ek vreugdevol en vredevol bly, as ek ‘n berg wou versit deur Sy krag te gebruik.  

So, patiently, and in full excitement, I listened to the woman's sales pitch excitedly, for what I knew would still happen, thankfully, when she stopped. I was able to kindly tell her I had just purchased what she was selling, which led her to say, “Hey, wait a minute; let me see if they might be able to help you in another department,” and she transferred me. Without going through each of the next seven people I talked to, how each person gave me the same “impossible” response, followed by my agreeable “that’s okay” and being transferred to “someone else” who “might” be able to help, I, finally, was connected to the top person in the flying miles company, who assured me that the airline had the power to change the details of the flight and gave me their number to allow me to “try.”

So, geduldig, en vol opgewondenheid, het ek opgewonde, vir wat ek geweet het sou gebeur,  na die vrou se verkoopvoorstel geluister, dankbaar, toe sy gestop het was ek in staat om vriendelik vir haar te vertel dat ek net onlangs dit wat sy besig was om te verkoop gekoop het, wat haar gelei het om te sê, “Hey, wag ‘n minuut; laat ek sien of hulle jou dalk in ‘n ander departement kan help, “en sy het my oorgeplaas. Sonder om deur elkeen van die volgende sewe mense waarmee ek gepraat het te gaan, hoe elke persoon vir my dieselfde “onmoontlike” reaksie gegee het, gevolg deur my instemmende “dit is reg” en oorgeplaas na “iemand anders” wie dalk in staat is om te “mag” help, was ek finaal, gekoppel na die top persoon in die vliegmyle maatskappy, wie my verseker het dat die lugredery die mag het om die besonderhede van die vlug te verander en my die nommer gegee het om my toe te laat om te “probeer.”

Throughout this whole ordeal, I was told the same thing: what I desired, what I believed could happen, was impossible, and that, if allowed (what they wouldn’t allow), the points would have to be first refunded (which they don't do), new tickets would then have to be booked, and everything would have to be re-ticketed. In other words, we would have to start from scratch, which, by this late date, would be impossible.

Dwarsdeur hierdie hele beproewing, was ek dieselfde ding gesê: dat wat ek begeer het, wat ek geglo het kon gebeur, onmoontlik was, en dat, indien toegelaat (wat hulle nie sou toelaat), die punte sou eers terugbetaal moet word (wat hulle nie doen nie), nuwe kaartjies moet dan bespreek word, en alles sou moes weer her-gekaartjie geword het. Met ander woorde, ons moet van voor af begin, wat, teen hierdie laat datum, onmoontlik sou wees.

However, we know that nothing is impossible with God. “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). And I answered Him, “Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You”! (Jeremiah 32:17).

Nietemin, ons weet dat niks is onmoontlik met God nie. “Ek is die HERE die God van al die mense. Is iets vir My onmoontlik?” (Jeremia 32:27). En ek het Hom geantwoord, “Ag, Here my GOD, U het die hemel en die aarde gemaak deur u groot mag. Niks is vir U onmoontlik nie”! (Jeremia 32:17).

Who of us hasn’t heard Erin’s testimony? When years ago, way back in 1989, Erin told the Lord that if He did the impossible by restoring her marriage—a marriage with a man who left her for another woman, divorced her, and said he would never come back to her because he didn’t love her and never did—then she would spend her life telling the world that nothing was impossible for Him.

Wie van ons het nie Erin se getuienis gehoor nie? Toe jare gelede, in 1989,  Erin vir die Here gesê dat as Hy die onmoontlike doen deur haar huwelik te herstel—’n huwelik met ‘n man wie haar vir ‘n ander vrou verlaat het, geskei het, en gesê het dat hy nooit na haar toe sou terugkom nie omdat hy haar nie lief gehad het nie—dat sy dan vir die hele wêreld sou vertel dat  niks vir Hom onmoontlik is nie.

Back then, I embraced this true for my own marriage, and since that time God has given me the impossibilities, impossibilities that continually sweeten my life and continue to prove that it is TRUE—nothing, not one thing, is impossible with God!

Destyds, het ek hierdie waarheid vir my eie huwelik omhels, en sedertdien het God vir my die onmoontlikhede gegee, onmoontlikhede wat aanhou om my lewe te versoet en voortgaan om te bewys dat dit WAAR is—niks, nie een ding, is onmoontlik met God nie!

When I contacted the airline, in an instant I heard the lady on the phone tell me to hold while she CHANGED THE NAMES! What?!?! We in the United States have been told since 9/11 that changing the names was illegal. So, I sat on hold for more than 20 minutes, with about four, five-minute intervals when she came on to thank me for my patience, saying, “sorry, this is just something that we NEVER do, so I really don’t know how exactly to do it”! It was after her second reassurance that tears welled up in my eyes, my heart beating out of my chest—I was watching my mountain, the one that had caused me so much pain, fall into the sea! I began to weep.

Toe ek die lugredery gekontak het, onmiddellik het ek die dame op die telefoon gehoor vir my sê om aan te hou terwyl sy die NAME VERANDER het. Wat?!?! Ons in die Verenigde State was sedert 9/11 vertel dat om die name te verander onwettig was. So, ek het aangehou vir meer as 20 minute, met omtrent vier, vyf-minute tussenposes toe sy aangekom het om my te bedank vir my geduld, en gesê het, “jammer, dit is net iets wat ons NOOIT doen nie, so ek weet nie regtig hoe om dit te doen nie”! Dit was na haar tweede gerusstelling dat die trane in my oë opgedam het, my hart het uit my borskas geklop—ek was besig om te sien hoe my berg, die een wat my so baie pyn veroorsaak het, in die see val! ek het begin om te huil.

Then, right after the third reassurance, when she told me that they were “almost done,” I jumped up from my chair to dance with the Lord and pulled my back out, completely. All I could do was laugh—and, gingerly, I sat back down in pain. But my heart was soaring.

Toe, net na die derde gerusstelling, toe sy vir my gesê het dat hulle “amper klaar” was. Het ek opgespring van my stoel af om met die Here te dans en ek het my rug heeltemal uitgeruk. Al wat ek kon doen was om te lag—en, versigtig, in pyn het ek weer gaan sit . Maar my hart was besig om te sweef.  

When she thanked me and we hung up, I was stunned, crying, shaking, all as I tried to call my son. Screaming, I told him that God did the impossible! My children woke up that morning to my screams of delight, as they ran in and began dancing around with me—their brother was getting married in Hawaii, how romantic—God had moved a mountain of impossible proportion!

Toe sy my bedank het en ons opgehang het, was ek verstom, ek het gehuil en gebewe, alles soos wat ek my seun probeer skakel het. Skreeuend, het ek hom vertel dat God die onmoontlike gedoen het! My kinders het daardie oggend wakker geword tot my geskreeu van vreugde, soos wat hulle ingehardloop het en saam my begin dans het—hulle broer gaan in Hawaii trou, hoe romanties God het ‘n berg van onmoontlike proporsies versit!

 “Behold, I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge with double edges; you will thresh the mountains and pulverize them, and will make the hills like chaff” (Isaiah 41:15).

“Ek maak jou 'n skerp dorsslee, 'n nuwe met baie tande; jy sal berge dors en fynmaal, jy sal van rante kaf maak” (Jesaja 41:15).

 “Jesus said to them [when the apostles were baffled because they were not able to cast a demon out], ‘Because you have so little faith. For sure, I tell you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to over there,’ and it would move over. You will be able to do anything’” (Matthew 17:20 NLV).

“Die dissipels het toe alleen na Jesus toe gekom en gevra: “Waarom kon ons hom nie uitdryf nie?” “Omdat julle geloof te klein is,” sê Hy vir hulle. “Dit verseker Ek julle: As julle maar geloof het so groot soos 'n mosterdsaadjie, sal julle vir hierdie berg sê: ‘Gaan staan daar anderkant!’ en hy sal gaan. Niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie.”’ (Matteus 17:19,20).

Dear bride, before reading the next chapter, stop to consider why He led you to read this chapter and its truths. There is no question that there is one specific mountain in your life that He wants to move, until He casts a whole range of mountains that have shadowed your life. Remember, it begins with one small mountain—but a mountain nonetheless. Ask Him which it is, and then begin to ask what He wants you to do. Even if He says to wait, believe, imagine, hide it in your heart— and I promise that soon you will begin to move mountains; nothing is impossible with Him.

Liewe bruid, voordat jy die nuwe hoofstuk lees, stop om te oorweeg waarom Hy jou gelei het om hierdie hoofstuk en sy waarhede te lees. Daar is geen twyfel dat daar een spesifieke berg in jou lewe is wat hy wil versit, totdat Hy ‘n hele reeks berge wat jou lewe geskadu het gegooi het. Onthou, dit begin met een klein berg—maar ‘n berg nietemin. Vra Hom watter een dit is, en begin dan te vra wat hy wil hê jy moet doen. Selfs al sê Hy om te wag, glo, verbeel, steek dit in jou hart weg—en ek belowe dat binnekort sal jy begin om berge te versit; niks is onmoontlik met Hom nie.

Laat 'n boodskap

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