Rebuild the temple,

that I may be pleased with it and be glorified,’

says the LORD.”

— Haggai 1:8


“Gaan haal hout in die berg en herbou my huis

sodat Ek my eer kan ontvang en tevrede kan wees,

sê die HERE.”

—Haggai 1:8

Let me begin this chapter with a bit of encouragement, by sharing my first step toward looking to the Lord for His plan of getting my past/back tithes paid. As I gave it to Him again, and again, and again, I found that the first step was to get excited, rather than panic, and actually boast about my weaknesses. For, “He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Laat my hierdie hoofstuk begin met ‘n bietjie aanmoediging, deur my eerste tree te deel om na die Here te kyk vir Sy plan om my verlede/agterstallige tiendes betaal te kry. Soos wat ek dit weer, en weer, en weer vir Hom gegee het, het ek gevind dat my eerste tree was om opgewonde te raak, eerder as paniekerig, en om eintlik te roem oor my swakhede. Want, “Hy het vir my gesê, ‘Sy antwoord was: “My genade is vir jou genoeg. My krag kom juis tot volle werking wanneer jy swak is.” Daarom sal ek baie liewer oor my swakhede roem, sodat die krag van Christus my beskutting kan wees” (2 Kointiërs 12:9).

Knowing I needed His power to dwell in me, big time, instead of sharing this with all my children at once, I took the time to share it with each of them alone. I also made a point of sharing my weaknesses, how I had failed to pay tithes, with some of my closest friends. I was ecstatic to find several opportunities that God opened up for me to share this with acquaintances and even some strangers. I knew that this boasting would give me the power I needed to press forward with the upcoming challenges I was about to face, which would ultimately change the course of my life.

Wetend dat ek (grootendeels) Sy krag nodig gehad het om in my te woon, in plaas daarvan om dit gelykop met my kinders te deel, het ek die tyd geneem om dit met elkeen van hulle alleen te deel. Ek het ook ‘n punt daarvan gemaak om my swakhede, met sommige van my intieme vriende, te deel. Ek was ekstaties om verskeie geleenthede te vind wat God vir my oopgemaak het om dit met kennisse en selfs sommige vreemdelinge te deel. Ek het geweet dat hierdie roem my die krag sou gee wat ek nodig gehad het om vorentoe te beweeg met die opkomende uitdagings wat ek op die punt taan om in die gesig te staar, wat uitermatig die koers van my lewe sou verander..

The next step was to seek God for how to start. He showed me that I needed to begin with the first tithe I failed to pay, the largest one, which meant I had to tithe more than a thousand dollars “somewhere”, as I mentioned earlier in this chapter. Trust me, this amount seemed like a lot, especially because I had recently gotten several bank overdraft notices. Yet, this is how it usually happens. God loves to stack the odds, raise the impossibilities. So, here I was with no money in my accounts as I tried to hang on. In addition, I just got a notice that a new credit card had turned me down (a credit card I didn’t even want or apply for but what was sent to me)—that’s when I fully realized that God was just making a point!

Die volgende stap was om God na te streef oor hoe om te begin. Hy het my gewys dat ek nodig gehad het om te begin met die eerste tiende wat ek misluk het om te betaal, die grootste een, wat beteken het dat ek meer as ‘n R146000 se tiendes “êrens” moes betaal, soos wat ek vroeër in hierdie hoofstuk genoem het. Vertrou my, hierdie bedrag klink baie, spesiaal omdat ek verskeie bank oortrokke kennisgewings gekry het. Tog, dit is hoe dit gewoonlik gebeur. God is lief daarvoor om die oormag teen ons op te stapel, of die onmoontlike te lig. So, hier was ek met geen geld in my rekeninge soos wat ek probeer het om vas te klou. Ter aanvulling, het ek so pas ‘n kennisgewing gekry dat ‘n nuwe kredietkaart my afgewys het (‘n kredietkaart wat ek nie eens wou gehad het of vir aansoek gedoen het nie maar wat vir my gestuur was)—dit is toe dat ek volkome besef het dat God net besig was om ‘n punt te maak!

And maybe you’re thinking, as I was, how could she have so many people (my wonderful “heroes” as I call them) who have been donating to her ministry, but her bank account is just barely staying open? How is this even possible?

En miskien dink jy, soos ek, hoe kan sy so baie mense (my wonderlike “helde” soos wat ek hulle noem) hê wat aan haar bediening doneer, maar haar bank rekening bly skaars oop? Hoe is dit selfs moontlik?

Because, remember, my purse has holes in it!!

Omdat, onthou, my beursie is stukkend!!

“Now therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Consider your ways!

“Daarom, so sê die HERE die Almagtige: Neem ter harte wat met julle gebeur.

You have sown much, but harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied; you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes. Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Consider your ways!

Julle het baie gesaai, maar min geoes; julle het geëet, maar nie genoeg gekry nie; julle het gedrink, maar dors gebly; julle het klere aangetrek, maar nie warm geword nie; julle is soos 'n dagloner wat sy loon in 'n stukkende beursie steek. So sê die HERE die Almagtige: Neem ter harte wat met julle gebeur.

Go up to the mountains, bring wood and rebuild the temple, that I may be pleased with it and be glorified,’ says the LORD.

Gaan haal hout in die berg en herbou my huis sodat Ek my eer kan ontvang en tevrede kan wees, sê die HERE.

‘You look for much, but behold, it comes to little; when you bring it home, I blow it away Why?’ declares the LORD of hosts, ‘Because of My house which lies desolate, while each of you runs to his own house.’” (Haggai 1:5-9).

"Julle het 'n groot oes verwag, maar min gekry, en wat julle nog huis toe gebring het, het Ek laat verdwyn. Waarom? vra die HERE die Almagtige. Omdat my huis in puin lê, terwyl elkeen van julle hard besig is om aan sy eie huis te werk.”’ (Haggai 1:5-9).

And if a purse with holes was not enough of a problem, add to this that the wall to my finances and my life has a huge gap in it!!

En as ‘n stukkende beursie nie genoeg van ‘n probleem was nie, voeg hierby dat die muur na my finansies en my lewe ‘n groot gaping in dit het!!

“I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).

“Ek het iemand tussen hulle gesoek wat 'n muur sou bou en vir die stad in die bres sou tree dat dit nie vernietig word nie, maar Ek het niemand gekry nie (Esegiël 22:30).

All I wanted to do was immediately sew up the hole in my purse and patch up that gaping space in my wall—but I had no money to buy mortar or a needle and thread!

Al wat ek wou doen was om onmiddellik die gat in my beursie toe te werk en die gapende spasie in my muur toe te pleister—maar ek het geen geld gehad om sement of ‘n naald en gare nie te koop!

What are you and I supposed to do?

Wat is ek en jy veronderstel om te doen?

Isaiah 55:1-3 The Free Offer of Mercy

Jesaja 55:1-3 Die Gratis Offer van Genade

“Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;

Kom, almal wat dors is, kom na die water toe,

And you who have no money come, buy and eat

selfs ook dié wat nie geld het nie, kom, koop en eet;

Come, buy wine and milk

ja, kom, koop sonder geld en

Without money and without cost.

sonder om te betaal, wyn en melk.

“Why do you spend money for what is not bread,

Waarom betaal julle vir iets wat nie brood is nie,

And your wages for what does not satisfy?

waarom werk julle vir iets wat nie kan versadig nie?

Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,

Luister aandagtig na My, sodat julle kan eet wat goed is

And delight yourself in abundance.

en versadig kan word met die beste wat daar is.

“Incline your ear and come to Me

Gee aandag en kom na My toe, luister, en julle sal lewe.

Listen, that you may live;

luister, en julle sal lewe.

And I will make an everlasting covenant with you,

Ek wil met julle 'n ewige verbond sluit,

According to the faithful mercies shown to David.”

Ek wil my troue liefde aan julle betoon soos aan Dawid.

Darling, are you where I am too? And, wow, do you see? There is no fear. All we have to do is relax and give it to our Heavenly Husband to work out for us. He’s got the perfect plan— so why do we waste our time and effort by trying to think of our own plan that wears us out, worries us to death, until we give up—so we will finally turn everything over to Him?

Liefling, is jy ook waar ek is? En, wow, sien jy? Daar is geen vrees nie. Al wat ons moet doen is om te ontspan en dit vir ons Hemelse Man te gee om dit vir ons uit te werk. Hy het die perfekte plan—so waarom mors ons ons geld en pogings deur te probeer dink aan ons eie plan wat ons uitmergel, ons tot die dood toe bekommer, totdat ons opgee—so ons sal finaal alles na Hom toe oorgee?

“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts’” (Isaiah 55:8–9).

“‘My gedagtes is nie julle gedagtes nie, en julle optrede nie soos Myne nie, sê die HERE; soos die hemel hoër is as die aarde, so is my optrede verhewe bo julle optrede en my gedagtes bo julle gedagtes”’ (Jesaja 55:8-9).

“‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope’” (Jeremiah 29:11).

“‘Ek weet wat Ek vir julle beplan, sê die Here: voorspoed en nie teenspoed nie; Ek wil vir julle 'n toekoms gee, 'n verwagting! “‘ (Jeremiah 29:11).

My Heavenly Husband was way ahead of me (duh). Remember that tax return that I sowed as my “first fruits”? Well, guess what? Though I had planned to use it to help send RMI’s first missionary to Africa, due to the hole in my purse, a series of “autopayments” in my checking account had used it up. Suddenly, when I looked, if I had to help at that exact moment, I wouldn’t have had enough!

My Hemelse Man was vêr voor my (duh). Onthou daardie belasting vorm wat ek gesaai het as my “eerste vrugte”? Wel, raai wat? Alhoewel ek beplan het om dit te gebruik om te help om HMI se eerste sendeling na Afrika te stuur, as gevolg van my stukkende beurse, het ‘n reeks “autopaaimente” in my tjek rekening dit alles opgebruik. Skielik, toe ek gekyk het, as ek op daardie presiese oomblik moes help, sou ek nie genoeg gehad het nie!

That’s what happens when we figure out a plan, doesn’t it? However, when we look to Him, and not ourselves, that’s when we find we are never short. The very day I saw this dilemma, I felt led to go out to my mailbox, and on my way there, I kept telling Him that I didn’t want to open it because that mailbox only brought me bills, overdraft notices, and cruel letters.

Dit is wat gebeur wanneer ons ‘n plan uitdink doen dit nie? Nietemin, wanneer ons na Hom kyk, en nie onsself nie, dit is wanneer ons vind dat ons nooit kort is nie. Dieselfde dag wat ek daardie dilemma gesien he, het ek gelei gevoel op na my posbus toe te gaan en oppad soontoe, het ek vir Hom aanhoudend gesê dat ek nie die posbus wou oopmaak nie omdat daardie posbus net vir my rekeninge, en ootrrokke kennisgewings, en wrede briewe gebring het.

But, then, when I opened it, there it was—another government tax refund! How could it be? Believe it or not, I opened the envelope and received double just like He said I would!

Maar, toe, toe ek dit oopgemaak het, was dit daar—nog ‘n regering belasting terugbetaling! Hoe kan dit wees? Glo dit of nie, ek het die koevert oopgemaak en dubbeld ontvang net soos wat Hy gesê het ek sou!

“Speak kindly to Jerusalem; and call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the LORD’S hand Double for all her sins” (Isaiah 40:2).

“Bring vir Jerusalem die goeie tyding, sê vir hom sy swaarkry is verby, hy het geboet vir sy sonde, hy het van die HERE die volle straf ontvang vir al sy sondes” (Jesaja 40:2).

No one could understand how I could possibly get a second refund check, and surely there must be some sort of logical explanation. After some time had passed, I thought that our government tax offices must have made a mistake and so I was going to find out what I needed to do to send the check back. Yet, God graciously spoke truth to me through my son, when he said, “Mom, what are the chances of you being right versus the government being right? Taxes are their job, they are experts, right? You did your own taxes, obviously, the error is on your side” and happily in my favor!

Niemand kon verstaan hoe ek moontlik ‘n tweede terugbetaling tjek kon ontvang nie, en sekerlik moet daar een of ander soort logiese verduideliking wees. Nadat tyd verby gegaan het, het ek gedink dat ons regering belasting kantoor ‘n fout moes begaan het en so ek sou uivind wat om te doen om die tjek terug te stuur. Tog, God het grasieus die waarheid deur my seun gepraat, toe hy gesê het, “Mamma wat is die kanse dat jy reg is versus die regering wat reg is? Belasting is hulle werk, hulle is deskundiges, reg? Jy het jou eie belasting gedoen, duidelik is die fout aan jou kant” en gelukkig in my guns!

Well, there you go! The first back tithe was paid and used to send a missionary to Africa after all. I couldn’t wait to send the money for the ticket and began to shudder thinking that I needed to do it fast before anything else broke or we went completely under financially! Yet, God is never in a hurry, and He wants us to live hurry-free too.

Wel, daar het jy dit! Die eerste agterstallige tiende was betaal en na alles gebruik om ‘n sendeling na Afrika toe te stuur. Ek kon nie wag om die geld vir die kaartjie te stuur nie en het begin bewe om te dink dat ek dit vinnig moes doen voordat enigiets ander breek of ek finansieël heeltemal onder gaan! Tog, is God nooit haastig nie, en Hy wil hê dat ons ook ‘n haastig-vrye lewe moet leef.

Dearest bride, would you believe that just knowing the intent of my heart, all of a sudden, things that were broken God began repairing and replacing!?!

Liefste bruid, sou jy glo dat om net die voorneme van my hart te ken, ewe skielik, dinge wat stukkend was het God begin herstel en vervang!?!

All of a sudden, my son fixed our kitchen table so now it is level and is sturdier than before. And my younger son watched as the Lord gave us immeasurable favor when he brought our broken water cooler to the store, and they gave us a brand-new cooler! And if that were not enough, as a man shopping showed up to get the cooler off the shelf and then another man showed up in the parking lot to put it in my car! If that were not amazing enough, when I purchased the first water cooler, it would not fit in my car. Yet, the replacement cooler slid right in even though they were both exactly the same size, the very same water cooler!

Ewe skielik, het my seun ons kombuis tafel reggemaak en dit is nou gelyk en stewiger as vantevore. En my jonger seun het toegekyk soos wat die Here vir ons onmeetbare guns gegee het toe hy ons stukkende waterverkoeler na die winkel toe geneem het, en hulle vir ons ‘n splinternuwe verkoeler gegee het! En as dit nie genoeg is nie, ‘n man wat besig was om inkopies te doen het die verkoeler van die rak afgehaal en toe het ‘n ander man in die parkeer area opgedaag en dit in my motor geplaas! Asof dit nie ongelooflik genoeg was nie, toe ek die eerste waterverkoeler aangekoop het, wou dit nie in my motor pas nie. Tog het die vervangde verkoeler maklik ingegly alhoewel hulle albei die presies dieselfe grootte was, presies dieselfde waterverkoeler!

Other things that were broken began turning out to be blessings. Why? Because we have and can believe His promise, that I call my never-ending “get out of jail cards.” First is Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

Ander dinge wat stukkend was het begin om as seëninge uit te draai. Waarom? Omdat ons sy beloftes het en dit kan glo, wat ek my nimmer-eindigende “kom uit die tronk kaarte” noem. Eerste is in Romeine 8:28 “Ons weet dat God alles ten goede laat meewerk vir dié wat Hom liefhet, dié wat volgens sy besluit geroep is.”

Better yet, do what I do and take one of my favorite promises found in Isaiah 40:2 that we already read. Read it again and again until it becomes yours! “Speak kindly to Jerusalem; and call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.”

Beter nog, doen wat ek doen en neem een van my gunsteling beloftes wat in Jesaja 40:2 gevind kan word wat ons alreeds gelees het. Lees dit weer en weer totdat dit joune begin word! “Bring vir Jerusalem die goeie tyding, sê vir hom sy swaarkry is verby, hy het geboet vir sy sonde, hy het van die Here die volle straf ontvang vir al sy sondes.”

God’s grace and mercy are there for us, and our Beloved died so we could have them. So why then do we not use what He died to give us? Does it make me want to sin or mess up? No, of course not. Actually, the opposite is true. Having His grace and mercy motivates me to live free from evil. Evil will only keep me bound and unable to love or give what He has died to give to you and me!

God se guns en genade is daar vir ons, en ons Beminde het gesterf sodat ons hulle kon hê. So waarom dan gebruik ons nie waarvoor Hy gesterf het om vir ons te gee nie? Maak dit dat ek wil sondig of opmors? Nee, natuurik nie. Eintlik is die teenoorgestelde waar. Deur hierdie guns en genade te hê motiveer my om ‘n lewe vry van boosheid te lewe. Boosheid sal my net gebonde hou en nie in staat om lief te wees of te gee waarvoor Hy gesterf het om vir jou en my te gee nie!

What God has already done confirms that He already has a plan to help me pay all my back tithes. And my back tithes are not just from the big donations I failed to tithe, but from all my ministry’s increase.

Wat God alreeds gedoen het bevestig dat Hy ‘n plan het om my te help om al my agterstallige tiendes te betaal. En my agterstallige tiendes is nie net van groot donasies wat ek misluk het om my tiende te gee nie, maar van al my bediening se vermeerdering.

In my finite and simple mind, of course, I have no idea how He is going to do it. Even if I gave everything I received somewhere, it means that I am still 10% short. So, do I give 90% plus 10%? And if I do, how can I pay my bills and not go under? Confused? I am.

In my begrensde en eenvoudige verstand, het ek geen idee hoe Hy dit gaan doen nie. Selfs al het ek alles wat ek ontvang het êrens gegee, dit beteken dit dat ek nog steeds 10% kort is. So, gee ek my 90% plus my 10%? En as ek dit doen, hoe kan ek my rekeninge betaal en nie onder gaan nie? Verwar? is ek.

But, guess what? I don’t have to understand or know any of the details. All I have to do is look to Him. “They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed” (Psalm 34:5). “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

Maar, raai wat? ek hoef nie te verstaan of enige van die besonderhede te weetnie. Al wat ek moet doen is om na Hom te kyk. “Dié wat swaar kry, sien op na Hom en straal van blydskap, hulle word nie teleurgestel in hulle verwagting nie.” (Psalms 34:5). “Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee” (Matteus 6:33).

Isn’t that comforting? Isn’t this freeing? Isn’t this just too good to be true?! A lot like salvation isn’t it?

Is dit nie vertroostend nie? Is dit nie bevrydend nie? Is dit nie te goed om waar te wees nie?! Baie soos redding is dit nie?

Just be sure you encourage someone today with this message — so many need to hear it.

Wees net seker dat jy iemand vandag aanmoedig met hierdie boodskap—so baie mag nodig hê om it te hoor.

Clarification. We all learned in Erin’s books that our tithe is given to our storehouse, Malachi 3:8–10, and our offering can be used as He leads Haggai 1:9. This is also true when it comes to our ministry’s tithe. Though my personal tithe always goes to RMI, my ministry tithe is often sent and used elsewhere.

Verduideliking. Ons het almal in Erin se boeke geleer dat ons tiende word aan ons voorraadkamer gegee. Maleagi 3:8-10, en ons offerandes kan gebruik word soos wat Hy ons lei Haggai 1:9. Dit is ook waar wanneer dit by ons bediening se tiende kom. Alhoewel my persoonlike tiende altyd na HMI toe gaan, my bediening se tiende is dikwels êrens anders gestuur en gebruik.

Laat 'n boodskap

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