“For the vision is yet for an appointed time,

But at the end it shall speak, and not lie:

Though it tarrywait for it;

 Because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

—Habakkuk 2:3 KJV


“Want die gesig sal nog duur tot op die vasgestelde tyd;

maar dit spoed na die einde en sal nie teleurstel nie.

As dit mag vertoef, wag daarop;

want alte seker sal dit kom en nie versuim nie”

—Habakuk 2:3 Afr 53


Did you know that your promise, or miracle, or mountain moving doesn’t immediately reveal itself—even if it’s been completed in the spiritual realm? Very often, there is a considerable waiting period for it to manifest itself in the natural in order, for us and everyone to see it.

Het jy geweet dat jou belofte, of wonderwerk, of berg versit homself nie onmiddellik onthul nie—selfs al is as dit in die geestelike ryk afgehande? Baie dikwels, is daar ‘n aansienlike wagperiode vir dit om homself in die natuurlike orde te manifesteer, sodat ons en almal dit kan sien.

There are references to this truth all throughout the Bible, and yet, when sitting in the midst of our wait, we very often forget that God is a God who usually instructs us to wait, and for very good reasons. The main reason is timing: ““For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarrywait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (Habakkuk 2:3 KJV). However, did you know that many Christians choose not to wait? We know this is true, because Paul wrote to the early church concerning this very thing. He said:

Daar is dwarsdeur die Bybel verwysings na hierdie waarheid, en tog, wanneer ons in die middel van ons wag sit, vergeet ons baie dikwels dat God ‘n God is wat vir ons gewoonlik ‘n opdrag gee om te wag, en vir baie goeie redes. Die hoof rede is tydsberekening: “Want die gesig sal nog duur tot op die vasgestelde tyd; maar dit spoed na die einde en sal nie teleurstel nie. As dit mag vertoef, wag daarop; want alte seker sal dit kom en nie versuim nie” (Habakuk 2:3 Afr 53). Nietemin, weet jy dat baie Christene kies om nie te wag nie? Ons weet dit is waar, omdat Paulus vir die vroeë kerk geskryf het aangaande hierdie einste ding. Hy het gesê:

 “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary” (Galatians 6:9).

“Laat ons dan nie moeg word om goed te doen nie, want as ons nie verslap nie, sal ons op die bestemde tyd ook die oes insamel. (Galasiërs 6:9).

 “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good” (2 Thessalonians 3:13).

“Wat julle betref, broers: Moenie moeg word om goed te doen nie” (2 Tessalonisense 3:13).

.We see this truth even earlier in the Old Testament. Look what it says in this story about Daniel. “He said to me, ‘O Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.’ And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling.

Ons sien hierdie waarheid selfs vroeër in die Ou Testament. Kyk wat sê dit in die storie oor Daniel. “Die man sê toe vir my: “Daniël, jy vir wie God liefhet, gee ag op wat ek vir jou gaan sê, en staan regop. Ek is na jou toe gestuur.” Toe hy dit vir my sê, het ek bewend regop gaan staan.

 “Then he said to me, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.

“Hy sê toe vir my: “Moenie bang wees nie, Daniël, want van die eerste oomblik af dat jy jou ingespan het om insig te kry en jou voor jou God verootmoedig het, is jou gebede verhoor. Ek het gekom in antwoord op jou gebede.

 “‘But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia…for the vision pertains to the days yet future” (Daniel 10:11–14).

“Die engel van die Persiese Ryk het my een en twintig dae lank teruggehou, maar toe het Migael, een van die vernaamste engele, my te hulp gekom en ek was nie meer nodig teen die Persiese konings nie. . . want ook hierdie visioen sien op die tye wat kom” (Daniël 10:11-14).

Rarely is the vision we see, or the promise that we receive, for right now. Though the urgency in our spirit, and the enthusiasm we feel, makes it appear as if the promise is for now, usually (maybe almost always) what we can easily envision and what He’s promised us is for later, even much later, set for an “appointed” time.

Skaars is die visioen wat ons sien, of die belofte wat ons ontvang, vir nou dadelik. Alhoewel die dringendheid in ons gees, en die entoesime wat ons voel, dit maak lyk asof die belofte vir nou is, gewoonlik (miskien amper altyd) wat ons maklik kan voorstel en wat Hy belowe het is vir later, selfs baie later, gestel vir ‘n “bepaalde” tyd.

If you’re like me, it’s while you and I are in the midst of that wait, while our mountain tarries, when we begin to wonder if we heard from the Lord correctly. We wonder if we have done everything right, and we wonder if this promise we have believed God for was really for us.

As jy soos ek is, is dit terwyl ek en jy in die middel van die wag is, terwyl ons berg uitbly, wanneer ons begin wonder of ons korrek by die Here gehoor het. Ons wonder of ons alles reg gedoen het, en ons wonder of hierdie belofte waarin ons God voor glo regtig vir ons is.

Yet, as the verse above bids us, we must not give up “though it tarry—wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry [dawdle, delay or linger]” (Habakkuk 2:3).  These were the instructions that Jesus gave to His disciples, when He knew they would need the Holy Spirit, its power, and its strength. The disciples had been told “it” “something” was going to come, but I am sure they had no idea what that “it” would really be.

Ja, soos wat die vers hier bo ons bod, moet ons nie opgee nie “alhoewel dit uitblywag daarvoor; want dit kom beslis, dit sal nie uitbly nie” (Habakuk 2:3). Dit was die instruksies wat Jesus vir Sy dissipels gegee het, toe Hy geweet het dat hulle die Heilige Gees nodig gehad sou gehad het, sy mag, en sy krag. Die disssippels was gesê dat “dit” “iets” sou kom, maar ek is seker hulle het geen idee gehad wat daardie “dit” regtig sou wees nie.   

After His death, during the time when He had reappeared to them in bodily form, “Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, ‘Which,’ He said, ‘you heard of from Me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now’” (Acts 1:4–5). Once again, it’s important that you wait, no matter how long you wait.

Na Sy dood, gedurende die tyd wat Hy weer aan hulle verskyn het in liggaamlike vorm, “Terwyl Hy 'n keer saam met hulle aan tafel was, het Hy hulle beveel: “Moenie van Jerusalem af weggaan nie, maar bly wag op die gawe wat die Vader belowe het, soos julle van My gehoor het. Johannes het wel met water gedoop, maar julle sal binne 'n paar dae met die Heilige Gees gedoop word.”’ (Handelinge 1:4-5). Weereens, is dit bealngrik dat jy wag, maak nie saak hoe lank jy wag nie.

What Are You Waiting For?
Waarvoor Wag Jy?

Over this past weekend, I was enormously blessed to attend a wedding that a very special and particular bride had waited for—for YEARS. The main reason she waited so long was due to the fact that she is an heiress, worth millions. Though she had been formally engaged at least twice before, each time, at the last minute each had been men marrying for money. So, with an intensely broken heart, along with her broken dreams, both weddings had been stopped by her father. When our family first met this dear young lady, she was just recovering from her second attempt at getting married, wanting desperately to be married like her younger sister.

Oor die laaste naweek, was ek grootliks geseën om ‘n bruilof by te woon waarvoor ‘n baie spesiale en besonderse bruid jare lank vir gewag het—vir JARE. Die hoof rede dat sy so lank gewag het was omdat sy ‘n erfgenaam was, miljoene werd. Alhoewel sy ten minste twee keer vantevore formeel verloof was, elke keer, op die laaste minuut wou elke een van die mans met haar trou vir geld. So, met ‘n intense gebroke hart, saam met haar gebroke drome, was beide troues gestop deur haar vader. Toe ons familie aan die begin die liewe jong dame ontmoet het, het sy pas herstel van haar tweede poging om  te trou, sy wou desperaat getroud wees soos haar jonger suster.

As we became close friends, she confided in me that for years she wanted to believe that there was really someone out there for her, someone she could live with “happily ever after,” but the right man eluded her. To help her wait, God had brought dozens of faithful people into her life to speak the truth, and I was blessed to be just one of them. For years, she and another close friend of mine studied A Wise Woman. [Our mutual friend was a strong believer in this workbook; having gone through the chapters with her ex-daughter-in-law, she was blessed to see her son’s marriage restored and a restoration baby that soon followed, due to studying the truths in “Fruit of the Womb.”]

Soos wat ons intieme vriende begin word het, het sy in my vertrou dat sy vir jare wou glo dat daar regtig iemand daar buite was vir haar, iemand saam wie sy “vir ewig gelukkig” kon bly nie, maar die regte man het haar ontwyk. Om haar te help wag, het God dosyne getroue mense in haar lewe gebring om die waarheid te praat, ek ek was geseënd om net een van hulle te wees. Vir jare, het sy en nog ‘n intieme vriendin van my ‘n Wyse Vrou bestudeer. [Ons wedersydse vriendin was ‘n sterk gelowige in hierdie werkboek; wie deur die hoofstukke met haar eks skoondogter gegaan het, sy was so geseën om haar seun se huwelik herstel te sien en ‘n herstel baba wat gou gevolg het, deur sy die waarhede in “Vrugte van die Baarmoeder,”] gestudeer het.

They told me they met weekly, both determined that she would be the right wife when God sent her the right husband. Also, to help this happen, she came forward faithfully to pray at the altar, Sunday after Sunday, for that right man to come into her life. Then, just a few years ago, that “right man” seemed to appear, only to disappear just as quickly. Everyone was heartbroken for her once again.

Hulle het vir my gesê dat hulle weekliks ontmoet het, albei vasberade dat sy die regte vrou sou wees wanneer God vir haar die regte man gestuur het. Ook, om dit te help gebeur, het sy vorentoe gekom en getrou by die preekstoel te bid, Sondag na Sondag, vir daardie regte man om in haar lewe in te kom. Toe net ‘n paar jaar gelede, het dit gelyk of die “regte man” sy verskyning gemaak het, net om net so gou te verdwyn. Almal was weereens hartgebroke vir haar.

Then, just this weekend, after all these years of waiting, after all the tears, every single sorrow vanished in an instant, and they were replaced with tears of joy, when we all sang the precious hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” at her wedding. It seemed like a dream, when I watched the man whom God had chosen for her (a pastor of Teen Challenge, whose family had been praying for him for just as many years to find the “right woman”), her groom, look at her with the love in his eyes that I have rarely seen in a man, any man.

Toe, net hierdie naweek, na al die jare van wag, na al die trane, het elke enkele hartseer in ‘n oomblik verdwyn, en hulle was vervang met trane van vreugde, toe ons almal die kosbare gesang “Groot is U Trou” by haar troue gesing het. Dit het soos ‘n droom gelyk, toe ek sien hoe die man wat God vir haar gekies het (‘n pastoor van Tiener Uitdaging, wie se familie vir net soveel jare vir hom gebid het om die “regte vrou” te vind), haar bruidegom, het na haar gekyk met die liefde in sy oë wat ek nog skaars in ‘n man, enige man gesien het.  

Update: The money this couple inherited had allowed them to devote themselves to philanthropic endeavors—by donating money to good causes that He laid on their hearts, often traveling together to some of the poorest areas of the world to put God’s money to work.

Opdatering; Die geld wat hierdie paartjie geerf het het hulle toegelaat om hulself aan filanropiese pogings te wy—deur geld aan goeie sake  wat Hy op hulle harte gelê het, te skenk en dikwels saam te reis na die van die armste dele van die wêreld om God se geld aan die werk te sit.

Again, and again, we see that God truly is faithful; but unfortunately—no matter the strength of our own faith, no matter how many promises we compile—very often our miracles will continue to tarry long after we believed they would happen. Yet, once His promise shows up, I love how He is also faithful to be sure that those who invested in your mountain moving are there to rejoice with you. I am convinced that this is the entire reason for prayer and sowing into other people’s lives—because it allows us to play a small role in God’s miracle, giving us a front row seat. I believe that just as our tithe or offering is for us to join in and be part of life’s changed investments (which always brings about dividends galore), so, too, are our prayers and our investments of time to teach others. When we pray, when we study alongside someone, we find ourselves rejoicing, just as if that miracle or mountain moving was happening to us!

Weer en weer, sien ons dat God werklik getrou is; maar ongelukkig—maak nie saak hoe sterk ons eie geloof is nie, maak nie saak hoeveel beloftes ons saamstel nie—baie dikwels sal ons wonderwerke voortgaan om uit te bly lank na ons geglo het hulle sou gebeur. Tog, sodra Sy belofte te voorskyn kom, is ek lief vir hoe getrou Hy is om seker te wees dat die wat in jou berg wat versit belê het daar is om saam jou te verheug. Ek is oortuig dat dit die hele rede is vir gebed en om in ander mense se lewens te saai—omdat dit ons toelaat om ‘n klein rol in God se wonderwerk te speel, en vir ons ‘n sitplek in die voorste ry te gee. Ek glo dat net soos ons tiendes en offendes vir ons is om aan te sluit en ‘n deel te wees van die lewe se veranderde beleggings (wat altyd baie dividende bring), so, ook, is ons gebede en ons beleggings van tyd om ander te leer. Wanneer ons bid, wanneer ons langs iemand studeer, vind ons onsself verheug, net asof die wonderwerk of berg met ons besig was om te gebeur!

Though I did not cry when my own sons married, I cried when this precious girl finally walked down the aisle to the tune of Twila Paris’ song, “How beautiful the radiant bride who waits for her Groom with His light in her eyes.” There were dozens of women and men who also cried, due to so many who’d invested into her life over her many years of waiting.

Alhoewel ek nie gehuil het toe my eie seuns getroud is nie, het ek gehuil toe hierdie kosbare meisie finaal by die gang af geloop het op die deuntjie van Twila Paris se liedjie, “Hoe pragtig die stralende bruid wat wag vir haar Bruidegom met Sy lig in haar oë.” Daar was dosyne vrouens en mans wat ook gehuil het, as gevolg van so baie wat oor haar baie jare van wag in haar lewe belê het.

Why the wait? “Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary” (Isaiah 40:31).

Waarom die gewag? “maar dié wat op die HERE vertrou, kry nuwe krag. Hulle vlieg met arendsvlerke, hulle hardloop en word nie moeg nie, hulle loop en raak nie afgemat nie” (Jesaja 40:31).

Waiting on Us
Wag op Ons

Though we wonder why we are asked to wait upon the Lord, very often it’s us, you and me, who the Lord is waiting upon. We see it in this verse from Isaiah: “Therefore the LORD longs [aches, yearns, craves] to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him” (Isaiah 30:18).

Alhoewel ons wonder waarom daar van ons gevra word om op die Here te wag, baie dikwels is dit ons, ek en jy, op wie die Here wag. Ons sien dit in hierdie vers van Jesaja: “Tog is die HERE gretig om julle genadig te wees en wil Hy Hom oor julle ontferm: Die HERE is 'n God wat reg laat geskied, en dit gaan goed met elkeen wat op Hom vertrou” (Jesaja 30:18).

It’s interesting that this verse tells us that the Lord is a God of justice, because that has been key to my faith in believing that God truly has plans to bless me beyond anything I could ever hope, dream or imagine! “For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him” (Isaiah 64:4).

Dit is interressant dat hierdie vers vir ons vertel dat Die Here ‘n God is wat reg laat geskied, omdat dit die sleutel to my geloof is om te glo dat God regtig planne het om my te seën bo oor enigiets wat ek ooit kon hoop, droom of dink! Van ouds af het niemand so iets gehoor nie, het niemand so iets verneem nie, het geen oog 'n God gesien wat vir dié wat op hom vertrou, doen wat U doen nie. (Jesaja 64:4).

About a month ago, my youngest son said something “wasn’t fair,” and I agreed that usually things are not “fair,” since God is not a God who is fair—thankfully—He is a God who is just. I went onto tell him how thankful we all should be that He is a God of justice, rather than fairness; and did he, my son, know the difference? He said that fair was when everyone got the same, but he thought justice meant getting punished.

Omtrent ‘n maand gelede, het my jongste gesê dat “iets nie regverdig” is nie, en ek het ingestem dat gewoonlik is dinge nie “regverdig” nie aangesien God nie ‘n God is wat regverdig is nie—dankbaar—is Hy ‘n God wat geregtig is. Ek het aangegaan om hom te vertel hoe dankbaar ons almal behoort te wees dat Hy ‘n God van geregtigheid is, eerder as regverdigheid; en ken hy, my seun, die verskil? Hy het gesê dat regverdig is wanneer almal dieselfde kry, maar hy het gedink dat geregtig beteken om gestraf te word. 

Actually, I told him, and want to tell you, that God being a God of justice means that eventually (in the end) everyone gets what they deserve, good and bad. And that means that no matter what, it is always worth doing the right thing, no matter what the cost is now. Not only that, but when it seems that other people (especially your enemies) are getting blessed, and you’re not, you can count on receiving, in the end, double. You need to wait with the expectation that something tremendously special will happen, especially if you have the right attitude when something happens that’s unjust, because the right attitude is a reflection of the right heart.

Eintlik, het ek hom vertel, en ek wil vir jou vertel, dat God wat ‘n God van geregtigheid is beteken dat uiteindelik (op die ou end) almal kry wat hulle verdien, goed en sleg. En dit beteken maak nie saak wat nie, dit is dit altyd werd om die regte ding te doen, maak nie saak wat dit nou kos nie. Nie net dit nie, maar wanneer dit lyk asof ander mense (spesiaal jou vyande) geseën word, en jy nie, kan jy daarop reken om, op die ou einde, dubbel te ontvang. Jy moet wag met die awagting dat iets geweldig spesiaal sal gebeur, spesiaal as jy die regte houding het wannner iets gebeur wat onregverig is, omdat die regte houding ‘n weerkaatsing van die regte hart is.

No matter how long you wait, eventually the heavens will open up over your life and shower you with blessings that cannot compare to the suffering or difficulty that you went through. And all those difficulties you encountered along your journey will be a distant and foggy memory, if your heart has been kept right.

Maak nie saak hoe lank jy wag nie, uiteindelik sal die hemele oopmaak oor jou lewe en jou met seëninge neerstort wat nie kan vegelyk met die lyding of moeilikheid waardeur jy gegaan het nie. En al daardie moeilikhede wat jy langs jou reis teëgekom het sal ‘n ver en vae geheue wees, as jou hart reg gehou het.

Time and again, when doubt would try to cause me to question what I have not yet seen—but what I truly believe, in faith, will happen, and happen soon—the Lord would remind me of the list of injustices that have come against me personally, come against my children, and come against my ministry, especially financially. Therefore, I have the security in knowing that very soon I will receive double what was lost or stolen from me—each and every injustice doubled.

Keer op keer, wanneer twyfel probeer om my te kry om te bevraagteken wat ek nog nie gesien het nie—maar wat ek werklik glo, in geloof, sal gebeur, en gou sal gebeur—sal die Here my herinner aan die lys van onreg wat persoonlik teen my gekom het, teen my kinders gekom het, en teen my bediening, spesiaal finansieël. Daarom, het ek die sekuritiet om te weet dat baie gou sal ek dubbel ontvang van wat verlore of van my gesteel is—ieder en elke onreg verdubbel.

 “But you will be called the priests of the LORD; You will be spoken of as ministers of our God. You will eat the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, everlasting joy will be theirs. For I, the LORD, love justice, I hate robbery in the burnt offering; and I will faithfully give them their recompense and make an everlasting covenant with them” (Isaiah 61:6–8).

“Julle sal genoem word: Priesters van die HERE, Dienaars van ons God. Julle sal van die rykdom van die nasies geniet, die trotse eienaars word van hulle besittings. In plaas van vernedering sal julle twee keer soveel besittings hê as tevore, in plaas van minagting sal julle lof ontvang oor wat julle besit. Julle sal in julle land twee keer soveel besit as tevore en julle sal altyd vreugde hê. Ek is die HERE, Ek het die reg lief, Ek haat roof en misdaad. In my trou sal Ek my volk gee wat Ek beloof het, Ek sal 'n ewige verbond met hulle sluit” (Jesaja 61:6-8).

If you think this is amazing, He has more. He says that He will doubly bless our mistakes, yours and mine. Look what it says, “Speak kindly to Jerusalem; and call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins” (Isaiah 40:2). And precious reader, remember, each and every one of these promises are for you, too. Simply believe them and acknowledge them, which means to speak each to your HH, so that you’ve officially claimed them. Personally, I acknowledge them by thanking my HH for what He’s going to bless me doubly for.

As jy dink dit is ongelooflik, Hy het meer. Hy sê dat Hy ons foute dubbeld sal seën, joune en myne. Kyk wat sê dit, Bring vir Jerusalem die goeie tyding, sê vir hom sy swaarkry is verby, hy het geboet vir sy sonde, hy het van die HERE die volle straf ontvang vir al sy sondes” (Jesaja 40:2). En kosbare leser, onthou, ieder en elke een van hierdie beloftes is, ook, vir jou. Glo hulle eenvoudig en erken hulle, wat beteken om elkeen met jou HM te praat, sodat jy hulle offisieël kan eis. Persoonlik, erken ek hulle deur my HM te bedank vir wat Hy my dubbeld voor gaan seën. 

Oh, and for those of you who were thinking that what we all deserve is hell; I agree. Yet, it is because of His righteousness that we benefit as we do, as partakers, meaning we get to share in His blessings. “For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promisesso that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust” (2 Peter 1:4).

O, en vir die van julle wat glo dat wat ons almal verdien die hel is; ek stem saam. Tog, dit is as gevolg van  Sy geregtigheid dat ons voordeel trek soos wat ons doen, as deelgenote, wat beteken on deel in Sy seëninge. “Deur dit te doen, het Hy ons die kosbaarste en allergrootste gawes geskenk wat Hy belowe het. Daardeur kan julle die verderf ontvlug wat deur begeerlikheid in die wêreld werksaam is, en deel kry aan die Goddelike natuur” (2 Petrus 1:4).

 “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (Philippians 3:8–10). Amen!

“Ja, nog meer: ek beskou alles as waardeloos, want om Christus Jesus, my Here, te ken, oortref alles in waarde. Ter wille van Hom het ek alles prysgegee en beskou ek dit as verwerplik sodat ek Christus as enigste bate kan verkry en een met Hom kan wees: vrygespreek, nie omdat ek die wet onderhou nie, maar omdat ek in Christus glo. Dit is die vryspraak wat God gee omdat 'n mens in Hom glo. Al wat ek wens, is om Christus te ken, die krag van sy opstanding te ondervind en deel te hê aan sy lyding deur aan Hom gelyk te word in sy dood” (Filippense 3:8-10). Amen!

So, precious bride, just remember, what you are waiting for is worth the wait. For the vision that God gave you is still yet to come. It is scheduled for an appointed time that only God knows. But in the end, when it appears, it will speak and not lie of His faithfulness.

So, dierbare bruid, onthou net, dat dit waarvoor jy wag die wag werd is. Vir die visioen wat God vir jou gegee het moet nog kom. Dit is geskeduleer vir ‘n bepaalde tyd wat net God ken. Maar in die einde, wanneer dit voorkom, sal dit spreek en nie lieg oor Sy getrouheid nie.

If you wait, when it appears, it will also prove that you were not crazy when you believed the impossible—that massive mountain moving. And though it tarries—be sure to wait for it—because it will surely come; it will not tarry forever!

As jy wag, wanneer dit voorkom, sal dit ook bewys dat jy nie mal was toe jy vir die onmoontlike gegelo het nie—daardie massiewe berg wat beweeg. En alhoewel dit uitbly—wees seker om daarvoor te wag—want dit kom beslis; dit sal nie vir ewig uitbly nie!

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