Maak die Meeste van
Vinnige en Maklike Maaltye
Maaltye wat Werk Sodat Jy Nie Hoef Nie!
Sy staan op as dit nog nag is
en maak kos vir haaar huisgesin;
ook haar slavinne kry hulle deel
—Spreuke 31:15
As we become organized in our homes and try to stay two steps ahead, instead of five steps behind, some days are still hectic; therefore, easy meals are a must. Having been the mother of seven and feeding a family of nine, I always needed to plan ahead and be creative.
Soos wat ons georganiseerd in ons huise word en probeer om twee stappe vooruit te bly, in plaas van vyf stappe agter, is sommige dae nog steeds hekties; daarom, is maklike maaltye ‘n moet. Om die moeder van sewe te wees en ‘n familie van nege te voer, moes ek altyd vooruit beplan en kreatief wees.
Even though there are just five children and myself at home now, I now tend to feed even more—my children and all their friends!
Selfs al is daar nou net vyf kinders en ek by die huis, neig om nou selfs meer te voer—my kinders en al hulle vriende!
When I married I couldn’t cook at all. I only became a better cook when I decided to humble myself. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you” (1 Pet. 5:6–7).
Toe ek getroud is kon ek glad nie kook nie. Ek het net ‘n beter kok geword toe ek besluit het om myself te onderwerp. “Onderwerp julle daarom in nederigheid aan die kragtige hand van God, sodat Hy julle kan verhoog op die tyd wat Hy bestem het. Werp al julle bekommernisse op Hom, wat Hy sorg vir julle” (1 Pet. 5:6-7).
When my husband left me in 1989, I told the ladies in the classes I taught that I simply couldn’t cook. That week a friend told me that she would come over and help me make a delicious and “easy” pie. “Easy” was the word I was looking for. She came over and step-by-step she walked me through the pie recipe in the previous chapter. It was God doing a new thing in my life!
Toe my man my in 1989 gelos het, het ek vir die dames in die klasse vertel dat ek eenvoudig nie kan kook nie. Daardie week het ‘n vriendin vir my gesê sy sal oorkom en my help om ‘n smaaklike en “maklike” pastei te maak. “Maklik” was die woord waarna ek gesoek het. Sy het oorgekom en stap vir stap het sy my deur die pastei resep in die vorige hoofstuk geneem. Dit was God wat ‘n nuwe ding in my lewe doen!
Soon, many ladies began giving me recipes with the word “easy” in the title, and I was off and running. Now, I want to share some of my easiest meals with you that are sure to please.
Gou, het baie dames vir my begin resepte gee met die woord “maklik” in die titel, ek ek was oppad. Nou wil ek van my maklikste maaltye met julle deel wat ek seker is julle in sal behaag.
Microwave Ham Steak
Mikrogolf Ham Skyf
One of the easiest meals ever is a Ham Steak. I buy a ham, ask the meat department to slice 1/2 of the ham (starting at the rounded side) in thin slices (ask for “shaved,” which is even better), and leave 1/2 for me to slice thick. This gives me meat for sandwiches and a dinner for my family.
Een van die maklikse maaltye ooit is ‘n Ham Skyf. Ek koop ham, vra vir die vleis departement om die ½ van die ham (deur by die geronde kant te begin) in dun skywe te sny (vra vir die “afgeskaafde,” wat selfs beter is), en vir my die 1/2 te los om in dik skywe te sny. Dit gee vir my puik toebroodjies en ‘n ete vir my familie.
I pour the juice from a can of pineapple chunks into a microwave safe dish and put into it the thick slices of ham to cook for about 1/2 minute. The first slices are for the youngest, so they will be cool when the last slice is cooked. I serve it with pineapple chunks over the meat, dinner rolls, and a vegetable. This whole meal takes only 10–15 minutes to make!
Ek giet die sap van die pynappel stukke in ‘n mikrogolf oond bak en sit die dik stukke ham daarin om sowat ½ minuut te kook. Die eerste snye is vir die jongstes, sodat hulle koel sal wees wanneer die laaste stuk gekook is. Ek bdien dit met pynappel stukke oor die vleis, bordbrooidjie, en ‘n groente. Die hele maaltyd neem my net 10-15 minute om te maak
I always keep COOKED ground beef in the freezer, and then thaw a little in the microwave whenever I need it. If you cook ground beef when you get home, it tastes so fresh AND it can be used for many quick and easy meals.
Ek hou altyd GAAR GEMAAKTE maalvleis in die vrieskas, en ontdooi dit ‘n bietjie in die mikrogolf wanneer ek dit nodig het. As jy maalvleis kan gaar maak wanneer jy by die huis kom, proe dit altyd so vars EN dit kan vir baie vinnige en maklike maaltye gebruik word.
For nachos, add a package of taco seasoning or add your own seasoning. Place corn tortilla chips on a cookie sheet, pour the taco meat, and shredded cheese over the top, and cook under the broiler. I serve it with salsa for dipping, and we all sit around the table and enjoy a tasty, fun meal.
Vir nachos, voeg ‘n pakkie taco speserye of jou eie speserye by. Plaas tortilla skyfies op ‘n bakplaat, giet die taco vlies, en gerasperde kaas bo oor, en plaas onder die rooster. Ek bedien dit met ‘n salsa doopsous, en ons almal sit rondom die tafel en geniet ‘n smaaklike, prettige maaltyd.
Dallas Chicken
Dallas Hoender
The name for this meal was derived from my son, Dallas, who was able to make this at five-years-old while I was nursing his brother, Easton.
Die naam vir hierdie maaltyd is van my seun, Dallas, afkomstig, wie in staat was om dit te maak van die ouderdom van vyf-jaar-oud terwyl ek sy broer, Easton geborsvoed het.
Take boneless, skinless chicken breasts and cut into bite-size pieces (I did this step!). Then, put one can of cream of chicken soup and one small container of sour cream in a baking dish and stir. Now, stir in the chicken pieces and cook about an hour at 325˚. Serve over rice, noodles, or baked potato with a vegetable. Simple and delicious!
Neem beenlose, vellose hoender borsies en sny hulle in byt-grootte stukke (ek het hierdie stap gedoen!) Giet dan, ‘n blikkie room van hoender sop en een klein houer room in ‘n bak en roer. Nou, roer die hoender stukkies in en bak vir omtrent 160˚ vir ‘n uur. Bedien oor rys, noedels, of ‘n gebakte aartappel met ‘n groente. Eenvoudig en smaakvol!
Surprise Quiche
Verrassing Quiche
I always keep the frozen, already prepared piecrust, on hand for cobblers and quiches.
Ek hou altyd die gevriesde, klaar voorbereide pasteitje kors vir cobblers en quiches.
Whenever you have left over meat, cheese, or vegetables—you can make a quick, easy, and delicious meal! California restaurants charge six dollars a slice for the strangest combinations of ingredients in their quiches—so be creative!
Wanneer jy oorskiet vleis, kaas, of groente het—kan jy ‘n vinnige, maklike, en smaaklike maaltyd maak! Kalifornie retaurante eis R80 vir ‘n sny vir die vreemdste kombinasies van bestanddele in hulle quiches—so wees kreatief!
Simply cut up all your ingredients and put into a prepared piecrust. Beat four eggs with a little milk and pour over the top and bake until the middle of the egg is cooked. 425˚ for 15 min., reduce to 300˚ for another 15 min., and then sit for another 10 min. Serve with rolls and a salad.
Sny eenvoudig al jou bestanddele op en plaas in ‘n voorbereide pasteitjie kors. Klits vier eiers met ‘n klein bietjie melk en giet bo oor en bak tot die middel van die eier gaar is 160 ˚ vir 15 min, verminder tot 150˚ vir nog 15 min, en laat staan vir nog 10 min. Bedien met rolletjies en ‘n slaai.
Loaded Baked Potato
Gelaaide Gebakte Aartappel
Cook your potatoes in the microwave. Put them in a circle, cook for 5 minutes, then pierce them again with a fork to check for tenderness. Continue to cook at 5 min. (or less) intervals until all are tender.
Kook jou aartappels eers in die mikrogolf. Plaas hulle in ‘n sirkel, kook vir 5 minute, prik hulle weer met ‘n vurk om te sien of hulle sag is. Gaan voort om vir 5 min. (of minder) onderbrekings te kook totdat almal sag is.
Then, if you like the skins crispier transfer them to your oven for about 10 minutes, while you get the other ingredients together. Get out your leftover meats, vegetables, cheeses, sour cream, and bacon bits to put over your potato. It’s better, and a lot cheaper, than any restaurant that serves the same thing!
Dan as jy van die vel meer bros hou plaas hulle oor na jou oond tot vir ‘n verdere 10 minute, terwyl jy die ander bestanddele bymekaar maak. Haal jou oorskiet vleis, groente, kaase, suurroom, en spek stukkies uit om oor jou aartappel te gooi. Dit is beter, en baie goedkoper as enige restaurant wat dieselfde ding opdien!
Southern Fried Chicken
Suidelike Gebraaide Hoender
My next-door neighbor gave me her secret family recipe that she was famous for. Though she used regular chicken cut up, I use boneless, skinless chicken. Dip the chicken in buttermilk and then in self-rising flour that has salt and pepper added. Fry on pretty high heat in peanut oil (just don’t let it burn). The meat is so juicy and tasty—even skinless!
My buurvrou het vir my haar geheime familie resep gegee waarvoor sy bekend was. Alhoewel sy gewone hoender gebruik het wat opgesny is, gebruik ek hoender sonder vel of been. Doop die hoender in die karringmelk waarby sout en peper gevoeg is. Braai op ‘n hoë hoogte in grondboontjie olie (moet net nie laat dit brand nie). Hierdie maaltyd is so sappig en smaaklik—selfs sonder die vel!
Pork Chops
Vark Tjops
My mother, bless her heart, could not cook, but everyone loved her pork chops (if you didn’t mind that they were burnt). Her secret was to sprinkle seasoned salt over each chop, roll it in flour, and fry in oil. I now buy the boneless chops that have less fat and tend to be thicker and juicier. Serve them with applesauce for the true McGovern way (that was my maiden name).
My moeder, seën haar hart, kon nie kook nie, maar almal was lief vir haar vark tjops (as jy nie omgegee het dat hulle gebrand is nie). Haar geheim was om gespeseryde sout oor elke tjop te gooi, dit in meel te rol, en in olie te bak. Ek koop nou die tjops sonder bene wat minder vet het en geneig om dikker en meer sappig te wees. Bedien hulle met appel sous vir die egte McGovern manier (dit was my nooiensvan).
If you mix your cooked ground beef or canned chicken in with your favorite taco sauce and a little water or with salsa, your meat is ready to go—all you need to do is assemble the enchiladas.
As jy jou maalvleis of geblikte hoender saam jou gunsteling taco sous en ‘n klein bietjie water of met salsa meng, is jou vleis gereed om te gaan—al wat jy nodig het is om die enchiladas saam te voeg.
Heat the corn tortillas in the microwave to make them soft, put in your meat, and roll. Cover with canned enchilada sauce, sprinkle with cheese, and bake about 15 minutes at 350˚.
Verhit die koring tortillas in die mikrogolf om hulle sag te maak, sit jou vleis in, en rol. Bedek met geblikte enchilada sous, sprinkel met kaas, en bak vir omtrent 15 minute teen 180˚.
Enchiladas go well with refried beans (in a can) and tortilla chips. If you like Spanish rice, cook white rice with the juice from stewed tomatoes and a little salt and pepper.
Enchiladas gaan goed met hergebraaide boontjies (in ‘n blik) en tortilla skyfies. As jy van Spaanse rys hou, kook wit rys met die sap van die gestoofde tamaties en ‘n bietjie sout en peper.
My Family’s Favorite Meals
My Familie se Gunsteling Maaltye
Tuna Fish Cakes
Tuna Viskoekies
This was a recipe my mother used to make and is similar to more expensive crab cakes. My children actually go wild over these.
Dit was ‘n resep wat my ma gemaak het en is eenders as die duurder krap koekies. My kinders gaan eintlik wild oor hierdie koekies.
Use the tuna packed in oil, dice up some onion (you can use a food processor for this), and add one raw egg per big can of tuna (this holds the tuna and onion together). Mix it up early in the day. If you want the easy method, fry them on a griddle, but the tastiest way is to fry them in oil (they do splatter and pop occasionally, so be careful).
Gebruik die tuna wat in olie gepak is, kerf uie (jy kan ‘n voedsel menger hiervoor gebruik), voeg een rou eier per blikkie by (dit hou die tuna en uie bymekaar). Meng dit vroeg in die dag saam. As jy die maklike metode wil hê, braai hulle op ‘n braai, maar die smaaklikste manier is om hulle in olie te braai (hulle spat en pop nou en dan, so wees versigtig).
Use a medium-sized cookie scooper to get the right size. Flatten them out like burgers (you can call them Tuna Burgers if you prefer), and fry them until they are browned on each side. We serve them with elbow macaroni, and prepare a sauce with a can of tomato soup with a little bit of water. The sauce can go over both, or just the noodles, to suit the individual’s taste.
Gebruik ‘n medium-grootte koekie skepper om die regte grootte te kry. Maak hulle plat soos burgers (jy kan hulle Tuna Burgers noem as jy verkies), en braai hulle totdat hulle aan albei kante bruin is. Ons bedien hulle met elmboog makaroni, en berei ‘n sous voor met ‘n blikkie tamatie sop en ‘n klein bietjie water. Die sous kan oor albei gaan, of net die noedels, om die individu se smaak te pas.
Chicken Pot Pie
Hoender Pot Pasteitjie
Use any chicken meat you’d like to fill the bottom of the pan you plan to use. I used to boil boneless chicken in bouillon, and cool before breaking apart. After Y2K, I had at my disposal a lifetime supply of canned chicken and turkey meat (actually it lasted almost five years!).
Gebruike enige hoendervleis waarvan jy hou om die onderste deel van die pan te vul. Ek het beenlose hoender wat in bouillon gekook is gebruik, en koel af voordat jy dit apart breek. Na Y2K, het ek ‘n leeftyd se voorraad van geblikte hoender en kalkoen vleis gehad (eintlik het dit vir amper vyf jaar gehou!).
Heat a can of cream of chicken soup mixed with just a little milk (about 1/4 of a can) in a pan, and pour it into a microwavable dish.
Verhit ‘n blik room van hoender sop gemeng met ‘n klein bietjie melk (omtrent ¼ van ‘n blikkie) in ‘n pan, en giet in ‘n mikrogolf bak.
Throw in some mixed vegetables (you can add potato chunks too if they are diced small) and the chicken, and cover the mixture with a refrigerated piecrust (if you prefer more crust, you can cover the bottom with another crust). Cut slits in the top for the steam to escape, and bake in a 425˚ oven for 30 minutes or until the crust is a light brown.
Gooi gemengde groente by (jy kan ook aartappel stukke byvoeg as hulle klein opgekap is) en die hoender, en bedek die mengsel met die verkoelde pastytjie kors (as jy meer korsie verkies, kan jy die bodem met nog ‘n kors bedek). Sny splete bo in vir die stoom om te snap, en bak vir 220˚ vir 30 minute of tot dat die kors ‘n ligte bruin is nie.
Roast Beef
Geroosterde Bief
A roast is nothing new, but let me encourage you to put yours into a crock-pot with your seasoning (we use dried onion soup mix). You can have it cooking while you are at church. If you put it in frozen, make sure it is at the highest setting), and if you plan to use a cheap, less fatty roast, make sure you put it in the night before church.
‘n Braaistuk is niks nuut nie, maar laat ek jou aanmoedig om joune in ‘n erdepot met jou kruie te sit (ons gebruik gedroogde uie sop mengsel) Jy kan dit laat kook wanneer jy by die kerk is. As jy dit gevries insit, maak seker dit is op die hoogste gestel), en as jy besluit om goedkoop, minder vet braaistuk te gebruik, maak seker dat jy dit die dag voor kerk insit.
Put potatoes in your oven to bake on low about 325˚. When your family gets back from church, you can have an afternoon dinner ready by the time they change their clothes and sit down at your (already set) table.
Plaas die aartappels in jou oond op laag teen omtrent 160˚. Wanneer jou familie terugkom van die kerk af, kan jy ‘n namiddag ete gereed hê teen die tyd wat hulle hulle klere uittrek en aansit by jou (alreeds gedekte) tafel.
A roast is normally dry and uninteresting without gravy, at least for most men. My ex-husband was a big gravy fan and my children inherited this preference. I had tried to pick up my mother’s technique; however, as Providence would have it, I never learned. The fact was, her gravy, though smooth, had very little flavor because she used milk as the liquid.
Geroosterde vleis is normaalweg droog en oninteressant sonder sous, ten minste vir meeste mans. My eks-man was ‘n groot sous bewonderaar en my kinders het sy voorkeur oorgeerf. Ek het probeer om my ma se tegniek te bemeester; nietemin, soos wat die Voorsienigheid dit sou wou hê, het ek nooit geleer nie. Die feit was, haar sous alhoewel dit glad was, het baie min geur gehad omdat sy melk as die vloeistof gebruik het.
One night, years ago, we were invited to a dinner given at the church for all recent newcomers. It was a small church, and the older ladies put this occasion on periodically to welcome new families. On the menu was a roast with mashed potatoes and GRAVY. My ex-husband was in heaven! Not only was the meat tender, but the gravy was out of this world! My ex mentioned to our server that if he hadn’t already been married, he would marry the person who made this delicious gravy.
Een aand, jare gelede, was ons na ‘n aandete uitgenooi wat vir alle nuwe lidmate gehou was. Dit was ‘n klein kerk, en die ouer dames het hierdie geleentheid periodiek gehou om nuwe families te verwelkom. Op die spyskaart was geroosterde vleis met fyngemaakte aartappels en SOUS. My eks-man was in die hemel! Nie net was die vleis sag nie, maar die sous was buite hierdie wêreld! My eks het aan ons bediener genoem dat as hy nie alreeds getroud was, hy met die persoon sou trou wat hierdie heerlike sous gemaak het.
When the meal was done, a kind, older gentleman stepped up to him and announced, “I heard that you wanted to marry me!” My ex-husband was startled until the man continued, “I made the gravy!” Though he didn’t marry this man, LOL (laugh out loud), he did marry, but I still make the gravy!!
Toe die maaltyd verby was, het ‘n vriendelike, ouer man na hom toe gekom en aangekondig, “Ek het gehoor dat jy met my wou trou!” My eks-man het geskrik totdat die man voort gegaan het, “Ek het die sous gemaak!” Alhoewel hy nie met hierdie man getrou het nie, LH (lag hardop), het hy getrou, maar ek maak nog steeds die sous!!
Here is the recipe that is easy and always delicious, no matter what meat you are serving!
Hier is die resep wat maklik en altyd heerlik is, maak nie saak watter vleis jy bedien nie!
When your meat is cooking, pour water into a glass jar or Tupperware container with a tight lid. Put some flour into it and shake until it resembles milk. For richer gravy, use more flour with the water so it looks like thick cream. For milder gravy, put only enough flour in for it to resemble non-fat milk. Now, pour your meat drippings into a saucepan and bring to boil.
Wanneer jou vleis besig is om te kook, gooi water in ‘n glas houer of ‘n Tupperware houer met ‘n stywe deksel. Sit bietjie meel daarin en skud dit totdat dit soos melk lyk. Vir ‘n ryker sous, gebruik meer meel met die water sodat dit soos dik room lyk. Vir ‘n ligter sous, sit net genoeg meel daarin sodat dit soos vetvrye melk sal lyk.
With a whisk, begin whisking the boiling meat juices, and slowly pour in the flour and water combination. Go slowly, and watch for your family’s desired thickness, then stop. Remember, you can always add flour/water to make it thicker, so be careful not to add too much to the juices.
Met ‘n klitser, begin die kokende vleis sap te klits, giet stadig die meel en water kombinasie by. Gaan stadig, en kyk uit vir jou familie se gekose digtheid, stop dan. Onthou, jy kan altyd meel/water byvoeg om dit dikker te maak, so wees versigtig om nie te veel van die sap by te voeg nie.
If you are short on meat drippings, make your gravy thinner, by adding LESS flour/water, so that it will stretch. I prefer the thinner gravy since it has more flavor!
As jy ‘n tekort aan vleis aftreksel het, maak jou sous dunner, deur MINDER meel/water by te voeg, sodat dit sal rek. Ek verkies dunner sous aangesien dit meer geur het!
Easy Lasagna
Maklike Lasagna
The trick to making it easy is by not having to cook the noodles! To accomplish this, simply use twice as much sauce as usual and make sure each noodle is heavily coated with sauce. Also, make it ahead of time so it can sit for a couple of hours before baking.
Die kuns om dit makliker te maak is om nie die noodles te hoef te kook nie! Om dit te volvoer, gebruik eenvoudig twee keer soveel sous as gewoonlik en maak seker elke noodle is swaar bedek met sous. Ook, maak dit voor die tyd dat dit vir ‘n paar ure kan staan voordat jy dit bak.
1 pkg. lasagna noodles
2 jars of your family’s favorite sauce
1 small container ricotta cheese
2 pkg. mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
1 pk. lasagna noodles
2 flesse van jou familie se gunsteling sous
1 klein houer ricotta kaas
2 pks. mozzarella kaas
Parmesan kaas
Mix ricotta and one package of mozzarella cheese together. You can season the cheese with garlic or mix in a little spinach if you’d like, but my family prefers it just plain. Pour enough sauce to cover a long casserole dish. Spread out three noodles and pour sauce on top (if the noodles aren’t cooked, turn them over and coat the other side).
Meng die ricotta en een pakkie mozzarella kaas saam. Jy kan die kaas met knoffel geur of meng ‘n klein bietjie spinasie in as jy wil, maar my familie verkies dit onopgesmuk. Giet genoeg sous om ‘n lang oondskottel te bedek. Sprei drie noodles uit en gooi die sous bo oor (as die noodle nie gaar is nie, draai hulle om en bedek die ander kant).
Now, spread 1/2 of the cheese mixture on top of the noodles. Lay another row of three noodles on top and cover generously with sauce (again on both sides if the noodles aren’t cooked). Spread the remaining 1/2 of the mixture on top of the noodles and lay one more row of three noodles on top, and cover generously with sauce; flip over and pour more sauce on top so that both sides are coated. Finish up with the remaining package of mozzarella cheese, and sprinkle Parmesan cheese over the top of the cheese. Cover with foil and bake at 350˚ for 45 minutes, remove the foil and bake another 10 minutes until the cheese is browned. Let it sit for 15 minutes while you whip up a salad!
Smeer nou, ½ van die kaas mengsel boop die noodles. Lê nog ‘n ry van drie noodles boop en bedek ruim met sous (weer aan albei kante as die noodles nie gekook is nie). Smeer die oorblywende ½ van die mengsel bo-op die noodles en lê nog ‘n ry van drie noodles bo-op, en bedek ruim met sous; keer om en giet meer sous bo-op sodat albei kante bedek is. Maak klaar met die oorblywende mozzarella kaas, en sprinkel Parmesan kaas bo-or die kaas. Bedek met foelie en bak teen 180˚ vir 45 minute, verwyder die foelie en bak nog 10 minute totdat die kaas bruin is. Laat dit staan vir 15 minute terwyl jy ‘n slaai aanmekaar slaan!
Just recently my son’s fiancé told me her mother had pulled her back out, so I offered to bring her a dinner to help. She told me when I picked up my pan that everyone, including all her picky eaters, LOVED this simple recipe and ate it all. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Thank you Lord!
Net onlangs het my seun se verloofde vir my gesê dat haar moeder haar rug uigesit het, toe offer ek om vir haar ‘n aandete te bring om te help. Toe ek my pan optel het sy vir my gesê dat almal, insluitende die wat vol fiemies is nie MAL was oor hierdie eenvoudige resep . Is dit nie waaroor alles gaan nie? Dankie Here!
There are so many ways to create diversity in your meatloaves. Let me share one of mine with you then let your creative juices flow to develop some new creations of your own. Mexican meatloaf is a favorite with my family. Use the crumbs from your taco chips (you can use flavored ones too) to replace the breadcrumbs. Use taco sauce to replace the ketchup and taco mix to replace the seasoning (just be careful of too much seasoning!). Serve it with rice, beans, and tortilla chips.
Daar is so baie maniere om verskeidenheid in jou vleisbrood te skep. Laat my een van myne deel en dan laat jy jou kreatiwiteit vloei om nuwe skeppings van jou eie te ontwikkel. Meksikaanse vleisbrood is ‘n gunsteling met my familie. Gebruik die krummels van jou taco skyfies (jy kan gegeurdes ook gebruik) om die brood krummels te vervang. Gebruik taco sous om die tamatiesous te vervang en taco mengsel om die geurmiddels te vervang (wees net versigig van te veel geurmiddel!). Bedien dit met rys, boontjies, en tortilla skyfies.
By changing the mold you use, you can spark your family’s enthusiasm. Use two pie pans, and the meat loaf can be cut into pie slices. Scoop your mashed potatoes out with an ice cream scooper and it’ll look like pie a la mode. Fun and easy!
Deur die vorm wat jy gebruik te verander, kan jy jou familie se entoesiasme aanhits. Gebruik twee tert panne, en die vleisbrood kan in tert snye gesny word. Skep jou fyngemaakte aartappels met ‘n roomys skepper uit en dit sal soos tert a la mode lyk. Prettig en maklik!
Thick Beef Stew
Dik Bief Bredie
Stew is simply using stew meat or cutting up a cheaper roast. I have cooked it many ways, but during a crisis, when I forgot to put it on early in the crock-pot, I found the tastiest way with the most-tender meat.
Bredie is om eenvoudig stowe vleis of om ‘n goedkoper geroosterde bief op te sny. Ek het dit op baie maniere gekook, maar gedurende ‘n krisis, wanneer ek vergeet om dit vroeg in die erdepot te sit, het ek die mees smaaklike manier met die mees sagte vleis gevind.
Cut your meat up in tinier pieces—more like tiny bite-size. Cut your potatoes up small too. Then place both the meat and potatoes in a pan, cover with water over them about an inch, and add seasoning (we also use the onion soup mix for ease and flavor my family will all eat). Bring to a boil and boil it until the meat is tender and the corners of the potatoes are rounded and smooth.
Sny jou vlies in kleiner stukkies op—meer soos klein happies. Sny jou aartappels ook klein op. Plaas dan albei die vleis en aartappels in ‘n pan, bedek met water omtrent 3 cm, en voeg die geursel by (ons gebruik ook uiesop vir gemak en geur wat my hele familie sal eet). Laat dit kook punt bereik totdat die vleis sag is en die hoeke van die aartappels rond en glad is.
Just minutes before serving add your vegetables. Frozen vegetables take just minutes (since they are blanched before they are frozen) and they stay fresh a bit longer. Canned are already tender, so just put them in long enough to heat.
Net minute voordat jy opdien voeg jou groente by. Gevriesde groente neem net minute (aangesien hulle blansjeer word voordat hulle gevries word) en hulle bly ‘n bietjie langer vars. Gebliktes is alreeds sag, so plaas hulle net lank genoeg in om te verhit.
If you like your stew thick, listen to this. My mother used to “flour and fry” her meat before cooking it in the stew like most women do. Since I liked to use my crock-pot, I did away with this step. However, I was unable to duplicate the thick gravy, and my family, especially my boys, pleaded for gravy. I prayed and found another way—voila, gravy!
As jy van jou bredie dik hou, luister hierna. My moeder het haar vleis “met meel gestrooi en gebraai” voordat sy dit in die bredie gekook het soos wat meeste vrouens doen. Aangesien ek daarvan hou om my erdepot te gebruik, het ek hierdie stap uitgelos. Nietemin, ek was nie in staat om die dik sous te dupliseer nie, en my familie, spesiaal my seuns, het gesmeek vir sous. Ek het gebid en ‘n ander manier gevind—voila sous!
When your stew is done, about 10–15 minutes before you serve, simply mix up the flour and water in the jar (see the gravy recipe above). While stirring the stew, slowly pour the flour and water into your stew until it has your desired thickness; then taste. You may have to add a bit more seasoning to regain the flavor.
Wanneer jou bredie klaar is, 10-15 minute voordat jy opdien, meng eenvoudig die meel en water in die houer (sien die sous resep hierbo). Terwyl jy die bredie roer, giet stadig die meel en water in jou bredie totdat jy die verkose digtheid bereik het; proe dan. Jy mag dalk ‘n bietjie meer geursel bygooi om die geur te behou.
Crock Pot Recipes
Erdepot Resepte
Chicken Parmesan
Hoender Parmesan
Put your favorite spaghetti sauce (with a little water) in the crock-pot with some boneless chicken breasts and/or thighs. Cook all day. Make pasta and a vegetable (summer squash or zucchini is delicious with this). Then put one breast or thigh over the pasta with the sauce, and sprinkle it with Parmesan cheese. Yum!
Plaas jou gunsteling spaghetti sous (met ‘n bietjie water) in die erdepot saam beenlose hoenderborsies en/of dy. Kook die heeldag. Maak pasta en ‘n groente (somer skorsie of zucchini met Parmesan kaas is heerlik hiermee). PLaas dan een borsie of dy oor die pasta met die sous, en sprinkel dit met Parmesan kaas. Yum!
Crock-Pot Beef Stew
Erdepot Bief Bredie
Your boys will love your stew, if you tell them it’s what the cowboys ate! Put in stew meat and any leftover or frozen vegetables you have lying around. Add seasoning (I use Lipton onion soup mix). Cook all day and serve with rolls or bread (like the cowboys). To vary this, I make thick stew by adding flour mixed with water—shake it in a Tupperware container or jar (see Thick Beef Stew above). Also, you can add stewed tomatoes and beans for variety and extra nutrition.
Jou seuns sal mal wees oor jou bredie, as jy vir hulle sê dit is wat die “cowboys” geeet het! Plaas die bredie en enige oorskiet groente wat rondlê by. Voeg speserye by (ek gebruik Lipton uiesop mengsel). Kook die hele dag en bedien met rolletjies of brood (soos die cowboys). Om dit te varieer, maak ek die bredie dik deur meel met water by te voeg—skud dit in ‘n Tupperware houer of vles (sien Dik Bief Bredie hierbo). Ook, kan jy gestoofde tamaties en boontjies vir variasie en ekstra voeding byvoeg.
Bar-B-Q Sandwiches
One of our favorite places to eat bar-b-q had incredible chopped beef sandwiches. My ex-husband commented that it tasted like Cattleman’s (you can use any brand of bar-b-q sauce you like). I put stew meat in the crock-pot and pour the sauce over it and cook it all day. At the end of the day, don’t pour off the water, just break apart the meat with a wooden spoon and add more sauce if you’d like. Serve on a hamburger bun or Texas Toast.
Een van ons gunsteling plekke om te braai kos te eet het ogelooflike gekapte bief toebroodjies. My eks-man het gekommentaar dat dit soos Cattleman’s is (jy kan enige soort braaisous gbruik waarvan jy hou). Ek plaas bredie vleis in die erdepot en gooi die sous daaroor en kook dit die hele dag. Aan die einde van die dag, moet jy nie die water afgooi nie, breek net die vleis apart met ‘n houtlepel en voeg meer sous by as jy wil. Bedien op ‘n hamburger rolletjie of Texas roosterbrood. (Dik wit brood wat aan beide kante gebotter is en onder ‘n rooster gebraai is).
Another favorite is when I use this same recipe, but use boneless chicken breasts instead of stew meat. Both of these are good enough to serve to guests.
Nog ‘n gunsteling is wanneer ek dieselfde resep gebruik, maar beenlose hoender gebruik in plaas van bredie vleis. Albei van hierdie is goed genoeg om aan gaste te bedien.
More Recipes
Nog Resepte
Asking for recipes from your friends is the best way to find great meals and to give them your friends the riches of a true compliment. If you don’t know how to cook, do what I did—humble yourself and ask for help.
Om jou vriendinne te vra vir resepte is die beste manier om puik maaltye te vind en aan jou vriende die rykheid van ‘n ware kompliment te gee. As jy nie weet hoe om te kook nie, doen wat ek gedoen het—ootmoedig jouself en vra om hulp.
Be sure to watch some cooking shows for inspiration. Many of the shows now are geared to women who were not trained to cook, many by women who learned by doing rather than being chefs themselves.
Wees seker om kook vertonings te kyk vir inspirasie. Baie van die vertonings is nou ingeskakel op vrouens wat nie opgelei is om te kook nie, baie deur vrouens wat geleer het deur te doen eerder as om self sjefs te wees.
If you love a particular kind of meal, and don’t know how to make it, then try going to this website that I recently found.
As jy van ‘n spesifieke soort maaltyd hou, en nie weet hoe om dit te maak nie, probeer dan om na hierdie webwerf wat ek onlangs gevind het te gaan.
One day I was busy trying to cook (I believe I had a houseful of refugees from an ice storm) and my sister demanded that I come up with a meal for the director of her assisted living home where she lives. Her director woman had attended one of my seminars for “once a month meal planning” (from chapter 10) and decided to ask each of the residents to come up with two of their favorite meals to be made each month. Brilliant idea!
Een dag was ek besig om te probeer kook (ek glo ek het ’n huis vol vlugtelinge uit ‘n ys storm gehad) en my suster het geeis dat ek ‘n maaltyd vir die direkteur van haar bystand tuiste waar sy bly skep. Haar direkteur vrou het van my seminare vir “een keer per maand beplanning” bygewoon (uit hoofstuk 10) en het besluit om elke een van die inwoners te vra om met twee van hulle gunsteling maaltye op te kom om elke maand te maak. Briljante idee!
My sister and I decided that Mexican was her favorite, and a tortilla soup would make a dinner special. So I went online to find a recipe and “stumbled” on the above site in an answer to my prayer.
My suter en ek het besluit dat Meksikaans haar gunsteling was, en tortilla sop sou ‘n aandete spesiaal maak. So toe gaan ek aanlyn om ‘n resep te vind en ek het op die bogenoemde webwerf “afgekom” ‘n antwoord op my gebed.
What I like best about the site are the ratings (one to five stars) and the reviews (be sure to set your “find” by the ratings). I read all the reviews (after I sort by the ratings; sticking to five stars) so I know WHY people like the recipe (in case it is exactly why my family wouldn’t like it).
Wat ek die meeste van die webwerf hou is dat al die graderings (een tot vyf sterre) en die resensies (wees seker om jou “vind” te stel deur die graderings). Ek lees al die resensies (nadat ek dit deur graderings gesorteer het; hou by vyf sterre) so dan weet ek HOEKOM mense van hierdie resep hou (in geval dit presies is hoekom my familie nie daarvan sal hou nie).
The other great thing about this site is that you can create the recipe for the amount of people you serve (by changing the serving size on the top right), and it gives you the ability to print a recipe off easily.
Die ander puik ding oor hierdie webwerf is dat jy ‘n resep kan skep vir die hoeveelheid mense wat jy bedien (deur die opdienings grootte aan die boonste regterkant te verander), en dit gee jou die vermoë om die resep maklik te druk.
There are also many other options you will find on the left side of the site such as: Add to Cook Book, Add to Meal Plan, Add to Shopping List, and Add to Menu. Go take a look and see if it helps!
Daar is ook baie ander opsies wat jy aan die linkerkant van die webwerf sal vind soos: Voeg By Kookboek, Voeg by Maaltyd Plan, Voeg by Inkopielys, en Voeg by Spyskaart. Gaan kyk en sien of dit help!
Some day I may take the time to post all my meals to share with others or is this a just a pipedream? (Pipedream is defined as an “unrealistic notion: a goal, hope, or plan so fanciful that it is very unlikely to be realized.)
Een dag mag ek dalk die tyd neem om al my maaltye met ander te deel of is dit net ‘n opiumdroom? (Opiumdroom word gedefinieer as ‘n “onrealistiese nosie: ‘n doelwit, hoop, of plan wat so verregaande is dat dit baie onwaarskynlik is dat dit sal gebeur.)
As jy gereed is om 'n verbintenis met GOD te maak dat jy die kursus gaan voltooi, KLIK HIER dat jy saamstem en gereed is om elke stap van jou Reis na Herstel te dokumenteer in jou "My Daaglikse Joernaal" vorm. Vat jou tyd, sit, kry vir jou koffie of tee en stort jou hart uit in jou Joernaal.
As "ouer vroue...sodat julle die jonger vrouens kan leer..." (Titus 2:3) jy sal die geleentheid hê om met jonger vrouens te praat wat nog alleenlopend is as deel van jou bediening.