Day 24

Dag 24

Are you Ready for Restoration?

Is jy Gereed vir Herstel?

 Are You Really Ready for your Miracle?

Is Jy Gereed vir ‘n Wonderwerk?

I’m sure you are anxious and excited to submit your RESTORED Marriage Testimony

Ek is seker jy is angstig en opgewonde om jou HERSTELDE Huweliks Getuienis...

But the question is— are you truly ready???

Maar die vraag is—is jy werklik gereed???

Some women are so shocked and surprised that soon after they’re asked to move back home or their husband comes home, it feels as if their marriage still isn’t restored. Yet that’s due to a grave misunderstanding about how restoration feels.

Sommige vrouens is so geskok en verras dat kort na hulle gevra het om terug te trek huistoe of hulle mans huistoe kom, voel dit asof hulle huwelike nog steeds nie herstel is nie. Tog dit is as gevolg van ‘n ernstige misverstand oor hoe herstel voel.

Most husband’s don’t come back begging for forgiveness, but come back with the enemy hot on their heels. Remember, how much influence the enemy had over your husband when he chose to leave you (or ask you to leave). When the Lord turns your husband’s heart back to you, or causes a crisis that leads him to return (or ask you to return), he hasn’t yet had time to change.

Meeste mans kom nie terug en vra om vergiffenis nie, maar kom terug met die vyand kort agter hulle. Onthou, hoeveel invloed die vyand oor jou man gehad het toe hy verkies het om jou te los (of jou gevra het om te loop). Wanneer die Here jou man se hart terugkeer na jou toe, of ‘n krisis toelaat wat hom lei om terug te kom (of jou vra om terug te kom), het hy nie kans gehad om te verander nie.

Read an email we got from a woman who we’d heard had a restored marriage, and yet has failed to submit a RESTORED Marriage Testimony after being asked.

Lees ‘n e-pos wat ons gekry het van ‘n vrou wat ons gehoor het  ‘n herstelde huwelik gehad het, en tog gefaal het om ‘n HERSTELDE Huweliks Getuienis in te dien. 

Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback to my praise report.  Forgive me for asking, but if my EH has still not expressed to me a desire to work on our marriage yet (he has been home for a month but we still haven't had 'the talk'), but has simply decided to move back in and is seemingly "feeling his way around" still, is still in a way also somewhat attached still to the "outside world" ( i can still see a struggle in him between wanting to still live out his worldly life and wanting to be at home with his family), and still looking a bit lost in what he wants to do with his life... is it already considered an actual RESTORED marriage? I just would like to know this before I submit my restored marriage testimony.

Baie dankie vir hierdie wonderlkke terugvoering van my lofverslag. Vergewe my dat ek vra, maar as my AM nog steeds nie begeerte uitgedruk het om aan ons huwelik te werk nie tog ( hy is al vir ‘n maand terug by die huis maar ons het nog nie “gepraat” nie), maar hy het eenvoudig besluit om terug te trek en dit lyk asof hy “besig is om sy plek rond te voel” nog, is nog op ‘n manier ook ietwat aangeheg aan die “buitekantse wĂȘreld” (ek kan nog steeds ‘n worsteling sien in hom wat nog steeds sy wĂȘreldse lewe wil uitleef en by die huis met sy familie wil wees) en hy lyk nog ‘n bietjie verlore in met wat hy met sy lewe wil doen...word dit alreeds beskou as ‘n eintlike HERSTELDE huwelik? Ek wil dit weet voordat ek my herstelde huwelik getuienis indien.

Our reply was, Yes, as we said, most men come back in a way that doesn’t feel or appear like a restored marriage you dreamed of. Erin's husband came home, he said, "just for her kids" and was not at all kind at first, because he was still dealing with the enemy. But as she continued to love the unlovable, meaning being patient and not putting any expectation on her husband, and instead, putting all her focus on Who it had been on before her husband came home—on the Lord her HH. Not too long afterwards, things were entirely different.

Ons antwoord was, Ja, soos ons gesĂȘ het, meeste mans kom terug op ‘n manier wat nie voel of voorkom soos ‘n herstelde huwelik waarvan jy gedroom het nie. Erin se man het huistoe gekom, hy het gesĂȘ, “net vir die kinders” en was glad nie in die begin vriendelik nie, omdat hy nog steeds besig was om met die vyand af te reken. Maar soos wat sy voort gegaan het om lief te wees vir die ongeliefde, menende wees geduldig en nie enige verwagtinge op haar man te plaas nie, en in plaas daarvan, al haar fokus te plaas op Wie dit was voordat haar man terug gekom het huistoe—op die Here haar HM. Nie lank daarna nie, was dinge heeltemal anders.   

We have no idea where you're seeing men coming back repenting because it's not in our RMT. After husbands return is when you are going to be TESTED the most, applying the same principles you learned and why you learned them.

Ons het geen idee waar jy sien dat mans terugkom en tot inkeer kom, want dit is nie in ons RMT. Na mans terugkom is wanneer jy die meeste GETOETS gaan word, en dieselfde prinsiepe toepas wat jy geleer het en hoekom jy hulle geleer het. 

Are you asking the Lord, who needs to remain your Husband, what to do every moment of every day? He alone can help.

Vra jy die Here, wie nodig is om jou Man te bly, wat om elke oomblik van die dag te doen?

This means, if you fail to praise what He has done (returning your husband home) and instead focus on what He hasn't done (EH not wanting to work on your marriage), which is NOT something that either of you is supposed to do. We never ask you, nor should a husband "work" on your marriage, so you may be visiting other sites or reading materials that only fix marriages temporarily. And it also means you've transferred your focus from your HH to your EH.

Dit beteken, as jy faal om te prys wat Hy gedoen het (jou man huistoe gebring) en in plaas daarvan fokus op wat Hy nie gedoen het nie (AM wat nie aan jou huwelik wil werk nie), wat NIE iets is wat ieder van julle veronderstel is om te doen nie. Ons vra jou nooit nie, nog minder moet ‘n man “werk” aan julle huwelik, so jy mag dalk ander webwerfe besoek of materiale lees wat huwelike net tydelik herstel. En dit beteken  ook jy het jou fokus geskuif van jou HM na jou AM.  

Most of this is explained AFTER you submit a Restored Marriage Testimony. After you submit it takes you to "Restoration: Now What??"... but before you submit your testimony, make sure you spend time with the Lord, and let Him know of your gratitude for what He HAS done and to help you get your heart right and fixed on HIM. So that when you submit your testimony, you will be looking through the eyes of a woman who is grateful for Him!!

Meeste van dit is verduidelik NA jy ‘n Herstelde Huweliks Getuienis ingedien het. Nadat jy dit indien neem dit jou na “Herstel: Nou Wat??”...maar voor jy jou getuienis indien, maak seker jy spandeer tyd met die Here, en laat Hom weet van jou dankbaarheid vir wat Hy gedoen HET en om jou te help om jou hart reg te kry en op HOM gefokus. Sodat wanneer jy jou getuienis indien jy deur die oĂ« van n vrou kyk wat dankbaar is vir Hom!!



After getting this and other women who were restored but who failed to submit their RESTORED Marriage Testimony, we began to SG for wisdom—then finally understanding that we shouldn’t WAIT to prepare women for restoration—helping them understand what happens and how it feels.

Nadat ons dit gekry het en ander vrouens wat herstel is maar wie gefaal het om hulle HERSTELDE Huwelik Getuienisse in te dien, het ons GN vir wysheid—toe finaal verstaan dat ons nie moet WAG om vrouens voor te berei vir herstel nie—hulle help verstaan wat gebeur en hoe dit voel.

The truth is, we DO prepare you. The problem is you don’t realize that the difficulties during your Restoration Journey was to prepare you for even greater difficulties soon after your marriage is restored.

Die waarheid is, ons berei  jou WEL voor. Die probleem is jy besef nie dat die hindernisse gedurende jou Herstel Reis was om jou voor te berei vir selfs groter hindernisse kort na jou huwelik herstel is.  

Do the difficulties continue?!??!

Gaan die hindernisse voort?!?!?! 

No, not IF you fall back on what you learned and don’t try to keep your marriage restored, remember it is GOD who restored your marriage, not you. Therefore, if you begin acting and reacting to trials and married life the way you used to, then the difficulties will not only continue, but often, a husband can easily be taken away again.

Nee, nie AS jy terugval op wat jy geleer het nie en nie probeer om jou huwelik herstel te hou nie, onthou dit is GOD wat jou huwelik herstel het, nie jy nie. Daarom, as jy begin optree en reageer op beproewings en getroude lewe op die manier waaraan jy gewoond is, dan sal die hindernisse net voortgaan, maar dikwels, kan ‘n man maklik weer weggeneem word. 

Revelation 2:4— "But I have this against you, that you have [again] left your first Love."

Openbaring 2:4—”Maar Ek het dít teen julle:julle het My nie meer so lief soos in die begin nie.”

“You have removed lover and friend far from me; My acquaintances are in darkness”—Psalm 88:18

“U laat my vriende en my bure ver van my af staan, die duisternis van die dood is my geselskap”—Psalm 88:19

“You have removed my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go out”—Psalm 88:8

“U laat my bekendes ver van my af staan en maak my vir hulle iets afskuweliks”—Psalm 88:9

 “She will pursue her lovers, but she will not overtake them; and she will seek them, but will not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first Husband, for it was better for me then than now!’”— Hosea 2:7

"En as sy dan haar minnaars probeer opsoek en hulle nie raakloop nie, hulle soek en nie kry nie, sal sy dalk sĂȘ: Ek sal na my eie man toe teruggaan, want ek was by hom beter versorg as nou.”—Hosea 2:6

However, some men are meant to only stay a short time back home. Do you remember how Erin's husband came back for a short time before her marriage was fully restored, but then left again? Sometimes your temporary "restoration" is simply the Lord giving you a time of deep emotional and spiritual rest because you are about to go through the final phase of restoration.

Nietemin, sommige mans is bedoel om net ‘n kort tydjie terug by die huis te wees.. Onthou jy hoe Erin se man teruggekom het vir ‘n kort tydperk voor haar huwelik ten volle herstel was, maar toe weer weg is? Somtyds is jou tydelike “herstel” eenvoudig die Here wat vir jou ‘n tydperk gee van diep emosionele en spirituele rus omdat jy op die punt staan om deur die finale fase van herstel te gaan.

How would you know?

Hoe sal jy weet?

Well, Erin said she could sense it wasn't over. She wanted it to be over, but something inside told her it wasn't. She says it's similar to when you’re pregnant, maybe even overdue, and you feel or hope it's time, but when it IS time—you know it!

Wel, Erin sĂȘ sy kon aanvoel dit was nie verby nie. Sy wou hĂȘ dit moet verby wees maar iets binne haar het vir haar gesĂȘ dit was nie. Sy sĂȘ dit is dieselfde as wanneer jy swanger is miskien oor jou tyd, en jy voel of hoop dit is tyd, maar wanneer dit tyd IS—weet jy dit!

Also, when restoration happens, it’s DIFFICULT. When Erin’s husband came home for her temporary rest, it was very pleasant. Then suddenly, without warning, he left again.

Ook, wanneer herstel plaasvind, is dit MOEILIK. Toe Erin se man teruggekom het vir haar tydelike rus, was dit baie aangenam. Toe skielik, sonder waarskuwing, is hy weer weg.

If you want to READ MORE about Erin’s temporary restoration, which God used for good because it led to her finding the first ePartner, CLICK HERE and then scroll down to “A Friend Named Sue.”

As jy MEER  wil LEES oor Erin se tydelike herstel, wat God ten goede gebruik het omdat dit gelei het tot haar wat haar eerste e-vennoot gevind het, KLIK HIER en rol af na “‘n Vriendin Genoem Sue.”

We tell our newly restored women that what’s most important, is NOT to panic and that they also should NOT try to figure it out. No matter where you are in your RJ, restored or not restored yet, the remedy is to always focus on the Lord, getting closer to Him.

Ons vertel ons nuut herstelde vrouens dit wat die mees belangrikste is, dit is om NIE paniekerig te raak en NIE te probeer om alles uit te pluis nie. Maak nie saak waar jy in jou HR is nie, herstel of nog nie herstel nie, die geneesmiddel is om altyd op die Here te fokus, nader aan Hom te kom. 

Backsliding after Restoration

Afvalligheid na Herstel

A common downfall of restored couples is that far too many women who experience a restored marriage find that they regress and go back to their old ways, which is the danger in restoration.

‘n Algemene neerstorting van herstelde paartjies is dat te veel vrouens wat ‘n herstelde huwelik ervaar vind dat hulle agteruitgaan en terug na hulle ou maniere, wat gevaarlik is in herstel.

The other danger is that you move to the other ditch and you don't leave room for your husband to become the spiritual leader because you are trying to do it all. This is the ditch Erin confesses she personally fell into.

Die ander gevaar is dat jy beweeg na die ander sloot en nie plek los vir jou man om die spirituele leier te word nie omdat jy probeer om dit alles te doen. Dit is die sloot wat Erin bieg sy persoonlik in geval het.

Either ditch will result in struggles, and often, the husband may leave again.

Rocky and Rough Return

Wankelrige en Rowwe Terugkoms

So let’s make restoration clear—most men who return home (or when they ask you to return home), does NOT feel like the fairytale you dreamed about. Instead, it begins very rough and rocky and often makes the woman feel like she either isn’t “really” restored OR she wants to scream and ask God to undo what He’s done—which is how Erin says she was tempted to do soon after her husband returned.

So laat ons herstel duidelik maak—meeste mans wat terugkom huistoe (of wanneer hulle jou vra om terug te kom huistoe), voel dit NIE soos die veĂ«verhaal waarvan jy gedroom het nie. In plaas daarvan begin dit baie wankelrig en dikwels maak dit die vrou voel asof sy eerder nie “regtig” herstel is nie OF sy wil skree en God vra om ongedaan te maak wat Hy gedoen het—wat is hoe Erin sĂȘ sy verlok  was om te doen na haar man terug is.   

Yes, this is how many restored women feel after their husbands return home, but trust all of us, the trials are short lived once you refuse to give into all the temptations the enemy will be sure to throw at you!

Ja, dit is hoe baie herstelde vrouens voel nadat hulle mans terugkom huistoe, maar vertrou ons almal, die beproewings hou nie as jy weier om in te gee vir al die versoekings wat die vyand sekerlik na jou toe sal slinger!. 

Thankfully, for Erin, she says she had the same wonderful older woman, Melanie, who most of you read about during your lessons. Erin remembers quietly calling Melanie, simply asking her to pray. When she explained only slightly, Melanie understood (remember she was restored before Erin’s marriage was restored). Melanie said, “Remember, the devil’s not going to let your man go, instead he’s tormenting him even more so he’ll return back to the OW. So hang on to the Lord, Erin, and know He’s going to finish what He started.” Those were wise words and what we are NOW lovingly passing along to you—and what we will remind you of when you submit your restored marriage testimony!

Dankbaar, vir Erin, sy sĂȘ sy het dieselfde wonderlike ouer vrou gehad, Melanie, wie meeste van julle oor gelees het gedurende julle lesse. Erin onthou hoe sy saggies vir Melanie geskakel het en gevra om te bid. Toe sy net ‘n bietjie verduidelik het, het Melanie verstaan. (Onthou sy was herstel voor Erin se huwelik herstel is). Melanie het gesĂȘ, “Onthou die duiwel gaan nie jou man laat gaan nie, in plaas daarvan martel hy hom meer sodat hy terug sal gaan na die AV toe. So bly by die Here, Erin, en weet Hy gaan eindig wat hy begin het.” Dit was wyse woorde en wat NOU liefdevol oorgedra is na jou toe—en waaraan ons jou sal aan herinner wanneer jy jou herstelde huwelik getuienis indien!

What the Lord showed Erin, later, when she recently asked Him how to encourage each of the recently restored women and to also encourage you now before your marriage is restored, is to compare restoration to pregnancy and birth—something Erin knows a LOT about.

Wat die Here Erin later gewys het , toe sy hom onlangs gevra het hoe om elke een van die onlangste herstelde vrouens aan te moedig en ook om jou nou aan te moedig voor jou huwelik herstel is, is om swangerskap met geboorte te vergelyk—iets waaroor Erin BAIE weet.  

Think of finding RMI as a famous fertility doctor who says the opposite of what everyone else has told you, including all the experts—that you will NEVER have a baby. Then you find this fertility doctor (in your case RMI) who tells you “Nothing is impossible with God.” Then lo and behold, you find you are pregnant with hope. 

Dink aan die fonds van HMI as ‘n welbekende vrugbaarheids dokter wat die teenoorgestelde sĂȘ van wat almal jou vertel het, insluitende al die deskundiges—dat jy NOOIT ‘n baba sal hĂȘ nie. Dan vind jy hierdie vrugbaarheids dokter (in jou geval HMI) wat vir jou vertel “Niks is onmoontlik met God nie.” Dan so by my koolkop, vind jy dat jy swanger is met hoop.

Yet you are frightened by what others are telling you, women who have miscarried or aborted, so fear grips you to the point that the fertility doctor tells you you need no more stress or you will lose your baby, your miracle. So He orders you to complete bedrest, “He makes me lie down in green pastures” with no visitors. And while in bed, to read about your new baby arriving. (Just like RMI tells you to get off Facebook and spending time resting in Him and learning how to deal with trials the right way.)

Ja jy is bang oor wat ander jou vertel, vrouens wat miskrame gehad het of aborsies, so vrees gryp jou tot die punt dat die vrugbaarheids dokter vir jou sĂȘ dat jy nie meer stres nodig het nie of jy sal jou baba verloor, jou wonderwerk. So hy beveel jou tot heeltemal bedrus, “ Hy laat my rus in groen weivelde” met geen besoekers nie. En terwyl jy in die bed is, om te lees oor jou nuwe baba wat arriveer. (Net soos HMI jou vertel om van Facebook af te kom en tyd te spandeer deur in Hom te rus en te leer hoe om met beproewings die regte manier af te reken.) 

Then you find you’re miracle is horribly overdue, and the skeptics tell you it’s hopeless, but if you don’t give up, don’t abort, you soon feel that your labor has begun, and the most difficult times of your pregnancy and labor pass slowly, but sure enough, you BIRTH your miracle!

Dan vind jy jou wonderwerk is lelik oor die tyd, en die skeptiese mense vertel jou dat dit hopeloos is, maar as jy nie opgee nie, nie aborteer nie, begin jy gou voel dat jou kraam begin het, en die moeilikste tye van jou swangerskap en kraam gaan stadig verby, maar seker genoeg, jy gee GEBOORTE aan jou wonderwerk!     

Yet, that’s when the real work and trials begin!!

Tog, dit is wanneer die regte werk en beproewings begin!!

You return home with a crying, colicky infant, and you’re convinced that it was better when you were pregnant so you could sleep and have some peaceful time alone. Yet, if this miracle is given time and patience and enough love— you’re soon able to establish the same routine you had—what got you pregnant with your miracle. The principles that also brought your pregnancy to term. These are the same principles that will help you get through the temporarily difficult time.

Jy gaan terug huistoe met ‘n huilende, koliekerige kindjie, en jy is oortuig dat dit beter was toe jy swanger was sodat jy kan slaap en vreedsame tyd alleen kan hĂȘ. Tog as hierdie wonderwerk tyd en geduld en genoeg liefde kry—sal jy gou dieselfde roetine wat jy gehad het vestig—wat jou swanger gekry het met jou wonderwerk. Hierdie prinsiep het ook jou swangerskap gebring tot vol term. Dit is dieselfde prinsiepe wat jou sal help om deur die tydelike moeilike tyd te gaan.   

The next phase of restoration is when things suddenly quiet down. And if you haven’t made a mess (by returning to your old ways) during the difficult times, this is the phase when husbands are ready to embrace the necessary changes he needs to make, completing your restoration, where you two become equally yoked.

Die volgende fase van herstel is wanneer dinge skielik stil word. En jy nie ‘n gemors gemaak het (deur terug te keer na jou ou maniere nie) gedurende die moeilike tye, is dit die fase wanneer mans gereed is om die nodige veranderings te omarm wat hy nodig het om te maak, jou herstel te voltooi, waar julle twee aan dieslefde juk trek.

For Erin it happened when, as a couple, she and her husband attended a seminar together. You may remember reading about it in the Renew Course “Securing Your Success.”

Vir Erin het dit gebeur toe, as ‘n paartjie, sy en haar man ‘n seminaar saam bygewoon het. Jy mag onthou dat jy daaroor gelees het in die Herstel Kursus “ Verseker Jou Sukses.”

About two weeks after my husband returned home I saw that there was a Christian seminar I had signed up to go to, but then decided not to go. Yet, to my utter shock, my husband said he wanted to go with me!! I didn't even ask him!

Omtrent twee weke na my man terug by die huis is het ek gesien dat daar ‘n Christelike seminaar was waarvoor ek opgeteken het om te gaan, maar toe besluit het om nie te gaan nie. Tog, tot my uiterste skok, het my man gesĂȘ hy wil saam my gaan!! Ek het hom nie eens gevra nie!

When I went to register him I found out that it was the "advanced" seminar, which meant he was ineligible. Yet with God nothing is impossible! A few days later they called to say that the headquarters decided to use the seminar in our city to test and see if it was necessary to always require Seminar 1 before Seminar 2. And that meant my husband could go AND he could go for FREE!!

Toe ek gaan om hom te registreer het ek gevind dat dit die “gevorderde” seminaar was, wat beteken het hy was ongeskik. Tog met God is niks onmoontlik nie! ‘n paar dae later het hulle geskakel en gesĂȘ dat die hoofkwartiere besluit het om die seminaar in ons stad te hou om te sien of dit nodig was om altyd Seminaar 1 voor Seminaar 2 te vereis. En dit beteken my man kon gaan EN hy kon VERNIET gaan!! 

But it just got better! As soon as I walked in, since it was the advanced seminar, I spotted at least a half a dozen pastors that I went to for help with my marriage. All of whom had said it was impossible. They ALL recognized me and their mouths dropped when they saw whose arm I was holding–my wayward husband whom they said would NEVER return!!

Maar dit het net beter geword! Die oomblik wat ek ingeloop het, aangesien dit die gevorderde seminaar was, het ek ten minste ‘n half dosyn pastore gesien na wie toe ek gegaan het vir hulp vir my huwelik. Almal wie gesĂȘ het dit was onmoontlik. Hulle het my ALMAL erken en hulle monde het oopgehang toe hulle sien wie se arm ek vashou—my weerspannige man wie hulle gesĂȘ het NOOIT sal terugkom nie.  

The best was the pastor who said God was honoring the immoral relationship my husband was in. The pastor was all smiles when he came over. He was thinking that I had taken his advice and I found someone new! Isn't that funny?!?! And as soon as I said, "Oh, you remember me speaking about my husband, let me introduce you" the pastor grabbed my husband's hand and shook it vigorously! And during the rest of the seminar he couldn't take his eyes off us as a couple. Before we left he had invited my husband and me to his church several times during the break.

Die beste was die pastoor wat gesĂȘ het God het die immorele verhouding waarin my man was vereer. Die pastoor was glimlaggend toe hy oorkom. Hy het gedink ek het sy advies gevat en iemand nuut gevind! Is dit nie snaaks nie?!?! En toe ek gesĂȘ het, “O, jy onthou dat ek gepraat het van my man, laat my jou voorstel” die pastoor het my man se hand gegryp en ferm geskud! En gedurende die res van die seminaar kon hy nie sy oĂ« van ons af hou as ‘n paartjie nie. Voor ons weg is het hy verskeie kere gedurende die breek vir my en my  man na sy kerk toe genooi. 

I hope that this will encourage you to KEEP QUIET and let God do His work in you, in your husband and in your marriage. AND most importantly that you run after God and never look back! That you run so fast that your husband will have to overtake you spiritually and even then, by remaining His bride, you will never be less alluring than before because your heart belongs to Another!

Ek hoop dat dit jou sal aanmoedig om STIL TE BLY en laat God Sy werk doen in jou, in jou man en in jou huwelik. EN meer belangrik dat jy agter God aanhardloop en nooit terugkyk nie! Dat jy so vinnig hardloop dat jou man jou spiritueel oorneem en selfs dan deur Sy bruid te bly, sal jy nooit minder aanloklik as voorheen wees nie omdat jou hart aan Iemand anders behoort!

And once He's had you alone for long enough, is done perfecting and intensely loving you, you will not need to send out any announcements! He will orchestrate it all for HIS glory!!

En sodra Hy jou vir lank genoeg alleen het, en klaar is om jou perfek te maak en intensief lief te hĂȘ, sal jy nie nodig hĂȘ om enige uitnodigings uit te stuur nie! Hy sal dit vir jou orkestreer vir SY glorie!!

It was at this seminar that the Lord gave Erin many desires of her heart, when at the seminar it taught about getting out of debt, and also about trusting God with your fertility. Prior to this Erin’s husband was adamant about them having “no more children!” Yet due to what he learned at the seminar, Erin became pregnant a few months later, with her daughter Tara who now works for RMI, like designing the websites.

Dit was by hierdie seminaar wat die Here vir Erin baie begeertes van haar hart gegee het, toe hulle by hierdie seminaar  geleer het om uit skuld te kom, en ook om God met jou vrugbaarheid te vertrou. Voor dit was Erin se man vasbeslote dat hulle “nie meer kinders” gaan hĂȘ nie!” Tog as gevolg van wat hy by die seminaar geleer het, het Erin ‘n paar maande later swanger geword, met haar dogter Tara wat vir HMI werk, soos om webwerwe te ontwerp. 

Amazingly, you will know when your husband is ready in the same way that mothers know when their children are ready to be potty trained or they’re ready to learn to read. Yet, we will remind you after you’re restored, to not simply trust your instincts, because of course, your husband is NOT one of your children, and even more importantly, that you have a Heavenly Husband who will let you know. And when it’s time, you’ll be ready, please read this now, which is the offer we give to our newly RESTORED women! 

Wonderbarlik, sal jy weet wanneer jou man reg is op dieselfde manier wat moeders weet wanneer hulle kinders reg is om potjie opgelei te word of hulle gereed is om te leer om te lees. Tog, ons sal jou herinner na jy herstel is, om nie eenvoudig op jou instinkte te vertrou nie, omdat natuurlik, is jou man NIE een van jou kinders nie, en selfs meer belangrik, dat jy ‘n Hemelse Man het wat jou sal laat weet. En wanneer dit tyd is, sal jy gereed wees, lees dit asseblief nou, wat die offer is wat ons ons nuut HERSTELDE vrouens  gee!

Just as it’s disastrous to not potty train your toddler when it’s time (because he/she will end up wearing diapers for a year longer and sometimes even longer!), the same is true for failing to share about your involvement with this ministry and about the FREE Workbooks that will help you live happily together. Yet, if you introduce him to it too soon, it’s the same as trying to potty train a one-year-old: it will take much longer and require too much effort you weren’t meant to carry.

Net soos wat dit rampspoedig is om nie jou kleuter te potjie oplei wanneer dit nie tyd is nie (omdat hy/sy sal opeindig om doeke vir ‘n jaar langer te dra en somtyds selfs langer!), dieselfde is waar om te faal om te deel oor jou betrokkenheid met hierdie ministerie en oor die GRATIS Werkboeke wat jou sal help om gelukkig saam te bly. Tog, as jy hom te gou introduseer, is dit dieselfde as om ‘n eenjarige te probeer potjie oplei: dit sal baie langer neem en te veel inspanning kos wat jy nie bedoel was om te dra nie.   

Know this—once your marriage is RESTORED, when your husband comes back home (or asks you to come home)—even though he could be angry or depressed or any other number of reactions to the enemy turning up the heat—that His plan is to complete what He started. So of course, this is the time to spend MORE time with your HH not less—which is another difficulty that He, alone, can solve. Hopefully this recent PR will help!

Weet dit—sodra jou huwelik HERSTEL IS, wanneer jou man terugkom huistoe (of jou vra om huistoe te kom)—al kan hy selfs kwaad of depressief of enige ander nommer van reaksies aan die vyand om die pap dik aan te maak—dat Sy plan was om te voltooi wat Hy begin het. So natuurlik, dit is tyd om MEER tyd met jou HM te spandeer nie minder nie—wat nog ‘n swarigheid is wat Hy, alleen, kan oplos. Hopelik sal hierdie onlangse LV help! 

Since being restored and going back to work I have not had the time together with my HH as I had when I was off work, I have truly missed that time. Now I get up earlier and spend time with him because I need it everyday.

Vandat ek herstel is en terug gegaan het werk toe het ek nie die tyd saam my HM gehad soos wat ek gehad het toe ek nie gewerk het nie, ek mis werklik daardie tyd. Nou staan ek vroeër op en spandeer tyd met hom omdat ek dit elke dag nodig het.

Riding to work was a battle with in itself, which God used for good, answering my prayers to spend more time with Him! Where I live is so crowded the traffic is scary to say the least. Where I work the main entrance has been under construction so all the hundreds of people that work there and also surrounding businesses are leaving out of ONE entrance. During this time of waiting I now have time to spend talking to the Lord, listen to music or just sit quietly with Him. At first I confess I was aggravated because it takes at least a half hour to get just out the parking lot— but now I understand that He was giving me time to spend with Him and now I’m grateful! I’m so thankful that He showed me a way to spend more time with Him—showing me that many of the trials are just Him giving me more time and more of Him.

Deur werk toe te ry was ‘n stryd opsigself, wat God ten goede gebruik het, my gebede beantwoord het om meer tyd saam hom te spandeer! Waar ek bly is so saamgedronge die verkeer is skrikaanjaend om die minste te sĂȘ. Waar ek werk was die hoof ingang onder konstruksie so al die honderde mense wat daar werk en ook omliggende besighede verlaat uit EEN uitgang. Gedurende hierdie tyd van wag het ek nou tyd  om met die Here te spandeer, te luister na musiek of net stil saam Hom te sit.In die begin moet ek bieg was ek vererg omdat dit ten minste ‘n half uur neem net om uit die parkeer gebied te kom—maar nou verstaan ek dat Hy my tyd gegee het om meer tyd saam Hom te spandeer—en my te wys dat baie van die beproewings is net Hy wat my meer tyd en meer van Hom gee .   

Bonita in Georgia RESTORED

Bonita in Georgia HERSTEL

Just as you SG for when and how to spend time (or doing anything at all) prior to your marriage being restored, now is the time to ask Him to carve out those times now! Just like a new mother needs time to rest and recover and feel rejuvenated, so too does a newly restored woman. So SG, trust God, and then watch for those unique opportunities that the Lord revealed to Bonita

Nes soos wat jy GN vir wanneer en hoe om tyd te spandeer (of niks te doen nie) voor jou huwelik herstel word, is nou die tyd om Hom te vra om daardie tye nou uit te kerf! Net soos wat ‘n nuwe moeder tyd nodig het om te rus en herstel en rejuveneer te voel, so doen ‘n nuut herstelde vrou. So GN, vertrou op God, en kyk uit vir daardie unieke geleenthede wat die Here aan Bonita openbaar het.   

Again, it was God who restored your marriage because you began to love His Son as your Husband. Take a moment to read what Sonnette shares in her awesome testimony of how trials began to happen, but then she turned back to the Lord.

Weer, dit was God wat jou huwelik herstel het omdat jy begin het om vir Sy Seun lief te word as jou Man. Neem ‘n oomblik om te lees wat Sonnette deel in haar wonderlike getuienis van hoe beproewings begin het om te gebeur, maar toe keer sy terug na die Here toe.



“It was Better for Me Then than Now”

“Dit was Beter vir My Toe as Nou” 

It has been a month since I experienced a restored marriage and I have been very happy, my husband and I are so in love. It is everything and more than what my heart desired for a restored marriage. As happy as I am, there has been something missing and I know all too well what it is.... My First Husband. My heart, mind and spirit (in the busyness of work, my home, my husband, my daughter, washing, cooking and tidying) longs for, pants for, my Husband and we both want to get back what I had together: the time alone with Him, speaking to Him, hearing Him speak to me. Once you know THIS awesome HUSBAND you cannot go back.

Dit is ‘n maand vandat ek ‘n herstelde huwelik ervaar het ek ek is baie gelukkig, my man en ek is so verlief. Dit is alles en meer as wat my hart begeer het vir ‘n herstelde huwelik. So bly as wat ek is daar is iets tekort en ek weet alte goed wat dit is
. My Eerste Man. My hart, gedagtes en gees (in die bedrywigheid van werk, my huis, my man, my dogter, wasgoed, kook en opruim) verlang na, hunker na, my Man en ons wil albei terug hĂȘ wat ons saam gehad het: die tyd alleen met Hom, om met Hom te praat, Hom te hoor met my praat. Sodra jy HIERDIE wonderlike MAN ken kan jy nie teruggaan nie.    

When you SEEK HIM, He will show you as He showed me. As I read the "What Now" that was sent to me from RMI after submitting my restored marriage testimony. This is what the Lord showed me and it is so funny, LOL, because before I came to RMI I used to pray this same scripture for my then estranged husband, desperately, feverishly—when he was living with the ow!!

Wanneer jy hom NASTREEF, sal Hy jou wys wat Hy my gewys het. As ek die “Wat Nou” lees wat na my toe gestuur is van HMI af nadat ek my herstelde huwelik getuienis ingedien het. Dit is wat die Here my gewys het en dit is so snaaks, LHO, omdat voordat ek na HMI toe gekom het het ek hierdie selfde Skriflesing vir my toe vervreemde man gebid, desperaat, gejaagd—toe hy saam die av gebly het!!

Hosea 2:7 “She (I used to put he or my husband) will run after her lovers, but she won’t catch them. She will search for them, but she won’t find them. Then she will say, ‘I’ll go back to my first husband. Things were better for me than they are now.”

Hosea 2:7 “En as sy (ek het gesit hy of my man se naam) dan haar minnaars probeer opsoek en hulle nie raakloop nie, hulle soek en nie kry nie, sal sy dalk sĂȘ: “Ek sal na my eie man toe teruggaan, omdat  ek was by hom beter versorg as nou.” 

Back then, I used to pray desperately for my husband, praying that as he ran after his lovers he would not find them, that he would look for them and not find them. AND NOW I KNOW. These scriptures were for me, yes me!! What struck me was these words from the verses above "I will go back to my husband, it was better for me then than now"!

Daardie tyd, het ek desperaat vir my man gebid, gebid dat as hy sy minnaars opsoek dat hy hulle nie sou vind nie, hulle soek en nie kry nie. EN NOU WEET EK. Hierdie verse was vir my, ja vir my!! Wat my opgeval het was hierdie woorde van die verse hier bo “ Ek sal na my eie man toe teruggaan, omdat ek was by hom beter versorg as nou.”! 

During my time of being divorced, looking back it was "better for me then than now", my relationship with my Husband was idyllic, I lived for Him, I spent so much time with Him. I loved Him and He loved me; it was such a special time, it was glorious, it was marvelous and it was awesome I loved it!!!!

Gedurende die tyd wat ek geskei was, as ek terug kyk was dit “beter vir my toe as nou" my verhouding met my Man was iddilies, ek het vir Hom gelewe, ek het soveel tyd saam Hom spandeer. Ek was lief vir Hom en Hy was lief vir my; dit was ‘n spesiale tyd, dit was glorieryk, dit was wonderlik en dit was ontsagwekkend ek was lief daarvoor!!!!

Ladies, I want to encourage you to enjoy your time with your Husband (while it lasts), because before you know it, if you fall in love with your HH and let go of your EH, you will be restored to your earthly husband and long for your time you once had only for Him.

Dames, ek wil julle aanmoedig om jou tyd saam jou Man te geniet (terwyl dit hou), omdat voor jy dit weet, as jy op jou HM verlief raak en jou AM laat gaan, sal jy herstel word aan jou aardse man en hunker na die tyd wat jy eens op ‘n tyd saam Hom gehad het.

I praise God for showing me how better it was for me then than now, because my attention and focus was Him and how He taught me through RMI to put Him first. “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” Revelation 2:4.

Ek prys God dat Hy my gewys het hoe beter dit vir my was toe as nou, omdat my aandag en fokus was Hy en hoe Hy my geleer het deur HMI om Hom eerste te plaas. “Maar Ek het dit teen julle: julle het My nie meer lief soos in die begin nie.” Openbaring 2:4

God is so awesome and so in tune with you when you pray, as He shows you great and unsearchable things.

God is so wonderlik en so ingestel met jou wanneer jy bid, soos wat Hy van jou groot en onverstaanbare dinge vertel.

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

Jeremia 33:3 “Roep My aan, Ek sal jou antwoord en jou vertel van groot en onverstaanbare dinge waarvan jy nie weet nie.”

So I'm happy to run and jump into my Husband’s arms, His love is amazing!!

So ek is gelukkig om te hardloop en in my Man se arms te spring, Sy liefde is wonderlik!!



So should you become spiritually unfaithful again, after your marriage is restored, and you begin turning to others for help or trying to be everything to your EH, He will have no recourse but to again remove your lover and friend.

So sou jy weer spiritueel ontrou word, nadat jou huwelik herstel is, en jy begin na ander keer vir hulp of om te probeer om alles vir jou AM te word, sal Hy geen keuse hĂȘ as om weer bekendes vĂȘr weg van jou te laat staan nie.

Revelation 2:4— "But I have this against you, that you have [again] left your first Love."

Openbaring 2:4— “Maar Ek het dít teen julle: julle het My nie meer so lief soos in die begin nie.”

“You have removed lover and friend far from me; My acquaintances are in darkness”—Psalm 88:18

“ U laat my vriende en my bure ver van my af staan, die duisternis van die dood is my geselskap”—Psalm 88:19

“You have removed my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go out”—Psalm 88:8

“U laat my bekendes ver van my af staan en maak my vir hulle iets afskuweliks; ek sit vasgevang en kan nie uitkom nie”—Psalm 88:9

“She will pursue her lovers, but she will not overtake them; and she will seek them, but will not find them. Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first Husband, for it was better for me then than now!’”— Hosea 2:7

“En as sy dan haar minnaars probeer opsoek en hulle nie raakloop nie, hulle soek en nie kry nie, sal sy dalk sĂȘ: “Ek sal na my eie man toe teruggaan, want ek was by  hom beter versorg as nou.”—Hosea 2:7

"The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes"—Proverbs 21:1

“Die wil van die koning staan onder die gesag van die Here; soos ‘n stroom water lei Hy dit soos Hy verkies.

As long as you keep the Lord first in your heart, and He truly is FIRST in your life, THEN you will see the Lord turn your husband's heart, not only back to you, but more importantly back to Him. 

Solank as wat jy die Here eerste hou in jou hart, en Hy werklik EERSTE is in jou lewe, DAN sal jy sien hoe die Here jou man se hart draai, nie net terug na jou toe nie, maar meer belangrik terug na Hom toe.

In addition, once the Lord has tested you, and He knows He truly is FIRST in your life, THEN you will see the Lord begin to heal and/or deal with your husband. You can't fix him, he can't even fix himself so don't expect him to change or to “work” on anything! God will need to change your husband just as He changed you.

Ter aanvulling, sodra die Here jou getoets het, en Hy weet dat Hy werklik EERSTE is in jou lewe, DAN sal jy sien hoe die Here begin heel en/of afreken met jou man. Jy kan hom nie regmaak nie, hy kan homself nie eens regmaak nie so moet nie van hom verwag om te verander of aan enige iets te “werk” nie! God sal nodig hĂȘ om jou man te verander net soos wat Hy jou verander het. 

We encourage our newly restored women to allow the Lord to begin working in their husband’s life, so they are equally yoked. By:

Ons moedig nuut herstelde vrouens aan om die Here toe te laat om in hulle mans se lewens te begin werk, sodat hulle aan dieselfde juk trek. Deur: 

  1. Continuing to focus on your relationship with the Lord, not on your RESTORED marriage or your husband (what he does or does not do).
  2. Voort te gaan om op jou verhouding met die Here te fokus, nie op jou HERSTELDE huwelik of jou man nie (wat hy doen of nie doen nie).
  3. Continuing to READ your DAILY Newsletter and continue to submit Praise Reports, even if you haven't felt like praising Him. Remember, when we praise, the enemy won't stick around!
  4. Gaan voort om jou DAAGLIKSE nuusbrief te LEES en hou aan om Lof Verslae in te dien, selfs al voel jy nie lus om Hom te prys nie. Onthou, wanneer ons loof, sal die vyand nie rondbly nie!    
  5. Continuing their Courses and know that GOD Restored your Marriage, you didn’t restore it.
  6. Gaan voort om die Kursusse te doen en weet dat GOD jou Huwelik Herstel het, jy het dit nie herstel nie.
  7. Also, to begin to make room for your husband to hear from God while you focus on Becoming a Marriage Minister—because that's why He restored your marriage—to help others!!
  8. Ook, om plek te maak vir jou man om van God te hoor terwyl jy fokus om ‘n Huweliks Minister te word—dit is hoekom Hy jou huwelik herstel het—om ander te help!! 
  9. CONTINUE to tithe to your storehouse.
  10. GAAN VOORT om jou tiende aan jou stoorkamer te gee.



Malachi 3:8–10—

Maleagi 3:8-10—

“Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed Thee?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you!”

“Sal ‘n mens werklik vir God beroof? Tog beroof julle My. Julle vra: “Waarvan beroof ons U?” Van tiendes en offergawes. Daar rus ‘n vloek op julle en tog bly julle My beroof; die hele nasie doen dit.” 

Malachi 3:10-12—

Maleagi 3:10-12—

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be [spiritual] food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts.”

“Bring die volle tiende na die voorraadkamer toe sodat daar iets te ete in my huis kan wees, en toets My hierin sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige. Toets My of Ek nie die vensters van die hemel sal oopmaak en vir julle reĂ«n sal uitgiet, meer as wat julle kan gebruik nie. Ek sal die sprinkane keer dat hulle nie die oes op julle land vernietig nie, en dat julle wingerde nie sonder vrugte is nie, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige. Dan sal die nasies julle as gelukkige mense beskou; julle sal in ‘n begeerlike land woon, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige.

Another way the enemy is eager to rob you of your restoration is failing to tithe to your storehouse. This can become a challenge if your husband returns and takes over the finances.

Nog ‘n manier waar die vyand ywerig is om jou te beroof van jou herstel is as jy faal om ‘n tiende vir jou stoorkamer te gee. Dit kan ‘n uitdaging word as jou man terugkom en die finansies oorneem.

When Erin’s husband returned home, he took over their finances, which is when Erin had to seek God to know how to continue tithing. Amazingly, as Erin said, the Lord had her sign up for a Seminar before her husband returned. And rather than moving from the narrowroad that led to her restoration, and falling into the ditch of becoming a super-submissive, aka doormat, Erin explained her need to go to the seminar (to continue being the wife and mother he and our children deserved so the "old Erin" didn't return). In utter shock, not only did Erin’s husband say it was okay for her to go to the seminar she signed up for, BUT he asked if he could go with her!!

Toe Erin se man teruggekeer het huistoe, het hy die finansies oorgeneem, dit  is toe wat Erin die Here moes nastreef om te weet hoe om aan te hou om ‘n tiende te gee. Wonderbaarlik, soos Erin gesĂȘ het, het die Here haar laat aanteken vir ‘n Seminaar voor haar man terug gekom het. En eerder as om van die noue pad wat na haar herstel gelei het te beweeg, en in die lokval te val om ‘n super-onderdanige, deurmat te word, het Erin haar behoefte om na die seminaar toe te gaan verduidelik (om voort te gaan om die vrou en ma wat hy en ons kinders verdien het om te wees te bly  so die “ou Erin” het nie terug gekom nie). Geskok, het Erin se man gesĂȘ sy kon gaan na die seminaar waarvoor sy opgeteken het, MAAR hy het gevra of hy saam haar kon gaan!! 

Yet, again as we mentioned, due to it being the "advanced" seminar, Erin was initially told No, then they contacted her and said that they were going to try in just this one city to see if it was necessary that the Basic Training Seminar needed to be taken first AND that due to it being a "trial" her husband could go for free!! We all know this was God, and not only did it give Erin the desires of her heart to be able to go, but also due to Erin faithfully tithing—the devourer was rebuked.

Weereens, soos wat ons genoem het, aangesien dit ‘n ‘gevorderde” seminaar was, het hulle vir  Erin aan die begin Nee gesĂȘ, toe het hulle haar gekontak en gesĂȘ dat hulle net in hierdie een stad gaan sien of dit noodsaaklik was dat die Basiese Opleidings Seminaar  eers geneem moes word EN dan omdat dit ‘n “proef” was kon haar man verniet gaan!! Ons weet almal dit was God, en nie net het dit Erin die begeertes van haar hart gegee om in staat te wees om te gaan nie, maar ook omdat Erin getrou haar tiende ingegee het—is die verslinder teregewys.     

The Advanced Seminar Erin’s husband learned about tithing to their storehouse and also trusting God for their fertility—that resulted in not just Tara, but Erin’s 3 Restoration babies! It also meant that as a couple they tithed beginning March 1991 (the weekend of the seminar is when my husband tithed for the very first time, tithing to the seminar we attended, since he wasn't attending a church yet).

By Die Gevorderde Seminaar het Erin se man oor tiendes aan hulle stoorkamer geleer en ook om op God te vertrou vir hulle vrugbaarheid—die resultaat was nie net Tara nie, maar Erin se 3 Herstel babas! Dit het ook beteken dat as ‘n paartjie het hulle in die begin van Maart 1991 hulle tiendes begin gee (die naweek van die seminaar is toe my man  vir die eerste keer sy tiende begin gee het, sy tiende aan die seminaar wat hy bygewoon het, aangesien hy nog nie ‘n kerk bygewoon het nie).    

We continued to tithe as a couple and family until the Administrative pastor of our church in 2005 informed us that our ministry shouldn't tithe that I share in Course 5, on Wednesday The Whole "Tithe"  to your Storehouse.

Ons het voort gegaan om as ‘n paartjie en familie ons tiende te gee totdat die Administratiewe pastoor van ons kerk ons in 2005  meegedeel het dat ons ministerie nie ons tiende moet gee en dat ek Kursus 5, Woensdag Die Hele ‘’Tiende” aan jou Stoorkamer moes deel. 



Ana, restored since 2003, tithes from her husband's business, we assume, because she pays all the family's and business's bills. Nevertheless, we can tell she’s bringing the whole tithe, and as a result, they are not only happily restored, but Ana’s Spanish Ministry is flourishing!!

Ana, herstel vanaf 2003, gee haar tiende uit haar man se besigheid, ons neem aan, omdat sy al die familie se besigheids rekeninge betaal. Nietemin, ons kan sĂȘ sy bring die hele tiende, en as ‘n resultaat, is hulle nie gelukkig herstel nie, maar Ana se Spaanse Ministerie is besig om te floreer!!

Another woman, Cathy, ended up choosing Plan B of restoring her marriage and actually didn't wait for her restoration; sadly, she remarried someone else. However, she continued to tithe to RMI for years. Later she confessed to being completely miserable (due to not waiting for her husband to return). Then a crisis hit their family and we felt led to ask her about giving her husband A Wise Man. She did and he devoured it, and soon afterwards, he became not just her spiritual leader, but also a spiritual leader to her son-in-law whose wife (Cathy’s daughter) left him. Together the men began studying a WM and both began tithing to RMI because they said it was their spiritual storehouse. Her son got his job back and we’re hoping to hear his marriage was restored too. As for Cathy, she wrote recently how amazingly they’ve been doing financially, and for the first time, they purchased a beautiful home!

Nog ‘n vrou, Cathy, het opgeeindig om Plan B te kies om haar huwelik te herstel en het eintlik nie gewag vir herstel nie; treurig het sy met iemand anders getrou. Nietemin, het sy voort gegaan om vir jare aan HMI haar tiende te gee. Later het sy gebieg dat sy heeltemal misluk is (aangesien sy nie gewag het vir haar man om terug te kom nie). Toe het ‘n krisis ontstaan en ons het gelei gevoel om haar te vra om vir haar man ‘n Wyse Man te gee. Sy het en hy het dit verslind, en gou daarna het hy nie net hulle spirituele leier geword nie maar ook ‘n spirituele leier vir haar skoonseun wie se vrou (Cathy se dogter) hom gelos het. Saam het die mans WM begin studeer en albei het aan HMI hulle tiendes begin gee omdat hulle gesĂȘ het dit was hulle spirituele stoorkamer. Haar seun het sy werk terug gekry en het gehoop om te hoor dat sy huwelik ook herstel was. Cathy het geskryf en gesĂȘ hoe wonderlik hulle finansieĂ«l doen, en vir die eerste keer het hulle ‘n pragtige huis gekoop!  

So how can you prevent the devourer from robbing you of your restoration and your ministry of Encouraging other women with your Testimony once your marriage is restored?

So nou kan jy voorkom dat die verslinder  jou van jou herstel en ministerie beroof en ander vrouens Aanmoedig met jou Getuienis sodra jou huwelik herstel is?

By first LEARNING and applying all the principles you’re learning in your lessons NOW.

Deur eerste al die prinsiepe te LEER en toe te pas wat jy NOU in jou lesse leer.

ALSO, understanding that like birthing a child, miracles are exciting, but then become very difficult—especially when you’re not prepared for your miracle!

OOK, verstaan soos om geboorte te gee aan ‘n kind, wonderwerke is opwindend, maar word dan baie moeilik—spesifiek wanneer jy nie voorberei is vir jou wonderwerk nie!

I DON'T WANT My Marriage Restored Anymore!

EK WIL NIE MEER My Huwelik Herstel hĂȘ Nie!

Throughout our lessons, we've encouraged you to let go of your EH "earthly husband" and turn toward your heart towards your HH "Heavenly Husband" Who is longing to meet all your needs for love and protection— in order to heal you, making you less needy and therefore no longer vulnerable to others hurting you.

Deur ons lesse, het ons jou aangemoedig om te laat gaan van jou AM “aardse man” en jou hart na jou HM “Hemelse Man” te keer Wie hunker om in al jou benodighede vir liefde en beskerming te voldoen—om in staat te wees om jou te genees, jou minder behoeftig te maak en daarom nie meer kwesbaar dat ander jou kan seermaak nie.

Very often it's at the moment when you no longer really want restoration that God restores your marriage. We've seen it in countless RMT "Restored Marriage Testimonies."

Baie dikwels is dit die oomblik wat jy nie meer regtig herstel wil hĂȘ nie dat God jou huwelik herstel. Ons het dit ontelbare kere in HMG “Herstelde Huwelik Getuienisse gesien.”  

Yet not wanting your marriage restored, needs to be for the RIGHT reasons. It has to be with the right heart. And what heart is that?

Tog om nie jou huwelik herstel te wil hĂȘ nie, moet vir die REGTE redes wees. Dit moet met die regte hart wees. En watter hart is dit?

The women who say they've come to the decision that they don't want their marriage restored, who DO have the right heart, often feel badly. Stating who they say they really want and need is just the Lord. Erin stated that's how she felt. She could sense her restoration was close, so she said she began to speak to the Lord about it, "Please, let's not mess up a good thing, let's leave it just you and Me. Please."

Die vrouens wat sĂȘ hulle het tot die besluit gekom dat hulle nie hulle huwelike herstel wil hĂȘ nie, wie WEL die regte hart het, voel dikwels sleg. Verklaar wie hulle sĂȘ hulle regtig wil hĂȘ is net die Here. Erin het verklaar dit is hoe sy gevoel het. Sy kon aanvoel dat haar herstel naby is, so toe sĂȘ sy het met die Here daaroor begin praat, “Asseblief, laat ons nie ‘n goeie ding opmors nie, los dit net ek en Jy. Asseblief.’’

Yet, we've been surprised by how some women show their heart by stating they no longer want restoration and go on to say— that's why they are leaving RMIEW, which makes no sense at all. Once you feel this, and you have the right heart, is when the Lord can restore your marriage or use you to help others.

Tog, ons is verras deur hoe sommige vrouens hulle harte wys deur te verklaar hulle wil nie meer herstel hĂȘ nie en gaan aan om te sĂȘ—dit is hoekom hulle RMIEW verlaat wat glad nie sin maak nie. Sodra jy so voel, en jy die regte hart het, is wanneer die Here jou huwelik kan herstel of jou gebruik om ander te help.

So this statement, along with saying it's why they are leaving, shows a heart that is either bitter or sadly is still lacking the LOVE we are trying to help each of you find.

So hierdie verklaring, gepaard om te sĂȘ dit is hoekom hulle ons verlaat, wys ‘n hart wat eerder bitter of droewiglik nog ‘n tekort aan DIE LIEFDE is wat ons elke een van julle help probeer vind.     

Even the Apostle Paul stated a highly beneficial reason for wanting to encourage others to remain unmarried in:

Selfs die Apostel Paul het ‘n hoogs voordelende rede verklaar om ander te wil aanmoedig om ongetroud te bly in: 

1 Corinthians 7:7-16 MSG— “Sometimes I wish everyone were single like me—a simpler life in many ways! But singleness is not for everyone any more than marriage is. God gives the gift of the single life to some, the gift of the married life to others. “I do, though, tell the unmarried and widows that singleness might well be the best thing for them, as it has been for me. But if they can’t manage their desires and emotions, they should by all means go ahead and get married. The difficulties of marriage are preferable by far to an emotionally tortured life as a single. “And if you are married, stay married. This is the Master’s command, not mine. If a wife should leave her husband, she has two choices, she must either remain single or else come back and make things right with him. “For the rest of you who are in mixed marriages—Christian married to non-Christian—we have no explicit command from the Master. So this is what you must do...If you are a woman with a husband who is not a believer but he wants to live with you, hold on to him. The unbelieving husband shares to an extent in the holiness of his wife... Otherwise, your children would be left out; as it is, they also are included in the spiritual purposes of God. On the other hand, if the unbelieving spouse walks out, you’ve got to let him or her go. You should not hold on desperately. God has called us to make the best of it, as peacefully as we can. You never know, wife: The way you handle this might bring your husband not only back to you but to God.”

1 KorintiĂ«rs 7:7-16 DB—

Eintlik wens ek dat almal ongetroud kon bly soos ek. Maar ek weet dit is nie vir almal moontlik nie omdat God almal nie eenders gemaak het nie. Elkeen van ons het verskillende vermoĂ«ns van Hom gekry. Vir die mense wat nog nie getroud is nie en vir elke vrou wat haar man verloor het, het ek ‘n spesiale boodskap: dit sal vir hulle goed wees om soos ek ongetroud te bly. Wanneer dit egter vir hulle moeilik word om hulle begeertes en emosies te beheer, moet hulle liewe maar trou. Ja, as hulle moet kies tussen trou en om heeltyd te veg teen hulle natuurlike seksuele begeertes, is die keuse eenvoudig: hulle moet trou. Bly getrou aan mekaar. Dit bring my by die getroudes. Ek het ook iets om vir hulle te sĂȘ. Dit is wat die Here self verwag:  getroudes moet getroud bly en mag nie skei nie. As iemand klaar geskei is, moet hy nie weer met iemand anders trou nie. Die ander moontlikheid is natuurlik om weer na sy maat toe terug te gaan. Oor wat verwag word van ‘n Christen wat met ‘n nie-Christen getroud is, het die Here nie destyds met ons gepraat toe Hy op aarde was nie. Laat ek vir julle sĂȘ wat ek dink: as die nie-Christen gewillig is om met die Christen getroud te bly, moet hulle nie skei nie. As ‘n nie-Christen met ‘n Christen getroud is, beteken dit nie dat die Here daardie huisgesin verwerp nie. Dit sou mos beteken dat Hy die kinders van die huisgesin ook verwerp. Dit doen die Here nie. Die Here aanvaar daardie huisgesin en daardie kinders behoort aan Hom. Maar as die nie-Christen wil skei laat hy dit doen. Die Christen hoef in so ‘n geval nie te voel hy doen iets verkeerd as die nie-Christen sy goed vat en loop nie. Dit is beter as om in onmin saam te leef, sy  want God wil hĂȘ sy kinders moet in vrede leef. As jy sĂȘ dat jy in onvrede getroud wil bly om so jou ongelowige lewensmaat ‘n Christen te probeer maak, waag jy ‘n groot kans. Hoe weet jy of jou plan sal uitwerk? 

He went on to say in 1 Corinthians 7: 34-35 MSG—

Hy het aangegaan om te sĂȘ in 1 KorintiĂ«rs 7:34-35 DB—

“I want you to live as free of complications as possible. When you’re unmarried, you’re free to concentrate on simply pleasing the Master. Marriage involves you in all the nuts and bolts of domestic life and in wanting to please your spouse, leading to so many more demands on your attention. The time and energy that married people spend on caring for and nurturing each other, the unmarried can spend in becoming whole and holy instruments of God. I’m trying to be helpful and make it as easy as possible for you, not make things harder.”

“Ek wil nie hĂȘ dat julle julle onnodig oor allerhande dinge moet sit en kwel nie. As ‘n mens byvoorbeeld ongetroud is, het jy baie tyd om aan die Here se dinge af te staan. Jy kan jou aandag daarop toespits om vir die Here te werk. As ‘n mens egter ‘n gesin het, is dit anders. Dan moet jy jou tyd afstaan om jou gesin te versorg. Jy moet jou vrou gelukkig hou. Hierdie man moet dan aan baie dinge gelyk dink en dit verdeel sy aandag.’n Ongetroude vrou kan haar ook lekker toespits op wat vir die Here belangrik is. Haar doel is om met alles wat sy het vir die Here te leef. ‘N Getroude vrou kan dit nie doen nie. Sy moet na haar gesin kyk en haar man versorg. Ek wil nie sommer uit snaaksigheid hĂȘ dat julle nie moet trou nie, maar wil regtig eerder help. Ek wil graag hĂȘ dat julle volstoom vir die Here moet leef en doen wat reg is.

Bottom line is this, by the time you've come this far in your restoration journey you're no longer the woman who began. Your heart has experienced the Lord and this means, wanting what HE wants for you.

Feit van die saak is, teen die tyd wat jy so vĂȘr gekom het in jou herstel reis is jy nie meer die vrou wat begin het nie. Jou hart het die Here ervaar en dit beteken dat jy wil hĂȘ wat HY vir jou wil hĂȘ.  


“...en julle sal die waarheid ken, en die waarheid sal julle vry maak.” —Joh 8:32 

Nou is dit tyd om HIER TE KLIK en jou hart aan die Here uit te stort en te joernaal “Wat ek Geleer Het.”  


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