Day 12

Dag 12

Husbands vs Tithing vs Offerings

Mans vs Tiendes vs Offerandes 

but first a few Restored Marriage Testimonies!!

maar eers ‘n paar Herstelde Huweliks Getuienisse!!

 Encouraged Parent’s Restoration –

Parents Restored after Dad Reduced to a Slice of Bread

 Ouers se Herstel Aangemoedig -

Ouers Herstel na Pa Verminder na ‘n Sny Brood

Rose was a woman who attended our first Restoration Fellowship group meetings, who moved to another city, but contacted me a few months later to tell me the news about her parents. She began by telling me that her parents had divorced after her father had committed adultery with a lady at work and decided to leave his family for her.

Rose was ‘n vrou wat ons eerste Herstel Gemeenskap groep vergaderings bygewoon het, wie na ‘n ander stad toe getrek het, maar my ‘n paar maande later gekontak het oor die nuus oor haar ouers. Sy het begin deur vir my te sĂȘ dat haar ouers geskei is na haar pa owerspel gepleeg het met ‘n dame by die werk en het besluit om die familie vir haar te los.  

After being a part of our group and studying How God Will Restore Your Marriage and the workbook for women for her own marriage, Rose began to have faith in God's ability to restore ANY marriage. As she read the book over and over she said she just kept thinking how wonderful it would be if her parents “got back together.”

Nadat sy ‘n deel van ons groep geword het en die Hoe God Jou Huwelik Kan en Sal Herstel werkboek vir vrouens gestudeer het vir haar eie huwelik, het Rose geloof in God se vermoĂ« om ENIGE huwelik te herstel begin kry. Soos wat sy die boek oor en oor gelees het het sy gesĂȘ dat sy aanhou dink het hoe wonderlik dit sou wees as haar ouers “terug by mekaar” kon kom. 

One day after reading the book a couple of times in one day, Rose said, "I suddenly felt this huge urge to pray, 'Lord, whatever it takes, bring my father back home to my mother!'” What it took was her father losing everything! First his health began failing him, then he lost all his money, his girlfriend left him after that, and finally his trailer burned down — he left the burning trailer wearing only his pajamas and a robe! He lost everything he owned in the trailer!

Een dag nadat sy die boek ‘n paar keer gelees het, het Rose gesĂȘ, “Ek het skielik hierdie groot behoefte gehad om te bid, ‘Here, wat ookal dit kos, bring my pa terug na my ma toe!” Wat dit gekos het was dat haar pa alles verloor het! Eerste het sy gesondheid agteruit gegaan, toe verloor hy al sy geld, sy meisie het hom daarna gelos, en finaal het sy sleepwa afgebrand  — hy is uit die brandende sleepwa in net sy nagklere en ‘n japon! Hy het alles verloor wat hy besit het in die sleepwa!  

Rose said, "My dad was reduced not just to a loaf of bread but a slice of bread!!" referring to Proverbs 6:26 where it says, "For on account of a harlot one is reduced to a loaf of bread, And an adulteress hunts for the precious life."

Rose het gesĂȘ, My pa was net nie na ‘n hele brood maar na ‘n sny brood verminder!!” verwys na Spreuke 6:26 waar dit sĂȘ, Jy kan ‘n prostituut kry vir ‘n stuk brood maar owerspel kan jou lewe kos.”

When her father called her mom (his ex-wife) from the police station, Rose was there in the kitchen with her mom. Her dad began his conversation by FINALLY asking for forgiveness! That's when he told her what had happened, and asked if there was any way he could stay there (in their family home). Her mom wasn't sure this was what she should do, so instead Rose picked him up and he stayed with her temporarily.

Toe haar pa haar ma geskakel het (sy eks-vrou) van die polisie stasie af, was Rose daar in die kombuis met haar ma. Haar pa het die gesprek begin deur FINAAL te vra om vergiffenis! Dit is toe dat hy haar vertel het wat gebeur het, en gevra of daar enige manier is wat hy daar kan bly (in hulle familie huis). Haar ma was nie seker dit is wat sy moes doen nie, so in plaas daarvan het Rose hom opgetel en hy het tydelik by haar gebel.   

Rose explained that since they were no longer married, her mom didn't feel right about it. But the main reason for her being so hesitant (that she did not say but Rose suspected) was that her mom was very tiny and frail. Her dad on the other hand, was a very large man; a foot taller and triple her mom's weight. And his poor health meant she needed to be able to help lift him.

Rose het verduidelik dat aangesien hulle nie meer getroud was nie, het haar ma nie reg gevoel daaroor nie. Maar die hoof rede vir haar om so huiwerig te wees (wat sy nie gesĂȘ het maar Rose het dit vermoed) was dat haar ma baie klein en tingerig. Haar pa aan die ander hand, was ‘n baie groot man; ‘n meter langer en trippel haar ma se gewig. En sy swak gesondheid het beteken dat dit nodig sou wees vir haar om hom op te tel.  

One morning Rose said she got a call from her mom that she was coming over. While at her house she began to care for her ex-husband and then she said two days later that she had her answer.

Een oggend het Rose ‘n oproep van haar man af gekry en gesĂȘ dat sy oorkom. Terwyl sy by haar huis was het sy agter haar eks-man begin kyk en toe twee dae later het sy haar antwoord gehad.

The wedding ceremony was performed by their former pastor at their home (their family home) with all four daughters (and grandchildren) in attendance!

Die trou seremonie was deur hulle vorige pastoor by hulle huis uitgevoer (hulle familie huis) met al vier dogters (en kleinkinders) aanwesig!

Later her mom explained that she had asked God for a sign that this was HIS plan. She said that she needed God to give her the strength to be able to lift her former husband and if not, then he would need to go to a nursing home.

Later het haar man verduidelik dat sy vir God vir ‘n teken gevra het dat dit SY plan was. Sy hy gesĂȘ dat sy nodig gehad het dat God haar die krag gee om in staat te wees om haar vorige man op te lig en indien sy nie kon nie, dat hy na ‘n verpleeg inrigting toe moes gaan.

A year later I heard again from Rose who said her mom had more strength and stamina than any one of her daughters! Rose said, "She could run circles around me and never get tired!"

‘’n Jaar later het ek weer van Rose gehoor wie gesĂȘ het dat haar ma meer krag en stamina gehad het as enige een van haar dogters! Rose het gesĂȘ, “Sy kon sirkels om my hardloop en nooit moeg raak nie!”

Rose sent me a picture and I was so blessed to see the faces of the happy couple together at their wedding—standing between their five grown and married daughters! A year later I heard Rose had remarried her former husband.

Rose het vir my ‘n foto gestuur en ek was so geseĂ«n om die gesigte van die gelukkige paartjie saam by hulle troue te sien—wat tussen hulle vyf volgroeide en getroude dogters staan! ‘n Jaar later het ek gehoor dat Rose weer met haar vorige man getroud is. 

~Rose in Kentucky, RESTORED after her parents were RESTORED!

~Rose in Kentucky, HERSTEL na haar ouers HERSTEL is!

Wife Returns Home after Fifth Husband!

Vrou Kom Terug na Haar Fyfde Man!

Jessica came to one of our Restoration Fellowship meetings and afterwards told us that she was there to ask me questions about her parent's marriage. She said that her mom told her that her marriage to her dad had never been what she had hoped. So not too long after her second child, (this woman's brother) she began looking around at other men. It led to her thinking about, but never committing adultery. But once both her children were grown (this woman and her brother had gone off to college), she said that all her mom's inhibitions diminished. 

Jessica het na een van ons Herstel Gemeenskap Vergaderings toe gekom en daarna vir ons vertel dat sy daar was om my vrae te vra oor haar ouers se huwelik. Sy het gesĂȘ dat haar ma haar vertel het dat haar huwelik met haar pa nooit was wat sy gehoop het dit sou wees nie. So nie lank na haar tweede kind, (hierdie vrou se broer) het sy begin rondkyk na ander mans. Dit het daartoe gelei dat sy aan owerspel gedink het, maar dit nooit gepleeg het nie. Maar toe haar kinders volgroei is (hierdie vrou en haar broer is Kollege toe), het sy gesĂȘ dat al haar ma se inhibisies verminder het.  

One night Jessica's mom did what she had been thinking of for years—she committed adultery. Soon, she and her dad separated, and later divorced the same year.

Een aand het Jessica se ma gedoen wat sy jare oor al gedink het—sy het owerspel gepleeg. Spoedig, is sy en haar pa uitmekaar, en het later daardie jaar geskei.

Jessica's mom moved in with another man she met, but it soon ended. She looked around again, began sleeping with a man, moved in, but it was over. She met a fourth man; this time it eventually led to the altar. She had hoped that being married would help her children to accept this new man, since Jessica and her brother had refused to acknowledge the other three.

Jessica se ma het by ‘n ander man wat sy ontmoet het ingetrek, maar dit het gou geeindig. Sy het weer rondgekyk, begin slaap by ‘n man,ingetrek, maar dit was verby. Sy het ‘n vierde man ontmoet; dit het uiteindelik gelei na die altaar. Sy het gehoop dat deur getroud te wees sou haar kinders help om hierdie nuwe man te aanvaar, aangesien Jessica en haar broer geweier het om die ander drie te erken. 

However, Jessica and her brother (and now married) refused to allow her to bring her mom's new husband into either of their homes. She told their mom they would be happy to see her alone, but not with the other man, and in spite of everything, they were very careful to let her know they loved her very much. They lovingly explained that this man was not their father, nor their children’s grandfather, nor were any of the other men she had been involved with.

Alhoewel, Jessica en haar broer (en nou getroud) geweier het om toe te laat dat haar nuwe ma se mans in enige een van hulle huise gebring word. Sy het vir haar ma gesĂȘ dat sy gelukkig sou wees om haar alleen te sien, maar nie met die ander man nie, ten spyte van alles, was hulle baie versigtig om haar te laat weet dat hulle baie lief vir haar was. Hulle het liefdevol verduidelik dat hierdie man nie hulle pa was nie, en ook nie hulle kinders se oupa nie, nog minder was enige van die ander mans by wie sy betrokke was.

Jessica came to ask if I thought that her parent's marriage could be restored, and how she would go about it. Though my very first experience with restored marriage was NOT my own, but MY parents, so you would think I would have the answers—but I didn't. I wasn't sure if what Jessica was doing was right. My parents, praise God, were never involved with other people. However, I could tell her YES, God certainly could do it. Jessica took the books I had and left. So many people advise others what they think someone else should do.

Jessica het gekom vra of hulle gedink het dat haar ouers se huwelik herstel kon word, en hoe sy te werk kon gaan om dit te bewerkstellig. Alhoewel my eerste ondervinding met ‘n herstelde huwelik NIE my eie was nie, maar MY ouers sin, so jy sou dink dat ek die antwoorde het—maar ek het nie. Ek was nie seker of wat Jessica besig was om te doen reg was nie. My ouers, prys God, was nooit betrokke by ander mense nie. Nietemin, ek kon vir haar JA sĂȘ, God kon dit sekerlik doen. Jessica het die boeke gevat wat ek gelos het. So baie mense adviseer ander wat hulle dink iemand anders moet doen.

[Unless I personally have been led to do something by the Lord MYSELF or seek God with someone else for wisdom, I REFUSE to tell anyone what to do. I will not suffer the consequences if I am wrong, the other person will! And since I suffered after so many telling me things that were wrong, so that both my children and I suffered, I made a vow to God that I would never do the same to anyone else. We make our ministers keep this same commitment.]

[Tensy ek persoonlik gelei word om iets MYSELF te doen of om God na te streef met iemand anders vir wysdom, WEIER ek om enige iemand te vertel wat om te doen. Ek sal nie die nagevolge dra as ek verkeerd is nie, die ander persoon sal! En aangesien ek gely het nadat so baie mense my vertel het van dinge wat verkeerd was, sodat albei my kinders en ek gely het, ek het ‘n eed aan God gemaak dat ek nooit dieselfde aan enige iemand anders sou doen nie. Ons maak ons ministers dieselfde pleging maak.]  

It was more than two years before I heard from Jessica again. She was excited to tell me what had happened, and I was very eager to hear it! Jessica and her brother continued to refuse to acknowledge this new man and allow him to be around the grandchildren. They often got together to show her how much they moved HER but would not accept the sin she was living. This ended up putting a tremendous strain on this her mom’s new marriage, which soon ended in divorce. Her mom very quickly, however, became involved with, and married two more men. That's when it happened: her fifth husband began beating her violently, and she ended up in the emergency room!

Dit was meer as twee jaar toe ek weer van Jessica gehoor het. Sy was opgewonde om my te vertel wat gebeur het, en ek was baie ywerig om daarvan te hoor! Jessica en haar broer het voort gegaan om te weier om die nuwe man te aanvaar en om om hulle kleinkinders te wees. Hulle het dikwels bymekaar gekom om haar te wys hoeveel SY vir hulle beteken het maar wou nie die sonde waarin sy geleef het aanvaar nie. Dit het opgeeindig om ontsaglike spanning op hulle ma se nuwe huwelik te plaas, wat gou in egskeiding geeindig het. Haar ma het, nietemin, baie gou, by nog twee mans betrokke geraak, en met hulle getrou. Dit is toe dit gebeur het: haar vyfde man het haar geweldadig geslaan, en sy het in noodgevalle opgeeindig!     

When Jessica and her brother rushed to the hospital they spoke to their mother, tears streaming down their cheeks saying, “Mom, when are you going to ask Dad to forgive you and go back to him? How much more will it take?”

Toe Jessica en haar broer hospitaal toe gejaag het het hulle met hulle ma gepraat, trane het by hulle wange afgerol en hulle het gesĂȘ, “Mamma, wanneer gaan jy vir Pappa vra om jou te vergewe en teruggaan na hom toe? Hoeveel meer sal dit neem?”

Jessica's father (who was their mom's first husband) answered the phone when Jessica called and said "Mom needs to talk to you Dad." Her dad later said, "I lived to hear the words I had only dreamed I would hear!" Jessica found out that her dad had remained single hoping his wife (their mom) to someday return home to him!!

Jessica se pa (wat haar eerste man was) het die telefoon geantwoord toe Jessica geskakel het en gesĂȘ het  “Mamma wil met jou praat Pappa.” Haar pa het later gesĂȘ, “Ek het gelewe om die woorde te hoor waarvan ek net kon droom ek kon hoor!" Jessica het uitgevind dat haar pa enkel gebly het in die hoop dat sy vrou (hulle ma) een dag terug sou kom na hom toe!!

Jessica's parents were remarried a month later, and now this family ALL gathers together for holidays and birthdays—all three generations—as a complete, loving and healed family!

Jessica se ouers was ‘n maan later weer getroud, en nou vergader hierdie familie ALMAL saam vir vakansies en verjaardae—al drie generasies—as ‘n kompleet, liefdevolle en geneesde familie!

~Jessica (whose parents also live) in Florida, RESTORED

~Jessica (wie se ouers ook) in Florida woon, HERSTEL 

Keep in mind these testimonies are not only about PARENTS who can be restored, but any family member!

Hou in gedagte hierdie getuienisse is nie net oor OUERS wat herstel kan word nie, maar enige familielid!

My Own Parents' Restoration

My Eie Ouers se Herstel

As I mention in the second testimony, it's true that the first marriage restoration I was every blessed to be a part of was that of may OWN parents whose marriage was restored in 1982 after being separated since 1973!

Soos ek genoem het in my tweede getuienis, dit is waar dat die eerste huweliks herstel wat ek baie geseën was om deel van te wees was die van my EIE ouers wat herstel was in 1982 nadat hulle vanaf 1973 uitmekaar is!

Thankfully, as I said, neither was involved with anyone, and what was very interesting, I seemed to be the only one of my six siblings who was concerned about their separation. Thank God, too, that they never divorced, not that it would make it impossible with God (as we read above) but I am just so glad that divorce didn't occur either.

Dankbaar, soos ek gesĂȘ het, niemand was betrokke by enige iemand anders nie, en dit was baie interessant, dit het gelyk asof ek die enigste een van my broers en susters was wat bekommerd was oor die feit dat hulle uitmekaar was. Dank God, ook, dat hulle nooit geskei is nie, nie dat dit onmoontlik met God sou wees nie (soos wat ons bo lees) maar ek is net so bly dat ‘n egskeiding ook nie plaasgevind het nie.   

The separated was due to a misunderstanding and insensitivity on my dad's side, and hormones and hurts on my mom's side.

Hulle is uitmekaar as gevolg van ‘n misverstand en onsensitiwiteit aan my pa se kant, en hormone en seerkry aan my ma se kant.

My mom was going through menopause, though I didn't even know what that was at the time. She wanted to "bless" my dad by taking a job running a motel right down on the beach in Laguna Beach, California. Real estate there would (even at the time) cost millions to live in that city let alone ON the water!

My ma was besig om deur menopouse te gaan, alhoewel ek nie ten tye geweet het wat dit was nie. Sy wou my pa “seĂ«n” deur werk te vat om ‘n motel op die strand in Laguna Beach, Kalifornia te bestuur. Vaste eiendom daar sou (selfs ten tye) miljoene gekos het om in daardie stad te bly wat nog van OP die water!  

Years before we had a beach house in Balboa (not too far from there) when we were growing up, but due to my dad working (he worked as a cameraman in television and movies) he rarely had time to enjoy it. Instead we would spend the summers there and my dad would come only some weekends. When he was there he loved to surf fish, so my mom thought this position would be perfect!

Jare vantevore toe ons groot geword het, het ons ‘n strandhuis in Balboa gehad (nie te ver van hier af nie) maar as gevolg van my pa wat gewerk het (hy het as ‘n kameraman gewerk in televisie en flieks) Het hy skaars tyd gehad om dit te geniet. In plaas daarvan het ons somers daar gespandeer en my pa het net sommige naweke gekom. Toe hy daar was het hy daarvan gehou om vis te vang, so my ma het gedink die posisie sal perfek wees! 

Unfortunately my dad said something insensitive without realizing WHY she had taken the job. There was a standoff and in the end my mother took the job anyway (taking with her my youngest sister), and I ended up moving back in with my dad for a year. (I was living away while attending college, but my dad said he needed me).

Ongelukkig het my pa iets onsensitief gesĂȘ sonder om te besef HOEKOM sy die werk gevat het. Daar was ‘n stryery en op die ou einde het my ma in elk geval die werk gevat (sy het my jongste suster saam haar gevat), ek ek het opgeindig om terug by my pa in te trek vir ‘n jaar. (Ek het weg gebly terwyl ek college bygewoon het, maar my pa het gesĂȘ dat hy my nodig het).

While living with my dad I know it helped him to cut down and finally quit smoking and also to learn how to take care of things he had always expected my mother to do. And though I hated them apart, I never really thought of them together until after the birth of my first son in 1989.

Terwyl ek by my pa gebly het weet ek dit het hom gehelp om sy rokery te verminder en uiteindelik heeltemal op te hou en ook om te leer hoe om dinge te doen wat hy altyd verwag het my ma moes doen. En alhoewel ek gehaat het dat hulle apart is, het ek nooit regtig aan hulle gedink as saam tot na my eerste seun in 1989 gebore is.

Visiting one and then the other just made me so sad. I envied my older siblings (whose children were grown; I was an aunt at 9 years-old), who had the "family" home and grandparents to share in their joy when each of their children were born.

Om by die een te kuier en dan die ander het my so hartseer gemaak. Ek het my ouers broers en susters beny (wie se kinders al groot was; ek was ‘n tannie op die ouderdom van 9), wie die “familie” huis gehad het en oumas en oupas om in hulle vreugde te deel toe elkeen van hulle kinders gebore was. 

One day I remember asking the Lord about it. Since I had met the Lord at 7 (and told everyone I wanted to be "married to God") he naturally became my best Friend from then on (until as most of you know, my own marriage fell and He became my Lord by obeying Him, then my Husband when I was rejected :).

Een dag kan ek onthou dat ek die Here daaroor gevra het. Aangesien ek die Here op die ouderdom van 7 ontmoet het (en het vir almal vertel dat ek met “God getroud wil wees”) hy het natuurlik my beste Vriend geword en van toe af (tot soos meeste van julle weet, my eie huwelik in duie gestort het en Hy my Here geword het deur Hom te gehoorsaam, toe my Man toe ek verwerp was :).  

That's the day I asked the Lord to please help me and get my parents back together—because I felt I had been cheated. Soon after this I found myself naturally bringing up the one parent to the other anytime I realize I could pass along something nice or kind one said about the other. It honestly didn't take long before each seemed "interested" in the other, but they hadn't seen each other in many YEARS!

Dit is die dag wat ek die Here gevra het om my asseblief te help om my ouers weer terug bymekaar te bring—omdat ek gevoel het dat ek tenagekom was. Spoedig na dit het ek myself gevind die een ouer voor die ander noem enige tyd wat ek iets mooi of goedhartig wat die een oor die ander gesĂȘ het kon oor vertel. Dit het eerlik nie lank gevat voordat albei “geinteresseerd” in die ander was nie, maar hulle het mekaar vir baie JARE nie gesien nie! 

[Interestingly, since RMI split in 2005 with Encouraging Women, and then later I began Encouraging Men, I was able to see that with ALL the restoration when it is the MAN who wants restoration, that it always happens the same way! The wife gets into a crisis (and almost always it is having to do with finances), and when the husband is there to rescue her like a "knight in shining armor" the restoration happens. It's all laid out in the book of Hosea in the Bible, and this is what happen that finally brought my parents back together, because it was my dad who wanted restoration, not my mom. BUT it was only after a solid foundation of kind words were laid, under each of them that God allowed me to carry from one to the other.]

[Interessant, vandat RMI in 2005 geskei is met Aangemoedigde Vrouens, en toe later dat ek Aangemoedigende Mans begin het, was ek in staat om te sien met met AL die herstel dat wanneer dit die MAN is wat die herstel wil hĂȘ, dat dit altyd op dieselfde manier gebeur! Die vrou beland in ‘n krisis (en dit het amper altyd te doen met finansies), en wanneer die man daar is om haar te red soos ‘n “herder op ‘n wit perd” gebeur die herstel. Dit word alles in die boek van Hosea in die Bybel uitgelĂȘ, en dit is wat gebeur het wat finaal my ouers terug gebring het by mekaar, omdat dit my pa was wat herstel wou gehad het, nie my ma nie. MAAR dit was net na die soliede fondasie van goedhartige woorde gelĂȘ was, onder elke een van hulle wat God my toegelaat het om van die een na die ander te dra.]

Their restoration finally happen soon after my mother injured her back while at work. And then due to her being unable to work, she began living with us. This I knew was from God to have much more contact with her (though it was tough with two little ones to take care of and keep quiet so my mom could rest).

Hulle herstel het finaal gebeur spoedig na my ma haar rug seergemaak het by die werk. En toe as gevolg van haar wat nie in staat was om te werk nie, het sy by ons begin bly. Dit het ek geweet was van God af om baie meer kontak met haar te hĂȘ (alhoewel dit moeilik was met twee kleintjies om vir te sorg en stil te hou sodat my ma kon rus).

At the right moment, when my mom was the most broken so her normal defensiveness was down (because like all women who have been hurt they build a wall up so they don't get hurt again), I mentioned to her about "Dad possibly helping." She wasn't outright against it, which to me was a bright green light! I then spoke to my father about her situation and without asking he said, "Well, that's horrible, but she wouldn't take help from me." That's when I was able to close the gap even more by letting him know, "I actually discussed it with her and she seemed pretty open."

Op die regte oomblik, toe my ma die meeste gebroke was sodat haar normale  verdedigende houding afwesig was (soos met alle vroue wat seergemaak is hulle bou ‘n muur sodat hulle nie weer seergemaak word nie), Ek het aan haar genoem oor “Pa wat moontlik sal help.” Sy was nie uit en uit daarteen nie, wat vir my ‘n helder groen lig was"! Ek het toe met my pa gepraat oor haar situasie en sonder om te vra het hy gesĂȘ, “Wel dit is aaklig, maar sy sal nie hulp van my af vat nie.” Dit was toe dat ek die gaping selfs meer kon toemaak deur hom te laat weet, “Ek het dit eintlik met haar bespreek en dit sy lyk asof sy oop sal wees daarvoor.”

The final victory happened and I knew it was "time" when I discovered a brand new adult complex was built just around the corner from our home! I stopped in to see the units and they were so gorgeous and much less than what my dad was paying for himself alone (he lived in a very rich area). So I casually mentioned it to my dad and he handed me his checkbook saying, "If your mom is agreeable, then put down whatever they ask for." I did!! And just two weeks later, on the first of the month, my parents moved in together!!

Die finale oorwinning het gebeur en ek het geweet dit was “tyd” toe ek uitvind dat ‘n splinternuwe volwassene kompleks net om die hoek van ons huis gebou was! Ek het stil gehou om die eenhede te sien en hulle was so pragtig en baie minder as wat my pa vir homself alleen betaal het (hy bly in ‘n baie ryk buurt). So ek het dit so in die algemeen aan my pa genoem en hy het vir my sy tjekboek gegee en gesĂȘ, as jou ma instem, plaas neer as ‘n deposito enige iets waarvoor hulle vra. “Ek het!! En net twee weke later, op die eerste van die maand, het albei my ouers saam ingetrek! 

My parents had been separated for over 9 YEARS and when God did it He blessed me double by moving them within walking distance from our home!!!! And though my dad never mentioned it to me, I just knew he still loved my mother very much and deep down wanted them together as much as I did. And I have to say I wanted it, not as much for them, as I wanted it for my children!

My ouers was vir 9 JARE uitmekaar en toe God dit gedoen het het Hy my dubbel geseĂ«n deur hulle loop afstand van my huis te laat intrek!!!! En alhoewel my pa dit nooit aan my genoem het nie, het ek geweet dat hy nog baie lief was vir my ma en diep binne hom wou hy gehad het hulle moet saam wees net soveel as wat ek wou. En ek moet sĂȘ ek wou dit hĂȘ, nie soveel vir my nie, ek wou dit vir my kinders gehad het!

My parents lived the rest of their lives together, another 14 years for a total of being married for 59 years before my father passed away! Most of the time we lived very close to them so my children have such wonderful and special memories of them. The older children, especially, speak of them so often and keep their memory alive by celebrating (what would be) their birthdays and other traditions. Before both my parents past away, they had 21 grandchildren, though my youngest never met her grandfather, she was the closest to my mother!

My ouers het die res van hulle lewens saam gebly, nog ‘n 14 jaar vir ‘n totaal van 59 jaar voordat my pa oorlede is! Meeste van die tyd het ons baie naby hulle gebly so my kinders het wonderlike en spesiale herinneringe van hulle. Die ouers kinders, spesiaal, praat so dikwels van hulle en hou hulle herinneringe lewendig deur (wat sou wees) hulle verjaardae en ander tradisies te vier. Voor albei my ouers oorlede is, het hulle 21 kleinkinders gehad, alhoewel my jongste nooit haar oupa ontmoet het nie, sy was die naaste aan my ma! 

The entire restoration happened ONLY because I wanted it for my children and ASK God to do it! Then acting on my faith, I was willing to accept the Ministry of Reconciliation on behalf of my family. Restoration wasn't the only blessing that occurred. My father also became a believer shortly before his death and my mother, too, became such a powerful prayer warrior for so many of her children and grandchildren! My father passed away, at home, while my mother was praying with him one morning. He had ceased being able to speak, which is when my mother became His helpmeet and spoke the words my father couldn't. 

Die hele herstel het gebeur NET omdat ek dit vir my kinders wou gehad het en ek het vir God GEVRA om dit te doen! Toe het ek in geloof opgetree, ek was gewillig om die Ministerie van Rekonsiliasie te aanvaar om my familie se onthalwe. Herstel was nie die enigste seĂ«n wat plaasgevind het nie. My pa het ook ‘n gelowige geword kort voor sy afsterwe en my ma, ook, het ‘n kragtige gebeds soldaat geword vir so baie van haar kinders en kleinkinders! My pa is by die huis oorlede, terwyl my ma een oggend saam hom gebid het. Hy het opgehou om in staat te wees om te praat, wat toe is wat my ma sy Helpmaat geword het en die woorde gepraat het wat my pa nie kon nie. 

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God"—2 Corinthians 5:20 

“Ons tree dus op as gesante van Christus, en dit is God wat deur ons ‘n beroep op julle doen. Ons smeek julle namens Christus: Aanvaar die versoening met God wat Hy bewerk het!”—2 KorintiĂ«rs 5:20

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation"—2 Corinthians 5:17-19

“Iemand wat aan Christus behoort, is ‘n nuwe mens. Die oue is verby, die nuwe het gekom. Dit alles is die werk van God. Hy het ons deur Christus met Homself versoen en aan ons die bediening van die versoening toevertrou. Die boodskap van versoening bestaan daarin dat God deur Christus die wĂȘreld met Homself versoen het en die mense hulle oortredinge nie toereken nie. Die boodskap van versoening het Hy aan ons toevertrou”—2 KorintiĂ«rs 5:17-19

Restoration wasn't instant, it took just a little over two years for my parents restoration to happen from the first time I spoke to God about it until they moved into their new apartment around the corner from us. If God can do it for my children and me, why not you?

Herstel was nie dadelik nie, dit het net ‘n bietjie meer as twee jaar geneem vir my ouers se herstel om te gebeur vanaf die eerste keer dat ek met God gepraat het totdat hulle in hulle nuwe woonstel ingetrek het om die hoek van ons. As God dit vir my kinders kan doen, hoekom nie jy nie? 

I want to break the curse of divorce in my family so it doesn't spread to my children and their marriages! Every marriage I invest in, like YOURS, I ask God to put any blessing in my children's spiritual account, not mine. I know I have everything just being as close to Him as I am. What about you?

Ek wil die vloek van egskeiding in my familie breek sodat dit nie na my kinders en hulle huwelike versprei nie! Elke huwelik waarin ek belĂȘ, soos JOUNE, vra ek vir God om ‘n seĂ«n in my kinders se spirituele rekening te plaas, nie myne nie. Ek weet ek het alles deur net so naby aan Hom te wees as wat ek is. Wat van jou? 

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"—Matthew 6:19-22

“Moenie vir julle skatte op aarde bymekaarmaak waar mot en roes dit verniel en waar diewe inbreek en dit steel nie. Maak vir julle skatte in die hemel bymekaar, waar mot en roes dit nie verniel nie en waar diewe nie inbreek en dit steel nie. Waar jou skat is, daar sal jou hart ook wees.”—Matteus 6:19-22

 Husbands & Tithing

 Mans & Tiendes

My Husband is Opposed to Tithing

My Man is Teengerig teen  Tiendes

This topic may be one of the most interesting that we deal with in our ministry. Soon after women learn about the principle of tithing, almost immediately the first reason or excuse they find NOT to tithe is due to their husbands, they say, who do not want them to tithe.

Hierdie onderwerp mag een van die mees interessante wees waarmee ons in ons ministerie deel. Spoedig na vrouens van die prinsiep leer van tiendes, amper onmiddelik is die eerste rede of verskoning wat hulle vind om NIE tiendes te gee nie is as gevolg van hulle mans, wie hulle sĂȘ, nie wil hĂȘ hulle moet hulle tiendes gee nie. 

What's interesting is that these are the very same women who obey just about nothing their husbands have ever told them, yet they make sure they are very careful to speak to him and then obey him by NOT tithing because he said not to.

Wat interessant is is dat dieselfde vrouens wie omtrent niks gehoorsaam wat hulle mans hulle ooit vertel nie, tog maak hulle seker dat hulle versigtig is om met hom te praat en hom dan te gehoorsaam deur NIE hulle tiende te gee nie omdat hulle mans sĂȘ hulle moet nie. 

You don't run to him asking if it's okay to pray for him, or tell him about this course your taking or many other things—because you know what He would say. He would tell you NOT to pray for him and tell you to not try to restore your marriage but to move on!

Jy hardloop nie na hom toe om hom te vra of dit reg is dat jy vir hom bid nie, of vertel hom oor hierdie kursus wat jy besig is om te neem of baie ander dinge—omdat jy weet wat Hy gaan sĂȘ. Hy sal vir jou sĂȘ om NIE vir hom te bid nie en om nie te probeer om jou huwelik te herstel nie maar om aan te beweeg!

Let's begin with agreeing that it's fairly ridiculous to run and ASK a husband who is living in sin about God's principles concerning anything you know he will oppose, which includes tithing. For most husbands, he is in no position to advise you on things that are so important to your future and your children's future. It's comparable to trying to sit down and discuss "the dangers of living with a harlot" with your husband (although I have to say, many women do this too and it backfires horribly).

Laat ons begin om saam te stem dit dit nogal belaglik is om te hardloop en ‘n man te VRA wat in sonde lewe oor God se prinsiepe aangaande enige iets wat jy weet hy sal teenstaan, wat tiendes insluit. Vir meeste mans, is hy nie in ‘n posisie om jou te adviseer oor dinge wat belangrik is vir jou toekoms en jou kinders se toekoms. Dit is gelykstaande as om te sit en die “gevare van lewe met ‘n hoer” met jou man te bespreek (alhoewel ek moet sĂȘ, baie vrouens doen dit en dit terugflop aaklig). 

If you are currently separated or divorced, then this is one of the blessings you can add to your "Worst Scenario" list that you did last Tuesday.

As jy huidiglig uitmekaar of geskei is, dan is dit een van die seĂ«ninge wat jy kan byvoeg by jou “Ergste Scenario” lys wat jy verlede Dinsdag gedoen het.

If your husband is gone right now, this means that you are absolutely FREE and obliged to tithe on his behalf, and slam the door that was opened allowing the enemy to steal from you—just as the Lord showed me to do when I was separated.

As jou man op die oomblik weg is, beteken dit dat jy absoluut VRY en verplig is om ‘n tiende om sy onthalwe te gee, en die deur wat oopgemaak is om toe te laat dat die vyand van jou steel, toe te klap—net soos die Here my gewys het toe ek en my man uitmekaar is. 

Even before we were divorced and I had money he gave me and a small income, I never once spoke to my husband about it, not ever. Nor did I tell him I was praying for him to return home or that I was praying for his salvation.

Selfs voor ons geskei is en ek geld gehad het en ‘n klein inkomste, het ek nooit nie eens een keer met my man daaroor gepraat nie, nog nooit. Nog minder het ek hom vertel dat ek vir hom bid om huistoe te kom of dat ek vir sy redding bid.

If I had told him about any of these things, I know what he would have said at that time—"NO, absolutely not! Do NOT pray for me, and do NOT give any money away, you need it, the church has enough!!"

As ek hom nie oor enige van hierdie dinge vertel het nie, weet ek wat hy ten tye sou gesĂȘ het—”NEE, absoluut nie! Moet NIE vir my bid nie, en moet NIE enige geld weggee nie, jy het dit nodig, die kerk het genoeg!!”

It wasn't until just before he returned home and asked me how I was able to have so much to the point that I actually began helping him (and the other woman) with money, food and giving them my van (when both their cars broke down). And it's because he saw what was happening, not me TELLING him anything, that he was very open to doing what he could SEE was working once he returned home!!

Dit was nie tot net voor hy huistoe gekom het en gevra het hoe ek in staat was om soveel geld op een stadium te hĂȘ dat ek eintlik begin het om hom te help (en die ander vrou) met geld, kos en hulle my bakkie te gee toe albei hulle karre gebreek het). En dit is omdat hy gesien het wat gebeur het, en deur hom NIE enige iets te vertel, dat hy baie oop was om te doen wat hy kon SIEN wat werk sodra hy terug huistoe gekeer het.!!

To top it off, the Lord orchestrated it that my husband attend an advanced Christian seminar with me (the one I mentioned that all the pastors were there to see what the LORD had done), and would you believe that the "protection of tithing" was one of the topics?!?! From that point on he faithfully tithed! Had I not done what I knew was right, and followed what my Husband told me would prevent the enemy from stealing from me, my children and our future—I know I would never have anything that I am now able to pass along to others like you.

Om dit te kroon, die Here het georkestreer dat my man ‘n bevorderde Christelike seminaar met my bywoon (die een wat ek genoem het waar al die pastore kon sien wat die Here gedoen het), en kan jy glo dat die “beskerming van tiendes” was een van die onderwerpe?!?! Van daardie punt af het hy getrou sy tiende gegee! Het ek nie gedoen wat ek gedink het reg was nie, en gevolg wat my Man my vertel het sal keer dat die vyand van my steel, my kinders en ons toekoms—weet ek sou ek niks gehad het wat ek nou in staat is om aan te gee na ander soos jy.

And guess what else the seminar taught? They taught the other "desire of my heart" which was to have more children and never again use birth control (not even "natural family planning" that, yes, is a healthier choice to birth control but clearly NOT trusting God to plan the family He has for you). The results? About a year later Tara was born, and then two more children followed—a big family, the exact number I asked for—seven children!

En raai waaroor het die seminaar ons geleer? Hulle het ons geleer oor die “begeertes van my hart” wat was om nog kinders te hĂȘ en nooit weer geboorte beperking te gebruik nie (nie eens “natuurlike familie beplanning” wat, ja, ‘n gesonder keuse is as geboorte beperking maar duidelik NIE in God vertrou om die familie te beplan wat Hy vir jou het nie). Die resultate? Omtrent ‘n jaar later was Tara gebore  en nog twee kinders het gevolg—’n groot familie, die presiese nommer waarvoor ek gevra het—sewe kinders! 

How does having more children tie in with tithing???

Hoe om meer kinders te hĂȘ het dit te doen met tiendes???

Believe it or not, having Tara was also a result of tithing. "Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts"—Malachi 3:11. After my fourth child, Tyler, I lost two baby girls who died before they were born. In this seminar it taught how couples who had multiple miscarriages or stillbirths, once they began tithing, were later able to carry babies to term. We tithed and I was able to give birth to a healthy baby girl, then a son, and another baby girl all within 4 years following my restoration!!!

Glo dit of nie, deur Tara te gehad het was ook ‘n resultaat van tiendes. “ Ek sal die sprinkane keer dat hulle nie die oes op julle land vernietig nie, en dat julle wingerde nie sonder vrugte is nie, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige” —Maleagi 3:11. Na my vierde kind, Tyler, het ek twee baba dogtertjies verloor voor hulle gebore is. In die seminaar het hulle ons geleer hoe paartjies wat veelvoudige miskrame of stilgeboortes gehad het, hulle tiendes begin gee, en was later in staat om babas tot termyn te dra. Ons het ons tiendes gegee en ek was in staat om geboorte aan ‘n gesonde dogtertjie, toe ‘n seun, en nog ‘n dogtertjie alles binne 4 jaar na my herstel te gee!!!   

When I hoped for more children (after I lost our second baby girl) I didn't speak to my husband about it. Not only was he gone and living with another woman, and swore he'd never to return, but I knew if I spoke to the Lord about it, HE could turn my husband's heart. By me beginning to tithe when I did, even though it was a small amount, it resulted in God giving me ALL the desires of my heart! 

Toe ek vir nog kinders gehoop het (nadat ek ons tweede baba dogtertjie verloor het) het ek nie met my man daaroor gepraat nie. Nie net was hy weg en het saam ‘n ander vrou gebly nie, en gesweer hy sal nooit terugkom nie, maar ek het geweet as ek met die Here daaroor praat, dat HY my man se hart kon omkeer. Deur ek wat begin het om my tiende te gee toe ek het, al was dit ‘n klein bedrag, was die resultaat dat God my AL die begeertes van my hart gegee het!

Let me put it to some of you in another way since so many women write to let us know when something doesn't "apply" to them, when in fact, each and every principle and promise in the Bible applies to ALL of us in an endless assortment of ways in our lives. If you are looking to be exempt from this principle or any other principle, you will. If however, you ASK God to show you how to apply every promise to your life, then He will do that for you!

Laat ek dit vir jou op ‘n ander manier stel aangesien soveel vrouens vir ons skryf om ons te laat weet wanneer iets nie op hulle van toepassing is nie, wanneer die feit is, ieder en elke prinsiep en belofte op ALMAL van ons van toepassing is in ‘n eindelose verskeidenheid maniere in ons lewens. As jy probeer om vrygestel te word van hierdie prinsiep of enige ander prinsiep, sal jy. Alhoewel, as jy God vra om jou te wys hoe om elke belofte in jou lewe toe te pas, dan sal Hy dit vir jou doen!  

Now back to whether or not you can or should tithe

Nou terug om te sien of jy ‘n tiende kan of moet gee... 

If your husband is the one who is still paying your bills AND you don't receive any income, then just relax and turn it over to the Lord to work out. This is the BENEFIT of submission—there are HUGE benefits, and not having to worry about things like this is one of them.

As jou man die een is wat nog jou rekeninge betaal EN jy ontvang nie ‘n inkomste nie, ontspan net en keer dit om na die Here om uit te werk. Dit is die VOORDEEL van onderdanigheid—daar is GROOT voordele, en om njou ie oor dinge soos dit te bekommer nie is een van hulle.

Yes, it's good to learn about tithing, but it needs to be something you teach other WOMEN, never your husband. It is not your place as his wife, nor your problem to solve the situation regarding him not tithing. Leave it to God. Even worrying about it means you haven't let go of it.

Now for those of you who do NOT have a husband paying your bills, even if you are married and your husband lives with you. If you have any INcome, meaning some money or food or something is coming IN to your household, then ask God how to tithe from it. Just be sure you are giving HIM 10%, and of course, giving it to your "storehouse." By this point, RMIEW should be your storehouse, so tithe 10%, slam the door on the devourer and trust God when He says and “‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be [spiritual] food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes,” says the LORD of hosts. “All the nations will call you blessed, for you shall be a delightful land,” says the LORD of hosts”—Malachi 3:10-12

Nou vir die van julle wat NIE ‘n man het wat julle rekeninge betaal nie, selfs al is jy getroud en jou man bly saam met jou. As jy enige INkomste het, bedoelende ‘n bietjie geld of kos of iets kom IN jou huishouding in, vra dan vir God hoe om daarvan jou tiende te gee. Wees net seker jy gee HOM 10%, en natuurlik, gee dit vir jou “stoorkamer.” Op hierdie stadium, moet RMIEW jou stoorkamer wees, so gee jou 10% tiende slaan die deur toe in die verslinder se gesig en vertrou op God wanneer Hy sĂȘ en “Bring die volle tiende na die voorraadkamer toe sodat daar iets te ete in my huis kan wees, en toets My hierin, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige. Toets My of Ek nie die vensters van die hemel vir julle sal oopmaak en vir julle reĂ«n sal uitgiet, meer as wat julle kan gebruik nie. Ek sal die sprinkane keer dat hulle nie die oes op julle land vernietig nie, en dat julle wingerde nie sonder vrugte is nie, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige. Dan sal al die nasies julle as gelukkige mense beskou; julle sal in ‘n begeerlike land woon, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige. 

If you're like me, for a while I had only food stamps to tithe from, but because I tithed, income began coming in soon afterwards. If this is your situation, be sure to let your minister know, so the two of you, together, can seek God for wisdom. You are no longer under the law, so don't stress. However, if your heart is to want to give, to tithe, and to tithe to your storehouse, He will show you the way and we can help if you need us to.

As jy soos ek is, het ek vir ‘n tydjie net voedsel seĂ«ls gehad om my tiende van te gee, maar omdat ek my tiende gegee het, het inkomste spoedig daarna ingekom. As dit jou situasie is, wees seker om jou minister te laat weet, sodat die twee van julle, saam, God kan na nastreef vir wysheid. Jy is nie meer onder die wet nie, so moet nie stres nie. Nietemin, as jou hart is om te wil gee, om ‘n tiende te gee, en om vir jou stoorkamer ‘n tiende te gee, sal Hy jou die pad wys en ons kan help as dit nodig is. 

Once again, let's make sure we are clear on this, just as you probably didn't run to your husband asking him if it was okay to fill out our Marriage Evaluation Questionnaire, or if it was okay with him if you sought help for your marriage, it would be foolish to run to him to ask for "permission" to begin to tithe to your new storehouse, since there is no doubt what he would say.

This means, if you are employed, then you are free to tithe on your own income, and once again, PLEASE don't make the same mistake of running to ask your husband for his PERMISSION, which is a trap so many women fall into. Because, once you ask, you must obey. If your husband gives you an allowance or child support, then tithe 10% on that.

Dit beteken, as jy werkloos is, dan is jy vry om uit jou eie inkomste ‘n tiende te gee, en weereens, moet ASSEBLIEF nie dieselfde fout maak om na jou man toe te hardloop vir TOESTEMMING, wat ‘n lokval is waarin so baie vrouens val. Omdat, sodra jy vra, moet jy gehoorsaam. As jou man jou ‘n toelaag of kinder ondersteuning gee, gee dan 10% daarop.   

Remember, what you're attempting to do is plug up or fill in the gap in the wall where the enemy can get in!

Onthou, wat jy poog om te doen is om die gaping in die muur toe te stop of in te vul waar die vyand kan inkom! 

Even more difficult to explain is when women write in their forms that they don't feel "right" about tithing when they don't work, but they are asked by their husbands to handle the finances. So they conclude they should NOT tithe.

Selfs moeiliker om te verduidelik is wanneer vrouens in hulle vorms skryf dat hulle nie “reg” voel om tiendes te gee wanneer hulle nie werk nie, maar hulle word deur hulle mans gevra om die finansies te hanteer. So hulle konkludeer dat hulle NIE hulle tiende moet gee nie.

The reason this way of thinking doesn't hold up, is that husbands are expecting their wives to faithfully pay ALL their financial commitments. So why would you as a wife fail to pay the most important one, the one that will result (not may result) in not being able to pay the bills and keep disaster from striking your family?!

Die rede hoekom hierdie manier van dink nie water dra nie, is dat mans verwag dat hulle vrouens getrou AL hulle finansiĂ«le verpligtinge moet betaal. So hoekom sou jy as ‘n vrou faal om die mees belangrikste een te betaal, die een waar die resultaat (nie miskien die resultaat nie) is om nie in staat te wees om die rekeninge te betaal en om te sorg dat ‘n ramp nie jou familie tref nie?! 

Don't omit or feel guilty over the the most important financial commitment—which is to God that HE says (not what WE say) will assure that you have enough! The one commitment that is better than any insurance payment, because it is the Lord's assurance payment as we learned yesterday!

Moet nie die mees  finansiĂ«le verpligting uitlaat of skuldig daaroor voel nie—wat vir God is dat HY sĂȘ (nie ONS sĂȘ nie) sal verseker dat jy genoeg het! Die een verpligting wat beter is as enige assuransie paaiement, omdat dit die Here se assuransie paaiement is soos wat ons gister geleer het!

And guess what? Guilt is NOT of God. I used to think guilt was good, but after knowing Him as intimately as I do now, I know that ALL negative feelings are NOT from God. God brings about "conviction," which is nothing close to guilt or shame or condemnation. These emotions make a person feel hopeless and unworthy. Conviction is like a booster shot of a "desire to do what is right" and an urgency of excitement of hope renewed—and with it a future that looks bright! 

En raai wat? Skuldgevoel is NIE van God af nie. Ek het gedink dat skuldgevoel goed is, maar nadat ek Hom leer ken het soos ek nou doen, weet ek dat ALLE negatiewe gevoelens NIE van God afkom nie. God bring “oortuiging,” wat nie naby aan skuldgevoel of veroordeling is nie. Hierdie emosies maak ‘n persoon hopeloos en onwaardig. Oortuiging is soos ‘n aanpor-inspuiting vir ‘n “begeerte om te doen wat reg is” en ‘n dringendheid of opgewondenheid van hernude hoop—en met ‘n toekoms wat helder lyk!

Let me ask you something: If your husband asked you to pay the bills, would you omit one that turned OFF your electricity so that you would no longer be able to cook, keep warm or cool, and/or maybe work from home on your computer?

Laat ek jou iets vra: As jou man jou gevra het om die rekeninge te betaal, sal jy een uitlaat wat jou elektrisiteit sal AFSIT sodat jy nie meer sal kan kook, warm of koel bly, en/of miskien van jou rekenaar by die huis af kan werk nie?

Let's put it another way: What if your husband asked you to pay the bills, but you decided not to pay your car insurance or home insurance or health insurance? What would happen you do or your children got sick, the house caught fire or you or your husband had a car accident? Do you think your husband would be happy you saved money or told him you didn't have enough to pay one of your insurance policies??

Kom ons sit dit op ‘n ander manier: Wat as jou man jou gevra het om die rekeninge te betaal, maar jy het besluit om jou kar assuransie of gesondheids assuransie te betaal? Wat sal gebeur as jy of jou kinders siek word, die huis aan die brand slaan of jy of jou man by ‘n kar ongeluk betrokke raak? Dink jy jou man sal gelukkig wees dat jy hom geld gespaar het of vir hom gesĂȘ het jy het nie genoeg geld om een van jou assuransie polisse te betaal nie??

Yet, here is the most important point— the Lord MUST BE first in your life, the One who you are most interested in pleasing, and be the One you must to go to for wisdom, always—He gives us ASSURANCE, which is far better than any insurance.

Tog, hier is die mees belangrikste punt—die Here MOET eerste wees in jou lewe, die Een in wie jy die meeste geinteresseerd is om te behaag, en die Een na wie toe jy moet gaan vir wysheid, altyd—Hy gee ons Versekerheid, wat ver beter is as enige versekering.

And let's not forget that this is the ONLY principle or promise that God actually asks us to TEST Him on! 

En laat ons nie vergeet dat dit die ENIGSTE prinsiep of belofte is waar God eintlik sĂȘ TOETS Hom hierin!

Read it again:

Lees dit weer:

 "'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in  My house, and TEST ME now in this,' says the LORD of hosts, 'if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows'"—Malachi 3:10

“‘Bring die volle tiende na die voorraadkamer toe sodat daar iets te ete in my huis kan wees, en toets My hierin, sĂȘ die Here die Almagtige. Toets My of Ek nie die vensters van die hemel vir julle sal oopmaak en vir julle reĂ«n sal uitgiet, meer as wat julle kan gebruik nie”’—Maleagi 3:10 

Due to the benefits of tithing, and also the severity of what is going to try to come against you to stop you from tithing, let me say this again. Most of us would never dream of neglecting to pay our monthly premium on our car insurance or our life insurance, and never, ever on our health insurance. And yet the One we are trusting for our Eternity, we don't trust Him to be truthful when HE tells us how important tithing is!!

As gevolg van die voordele van tiendes, en ook die hewigheid wat teen jou gaan kom om jou te keer om jou tiende tee gee, laat my dit weer sĂȘ. Meeste van ons sal nooit droom om te versuim om ons maandelikse premie op ons kar assuransie of lewens assuransie te betaal nie, en nooit, ooit op ons gesondheids assuransie nie. En tog die Een op wie ons vertrou vir ons Ewigheid, vertrou ons nie om waarheidsgetrou te wees wanneer HY ons vertel hoe belangrik tiendes is nie!!   

We actually fail to give Him what will result in HIM rebuking the devourer on our behalf. So that the enemy continues to be allowed "permission" to steal what is even more precious to us—our families! Our marriages are destroyed, our husbands and fathers are stolen from our homes, and we foolishly don't understand why and how it happened!?!

Ons faal om Hom te gee wat die uitkoms sal wees waar HY die verslinder om ons onthalwe berispe. Sodat die vyand aanhou om “toestemming” te kry om te steel wat selfs meer kosbaar vir ons is—ons families! Ons huwelike word vernietig, ons mans en vaders word uit ons huise gesteel, en ons verstaan dwaaslik nie hoekom en hoe dit gebeur het nie!?!? 

As we said from the very beginning, this is a spiritual battle! Ephesians 6:12 is clear, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."

Soos wat ons van die heel begin af gesĂȘ het, dit is ‘n spirituele stryd! EfesiĂ«rs 6:12 is duidelik, “Ons stryd is nie teen vlees en bloed nie, maar teen elke mag en gesag, teen elke gees wat heers oor hierdie sondige wĂȘreld, teen elke bose gees in die lug.”  

Begin NOW

Begin NOU

Begin to give God His tithe, sow it into your storehouse and watch what God does! Test Him and see if what HE SAYS is true. If you can't trust Him with our income, how can you possibly trust Him with your eternity?

Begin om vir God sy tiende te gee, saai dit in jou stoorkamer en kyk wat God doen! Toets Hom en sien of wat HY SÊ waar is. As jy Hom nie kan vertrou met ons inkomste nie, hoe kan jy Hom moontlik vertrou met jou ewigheid? 

Understanding the

Difference Between a

Tithe and an Offering

Verstaan die Verskil Tussen 

Tiendes en Offerandes

Though some people think if tithing and offering as the SAME thing, they are very much different. They are two distinctive acts that we see here in the four references: God speaks about BOTH the tithe AND the offering in one verse, proving it is not the same act.

Alhoewel sommige mense dink dat tiendes en offerandes DIESELFDE ding is, is hulle baie anders. Hulle is twee onderskeidende dade wat ons hier in vier verwysings sien: God praat oor ALBEI die tiende EN die offerande in een vers, wat bewys dit is nie dieselfde dade nie.

"There you shall bring your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the contribution of your hand, your votive offerings, your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herd and of your flock"—Deuteronomy 12:6

“Daarheen moet julle gaan en julle brandoffers en ander offers bring, ook julle tiendes en ander bydraes, julle gelofteoffers en vrywillige offers, die eerstelinge van julle groot- en kleinvee”—Deuteronomium 12:6 

"Then it shall come about that the place in which the LORD your God will choose for His name to dwell, there you shall bring all that I command you: your *burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the contribution of your hand, and all your choice *votive offerings which you will vow to the LORD"—Deuteronomy 12:11 

“Daar is die plek wat die Here  julle God sal kies om sy Naam daar te laat woon en daarheen moet julle al die offers bring soos ek julle beveel het: julle *brandoffers en ander offers, julle tiendes en ander bydraes, en al die gelofteoffers *wat julle aan die HERE beloof het” —Deuteronomium 12:11

"They had prepared a large room for him, where formerly they put the grain offerings, the frankincense, the utensils and the tithes of grain, wine and oil prescribed for the Levites, the singers and the gatekeepers, and the contributions for the priests"—Nehemiah 13:5

“Vir Tobija ‘n groot kamer ingerig wat tevore gebruik was vir die graanoffer, die wierook, die offergereedskap, die tiendes van koring, wyn en olie, die aandeel van die Leviete, die sangers en die poortwagte, en die offergawe vir die priesters”—Nehemia 13:5 

[You Have Robbed God] "Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, 'How have we robbed You?' In tithes AND offerings"  —Malachi 3:8 

[Sal ‘n mens werklik vir God beroof?  Tog beroof julle My. Julle vra: “Waarvan beroof ons U?” Van tiendes EN offergawes” —Maleagi 3:8

The last verse in Malachi is the verse that we usually share with our partners who are faithfully tithing, in order to bring them up to the next level of blessings.

Die laaste vers in Maleagi is die vers wat ons gewoonlik met ons venote deel wat getrou hulle tiendes betaal, om hulle op te bring na die volgende vlak van seëninge. 

Before you can understand the significance of an offering and the blessing that flows from this principle, it is important that you first learn and begin tithing.

Voor jy die betekenis van ‘n offerande en die seĂ«n wat uit hierdie prinsiep vloei kan verstaan, is dit belangrik dat jy eers leer en begin om jou tiende te gee. 

"Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation"—1 Peter 2:2  

“Soos pasgebore kindertjies smag na melk, moet julle smag na die suiwer geestelike  melk, sodat julle daardeur kan opgroei en die saligheid verkry”—1 Petrus 2:2 

Before a new believer is ready to eat solid food, they, like a newborn baby, must begin with the pure milk of God's Word. We begin by teaching new women the truth, and then encouraging them to taking their first baby steps in faith, reaching their arms out to Him, while He, their heavenly Father is reaching out to helping her to walk. In this way they also begin to understand their Father's love and protection.

Voor ‘n nuwe gelowige gereed is om soliede kos te eet, soos ‘n pasgebore baba, moet hulle begin met die pure melk van God se Woord. Ons begin om nuwe vrouens die waarheid te leer, en moedig hulle dan aan om hulle eerste baba treetjies te gee in geloof, hulle arms uitgestrek na Hom toe, terwyl Hy, hulle Hemelse Vader uitreik uit om haar te help loop. Op hierdie manier begin hulle ook hulle Vader se liefde en beskerming te verstaan.

From there we teach young believers like young children about how to share with others. We encourage women to begin giving back just 10% (one tenth) of what God has given to them. And once they are comfortable with learning how good it feels to share and give, we then see that they are ready to learn more, so we keep teaching them more.

Van daar af leer ons jong gelowiges soos jong kinders oor hoe om met ander te deel. Ons moedig vrouens aan om net 10% (een tiende) te gee van wat God vir hulle gee. En sodra hulle gemaklik is met om te leer hoe goed dit voel om te deel en te gee, sien ons dat hulle gereed is om meer te leer, so ons hou aan om hulle meer te leer.

As we grow and mature, we move from being nourished on just milk, to eating solid spiritual food—working our way up to the real meat—which will ultimately help us to become a strong believer impacting our world!

Soos wat ons groei en volwasse word, skuif ons van deur net met melk gevoed te word, tot om spirituele kos te eet—en werk ons ons pad op na regte vleis toe—wat ons uitermatig sal help om ‘n sterk gelowige te word en ‘n inwerking op ons wĂȘreld te hĂȘ! 

If you are a new believer, then the verse (BELOW) does NOT apply to you. It is reserved for those who have been in the church, began being spiritually nourished with spiritual milk, but who should be eating solid food and spiritual meat by now.

As jy ‘n nuwe gelowige is, dan sal die verse (HIERONDER) NIE op jou van topassing wees nie. Dit is gereserveer vir die wat in die kerk was, deur spiritueel gevoed te word met spirituele melk, maar wie soliede kos en spirituele vleis by nou eet.

"For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.

For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the Word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil"—Hebrews 5:12-14

“Iemand wat nog nog van melk lewe, kan nie saampraat oor wat reg of verkeerd is nie, want hy is nog ‘n kind. Vaste kos is vir grootmense, vir mense wat oor insig beskik en wat deur ervaring geoefen is om tussen goed en kwaad te onderskei”—HebreĂ«rs 5:13-14  

The Message Bible says it this way: 

Die Boodskap Bybel sĂȘ dit op hierdie manier:

Hebrews 5:12-14 "Re-Crucifying Jesus"

HebreĂ«rs 5:11-13 “Her-Kruisig Jesus”

"I have a lot more to say about this, but it is hard to get it across to you since you've picked up this bad habit of not listening. By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, yet here I find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics on God again, starting from square one—baby's milk, when you should have been on solid food long ago! Milk is for beginners, inexperienced in God's ways; solid food is for the mature, who have some practice in telling right from wrong."

“Ek kan nog baie hieroor sĂȘ, maar dit is vir my moeilik om dit behoorlik by julle tuis te bring, omdat julle nie eintlik wil luister nie. Om die waarheid te sĂȘ, behoort julle eintlik self al mense te gewees het wat ander van die dieper dinge van die godsdiens kon vertel. Maar kyk net na julle: ‘n mens moet julle weer van die begin af al die basiese dinge oor God en sy boodskap leer. Op geestelike gebied is julle soos regte babatjies wat net melk drink en geen vaste kos eet nie. En iemand wat dit doen, is nog ‘n babatjie in die geloof. Hy weet nog nie eens mooi wat die verskil tussen reg en verkeerd is nie.” 

Below is the heart of someone who wants to make sure she is staying under His protection!! Isis is our Minister over our Portuguese ministry and just last week wrote to me:

Onder is die hart van iemand wat seker wil maak dat sy onder Sy beskerming bly!! Isis is ons Minister oor ons Portugese ministerie en het net laas week aan my geskryf:

"I forgot to tell you due to me in Venezuela my income is in Bolivares so i don't have US dollars to tithe and due to control exchange, I will not have access to dollars in about another week or so. I am sure the Lord knows all about this, but I had a question about a very small church that is behind my house. They rehab men from addictions and I wondered should I tithe to them for now? The pastor prayed for me to be able to sell my clothing line, and actually so far everything is almost gone... just some perfumes and handbags are left. So I was wondering if it would be a good idea to tithe the money I get in Bolivares to them and the dollars to you. What do u think??????

“Ek het vergeet om julle te vertel as gevolg van ek wat in Venezuela is en my inkomste in Bolivares is het ek nie VSA dollars om my tiende van te gee nie en as gevolg van die dollar wisseling, het ek nie toegang tot dollars tot in omtrent ‘n week of so nie. Ek is seker die Here weet alles hieroor, maar ek het ‘n vraag oor ‘n baie klein kerk wat agter my huis is. Hulle rehabiliteer mans van verslawing en ek het gewonder of ek nou aan hulle my tiende moet gee? Die pastoor het vir my gebid om my in staat te stel om my klere aanlyn te verkoop, en eintlik so ver is amper alles sommige parfuums en handsakke is oor. So ek het gewonder of dit ‘n goeie idee sou wees om die geld wat ek uit Bolivares kry aan hulle ‘n tiende te gee en aan julle die dollars. Wat dink julle??????  

Much love,

Baie liefde,


I responded to Isis with: Thank you for letting me know Isis. For the sake of spiritual accountability it was very good that you told me, but you're right, the Lord knows and that's what matters

Ek het aan Isis reageer met: Dankie dat jy my laat weet het Isis. Vir die geval van spirituele aanspreeklikheid was dit baie goed dat jy my vertel het, maar jy is reg, die Here weet en dit is wat saak maak. 

Okay, to answer your question, remember that your TITHE has to go to your storehouse. The enemy is clever and will get you to think that another charity is where your "tithe" can go. But give the enemy a black eye and let him know that you can't out give God, and then give to this awesome charity, but don't call it a "tithe" because it is called an OFFERING, and this too reaps a multiple of blessings!!

Reg, in antwoord op jou vraag, onthou dat jou TIENDE na jou stoorkamer toe moet gaan. Die vyand is slim en sal jou wil laat dink dat ‘n ander liefdadigheid is waar jou “tiende” kan gaan. Maar gee die vyand ‘n swart oog en laat hom weet dat jy nie God kan uit gee nie, en gee dan aan hierdie wonderlike liefdadigeid, maar moet dit nie ‘n “tiende” noem nie want dit is ‘n “OFFERANDE”, en dit maai multipel seĂ«ninge!! 

Malachi 3:8 speaks about BOTH tithes AND offerings when it says, “Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings." So when you get your dollars tithe the full amount, the trust God to give an offering to this rehab that is doing so much good! I believe this is because He wants to INCREASE your income!

Maleagi 3:8 praat oor ALBEI tiendes EN offerandes wanneer dit sĂȘ, “Is dit reg om van God te steel? Natuurlik nie, maar tog steel julle van My! Moet nou nie so verbaas lyk en vra: “Wanneer het ons van U gesteel?” nie. Waar is die tiendes en die dankoffers.” So wanneer jy jou dollars kry gee jou tiende op die volle bedrag, vertrou op God om ‘n offerande aan hierdie rehab te gee wat so baie goed doen! Ek glo dit is hoekom Hy jou inkomste wil VERMEERDER! 





“...en julle sal die waarheid ken, en die waarheid sal julle vry maak.” —Joh 8:32 

Nou is dit tyd om HIER TE KLIK en jou hart aan die Here uit te stort en te joernaal “Wat ek Geleer Het.”  


Laat 'n boodskap

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