Homeschooling Step by Step
Tuisskool Stap vir Stap

Prov. 16:9 “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”

Spr. 16:9 “'n Mens beplan sy pad, maar die Here bepaal hoe hy loop.”

Prov. 3:5-7 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes...”

Spr. 3:5-7 “Vertrou volkome op die HERE en moenie op jou eie insigte staatmaak nie. Ken Hom in alles wat jy doen en Hy sal jou die regte pad laat loop. Moenie dink jy het die wysheid in pag nie…”

Whether you are homeschooling for the 10th year or for the first time, you need to be praying continually that the Lord will guide you. The worst thing you can do, in my opinion, is get a book, follow a homeschooling list that someone put together, or listen to someone else in regard to how you should homeschool. No one, and that means me too, knows just what your family needs, what each of your children needs, and most importantly, no one else will be there when you try to follow through with your plan or your curriculum.

Of jy nou vir die 10 jaar tuisskool en of dit die eerste keer is, jy moet voortdurend bid dat die Here jou sal lei. Die ergste ding wat jy kan doen, in my opinie, is om ‘n boek te kry, ‘n tuisskool lys wat iemand saamgestel het volg, of na iemand anders luister ten opsigte van hoe jy moet tuisskool. Niemand, en dit beteken ek ook, weet net wat jou familie nodig het nie, wat ieder en elkeen van jou kinders nodig het, en mees belangrik, niemand anders sal daar wees wanneer jy jou plan of kurrikulum probeer deurvoer nie. 

The first step may be to pray about where you would like to homeschool. I will tell you that each year our location has changed because we change! Our needs, our lifestyle and our children change and grow. I would encourage you NOT to try to pull a homeschool room together. Most of us veteran homeschool moms will tell you that it is very trying on husbands, and most often does not work out as you had hoped. Instead, do the simple: make your kitchen table your schoolroom! It will keep you in the kitchen where most women of today are not, which means you may be close to that “narrow gate” that you are looking for!!

Die eerste stap mag wees om te bid oor waar jy sal wil tuisskool. Ek sal jou sê dat elke jaar het ons ligging verander omdat ons verander! Ons behoeftes, ons leefstyl en ons kinders verander en groei. Ek sal jou aanraai om NIE te probeer om ‘n tuiskool kamer bymekaar te sit nie. Baie van ons veteraan tuisskool mammas sal jou vertel dat dit baie vermoeiend op mans is, en werk die meeste van die tyd nie uit soos wat jy gehoop het nie. In plaas daarvan, doen die eenvoudige: maak jou kombuistafel jou skoolkamer! Dit sal jou in die kombuis hou waar meeste vrouens van vandag nie is nie, wat beteken dat jy na aan daardie “nou poort” is waarvoor jy soek!     

It also will mean that you have all the desks and chairs you need, and many supplies that will help in many subjects: math, science, and home economics.

Dit sal ook beteken dat jy al die tafels en banke het wat jy nodig het, en baie voorraad wat in baie onderwerpe sal help, wiskunde, wetenskap, en huishoudkunde.

But most importantly, it should not put a burden on your husband. Remember him? He is the one who is making it possible for you to have the opportunity, at least in part, to homeschool. Let’s all remember this: we mothers need to act out our gratefulness by having a dinner waiting and the house tidy when our husbands get home. This is ALL part of homeschooling - training our children in righteousness by our behavior!!

Maar mees belangrik, dit behoort nie ‘n las op jou man te wees nie. Onthou hom! Hy is die een wat dit moontlik maak vir jou om die geleentheid te hê, ten minste, in gedeelte, om te tuisskool. Kom ons almal onthou dit: ons as moeders moet ons dankbaarheid uitoefen deur aandete gereed te hê en die huis netjies wanneer ons mans by die huis kom. Dit is ALLES deel van tuisskool - deur ons kinders in geregtigheid op te lei deur ons gedrag! 

School Supplies
Skool Voorraad

Basics are all that you really NEED. If you are financially tight, living on one income, please tell your husband you only need the basics. God will bless you for it by really helping you and your children to gain more than most homeschoolers who have an endless supply of resources.

Basies is al wat jy regtig NODIG het. As jy finansieël gestrem is, en op een inkomste lewe, sê asseblief vir jou man dat jy net die basies nodig het. God sal jou daarvoor seën deur jou en jou kinders regtig te help om meer as meeste tuisskolers wat ‘n eindelose voorraad het te hê. 

Eph. 5:33 “Nevertheless let each individual among you also love his own wife even as himself; and {let} the wife {see to it} that she respect her husband.”

Efe. 5:33 “Maar dit is ook op julle van toepassing. Elkeen moet sy vrou so lief hê soos hy homself liefhet, en 'n vrou moet aan haar man eerbied betoon.”

A husband who loves his wife as himself will be generous even though it may put a strain on his finances. Don’t let him do it. Respect your husband enough to not buy things that you really don’t need. Pray and ask the Lord to show you how to:

‘n Man wie sy vrou liefhet soos homself sal vrygewig wes alhoewel dit druk op sy finansies mag plaas. Moet nie laat hy dit doen nie. Respekteer jou man genoeg om nie goed te koop wat jy regtig nie nodig het nie. Bid en vra vir die Here om jou te wys hoe:

Teach your children to love the Lord and keep His commandments.

Leer jou kinders om lief te wees vir die Here en Sy gebooie te onderhou.

Fulfill your state requirements for home schooling.

Vervul jou staat se vereistes vir tuisskool.

Lead you to the books that you really need (and at a wonderful savings or, better yet, FREE!). Borrowing or exchanging books will help as long as you stay away from workbooks that ARE consumable.

Lei jou na die boeke wat jy regtig nodig het (en deur wonderlike besparings o, nog beter, GRATIS!). Deur boeke te leen of uit te ruil sal help solank as wat jy wegbly van werkboeke wat verbruikbaar IS.  

If you are just beginning this wonderful journey of homeschooling, you may be considering buying a flag, a chalkboard, a set of alphabet cards to line the wall, and a timeline. Many homeschooling families’ homes are decorated in “Early American Homeschool.” Personally, I would rather my children and their behavior reflect that I homeschool instead of my walls. (I like all the posters that could line my walls, but don’t. I like them because they are cheap and because I can cut them up to make flash cards.)

As jy so pas hierdie wonderlike reis van tuisskool begin, mag jy oorweeg om  ‘n vlag, ‘n witbord, ‘n stel alfabet kaarte om op die muur te sit, en ‘n tydlyn te koop. Baie tuisskool families se huis is in “Vroeë Amerikaanse Tuisskool” versier. Persoonlik, sal ek eerder dat my kinders en hulle gedrag weerspieël dat ek tuisskool in plaas van my mure. (Ek hou van al die plakkate wat ek op my muur kan sit, maar ek doen dit nie. Ek hou van hulle omdat hulle goedkoop is en ek hulle op kan sny om flitskaarte te maak.)  

A flag would be nice for outside, but unless it is your husband’s idea, leave it outside. Too many homeschoolers are so weird that it turns normal people off who might have really benefited from homeschooling. Not that a flag is weird, I just want to share a principle with you hoping that you will keep it in mind when you’re thinking of buying something that later you will regret.

‘n Vlag sal reg wees vir binne, maar tensy dit jou man se idee is, los dit buite. Te veels tuisskolers is so vreemd dat dit normale mense wat regtig voordeel uit tuisskool kon getrek het afsit. Nie dat die vlag vreemd is nie, ek wil net ‘n beginsel met jou deel en hoop dat jy dit in gedagte sal hou wanneer jy daaraan dink om iets te koop wat jy later sal spyt hê oor.

Pencils, lined paper, three-ring binders for portfolios and a red pencil are all the “school supplies” you will really need. If you have young children, construction paper, glue, and crayons might also be good.

Potlode, gelynde papier, drie ringbande vir portfolios en ‘n rooi potlood is l die “skool voorrad” wat jy regtig nodig sal hê. As jy jong kinders het, konstruksie papier, gom, en kryte mag ook goed wees.  

School Supplies for Fun
Skoolvoorraad vir Pret

If you have a child who really wants to go to school, take it from a veteran HS mom, he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Most of all, the young ones just want some of the “stuff” that looks like fun. Invest in a cheap lunch box. Wait until school has already started and then get one on sale or find one at a thrift shop or yard sale (just pitch the thermos!). Pack their lunch in it and let them “play school.” Ring a bell, have them bring you an apple and let them have “recess.”

As jy ‘n kind het wie regtig skool toe wil gaan, neem dit van ‘n veteraan TS ma, hy weet nie waarvan hy praat nie. Meestal wil van die jongens net “goed” hê wat lyk soos pret. Belê in ‘n goedkoop kosblik. Wag totdat skool alreeds begin het en kry een by ‘n tweedehandse winkel of erf uitverkoping (gooi net die vles weg). Pak hulle middagete daarin en laat hulle “skool” speel. Lui ‘n klokkie, laat hulle vir jou ‘n appel bring en laat hulle “reses” hê.

If it is that school bus that they want to go on, take them on a public bus as a field trip. Make sure it is the LONGEST line. Park your car, ride it to the end, then turn around and come back. I guarantee it will take all the glamour out of the yellow school bus that pulls up the next day in front of your neighbor’s house. I found this out quite by mistake when we went on a homeschool-sponsored art trip. All we did was get on and off the bus as it traveled around downtown to the different art galleries. (It may have been even more effective because of all the boring exhibits!) However, I have shared this with many other mothers who said that this really “did the trick!”

As dit die skoolbus is waarop hulle wil gaan, neem hulle op ‘n publieke bus as ‘n uitstappie. Maak seker dit is die LANGSTE lyn. Parkeer jou kar, ry dit tot aan die einde, draai dan om en kom terug. Ek waarborg dit sal al die glans uit die geel skoolbus wat die volgende dag voor jou buurvrou se erf stop uithaal. Ek het dit pure toeval uitgevind toe ons op ‘n tuisskool- geborgte kuns toer gegaan het. Al wat ons gedoen het was om op en af die bus te klim soos wat dit in die onderstad gery het na die verskillende kuns gallerye. (Dit mag dalk meer effektief gewees het as gevolg van al die vervelige uitstallings!) Nietemin, ek het dit met baie ander moeders gedeel wat gesê het dat dit “regtig gewerk het!”  

Covering the Subjects
Dek die Onderwerpe

Making sure that their children are well-rounded is a concern for all mothers, and especially fathers. However, we tend to want to imitate and compete with a school system that is failing to turn out graduates who are even literate, able to read and write. Nevertheless, let me say that I, on purpose, keep my children “illiterate” of much of the sin education that the schools, and even some churches, teach. It was the “knowledge of good AND evil” that was the fall of man. Why should we teach our children evil?

Om seker te maak dat die kind goed gerond is is ‘n bekommernis vir alle moeders, en spesiaal vaders. Nietemin, ons neig om te wil naboots en kompeteer met ‘n skool sisteem wat misluk om selfs gegradueerdes wat geletterd is, in staat om te lees en skryf uit te draai. Nietemin, laat ek sê dat ek, aspris, my kinders “ongeletterd” hou van baie van die sonde opvoeding wat die skole, en selfs sommige van ons kerke, leer. Dit was die “kennis van die goed EN die kwaad” wat die mens se val was. Waarom sou ons ons kinders die kwaad leer?

I am not ashamed to say that I am totally opposed to teaching about evil. Nowhere does the Bible encourage or even suggest that parents teach or enlighten their children in the details of evil. After God was thrown out of the schools, along with the principles of Biblical discipline, evil began to run rampant. The “experts” deceived our parents by telling them that giving their children more information and educating them in the “negatives” of these wrong behaviors would help them to make good “choices.” Instead, it took away all the “fear of the unknown” and it did just the opposite. How absurd, so senseless as to be laughable, to think that teaching children all about drugs would cause them to stay away from them!

Ek is nie skaam om te sê dat ek heeltemal gekant is om oor die kwaad te onderrig. Nêrens in die Bybel bemoedig of stel dit selfs voor dat ouers hulle kinders leer of voorlig in die besonderhede van die kwaad. Nadat God by die skole uitgegooi was, saam met die beginsels van Bybelse dissipline, het die kwaad buitensporig toegeneem. Die “deskundiges” het ons ouers bedrieg deur vir hulle te sê dat deur hulle kinders meer inligting te gee en hulle op te voed in die “negatiewes” van hierdie verkeerde gedrag sal hulle help om goeie “keuses” te maak, in plaas daarvan, het dit al die “vrees van die onbekende” weggeneem. En het dit net die teenoorgestelde gedoen. Hoe absurd, so sinneloos as om lagwekkend te wees, om te dink dat om kinders van dwelms te leer sou veroorsaak dat hulle van hulle af wegbly!

I grew up in southern California where the drugs were rampant. I didn’t know or understand anything about them. If anyone hinted or looked like they were about to do something like drugs, because of the fear of the unknown, I got away. I realize that peer dependency also plays a major factor, but for the homeschool family, this should totally eliminate any chance of your children becoming involved. The phrase “Just Say No!” should have been as far as they ever went with drug education.

Ek het in die suide van Kalifornië groot geword waar dwelms steierend was. Ek het niks van hulle verstaan of geweet nie. As enigiemand net gesinspeel het of gelyk het asof hulle iets soos dwelms sou doen, as gevolg van die vrees van die onbekende, het ek weggekom. Ek besef dat groepsdruk ook ‘n groot rol speel, maar vir die tuisskool familie, sal dit dit heeltemal elimineer dat jou kinders betrokke sal raak. Die frase “Sê Net  Nee!” behoort so ver as wat hulle ooit gegaan het oor dwelm verslawing wees.

How to Begin
Hoe om te Begin

So how would I begin to set up my homeschool daily routine?

So hoe sou ek begin om my daaglikse tuisskool roetine op te stel?

Begin with Bible (“seek ye first”), then go onto the 3 R’s:

Begin met die Bybel (“soek allereers”,) gaan dan na die 3 R’e:

Reading: listening to you read, them reading out loud, reading for enjoyment, reading for subjects

Lees: luister na jou wat lees, hulle wat hardop lees, lees vir pret, lees vir onderwerpe

Writing: spelling, grammar, punctuation, English

Skryf: spelling, grammatika, leestekens, Engels

Arithmetic: add, subtract, multiply and divide

Rekenkunde: tel op, verminder en deel










As we have said in previous lessons, seeking the Lord and His righteousness first will assure success in your homeschooling. Make sure it is the beginning of your plans, the beginning of your portfolio, the beginning of your day, the subject that wins the greatest recognition and the greatest rewards. Bible reading, through personal reading or through listening to Bible tapes as you read along, is invaluable to a homeschooling family. The more emphasis you give to the Bible, the greater the fruits.

Soos wat ons in vorige lesse gesê het, om die Here en Sy geregtigheid allereers te soek sal sukses in jou tuisskool verseker. Maak seker dit is die begin van jou planne, die begin van jou portfolio, die begin van jou dag, die onderwerp wat die grootste erkenning en die grootste beloning wen. Bybel Lees, deur persoonlike lees of deur na opnames te luister soos wat jy saam lees, is van onskatbare waarde vir ‘n tuisskool familie. Hoe meer klem jy aan die Bybel gee, hoe groter die vrugte. 

Bible memorization is so wonderful. It helps to strengthen the mind and the soul. There are awesome testimonies about those who did extensive Bible memorization. Bill Gothard shares his testimony of failing a couple of grades. Then he was told that if he memorized large passages of Scripture, he would move to the top of his class. That’s exactly what happened. In high school he graduated at the top of his class, but what was most impressive is what this did to him spiritually.

Bybel memorisasie is so wonderlik. Dit help om die denke en siel te versterk. Daar is ongelooflike getuienisse van die wat uitgebreide Bybel memorisasie gedoen het. Bill Gothard deel sy getuienis van hoe hy  ‘n paar grade gedruip het. Toe was hy gesê as hy groot paragrawe van die Bybel memoriseer hy tot bo aan sy klas sou beweeg. Dit is presies wat gebeur het. In hoërskool het hy bo aan sy klas gegradueer, maar wat meer indrukwekkend was was wat dit aan hom geestelik gedoen het.


Whenever you can, and certainly if you continually seek the Lord, you should try to combine subjects. It will make it easier on you and your child as you still fulfill the requirements for your state (should there be any).

Wanneer jy ookal kan, en sekerlik wanneer jy voortdurend vir die Here soek, moet jy probeer om onderwerpe te kombineer. Dit sal dit vir jou en jou kind makliker maak omdat jy nog steeds in die vereistes van jou staat voldoen (sou daar enigsins wees).

Rather than making reading a separate subject, have your child read a historical biography, thus fulfilling two subjects.

Eerder as om lees ‘n aparte onderwerp te maak, laat jou kind ‘n historiese biografie lees, en dus twee onderwerpe volvul.

If your child is writing a paper for history, then use the mistakes to cover all of your English. Have them use their misspelled words as their spelling words, ask them to add some adjectives or adverbs to their description (grammar), and have them rewrite it in their best penmanship. At this point it is obvious that these four subjects could not be covered if you rely on workbooks where they simply “fill in the blanks.” I have found that by going back to the time when there were no workbooks, back to the time when there were only textbooks, or maybe even earlier, when only the teacher had a book and her students had to take dictation, you will find that your children will get as great an education as our grandparents got.

As jou kind ‘n papier vir geskiedenis skryf, gebruik dan die foute om al jou Engels te dek. Laat hulle hulle verkeerd gespelde woorde gebruik as hulle spelwoorde, vra hulle om byvoeglike naamwoorde of bywoorde aan hulle (grammatika) te voeg, en laat hulle dit in hulle beste penmanskap oorskryf. Op hierdie stadium is dit duidelik dat hierdie vier onderwerpe nie gedek kon word as jy eenvoudig op “werkboeke” staatmaak waar hulle eenvoudig “die spasies invul.” Ek het gevind dat om deur terug te gaan na die tyd waar daar net handboeke was, of miskien selfs vroeër, waar net die onderwyser ‘n boek gehad het en haar student moes diktee, sal jy vind dat jou kinders ‘n puik opvoeding soos die wat ons oumas en oupas gekry het kry.  

There are a lot of good books to read. The BEST way to help your children become lovers of reading is by reading to them. We get far too busy and neglect this wonderful interaction with our children as we plant a wonderful seed for the rest of their lives. Even older children love to listen to a good book read aloud. Take time to read during school time. My husband still tells me of his fondest memory from his school years when his one-handed teacher read Moby Dick to her students while they ate their lunch. All my children love to hear Hinds’ Feet on High Places which we have read many times. Read classics, biographies of famous people and missionaries. Keep a book going and they will beg you to read it throughout the day. It’s the best way I know to avoid the television when your family has something better they’d like to do!

Daar is baie goeie boeke om te lees. Die BESTE manier om jou kinders te help om liefhebbers van lees te word is om vir hulle te lees. Ons raak ver te besig en skeep hierdie wonderlike interaksie met ons kinders af soos wat ons ‘n wonderlike saad vir die res van hulle lewens saai. Selfs ouers kinders hou daarvan om te luister na ‘n goeie boek wat hardop gelees word. Neem die tyd om gedurende skooltyd te lees. My man vertel my nog steeds van sy dierbaarste geheue van sy skooljare toe sy onderwyseres met die een hand Moby Dick aan haar studente gelees het terwyl hulle hulle middagete geeet het. Al my kinders hou daarvan om   Hinds’ Feet on High Places  te hoor wat ons baie keer gelees het. Lees die klassieke, biografies van bekende mense en sendelinge. Hou ‘n boek aan die gang en hulle sal jou smeek om dit gedurende die dag te lees. Dit is die beste manier wat ek weet om die televisie te vermy wanneer jou familie iets beter het waarvan hulle sal hou om te doen!   

Literature, and the love of it, is wonderful. Memorizing good poems is a great way to encourage the love of literature and also character building. I have included some poetry (at the end of the chapter) that my children have memorized and that has changed my children’s lives. Use the same method as Bible memorization with a tape recorder to help your children to memorize poems. Then have them recite them after dinner on a designated evening. Reward them with a treat and some applause. Make sure they do it AFTER they have recited and been rewarded MORE for their Bible memory verses.

Letterkunde, en die liefde daarvoor is wonderlik. Om goeie gedigte te memoriseer is ‘n puik manier om die liefde vir literatuur te bemoedig en ook karakter te bou. Ek het gedigte (aan die einde van die hoofstuk) bygevoeg wat my kinders memoriseer het en hulle lewens verander het. Gebruik dieselfde metode as Bybel memorisering met ‘n bandopname om jou kinders te help om gedigte te memoriseer. Laat hulle dit dan op ‘n aangestelde aand voorsê. Beloon hulle met ‘n traktasie en applous. Maak seker hulle doen dit NA hulle dit opgesê het en MEER vir hulle Bybel memoriseer verse beloon word.


Writing a paper on things that they read in geography, history, and science is the best, cheapest and most productive method. Even younger children will benefit. It may be more work for you, at first, but you will be amazed by the fruits.

Deur dinge op papier te skryf wat hulle in aardrykskunde, geskiedenis, en wetenskap lees is die beste, goedkoopste en mees produktiewe metode.  Selfs jonger kinders sal voordeel trek. Dit mag vir jou meer werk wees, in die begin, maar jy sal verstom wees oor die vrugte.

It isn’t of any interest to the schools anymore, but good penmanship tells a lot about a good foundational education. Teach your children to hold their pencils the proper way; they can never write well if they don’t hold their pens or pencils properly. You can buy a simple holder that teaches them to hold the writing utensil the right way. Keep watching your children to make sure that they retrain themselves.

Dit is nie in baie skole meer van belang nie, maar goeie penmanskap sê baie oor ‘n goeie grondliggende opvoeding. Leer jou kinders om hulle potlode op die regte manier vas te hou; hulle kan nooit goed skryf as hulle nie hulle potlode behoorlik vashou nie. Jy kan ‘n eenvoudige houer koop wat hulle leer om hulle skryf voorwerp op die regte manier vas te hou. Hou jou kinders dop om seker te maak dat hulle hulself heroplei. 

Next, teach your children to form their letters properly. If you are not sure how you should print a letter, get a simple book and then watch your children carefully. It’s easier to teach than to re-teach your children to do it right.

Volgende, leer jou kinders om hulle letters behoorlik te vorm. As jy nie seker is hoe om ‘n brief te druk nie, kry ‘n eenvoudige boek en hou jou kinders versigtig dop. Dit is makliker om jou kinders te leer as om te herleer om dit reg te doen.


Getting back to the basics is very important for everyday life. As mentioned earlier, flash cards help you to learn the facts quickly and learn them very well: add subtract, multiply, divide.

Om terug na die basies te gaan is baie belangrik vir die alledaagse lewe. Soos vroeër genoem is, flitskaarte help jou om die feite gou en baie goed te leer: tel op minus, vermenigvuldig, deel.


Bible history is a good place to start, or begin with learning our country’s history. For Bible history, a homemade time line will help you to learn it yourself. You can read through the Bible and then make it as you go. Make it to fold up and put away, or put it up in your child’s room or down your hallway.

Bybel geskiedenis is ‘n goeie plek om te begin, of begin deur ons land se geskiedenis te leer. Vir Bybel geskiedenis, ‘n tuisgemaakte tydlyn sal jou help om dit jouself te leer. Jy kan deur die Bybel lees en dit maak soos wat jy aangaan. Maak dit sodat dit toevou en wegpak, of plaas dit in jou kind se kamer of in jou gang.

For American history, the best way is to memorize the presidents and then build your history lessons from there. Add biographies to help them learn about the men and women behind the office or stories written during that time period to help your children learn to love history. History textbooks or workbooks are full of trivia, hard to follow, and never retained – so what’s the point in using them? Reading and writing about it is more fun and challenging and costs far less.

Vir Amerikaanse geskiedenis is die beste manier om die presidente te memoriseer en jou geskiedenis lesse van daar te bou. Voeg biografies by om hulle te leer van die mans en vrouens agter die skerms of stories wat in daardie periode geskryf is om jou kinders te help om lief te wees vir geskiedenis. Geskiedenis handboeke of werksboeke is vol onbenullighede, moeilik om te volg, en nooit gehou nie - so wat is die punt om hulle te gebruik? Deur te lees en skryf daaroor is meer pret en uitagend en kos baie minder.  


A globe is a nice present for Christmas or a birthday. Get in the habit of going to it when events come up. As I mentioned in an earlier lesson, a wooden map is the best way to get your children, even your very young children, to know their U.S. geography.

‘n Aardbol is ‘n goeie geskenk vir Kersfees of ‘n verjaardag. Raak daaraan gewoond om soontoe te gaan wanneer gebeure opkom. Soos wat ek genoem het in ‘n vroeër les, ‘n houtkaart is die beste manier om jou kinders, selfs jou baie jong kinders te kry, om hulle V.S.A. aardrykskunde te ken. 

Have young children trace and color or cut out and glue. Add writing to it as they grow. A child who is five or six may be able to write out the state’s name underneath. Next year, they can write out the capital city’s name. By the time they are in fifth or sixth grade they can write a weekly paper on a state, city or country.

Laat jou jong kinders aftrek en kleur of uitsny en gom. Voeg skryfwerk daarby soos wat hulle groei. ‘n Kind wat vyf of ses is mag in staat wees om die staat se naam onderaan te skryf. Volgende jaar, kan hulle die hoofstad se naam uitskryf. Teen die tyd wat hulle in die vyfde of sesde graad is kan hulle ‘n weeklikse papier oor ‘n staat, stad of land skryf.


Knowing creation science is probably the most beneficial with the greatest foundation for your child’s faith. There is much too much in the media contradicting the Biblical account of creation. Make sure you invest a great deal of time and again consider investing in some of Kent Hovind’s creation science videotapes.

Om die skepping te ken is moontlik die mees voordelig met die grootste fundament vir jou kind se geloof. Daar is te veel in die media wat die Bybel se weergawe van die skepping weerspreek. Maak seker jy belê ‘n groot deel van jou tyd en oorweeg weer om in Kent Hovind se skeppings wetenskap video opnames te belê.

Homemaking and Economics
Huishoudkunde en Ekonomie

Incorporating doing things around the house is a must for many reasons. First, you will never be able to keep up your housekeeping without your children’s help. Working together will be a way to build a strong and loving family.

Om dinge wat jy rondom die huis doen te inkorporeer is ‘n moet vir baie redes. Eerstens, sal jy nooit in staat wees om jou huishouding in stand te hou sonder jou kinders se hulp nie. Om saam te werk sal ‘n manier wees om ‘n sterk en liefdevolle familie te bou.

It will also help your children as adults. Too many of us were educated through the schools, but were totally ill-prepared to keep a home. Cleaning, cooking and doing laundry are skills that many young people never learn. It seems that only children whose mothers work, and on whom all the housework is thrown, ever learn these tasks. Don’t deprive your daughters of the education of running a home and your sons of knowing how to help their wives.

Dit sal ook jou kinders as volwassenes help. Te veel van ons was deur die skool opgelei, maar was totaal onvoorbereid om ‘n huis te hou. Skoonmaak, kook en om die wasgoed te doen is vaardighede wat baie jong mense nooit leer nie. Dit lyk asof net kinders wie se moeders werk, en op wie al die huiswerk gegooi is, ooit hierdie take leer. Moet nie jou dogters van die opvoeding om ‘n huishouding in stand te hou ontneem nie en jou seuns om te weet hoe om hulle vrouens te help.

There is a lot more help and suggestions in my book workers@home: Making the Most of Your Time than I am able to cover here.

Daar is baie meer hulp en voorstelle in my boek werkers by die huis; Maak die Meeste van Jou Tyd as wat ek in staat is om hier te dek.

Physical Education
Fisiese Opvoeding

If your child has an opportunity to run and play, then physical education is probably not necessary. Having your child in a sport is fine as long as it doesn’t get obsessive. Sports hold too high a priority in our nation.

As jou kind ‘n geleentheid het om te hardloop en speel, dan is fisiese opvoeding nie noodsaaklik nie. Om jou kind by ‘n sport betrokke te hê is reg solank dit nie obsessief word nie. Sports hou te hoog ‘n prioriteit in ons nasie.

One year I gave my children an audiotape with exercises that they loved to do. I had them run up and down the stairs, do jumping jacks, touch their toes, do sit-ups and a bunch of other things. They used to ask to do it several times a day, but I limited it to once (or twice if they did it before bedtime to make them really tired!).

Een jaar het ek vir my kinders ‘n audio opname met oefeninge waarvan hulle gehou het om te doen gegee. Ek het dat hulle op en af die trappe hardloop, skêrspronge, hulle tone raak, op sitte doen en ‘n klomp ander dinge. Hulle het verskeie kere ‘n dag gevra om dit te doen, maar ek het dit beperk tot net een keer (of twee keer as hulle dit voor slapenstyd gedoen het om hulle regtig moeg te maak!). 


Most mothers believe that they need to do every subject every day. When you homeschool you have the privilege of choosing when and how much, not just which curriculum you want to use. You may need to do some subjects daily, in accordance with your state requirements. But many subjects can be done every other day or just once a week.

Meeste moeders glo dat hulle nodig het om elke onderwerp elke dag te doen. Wanneer jy tuisskool het jy die voordeel om te kies wanneer en hoeveel, nie net met enige kurrikulum wat jy wil gebruik nie. Jy mag nodig hê om sommige onderwerpe daagliks te doen, in ooreenstemming met jou staat se behoeftes. Maar baie onderwerpe kan elke tweede dag gedoen word of net een keer per week.

“When” you homeschool (what time of the day) is also of your choosing. Most mothers do it first thing in the morning, but some adjust it according to their family’s schedule and needs. Make sure that you adjust your homeschooling to your husband’s schedule. If your husband gets up early, all of you get up early. Of course, if you have a bad attitude or your children are moody, then your husband may insist you sleep in until he is gone.

“Wanneer” jy tuisskool (die tyd van die dag) is ook jou keuse. Meeste moeders doen dit eerste ding in die oggend, maar sommige pas dit aan hulle familie se skedule en behoeftes. Maak seker dat jy jou tuisskool aanpas by jou man se skedule. As jou man vroeg opstaan, staan almal van julle vroeg op. Natuurlik, as jy ‘n slegte houding het of jou kinders buierig is, dan mag jou man aandring dat jy inslaap totdat hy weg is.

If your husband works out of town, or drives a truck, then make sure that you get ahead in your studies when he is gone and take school off when he is home. Be ready to drop everything when your husband is home. This will keep your family together and it is much more beneficial for you and your children to have time with the head of your home!

As jou man buite die stad werk, of ‘n trok bestuur, maak dan seker dat jy voor in jou studies is wanneer hy weg is en neem skool af wanneer hy by die huis is. Wees gereed om alles te laat gaan wanneer jou man by die huis is. Dit sal jou familie bymekaar hou en is baie meer voordelig vir jou en jou kinders om tyd met die hoof van die huis te hê!

Most of you can schedule your day normally. Make sure that you stay at home most of the time. If you have to leave, make sure that the house is neat and a dinner is planned. When you are at home, make sure that you have your schoolwork done, the house picked up, your make-up on (if your husband likes you wearing it) and a good meal ready for him. Enjoy your evening together. Don’t continue to work on things that you should have done earlier in the day. A man likes to enjoy his wife when he is home. When you know the statistics for divorce in America and in the church, you must take your marriage seriously.

Meeste van julle kan julle dag normaalweg skeduleer. Maak seker dat jy meeste van die tyd by die huis bly. As jy die huis moet verlaat, maak seker dat jy jou huiswerk gedoen het, die huis netjies, jou grimering aan (as jou man daarvan hou dat jy dit dra) en ‘n goeie maaltyd gereed vir hom. Geniet julle aand saam. Moenie voortgaan om aan dinge te werk wat jy vroeër in die dag behoort te gedoen het. ‘n Man hou daarvan om sy vrou te geniet wanneer hy by die huis is. As jy die statistieke vir egskeiding in Amerika en die kerk ken, moet jy jou huwelik ernstig opneem.

Table Rules for Little Folks
Tafel Reëls vir Klein Mensies

In silence I must take my seat,
In stilte moet ek my sitplek neem,

And give God thanks before I eat;
En dank aan God gee voor ek eet;

Must for my food in patience wait,
Moet vir my kos geduldig wag.

Till I am asked to hand my plate;
Tot ek gevra word om my bord oor te handig;

I must not scold, nor whine, nor pout,
Ek moet nie uitskel, of kerm, of pruil,

Nor move my chair nor plate about;
Of my stoel of bord rondskuif;

With knife, or fork or napkin ring,
Met mes, of vurk of servetring.

I must not play, nor must I sing.
Ek moet nie speel, of sing nie.

I must not speak a useless word,
Ek moet nie ‘n nuttelose woord praat nie,

For children should be seen, not heard;
Want kinders moet gesien, nie gehoor word nie;

I must not talk about my food,
Ek moet nie oor my kos praat nie,

Nor fret if I don’t think it good;
Of kwel as ek nie dink dit is goed nie;

I must not say, “The bread is old,”
Ek moet  nie sê, “Die brood is oud”

“The tea is hot,” “The coffee’s cold”;
“Die tee is warm,’ “Die koffie is koud”;

My mouth with food I must not crowd,
Ek moet  nie my mond vol kos prop nie,

Nor while I’m eating speak aloud;
Nie terwyl ek hardop praat nie;

Must turn my head to cough or sneeze,
Moet my kop draai om te hoes of nies,

And when I ask, say “If you please”;
En wanneer ek vra, sê “asseblief”;

The tablecloth I must not spoil,
Die tafeldoek moet ek nie op mors nie

Nor with my food my fingers soil;
En ook nie met my kos my vingers vuil maak nie

Must keep my seat when I have done,
Op my sitplek bly wanneer ek klaar is

Not round the table sport or run;
Nie rondom die tafel speel of hardloop;

When told to rise, then I must put
Wanneer ek gesê word om op te staan, dan moet ek

My chair away with noiseless foot;
My stoel wegsit sonder ‘n voet wat raas;

And lift my heart to God above,
En my hart bo na God lig,

In praise for all his wondrous love.
In lof vir al sy wonderlike liefde.


Our Lips and Ears
Ons Lippe en Ore

If you your lips would keep from slips,
As jy jou lippe weerhou van glippe,

Five things observe with care:
Vyf dinge waarneem met sorg:

Of whom you speak, to whom you speak,
Van wie jy praat, met wie jy praat,

And how and when and where.
En hoe en wanneer en waar.

If you your ears would save from jeers,
As jy jou ore spaar van skimp,

These things keep meekly hid:
Hierdie dinge sagmoedig wegsteek:

Myself and I, and mine and my,
Myself en ek, en myne en my,

And how I do and did.
En hoe ek doen en gedoen het.


Little Fred
Klein Fred

When little Fred
Toe klein Fred

Was called to bed,
Bed toe geroep was,

He always acted right;
Het hy altyd reg opgetree;

He kissed his Mama,
Hy het sy Mamma gesoen,

And then his Papa,
En toe sy Pappa,

And wished them all good night.
En hulle almal ‘n goeie aand toegewens.

He made no noise,
Hy het geen geraas gemaak nie,

Like naughty boys,
Soos stout seuntjies,

But gently up the stairs
Maar saggies by die trappe op

Directly went,
Direk gegaan,

When he was sent,
Toe hy gestuur was,

And always said his prayers.
En altyd sy gebede gesê het.


The Little Gentleman
Die Klein Heer

Take your meals, my little man,
Neem jou maaltye, my klein mannetjie,

Always like a gentleman;
Altyd soos ‘n heer;

Wash your face and hands with care,
Was jou gesig en hande met sorg,

Change your shoes, and brush your hair;
Verander jou skoene, en borsel jou hare;

Then so fresh, and clean and neat,
Dan so vars, en skoon en netjies,

Come and take your proper seat;
Kom en neem jou behoorlike sitplek;

Do not loiter and be late,
Moet nie talm en laat wees nie,

Making other people wait;
En ander mense maak wag nie;

Do not rudely point or touch;
Moet nie ongeskik aanpunt of aanraak nie;

Do not eat and drink too much;
Moet nie te veel eet of drink nie;

Finish what you have before
Maak klaar wat jy het voordat

You even ask or send for more;
Jy selfs vra of stuur vir nog;     


Never crumble or destroy
Met nooit verkrummel of vernietig

Food that others might enjoy;
Kos wat ander mag geniet;

They who idly crumbs will waste
Hulle wat ydelik krummels sal mors

Often want a loaf to taste!
Wil dikwels ‘n brood hê om te proe!

Never spill your milk or tea,
Moet nooi jou melk of tee mors nie,

Never rude or noisy be;
Nooit ongeskik of raserig wees;

Never choose the daintiest food,
Moet nooit die fynste kos kies nie,

Be content with what is good;
Wees tevrede met wat goed is;     


Seek in all things that you can
Soek in alle ding wat jy kan

To be a little gentleman.
Om ‘n klein heer te wees.


Count That Day Lost
Tel Daardie Dag as Verlore

by George Eliot
deur George Eliot


If you sit down at set of sun
As jy gaan sit wanneer die son onder gaan

And count the acts that you have done,
En die goed wat jy gedoen het tel

And, counting, find
En, deur te tel, vind

One self-denying deed, one word
Een self-ontken daad, een woord

That eased the heart of him who heard,
Wat die hart van hom wat gehoor het verlig het

One glance most kind
Een kyk mees vriendelik

That fell like sunshine where it went--
Wat soos sonskyn geval het waar dit gegaan het—

Then you may count that day well spent.
Dan mag jy daardie dag goed gespandeer tel.

But if, through all the live long day,
Maar as, deur die hele lewenslange dag,

You've cheered no heart, by yea or nay--
Jy geen hart opgebeur het, deur ja of nee—

If, through it all
As, deur dit alles

You've nothing done that you can trace
Jy niks gedoen het wat jy kan opspoor

That brought the sunshine to one face--
Wat die sonskyn na een gesig gebring het—

No act most small
Geen gebaar mees klein

that helped some soul and nothing cost--
wat ‘n siel gehelp het en niks gekos het nie—

Then count that day as worse than lost.
Dan tel daardie dag as erger as verlore.


Bridge Builder

deur Will Allen Dromgoole

An old man, going a lone highway,
‘n Ou man wat op ‘n verlate hoofweg gaan,

Came, at the evening, cold and gray,
Het, in die aand, koud en grys, gekom,

To a chasm, vast, and deep, and wide,
Na ‘n kloof uitgestrek en diep en wyd.

Through which was flowing a sullen tide.
Deur, wat gevloei het, ‘n somber gety

The old man crossed in the twilight dim;
Die ou man het deur die pynlike warreling oorgegaan,

The sullen stream had no fears for him;
Die somber gety het geen vrees vir hom gehad nie,

But he turned, when safe on the other side,
Maar hy het omgedraai toe hy veilig aan die ander kant was

And built a bridge to span the tide.
En ‘n brug gebou om die gety te span.

"Old man," said a fellow pilgrim, near,
“Ou man, “ het ‘n pelgrim naby gesê,

"You are wasting strength with building here;
“Jy mors jou krag deur hier te bou;

Your journey will end with the ending day;
Jou reis sal eindig teen die einde van die dag,

You never again must pass this way;
Jy sal nooit weer hier verby kom nie;

You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide -
Jy het die kloof, diep en wyd oorgegaan,

Why build you the bridge at the eventide?"
Hoekom hierdie brug bou by aand gety?”

The builder lifted his old gray head:
Die bouer het sy ou grys kop opgelig;

"Good friend, in the path I have come," he said,
“Goeie vriend, op die pad wat ek gekom het,“ het hy gesê

"There followeth after me today
“Het daar my vandag gevolg

A youth, whose feet must pass this way.
‘n Jeugdige wie se voete hier verby moet kom.

This chasm, that has been naught to me,
Hierdie kloof was soos niks vir my

To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
Vir daardie blonde jeugdige, mag dit ‘n valkuil wees:

He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Hy, ook, moet oor die pynlike warreling kom;

Good friend, I am building the bridge for him."
Goeie vriend, ek bou die brug vir hom!”


What Have We Done Today?
Wat Het Ons Vandag Gedoen?

By Nixon Waterman
Deur Nixon Waterman

We shall do much in the years to come,
Ons sal baie doen in die jare wat kom,

But what have we done today?
Maar wat het ons vandag gedoen?

We shall give our gold in a princely sum,
Ons sal ons goud gee in ‘n prinslike som,

But what did we give today?
Maar wat het ons vandag gegee?

We shall lift the heart and dry the tear,
Ons sal die hart lig en ‘n traan opdroog,

We shall plant a hope in the place of fear,
Ons sal hoop plant in die plek van vrees,

We shall speak the words of love and cheer,
Ons sal woorde van liefde en vrolikheid praat,

But what did we speak today?
Maar wat het ons vandag gepraat?

We shall be so kind in the after while,
Ons sal so vriendelik wees later,

But have we been today?
Maar wat was ons vandag?

We shall bring to each lonely life a smile,
Ons sal vir elke eensame lewe ‘n glimlag bring,

But what have we brought today?
Maar wat het ons vandag gebring?

We shall give to truth a grander birth,
Ons sal vir die waarheid ‘n spoggerige geboorte gee,

And to steadfast faith a deeper worth,
En aan standvastige geloof ‘n dieper waarde,

We shall feed the hungering souls of earth,
Ons sal die hongerende siele van die aarde voer,

But whom have we fed today?
Maar wie het ons vandag gevoed?

We shall reap such joys in the by and by
Ons sal sulke vreugde in die verlede oes,

But what have we sown today?
Maar wat het ons vandag gesaai?

He shall build us mansions in the sky,
Hy sal vir ons herehuise in die lug bou,

But what have we built today?
Maar wat het ons vandag gebou?

’Tis sweet in the idle dreams to bask;
‘Dis soet om in ydel drome te bak;

But here and now, do we our task?
Maar hier en nou, doen ons ons taak?

Yet, this is the thing our souls must ask,
Tog, dit is die een ding wat ons siele moet vra,

What have we done today?
Wat het ons vandag gedoen?

Work While You Work
Werk Terwyl Jy Werk

Work while you work,
Werk terwyl jy werk,

Play while you play;
Speel terwyl jy speel;

One thing each time,
Een ding op ‘n slag,

That is the way.
Dit is die manier.

All that you do,
Al wat jy doen,

Do with your might;
Doen dit met al jou mag;

Things done by halves
Dinge wat halfpad gedoen word

Are not done right.
Word nie reg gedoen nie.


If You Were
As Jy Was

If you were busy being kind,
As jy besig was om vriendelik te wees

Before you knew it, you would find
Voordat jy dit weet, sal jy vind

You’d soon forget to think ’twas true
Jy sal gou vergeet om te dink dit was waar

That someone was unkind to you.
Dat iemand onvriendelik met jou was.

If you were busy being glad,
As jy net besig was om bly te wees,

And cheering people who are sad,
En mense opbeur wie hartseer is,

Although your heart might ache a bit,
Alhoewel jou hart miskien ‘n bietjie mag pyn,

You’d soon forget to notice it.
Jy vergeet gou om dit agter te kom.

If you were busy being good,
As jy besig was om goed te wees,

And doing just the best you could,
En net die beste doen wat jy kon,

You’d not have time to blame some man
Het jy nie tyd om een of ander man te blameer nie

Who’s doing just the best he can.
Wie net die beste doen wat hy kan.

If you were busy being right,
As jy besig was om reg te wees,

You’d find yourself too busy quite
Sou jy jouself te besig vind

To criticize your neighbor long
Om jou buurvrou lank te kritiseer

Because he’s busy being wrong.
Omdat hy besig is om verkeerd te wees.


“Sy staan op as dit nog nag is …” Spreuke 31:15



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