Ps. 139:14 “I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made...”

Ps. 139:14 “Ek wil U loof, want U het my op 'n wonderbaarlike wyse geskep…”

Gen. 1:27 “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Gen. 1:27 “God het die mens geskep as sy verteenwoordiger, as beeld van God het Hy die mens geskep, man en vrou het Hy hulle geskep.

Gen. 2:18 “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.’”

Gen. 2:18 “Verder het die HERE God gesê: “Dit is nie goed dat die mens alleen is nie. Ek sal vir hom iemand maak wat hom kan help, sy gelyke.”

Created Creative
Kreatief Geskep

I believe we women were uniquely created to be creative. I find that even women who say they are not creative are really very creative. Some, like myself, have a tendency to be the great imitators. We are not Martha Stewart, but if we look at something, we can think of a way that we can do it with what we’ve got or with just a few supplies. As homeschool mothers, we should be using our God-given creativity to create teaching materials that are not only less expensive, but that really work!

Ek glo dat ons as vrouens uniek geskep was om kreatief te wees. Ek vind dat vrouens wie sê hulle is nie kreatief nie is regtig baie kreatief. Sommige, soos myself, het ‘n neiging om groot nabootsers te wees. Ons is nie Martha Stewart, maar as ons vir iets kyk, kan ons aan ‘n manier dink om dit te doen met wat ons het of net ‘n bietjie voorraad. As tuisskool moeders, behoort ons ons God-gegewe kreatiwiteit te gebruik om leermateriaal te skep wat nie net goedkoper is nie, maar wat regtig werk!

Later on in this lesson, I will discuss how we can help develop our children’s creativity rather than destroying it by weakening it or controlling it.

Later aan in hierdie les, sal ek bespreek hoe ons kan help om ons kinders se kreatiwiteit te ontwikkel eerder as om dit te venietig deur dit te verswak of te beheer.

Learning to Read and Spell
Leer om te Lees en Spel

The very best way to introduce letters and phonics sounds, even with young preschoolers, is with a wood alphabet puzzle. You can begin by singing an alphabet song as they point to or pick the letters up. Then you could go through the vowel sounds by asking them to spell the word as you sound it out slowly. It’s a good idea to cut out extra letters for words like “dad” where you need an extra “d.” (Keep these in an envelope or tiny jewelry box.) This method is especially good for boys who do not usually do as well with writing as girls do. You can even do it systematically by going through a phonics book like Abeka reading.

Die heel beste manier om letters en fonetiese geluide voor te stel, selfs met jong voorskolers, is met ‘n hout alfabet legkaart. Jy kan begin deur ‘n alfabet liedjie te sing soos wat hulle die letters uitwys of optel. Dan kan jy deur die klinker klanke gaan en hulle vra om die woord te spel soos wat jy dit stadig uitklink. Dit is ‘n goeie idee om ekstra letters vir woorde soos “pappa” waar jy ekstra a’s en p’s nodig het uit te sny (hou hulle in ‘n koevert of klein juweliers boksie.) Hierdie metode is spesiaal goed vir seuns wie nie so goed doen met skryf soos dogters nie. Jy kan dit selfs sistematies doen deur ‘n fonetika boek soos Abeka lees.


Using a wooden U.S. map can be a terrific geography lesson from preschool through middle school. Make it a game. Take out the puzzle pieces and put them in using the “first and last name” of each state, such as Tallahassee, Florida or Sacramento, California. Tell them family or friends who live there or places of interests in the states.

Deur ‘n hout V.S.A kaart te gebruik kan ‘n ongelooflike aardrykskunde les van voorskool tot middelskool wees. Maak ‘n speletjie daarvan. Neem die legkaart stukke uit en sit hulle in deur die “eerste en laaste” naam van elke staat, soos Tallahassee, Florida of Sacramento, Kalifornië. Vertel hulle van familie of vriende wat daar bly of plekke van belang in die State.

For curriculum, have your child trace around the state puzzle piece and color it in. Or you can have them trace the state on colored construction paper, cut it out, and then glue it to a piece of paper.

Vir die kurrikulum, laat jou kind om die staat legkaart stuk natrek en dit inkleur. Of jy kan dat hulle die staat op gekeleurde kontruksie papier natrek, uitsny, en dit op ‘n stuk papier vasplak.  

You can enhance this by buying a poster of the state flags. Have the child cut the poster and glue the flag under the state. On Monday pick a state that you are going to learn about. Then throughout the week, ask about what they learned, not just during their geography time, but when Daddy comes home or when Grandma is around. Once they are allowed to prove their knowledge, they’re hooked.

Jy kan dit verhoog deur ‘n plakkaat van die state se vlae te koop. Laat die kind die plakkaat uitsny en plak die vlag onder die staat vas. Op Maandag kies ‘n staat waarvan jy gaan leer. Dan dwarsdeur die week, vra waaroor hulle geleer het, nie net gedurende aardrykskunde tyd nie, maar wanneer Pappa by die huis kom of ouma in die omtrek is. Sodra hulle toegelaat word om hulle kennis te verbeter, is hulle verslaaf. 

Older students, even high school students, can be encouraged to tutor younger siblings in this subject. If your older children do not know their states and capitals, then have them tutor their younger siblings; it will help them as a remedial challenge.

Ouer studente, selfs hoërskool studente, kan aangemoedg word om jonger broers en susters oor hierdie onderwerp te leer. As jou ouer kinders nie hulle state of hoofstad ken nie, dan laat hulle hulle jonger broers en susters leer; dit sal hulle help as ‘n remediërende uitdaging. 

I am determined to make my own world map using Styrofoam glued to the back of a world map to use this same method to teach world geography.

Ek is vasbeslote om my eie wêreld kaart te maak deur Styrofoam wat agter ‘n wêreldkaart gegom is te gebruik om dieselfde metode te gebruk om wêreld se aardrykskunde te leer.


Most high school children do not know their multiplication facts. If you fail to really drill your children so that they know them without thinking, it will be a handicap to them all of their lives. Being able to add quickly is also a very wonderful blessing you can give to your child using the flash card method.

Meeste hoërskool kinders ken nie hulle vermenigvuldig feite nie. As jy misluk om regtig jou kinders te dresseer sodat hulle hulle ken sonder om te dink, sal dit hulle hulle hele lewe lank belemmer. Om in staat te wees om vinnig op te tel is ook ‘n wonderlike seën wat jy vir jou kind kan gee deur die flitskaart metode te gebruk.

Using homemade flash cards is the very best method for learning these facts. The reason is that those they know, they set aside. Those they need to work on can be drilled over and over and over again.

Deur tuisgemaakte flitskaarte te gebruik is die heel beste metode om hierdie feite te leer. Die rede is dat die wat hulle ken, sit hulle opsy. Die waaraan hulle moet werk kan oor en oor dresseer word.

Make addition cards up to 9 + 9 = 18. Begin with 1 + 1 = 2, then introduce them in number families.

Maak aanvullende kaarte tot op 9 + 9 = 18. Begin met 1 + 1 = 2, en stel hulle voor in nommer families.

For instance the 6 family has 5 cards. They are:

Byvoorbeeld die 6 familie het 5 kaarte. Hulle is:

1 + 5 = 6
2 + 4 = 6
3 + 3 = 6
4 + 2 = 6
5 + 1 = 6

(I lay them out vertically, not horizontally as they are pictured above.)

(ek lê hulle vertikaal, nie horisontaal uit nie soos wat hulle bo uitgebeeld is.)

Once they learn the number family, then incorporate it into the rest of their pile and add more for them to learn.

Sodra hulle die nommer familie leer, inkorporeer dit dan in die res van die hopie en voeg meer by vir hulle om te leer.

When you play the game you flash the card to them. If they know it, give it to them. If they don’t know it, you get it. At the end you see who has the biggest pile and who wins the game. At first you give them time to think; later they need to say it right away to get the card. At the end of the pile, the cards they didn’t know or were slow at saying are sent away with them to practice.

Wanneer jy die speletjie speel flits jy die kaart vir hulle. As hulle dit ken, gee dit vir hulle. As hulle dit nie ken nie, kry jy dit. Op die einde sien jy wie die grootste hopie het en wie die speletjie wen. In die begin gee jy hulle tyd om te dink; later moet hulle dit dadelik sê om die kaart te kry. Aan die einde van die hopie, die kaarte wat hulle nie geken het nie of stadig was om te sê word saam hulle weg gestuur om te oefen.

(You can also just put the ones they didn’t know in the back if you are not looking for fun or motivation.)

(Jy kan ook die wat hulle nie geken het nie agter sit as jy nie vir pret en motivering soek nie).

It usually is fun enough just that they have “beat you” since almost always they know more cards than they don’t know. But if you need to motivate your student, you can give them a treat at the end of the game or give them points every day that add up to a treat at the end of the week.

Dit is gewoonlik pret genoeg net dat hulle “jou gewen” het aangesien hulle amper altyd meer kaarte ken as wat hulle nie ke nie. Maar as jy jou student moet motiveer, kan jy vir hulle ‘n traktaaitjie aan die einde vand die speletjie gee of gee hulle punte wat hulle bymekaar kan tel vir ‘n traktaaitjie aan die einde van die week.

To make the cards, write the fact with a thick black marker on the front. Then on the back, write the answer in red, very small, in the upper right corner. Finally, cut one corner of the card to make it easier to keep them straight and in order. 

Om die kaarte te maak, skryf die feit met ‘n groot swart merker voor op. Dan agterop, skryf die antwoord, baie klein, in rooi, in die boonste regterkantse hoek om dit makliker te maak om hulle reguit en in orde te hou.

To get started learning them, have your student lay them out, saying the answers in order, then looking at the back.

Om te begin om hulle te leer ken, laat jou student hulle uitlê, en die antwoorde in orde sê, en dan agter te kyk.

For instance:

By voorbeeld:

2x2 (look at back) is 4.

2x2 (kyk agter) is 4.

2x3 (look at back) is 6.

2x3 (kyk agter) is 6.

Have them go through them 5 times this way. Then lay them all out and tell your child to pick up the ones they know, checking the back to see if they are right. If they are not right, they put it back. Do it until they can pick them all up.

Laat hulle 5 keer op hierdie manier deur hulle gaan. Lê hulle almal dan uit en sê vir jou kind om die enes wat hulle ken op te tel, kyk agter om te sien of hulle reg is. As hulle nie reg is nie, sit hulle dit terug. Doen dit totdat hulle hulle almal kan optel.

If you have two children, especially an older child who is weak in multiplication, let them take turns seeing who knows more. As they do it, it becomes a game of speed.

As jy twee kinders het, spesiaal ‘n ouer kind wat swak is in vermenigvudiging, laat hulle beurte maak om te sien wie meer weet. Soos wat hulle dit doen, word dit ‘n speletjie van spoed.

For those who seem overwhelmed or for those who have a “quitting” attitude, show them when they get to the 7 times table that they know most of them already. As a matter of fact, all they need to learn is 7x7, 7x8, 7x9, and 7x12, because they know the ones up to 6x7 and because 7x10 and 7x11 are so easy!

Vir die wat oorweldig lyk of die wat ‘n “opgee” houding het, wys hulle wanneer hulle by die 7 maal tafel uitkom dat hulle meeste van hulle alreeds ken. Om die waarheid te sê, al wat hulle moet leer is 7x7, 7x8, 7x9, en 7x12, omdat hulle die tot op 6x7 ken en omdat 7x10 en 7x11 so maklik is!

Music Appreciation
Musiek Waardering

Helping our children appreciate good music is fun for them and fun for you too. This is beneficial and can be taught from preschool through high school.

Deur ons kinders te help om goeie musiek te waardeer is pret vir hulle en pret vir jou ook. Dits is voordelig en kan van voorskool deur tot hoërskool geleer word.

Listen to one of the classics during homeschooling time. The brain is said to secrete a certain enzyme that feeds the brain when listening to classical music. There are many universities in Europe that have classical music playing continuously all over the campus. It is known to be very calming, too, for those who have antsy children.

Luister na een van die klassiekes gedurende tuisskool tyd. Daar word gesê dat die brein ‘n sekere ensieme afskei wat die brein voed wanneer jy na klassieke musiek luister. Daar is baie universiteite in Europa wat klassieke musiek voortdurend deur die kampus speel. Dit staan bekend om baie kalmerend te wees, ook, vir die wat kinders het wat vol miere is.

Select one composer and listen to him every day for a month. Put his picture up somewhere where they will see it all month. Then read about him while your children color his picture, reinforcing all this information in their minds. You can read the biography from the coloring book, an encyclopedia or the back of the composer cards. (Pre-read them since some have had illicit relationships and there may be other information that you may not want to share with your child.)

Kies een komponis en luister elke dag vir ‘n maand na hulle. Plaas sy foto êrens op waar hulle dit die hele maand sal sien. Lees dan van hom terwyl jou kinders sy foto inkleur, en al die informasie in hulle gedagtes versterk. Jy kan die biografie uit die inkleurboek, ‘n inseklopedie of die agterkant van komponis kaarte lees. (Lees hulle vooraf aangesien sommige van hulle onwettige verhoudigs gehad het en daar mag ander informasie wees wat jy nie met jou kind wil deel nie). 

You can also listen to biographies of some of the composers on 100 Greatest People tapes.

Jy kan ook na die biografie van sommige van die 100 Grootse Mense opnames luister.

You or your high school student can search for information on the Internet or have your older students write reports. For the younger children, just listening and coloring is more than enough. This can be repeated 2 - 3 times over their school years.

Jy of jou hoërskool student kan vir informasie soek op die Internet of kry jou ouer studente om rapporte te skryf. Vir die jonger kinders, is net om te luister en in te kleur meer as genoeg. Dit kan 2 - 3 keer oor hulle skooljare herhaal word.

Other Ideas
Ander Idees

Learning the days of the week and the months: Lay them out in order.

Leer die dae van die week en die maande: Lê hulle in orde uit.

Geo Safari: make reduced copy and write the answers next to it as a test and to put in their portfolio. Use the blank ones you get by cutting up a poster.

Geo Safari: maak ‘n verminderde afskrif en skryf die antwoorde langs dit as ‘n toets en om in hulle portfolio te plaas. Gebruik die blank enes wat jy kry deur ‘n plakkaat op te sny.


Your children are all uniquely created and may be very different from you. My daughter loves to make and create crafts. Even though I do not like to do crafts myself, I provide my daughters with the opportunities, the supplies and the “how to” books. There are craft lessons of course, but much is missed when they are not allowed to learn it on their own.

Jou kinders is uniek geskep en mag baie anders as jou wees. My dogter is lief daarvoor om handwerk te maak en te skep. Alhoewel ek myself nie van handewerk hou nie, voorsien ek my dogters met die geleenthede, die voorraad en die “hoe om te” boeke. Daar is natuurlik handwerk lesse, maar baie word uitgemis as hulle nie toegelaat word om dit op hulle eie te leer nie.

Organized Play vs. Free Time
Georganiseerde Speeltyd vs. Vrye Tyd

A very sad phenomenon is the lack of creativity in our children because of the toys we choose, the television we watch and the amount of “organized play” that they are involved in. Allowing children to “press through” boredom and come up with what they can find to do, invent, create or make is a gift that most parents are unwilling to afford their child. Instead they will give in to their child’s whining or pouting without realizing that they are robbing them of developing their mind and imagination.

‘n Baie hartseer verskynsel is die tekort aan kreatiwiteit in ons kinders as gevolg van die speelgoed wat ons kies, die televisie wat ons kyk en die hoeveelheid “georganiseerde” speeltyd waarby hulle betrokke is. Om kin ders toe te laat om “deur verveligheid te druk” en opkom met wat hulle kan vind om te doen, uitvind, skep of maak is ‘n geskenk wat meeste ouers ongewillig is om vir hulle kind te bekostig. In paas daarvan gee hulle in wanneer hulle kind kerm of dikmond is sonder om te besef dat hulle hulle beroof om hulle denke en verbeelding te ontwikkel.

The best way to stop this is to NEVER give into it and also penalize the behavior with your thrill that they can help you. Have some things in mind when you see them pouting or whining because there is “no one to play with” or there is “nothing to do.” Then do NOT give in by letting them out of it. Make them do the task you have assigned them with your excitement! They will stay away from bothering you and if they don’t you have gained free labor. Either way you both benefit!

Die beste manier om dit te stop is om NOOIT in te gee nie en penaliseer die gedrag met die opwinding dat hulle jou kan help. Hou dinge in gedagte wanneer jy sien dat hulle dikmond is of kerm omdat “daar niks is om te doen nie”. Moet NIE ingee deur hulle daaruit te laat kom nie. Maak hulle die taak doen wat jy aan hulle toegewys het met opgewondenheid! Hulle sal wegbly om jou te pla en as hulle nie dan het jy gratis arbeid gewin. Op een of ander manier trek julle albei voordeel.

Note:  After class we will share our favorite  “finds” in curriculum with each other.
Nota: Na klas sal ons ons gunsteling “vind” in kurrikulum met mekaar deel.

My children love to use Read, Write & Type! Suited for ages 6-8. It’s priced at $79 on their site. They teach finger placement and it is good for letter recognition and phonetic sounds.

My kinders is lief daarvoor om Lees, Skryf & Tik! Te gebruik. Geskik vir ouderdomme 6-8. Dit word teen R1310.00 op die webwerf geprys. Hulle leer vinger plasing en is goed vir letter erkenning en fonetiese klanke.   

The Learning Company
Die Leer Maatskappy


“Sy staan op as dit nog nag is …” Spreuke 31:15



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