Homeschooling Step by Step
Tuisskool Stap vir Stap

Isa. 30:8 “Now go, write it on a tablet before them and inscribe it on a scroll, that it may serve in the time to come as a witness forever.”

Jes. 30:8 “Gaan skryf dit nou op waar Juda by is, teken dit aan dat dit altyd teen hulle kan getuig in die dae wat kom.”

Logs for Record-Keeping
Log vir Rekordhouding

Many states require a type of record-keeping, a log or teacher-planning book. I have seen many mothers go under as they attempted to keep up with this demanding paperwork. It is especially hard to keep up when you are attempting to homeschool many children. I began homeschooling in Florida and the law there required that we show our logs and portfolios to a licensed teacher at the end of every school year. Every year, without fail, I would frantically be writing up a log for the two weeks preceding our scheduled evaluation. I knew there had to be another way! I prayed about it for a long time before I came up with this logical and simple system that should “pass” any state’s requirement for either a log or teacher planner (I have included samples).

Baie state vereis ‘n soort van aantekening, ‘n log of onderwyser-beplanning boek. Ek het baie moeders sien onder gaan soos wat hulle poog om by te bly by hierdie veeleisende papierwerk. Dit is spesiaal moeilik om by te bly wanneer jy poog om baie kinders te tuisskool. Ek het begin om in Florida te tuisskool en die wet het vereis dat ons ons logs en portfolios vir ‘n gelissensieerde onderwyser aan die einde van elke skooljaar wys. Elke jaar, sonder mislukking, het ek franties ‘n log vir die twee weke voor ons geskeduleerde evaluering aangetek. Ek het geweet dat daar ‘n ander manier moes wees! Ek het vir ‘n lang tyd daaroor gebid voordat ek opgekom het met hierdie logiese en eenvoudige sisteem wat enige staat se vereistes sou deurkom vir of ‘n log of onderwyser beplanner (ek het voorbeelde ingesluit).

When I began I made up my first one, not on the computer as I do now, but on a plain sheet of paper with a pen and ruler. Then I made copies of this blank. Then I would assign one to each of my children and pray about how the Lord would have me fill it. Later, I thought of color-coding them to help me easily distinguish between children. I used to use it only to fulfill my state’s requirements; then I began to use it as a check-off sheet.

Toe ek begin het het ek my eerste een opgemaak, nie op die rekenaar soos wat ek nou doen nie, maar op ‘n skoon stuk papier met ‘n pen en ‘n liniaal. Toe het ek afskrifte van hierdie papier gemaak. Dan het ek een vir elkeen van my kinders toegewys en gebid oor hoe die Here wil hê ek dit met invul. Later, het ek gedink om hulle te kleur koördineer om my te help om maklik tussen die kinders te onderskei. Ek het dit gebruik om net my staat se behoeftes te volmaak; toe het ek begin om dit te gebruik as ‘n merk af bladsy.

I only make enough for about 8-10 weeks in advance since we usually have changes once we really get going. Never have my plans stayed intact from the planning stage to actually doing the schedule. For the first few weeks it might be wise to only make 3 or 4 copies, knowing things will and should change to fit each child.

Ek maak net genoeg vir omtrent 8-10 weke vooruit aangesien ons gewoonlik veranderings het sodra ons aan die gang kom. Nooit het my planne ongeskonde gebly van die beplanning stadium tot om eintlik die skedule te doen nie. Vir die eerste paar weke mag dit wys wees om net 3 of 4 afdrukke te maak, wetend dat dit sal en behoort te verander om elke kind te pas.

Prov. 16:9 “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.”

Spr. 16:9 “'n Mens beplan sy pad, maar die HERE bepaal hoe hy loop.”

Prov. 27:1 “Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.”

Spr. 27:1 “Moenie roem oor wat jy môre verwag nie; jy weet nie wat die dag sal oplewer nie.”

When planning the year, you simply write out the goal. For math, you would do one lesson per day, as in Saxon Math, or a certain number of pages (usually one or two) for a math like Abeka. If you were working through a workbook for the year, you would look at the last page number and divide by 180 days. (A school year is 180 or 38 x 5 school days a week = 180 school days. )

Wanneer jy die jaar beplan, skryf jy eenvoudig jou doel neer. Vir wiskunde, sal jy een les per dag doen, soos in Saxon wiskunde, of ‘n sekere bedrag bladsye (gewoonlik een of twee) vir wiskunde soos Abeka. As jy deur ‘n werkboek vir ‘n jaar gewerk het, sal jy na die laaste bladsy nommer kyk en dit met 180 of 83 x 5 skooldae ‘n week verdeel= 180 skooldae.)

Once it is written or typed out, you and your child simply follow the plan by making a check mark underneath or a dash if it was skipped for the day.

Sodra dit geskryf of uitgetik is, volg jy en jou kind eenvoudig die plan deur ‘n regmerkie of ‘n strepie onderaan te maak as dit vir die dag oorgesien was.

Variations could be writing out the grade or % underneath. You can leave a blank to write in the page number or number of the lesson. You can write the name of the book they are reading, or the name of the state in geography or the name of the president in history, etc. Also, for those whose state has a time requirement, you would write on the log the estimated amount of time the child would spend on that subject by 15 min. increments (i.e. 15 min., 30 min., 45 min.). Be generous so that you don’t put pressure on your child, and also allow for setbacks. The log is a VERY GOOD foundation for any state requirement or as a means to help your child work independently. It is easy to change and modify, but the best part is that it cuts down on having to write it all out and plan every week. The method was developed following the way school professors plan for their upcoming school year.

Variasies kan wees om die graad of % onderaan te skryf. Jy kan ‘n skoon papier los om die bladsy nommer of nommer van die les te skryf. Jy kan die naam van die boek wat jy besig is om te lees, of die naam van die staat in aardrykskunde of die naam van die president in geskiedenis, ens neerskryf. Ook, vir die wie se staat ‘n tyds behoefte het, kan jy op die log die geskatte tyd wat daardie kind op daardie onderwerp sal spandeer deur 15 min. Inkremente (bv. 15 min., 30 min.,45 min.). Wees vrygewig sodat jy nie druk op jou kind plaas nie, en laat ook toe vir terugslae. Die log is ‘n BAIE GOEIE fondasie vir enige staats vereiste of as ‘n manier om jou kind te kry om onafhanklik te werk. Dit is maklik om te verander en verander, maar die beste deel is dat dit om elke week te beplan en uit te skryf uitsny. Die metode was ontwikkel op die manier wat skool professors vir die opkomende skooljaar beplan.

Tip: It upset my children when they were doing school and saw kids in the neighborhood playing outside. So my mother used to help me out by clipping out the school days for our area from the newspaper at the beginning of every year. (You can also call the school or go to the school district to get a list of the full and half days.) Then I made a pink 3x5 card with every half or full school day off. I would put it in the first date listed, then when the day was over I would put it in the next day off listed until the last day of school. Usually we finish school earlier than everyone else, but I put it there so that we knew when it would be “safe” to let them outside in the morning to play!

Wenk: Dit het my kinders ontstel toe hulle skool gedoen het en die kinders in die buurt sien buite speel het. So my moeder het my uitgehelp deur aan die begin van die jaar die skooldae vir ons area uit die koerant uit te sny. (Jy kan ook die skool skakel of na die skool distrik toe gaan om ‘n lys van die vol en half dae te kry.) Toe het ek ‘n pienk 3x5 kaart gemaak met elke half of vol skool dag af. Ek het dit in die eerste dag wat gelys was geplaas, dan wanneer daardie dag verby is het ek dit in die volgende dag af gelys geplaas tot die laaste dag van skool. Gewoonlik maak ons skool vroeër as enigiemand anders klaar, maar ek plaas dit daar sodat ons geweet het wanneer dit “veilig” was om hulle in die oggend buite toe te laat om te speel!


In some states you are required to keep a copy of your child’s work. Some use folders, but I have found that the easiest is to keep a portfolio. Our state of Florida required it. Some of the mothers put more time and effort into their children’s portfolios than they put into educating their children.

In sommige state word jy vereis om ‘n afskrif van jou kind se werk te hou. Sommige gebruik vouers, maar ek het gevind dat die maklikste is om ‘n portfeulje te hou. Ons staat van Florida vereis dit. Sommige van die moeders plaas meer tyd en poging aan hulle kinders se portfeuljes as wat hulle in hulle kinders se opvoeding plaas.

I used to do a workshop to put portfolios together. KISS: “Keep it simple, silly” is the best way. It is also nice to keep as a record of their school year. If you have a notebook with the clear cover, you can put some pictures in very easily. Putting their school picture or pictures of some of their friends adds a very nice touch.

Ek het ‘n werkwinkel gedoen om portfeuljes saam te sit. HDES: “Hou dit eenvoudig, snaaks” is die beste manier. Dit is ook goed om dit te hou as ‘n rekord van hulle skooljaar. As jy ‘n notaboek het met die deurskynende bedeksel, kan jy baie maklik fotos insit .Om hulle skool fotos of fotos van sommige van hulle vriende by te voeg voeg ‘n baie mooi gebaar by.

A portfolio is simply a notebook with dividers in it to separate the subjects. Each week you put in the corrected papers, putting them behind each other. At the end of each month, pull out the ones that are not that good (unless your state requires you to keep all your child’s work). Most states only require a “sampling” showing “progression.” I usually keep all their work unless it’s horrible, which would mean that they had already done it over anyway.

‘n Portfeulje is eenvoudig ‘n notaboek met verdelers daarin om die onderwerpe te verdeel. Elke week plaas jy die gekorrigeerde papiere in, en plaas hull agter mekaar. Aan die einde van elke maand, trek die wat nie goed is nie uit (tensy die staat vereis dat jy al jou kind se werk hou). Meeste state vereis net ‘n “monster” wat “progressie” wys. Ek hou gewoonlik al hulle werk tensy dit aaklig is, wat beteken dat hulle dit in elk geval oor gedoen het.

If you are working through a math workbook, the easiest method is to rip out all the pages and then hole punch them and put them in their portfolio. They take out the top one, and once it is corrected, they put it in the back. Once they get through, they are done for the year.

As jy deur ‘n wiskundeboek werk, is die maklikste manier om al die bladsye uit te skeur en dan gaaitjies in te druk en hulle in hulle portfeulje te plaas. Hulle neem die boonste een uit, en sodra dit korrigeer is, plaas hulle dit agter in. Sodra hulle deurkom, is hulle klaar vir die jaar.

You can keep notebook paper in each section, but I have found it easier to keep a stack on my desk.

Jy kan notaboek papier in elke afdeling hou, maar ek het dit makliker gevind om ‘n stapel op my lessenaar te hou.

Tip: Use a bucket or box. I keep all my children’s books and all that they need in a Rubbermaid bucket. After I had begun using this method, I came across an article written by Mrs. Swan, the homeschooling mother whose children graduated from high school at 12, from college at 16 and obtained master’s degrees by 18! She stated that at the beginning of every year each child was given a box to hold all of his books, pencils, sharpener, ruler, dictionary, thesaurus, etc. They had EVERYTHING that they would need, and did not share with anyone. They kept their boxes in their bedroom closets and brought them out every day. She also did not answer the phone between her school hours of 8 - 3 p.m. nor would she accept doctor or dentist appointments or repairmen during those hours. Her tenacity paid off as she stayed focused on her goal of superior academics.

Wenk: Gebruik ‘n emmer of boks. Ek hou al my kinders se boeke en alles wat hulle nodig het in ‘n emmer. Nadat ek hierdie metode begin gebruik het het ek op ‘n artikel afgekom wat deur Mev Swan, die tuisskool moeder wie se kinders op die ouderdom van 12 uit hoërskool gradueer het, 16 uit Kollege, en op 18 hulle meesters graad bereik het! Sy het verklaar dat aan die begin van elke jaar het elke kind ‘n boks gekry om al hulle boeke, potlode, potlood skerpmakers, liniaal, woordeboeke, tesourus, ens. In te hou. Hulle het ALLES gehad wat hulle nodig het, en dit met niemand gedeel nie. Hulle het hulle bokse in hulle slaapkamer kaste gehou en hulle elke dag uitgebring. Sy het ook nie die telefoon tussen haar skoolure van 8 - 3 n.m. beantwoord nie, nog minder het sy dokters of tandartse of herstellers afsprake gedurende daardie ure aanvaar nie. Haar volharding het vrugte gewerp soos wat sy gefokus het op haar doel van voortreflike akademici.

3x5 Card System
3x5 Kaart Sisteem

If you want to use your 3x5 card system for homeschooling assignments instead of or in conjunction with your log, it’s simple to do. You can either use a different colored card for schoolwork or use the blue cards for everyday subjects, like Bible and math, and yellow for subjects that are once or twice a week like geography, history or science.

As jy jou 3x5 kaart sisteem wil gebruik vir tuisskool opdragte in plaas van of in samewerking met jou staat, is dit eenvoudig om te doen. Jy kan of ‘n veskillende gekleurde kaart vir skoolweerk gebruik of die blou kaarte vir alledaagse onderwerpe, soos Bybel en Wiskunde, en geel vir onderwerpe wat een of twee keer per week gedoen word soos aardrykskunde, geskiedenis of wetenskap.

You can allow your children to choose between doing chores or schoolwork first, or do as we do, a little of both. You can put a priority number up in the left corner that indicates when it is to be done. Let’s say priority one is making their bed, getting dressed, cleaning up their room, cleaning up the morning dishes. Priority number two would be schoolwork, and then number three would be any chores or reading before they can play or read for enjoyment. Of course, all cards must be done BEFORE dinner, not bedtime!

Jy kan jou kinders toelaat om te kies tussen werkies of skoolwerk eerste, of doen soos wat ons doen, ‘n bietjie van alles. Jy kan ‘n prioriteit nommer aan die boonste linkerkantste hoek plaas wat aandui wanneer dit gedoen moet word. Kom ons sê prioriteit nommer een is om die bed op te maak, aan te trek, hulle kamers skoon te maak, die oggend skottelgoed op te was. Prioriteit nommer twee sal skoolwerk wees, en dan nommer drie enige takies of lees wat hulle kan  doen voordat hulle speel of lees vir plesier. Natuurlik, moet alle kaarte gedoen word VOOR aandete, nie bedtyd nie!


Incorporating sibling tutoring into your homeschooling is a very good idea, both for the tutor and the student. For the tutor it reinforces responsibility, reviews or gives remedial help, and develops patience and leadership. For the student, it is good to learn to be submissive toward others.

Om broers/susters onderrig in jou tuisskool te inkorporeer is ‘n baie goeie idee, vir beide die onderwyser en die student. Vir die onderwyser vesterk dit verantwoordelikheid, hersien of gee remediërende hulp, en ontwikkel geduld en leierskap. Vir die studen, is dit goed om te leer om onderdanig te wees teenoor ander.

Gal. 6:4 “But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have {reason for} boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another.”

Gal. 6:4 “Laat elkeen sy eie doen en late ondersoek: as dit goed is, kan hy daarop trots wees sonder om dit met dié van 'n ander te vergelyk.”

Phil. 2:3-7 “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not {merely} look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, {and} being made in the likeness of men.”

Fil. 2:3-7 “Moet niks uit selfsug of eersug doen nie, maar in nederigheid moet die een die ander hoër ag as homself. Julle moenie net elkeen aan sy eie belange dink nie, maar ook aan dié van ander. Dieselfde gesindheid moet in julle wees wat daar ook in Christus Jesus was: Hy wat in die gestalte van God was, het sy bestaan op Godgelyke wyse nie beskou as iets waaraan Hy Hom moes vasklem nie, maar Hy het Homself verneder deur die gestalte van 'n slaaf aan te neem en aan mense gelyk te word.”

Correcting Papers
Korrigeer Papiere

Getting behind in correcting papers is a nightmare for both you and your children. Day after day they go on making the same mistakes. In addition, you are overwhelmed with a huge pile of papers to have to correct. It is important that you create some sort of a method. Of course, correcting immediately after the child finishes his work is the best. Next best would be daily, and then weekly. But don’t wait any longer than this.

Om agter te raak om papiere te korrigeer is ‘n nagmerrie vir beide jou en jou kinders. Dag na dag gaan hulle aan om dieselfde foute te maak. Ter aanvullig, is jy oorweldig met ‘n stapel papierwerk om te korrigeer. Dit is belangrik dat jy een of ander metode skep. Natuurlik, om te korrigeer onmiddellik na die kind sy werk volooi het is die beste. Volgende beste sal daagliks, en dan weekliks wees. Maar moet nie langer as dit wag nie.

You can have your children correct the work themselves, but you must make very sure you are not tempting them to cheat. I had an experience with a couple of my children in this. It was really a wonderful opportunity to teach the horrendous consequences of cheating when they had to do another year’s work in just a few short weeks – working day and night! Incredibly I actually forgot and repeated the same mistake. Or maybe it wasn’t a mistake but the Lord setting me up in order to teach another child a valuable lesson. Everyone should learn the consequences of cheating as children, when the ramifications are not as serious as they are in adulthood.

Jy kan dat jou kinders die werk hulself korrigeer, maar jy moet baie seker wees dat jy hulle nie aanlok om te verneuk nie. Ek het ‘n ervaring met ‘n paar van my kinders hierin gehad. Dit was regtig ‘n wonderlike ervaring om hulle die aaklige nagevolge van verneuk te leer toe hulle nog n jaar se werk in net ‘n paar kort maande moes doen — en dag en nag moes werk! Ongelooflik het ek vergeet en dieselfde fout herhaal. Maar miskien was dit nie ‘n fout nie maar die Here wat my opgestel het om ‘n ander kind ‘n waardevolle les te leer. Almal as kinders behoor die nagevolge van verneuk te leer, wanneer die nagevolge nie so ernstig is soos wat hulle in volwassenheid is nie.

You can also have them correct each other’s papers, but the negative is that you do not know where they are struggling.

Jy kan ook dat hulle mekaar se papier korriger, maar die negatief is dat jy nie weet waar hulle sukkel nie.

The method that works best for me, ever since I have been in ministry, is to have a place for them to put their “done” papers. One year I had them put their work in a colored folder to help me get it into their portfolios more easily. This year their tutors correct, then let them put on their own sticker. Then they put it in my correction file on my desk. On Friday, they are anxious to collect their own papers, which saves me having to sort them. They count and sort their own papers and put them in their portfolios themselves. Then they clean out their buckets for my inspection. Each perfect paper, one with a sticker, gets one penny candy. The clean bucket gets a fun-size candy bar. Friday night is family night at the Thieles and candy is their dessert anyway!

Die metode wat die beste vir my werk , vandat ek in die bediening is, is om ‘n plek vir hulle te hê waar hulle hulle “voltooide” papiere kan sit. Een jaar het ek dat hulle dit in ‘n gekleurde vouer laat sit om my te help om dit baie makliker in hulle portfeuljes te kry. Hierdie jaar korrigeer hulle onderwysers, en laat hulle hulle eie aanplakker aansit. Dan sit hulle dit in my korreksie leêr op my lessenaar. Vrydae, is hulle angstig om hulle eie papierwerk bymekaar te maak, wat my spaar om hulle uit te sorteer. Hulle tel en sorteer hulle eie papierwerk en sit hulle hulself in hulle portfeuljes. Dan maak hulle hulle emmers skoon vir my inspeksie. Elke perfekte papier, een met ‘n plakker, kry ‘n een sent lekker. Die skoon emmer kry ‘n pret-grootte lekkergoed stafie. Vrydagaand is familieaand by die Thiele’s en lekkergoed is in elk geval hulle nagereg.


Rewards can be candy, treats, staying up late, spending a night out together, “camping” on the floor on a Friday night, ordering a soda instead of water at a fast food restaurant or getting some special time with you alone to read and talk.

Belongings kan lekkergoed, traktasies, laat opbly, ‘n nag saam uit spandeer, “kampeer” op die vloer op ‘n Vrydagaand, ‘n koeldrank in plaas van water by ‘n kitskos restaurant bestel of om spesiale tyd te kry wanneer jy alleen is om te lees en te praat wees.

The other very good motivator is recognition. Stop everyone to tell how well he or she did, or announce it at the dinner table as a wonderful way to bring Dad into the homeschooling scene. Having them recite something, spell something or show their papers for that day should be incorporated into your day. Again, if you are always rushing out, you will miss a great part of pulling the family together.

Die ander baie goeie motivering is erkenning. Stop almal om vir hulle te sê hoe goed hy of sy gedoen het, of kondig dit by die aandete tafel aan as ‘n wonderlike manier om Pappa in die tusskool toneel in te bring. Laat hulle iets opsê, iets spel of hulle papierwerk te wys vir daardie dag behoort in jou dag inkorporeer te word. Weer, as jy altyd besig is om uit te haas, sal jy ‘n groot deel om die familie bymekaar te bring uitmis.

On your child’s paper, it’s nice to put a star, a sticker or simply draw a happy face. I love to give an A+ for a paper of 100%.

Op jou kind se papier, is dit goed om ‘n ster, ‘n plakker of eenvoudig ‘n gelukkige gesig te teken. Ek hou darvan om ‘n A+ vir ‘n paper van 100% te gee.

When your children are very motivated and doing a good job of schooling, giving them time off is a wonderful reward. You can also use it to motivate them to do well or work fast. When I needed to get away, feeling overwhelmed, I would tell the children, “Hey, let’s get all of our chores done and skip school today. Let’s go to the park for a picnic or go to the mall or something.” They would get really excited, and we would clean up the house and get dinner going, then leave the house clean and come back in time to be there to greet Dad.

Wanneer jou kinders baie gemotiveerd is en goeie werk van skoolwerk doen, is om hulle tyd af te gee ‘n wonderlike beloning. Jy kan dit ook gebruik om hulle te motiveer om goed te doen of vinnig te werk. Toe dit  nodig was om weg te kom, en ek oorweldig gevoel het, het ek vir die kinders gesê, “Hey, kom ons kry al ons werkies gedoen en sien skool oor vandag. Kom ons gaan parkie toe vir ‘n piekniek of gaan na die winkelsentrum toe of iets.” Hulle sou almal opgewonde raak, en ons sou die huis skoonmaak en aanddete aan die gang kry, dan die huis skoon los en betyds terugkom om daar te wes om pappa te groet.

In case I failed to mention this in an earlier lesson, motivation to do work over the summer is a great idea. Last summer I had a reading incentive to motivate the children to read all summer long. I bought something they wanted and they earned it by reading a certain number of books. They were much better starting school that year too.

In geval ek misluk het om dit in ‘n vroeë les te noem, motivering om werk gedurende die somer te doen is ‘n goeie idee. Verlede somer het ek ‘n lees aansporing gehad om die kinders te motiveer om die hele somer lank te lees. Ek het iets gekoop wat hule wou gehad het en hulle het dit verdien deur ‘n sekere hoeveelheid boeke te lees. Hulle was ook baie beter toe hulle daardie jaar skool begin het.

Two years ago we concentrated mainly on reading for the entire school year since all three of my youngest were ready to read or ready to read well. (Once you can get a child reading independently, your homeschooling is much easier! If it isn’t easier, you are missing the wonderful plus to homeschooling: your children learning to learn by working independently. More on this below.)

Twee jaar gelede het ons hoofsaaklik konsentreer deur vir die hele skooljaar te lees aangesien al drie van my jongste kinders gereed was om te lees of om goed te lees. (Sodra jy ‘n kind kan kry om onafhanklik te lees, is jou tuisskool baie makliker! As dit nie makliker is nie, mis jy die wonderlike plus van tuisskool: jou kinders wat leer deur te leer deur onafhanklik te werk. Meer hiervan hier onder.)

That year we gave daily recognition by having them read a page out loud at lunch (our entire family meets for lunch). I made crowns as I had in the first grade. Then I bought some stars. After lunch, when everyone was upstairs, each one would read one page. When they completed it everyone would clap; then I would place a star on their crown. After the reading was done, I would ask them a spelling word or two. Everyone would clap and I would place a star on their crown. It really worked well. I would highly recommend doing it after dinner every night if you really want them to excel in reading.

Daardie jaar het ons daaglikse erkenning gegee deur hulle ‘n bladsy hardop te laat lees gedurende middagete (ons hele familie kom middagete bymekaar). Ek het krone gemaak soos wat ek in Graad 1 gedoen het. Toe koop ek sterre. Na middagete, wanneer almal bo was, sou almal een bladsy lees. Toe hulle dit voltooi het het almal hande geklap; dan het ek ‘n ster op hulle krone geplak. Nadat die leeswerk gedoen was, het ek hulle ‘n spelwoord of twee gevra. Almal sou hande klp en ek sou ‘n ster op hulle krone plak. Dit her regtig goed gewerk. Ek sal dit hoogs aanbeveel deur dit elke aand na aandete te doen as jy regtig wil hê hulle moet uitblink in lees.

Working Independently
Werk Onafhanklik

Basically there are three ways your child can learn:

Baies is daar drie maniere wat jou kind kan leer:

First is working independently. This is not done too much in the school system, but comes into play during college. Because children never learn to work independently in public school over 50% of first semester college students flunk and drop out.

Eerstens is om onafhanklik te werk. Dit word nie te veel in die skool sisteem gedoen nie, maar kom te werke in kollege. Omdat kinders nooit leer om onafhanklik te werk in publieke skool nie druip meer as 50% hulle eerste kwartaal en val uit.

Second is working in a tutoring environment. This is the method that will move bright students up quickly. This is also a great method for remedial help. I used to tutor to help pay our bills while My husband was gone. I tutored 8 children for one hour, two times a week. In 6 weeks they went from the bottom of their class to the top of their class – everyone! If you could do that with a class of 8 students, what could you do with your children in each of their subjects one on one?

Tweede is om in ‘n onderrig omgewing te werk. Dit is die metode wat slim kinders baie gou sal opskuif. Dit is ook ‘n goeie metode ir remediale hulp. Ek het geonderrig om te help om ons rekeninge te betaal terwyl my man weg was. Ek het 8 kinders vir een uur, twee keer per week onderrig. Binne 6 weke het hulle van onder in hulle klas tot bo in hulle klas beweeg — almal! As jy dit met ‘n klas van agt studente kan doen, wat kan jy met elkeen van jou kinders in alkeen van hulle onderwerpe een vir een doen.

The final way is through a “lesson.” This is the classroom teacher method, and what most mothers who don’t homeschool think that homeschooling is all about. I like to emphasize, when talking about homeschooling to people who are a bit skeptical, that homeschooling is more like tutoring, and how beneficial tutoring is for every student. Certainly ANY student who is continually “tutored” would fare much better than a student who is in a classroom with 30 other children.

Die finale manier is deur ‘n “les.” Dit is die klaskamer onderwyser metode, en wat meeste moeders wat nie tuissskool nie dink dit is waaroor tuisskool gaan. Ek wil graag klem lê, wanneer ek met mense oor tuisskool praat wat ‘n bietjie skepties is, is dat tuisskool meer soos onderrig is, en hoe voordelig is onderrig vir elke student. Sekerlik ENIGE student wat aanhoudend “onderrig” is sal baie beter vaar as ‘n kind wat in ‘n klaskamer met 30 ander kinders is.

We use all three methods every day. I give a lesson, a one-room school house, teaching on different subjects. Then they begin to work independently, with the older children or myself tutoring on certain subjects as needed.

Ons gebruik al drie metodes elke dag. Ek gee ‘n les, ‘n een-kamer skoolhuis, en onderrig oor verskillende onderwerpe. Dan begin hulle om onafhanklik te werk, met die ouer kinders of myself wat onderrig oor sekere onderwepe soos wat benodig.


What about grades?

Wat van grade?

Those of us who are older, or who have homeschooled for a while, were taught that grades were taboo. We have grown up in the self-esteem generation or “me” generation. Everyone who participates gets a trophy and no one is better than anyone else. However good this all seems on the surface, in the practical sense, it doesn’t do well in a republic. By the way, our country is NOT a democracy, but a republic. Very different! And in our homes, we should have a dictatorship/savior system.

Die van ons wat ouer is, of wie vir ‘n tydperk getuisskol het, was geleer dat grade taboe is. Ons het groot geword in die selfbeeld generasie of “ek” generasie. Almal wat deelnem kry ‘n trofee en niemand is beter as enig iemand anders nie. Hoe ook al goed dit op die oppervlakte lyk, in die praktiese sin, doen dit nie goed in ‘n republiek nie. Om die waarheid te sê ons land is NIE demokraties nie, maar republiek. Baie anders! En in ons huise behoort ons ‘n diktatorskap/redder sisteem te hê.

So, should you give grades?

So, behoort jy grade te gee?

By the time a child is in the second or third grade, unless there are some emotional problems, it is a very good idea to give grades. A through F. How you figure this out is to count up the problems. If there are 20 questions, it would mean each gets 5 points. If there are 2 wrong, that child would get a 90%. I give a grade with this also.

Teen die tyd wat ‘n kind in tweede of derde graad is, tensy daar emosionele probleme is, is dit ‘n baie goeie idee om grade te gee. A tot F. Hoe jy dit uitpluis is om die probleme te tel. As daar 20 vrae is beteken dit elkeen kry 5 punte. As daar 2 verkeerd is, sal daardie kind 90% kry. Ek gee ook hier ‘n graad.

100% is ‘n A+
95% - 99% is ‘n A
94% - 90% is ‘n A-
89% - 87% is ‘n B+
86% - 84% is ‘n B
83% - 80% is ‘n B-
79% - 77% is ‘n C+
76% - 74% is ‘n C
73% - 70% is ‘n C-
69% - 60% is ‘n D
Onder 60% is ‘n F

The intent of giving grades is to encourage your child to strive to do better. If every paper gets the same grade, then it causes a child to cease to strive. It’s a form of communism. There is just no incentive to do better. Our republic was founded on the principle that those who worked hard could get ahead.

Die bedoeling om grade te gee is om die kind aan te moedig om te streef om beter te doen. As elke papier dieselfde graad kry, dan veroorsaak dit ‘n kind om op te hou om te streef. Dit is ‘n vorm van kommunisme. Daar is net geen aansporing om beter te doen nie. Ons republiek was gestig op die beginsel dat die wat hard werk vooruit kon kom.

Now, in regard to homeschooling and grades, if my child gets a grade below a B, then he needs to do it over. Honestly, if they get less than an A- it is a reflection on my mothering and teaching, not so much on my children. It means they did not understand. However, it is a good “wake-up” call for the child who is clearly not trying any more.

Nou, met betrekking tot tuisskool en grade, as my kind ‘n graad onder ‘n B kry, dan moet hy dit oordoen. Eerlik, as hulle minder as ‘n A- kry is dit ‘n werkaatsing op my moederskap en onderrig, nie soveel op my kinders nie. Dit betekn hulle het nie verstaan nie. Nietemin, is dit ‘n goeie “wakker word” oproep vir die kind wie duidelik nie meer probeer nie.

I make sure that all my children get straight A’s by making them do it over again until they get it right and earn an A! Why go on if your child doesn’t know something they should?

Ek maak seker dat al my kinders net A’s kry deur hulle te maak om dit oor te doen totdat hulle dit regkry en ‘n A verdien! Waarom aangaan as ‘n kind nie iets weet wat hy behoort te weet nie?

Correcting my children’s papers is to help “correct” them, not to see if I can “catch” them in a mistake. If they are sloppy and you can’t read the answer even though they know the answer, mark it wrong until they learn to write so everyone can read it. The benefit to mothers educating their own children, over a teacher, is that we “know” our children. We should know what our children need, and it isn’t always the same even with the same child. Does your child need correcting or encouraging? Do your children need to learn a lesson, or get the rest of the day off? Make sure you are flexible and seeking the Lord to really “know” what your child needs. Ask the Lord for discernment. And above all, love your child.

Deur my kinders se papier te korrigeer is om te help om hulle te “korrigeer”, nie om te sien om hulle in ‘n fout te “vang” nie. As hulle slordig is en jy kan nie die antwoord lees alhoewel jy weet hulle ken die antwoord, merk dit verkeerd sodat hulle kan leer om te skryf sodat almal dit kan lees. Die voordeel van moeders wat hull eie kinders onderrig, oor ‘n “onderwyser” is omdat ons ons kinders “ken”. Ons behoort te weet wat ons kinders nodig het, en dit is nie altyd dieselfde nie selfs met dieselfde kind. Het jou kind korregering of aanmoediging nodig? Behoort jou kinders ‘n les te leer, of die res van die dag afkry? Maak seker jy is buigsaam en die Here regtig te soek om te “weet” wat jou kind nodig het. Vra vir die Here vir onderskeiding. En bo alles, wees lief vir jou kind.

Our children will learn to love the Lord as we love them.

Ons kinders sal ook leer om lief te wees vir die Here soos wat ons hulle liefhet.

1John 4:15-19 says,

1Joh. 4:15-19 sê,

“Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this, love is perfected with us, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us.”

“Wie bely dat Jesus die Seun van God is – God bly in hom en hy in God. En ons ken die liefde wat God vir ons het, en ons glo daarin. God is liefde; wie in die liefde bly, bly in God en God bly in hom. Hiérin het die liefde sy doel volkome met ons bereik: ons het niks te vrees vir die oordeelsdag nie, want in hierdie wêreld lewe ons reeds deur die liefde net soos Jesus. Waar liefde is, is daar geen vrees nie, maar volmaakte liefde verdryf vrees, want vrees verwag straf, en wie nog vrees, het nie volmaakte liefde nie. Ons het lief omdat God ons eerste liefgehad het.”

There is no greater reward in mothering than when we take the freedom our country gives us to homeschool our children, and then HOMESCHOOL FOR HIM!!

Daar is geen groter beloning in moederskap as wat ons die vryheid neem wat ons land ons gee om ons kinders te tuisskool, en dan VIR HOM TE TUISSKOOL!!


“Sy staan op as dit nog nag is …” Spreuke 31:15



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