As Christians we are called to train our children, which also includes their education, for Him. That means that we should have our goal and our sights forever on the spiritual excellence of each of our children and homeschool them for spiritual growth, NOT for educational excellence. Only then can we claim Matt. 6:33: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” 

As Christene word ons geroep om ons kinders op te lei, wat ook hulle onderwys insluit, vir Hom. Dit beteken ons moet ons doel en ons besienswaardigheid vir ewig op die geestelike uitnemendheid van elkeen van ons kinders te hê en hulle tuisskool vir geestelike groei, NIE vir opvoedkundige uitnemendheid nie. Net dan kan ons Matt. 6:33 eis: Nee, beywer julle allereers vir die koninkryk van God en vir die wil van God, dan sal Hy julle ook al hierdie dinge gee.

How should I begin to homeschool?
Hoe behoort ek te begin tuisskool?

How should I begin each school year?
Hoe behoort ek elke skooljaar te begin?

How should I begin each day?
Hoe behoort ek elke dag te begin?

How should I deal with questions, concerns, or trials I face daily?
Hoe behoort ek af te reken met vrae, bekommernis, of beproewings wat ek daagliks in die gesig staar?

Through your trust in Him!!
Deur jou vertroue in Hom!!

Jer. 17:5 “Thus says the LORD, Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the LORD.”

Jer. 17:5 “So sê die HERE, Daar rus 'n vloek op die mens wat sy vertroue in mense stel, wat sy krag soek by sterflike mense en van MY af wegdraai.”

Jer. 17:7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD.”

Jer. 17:7 “Dit gaan goed met die mens wat sy vertroue in die HERE stel, die mens vir wie die Here 'n veilige vesting is.”

It’s our trust in the Lord, taking a step of faith, that HE may be glorified in our homeschooling for Him.

Dit is ons vertroue in die Here, om ‘n tree in geloof te neem, dat HY in ons tuisskool vir Hom verheerlik kan wees.

How do you continue to homeschool?

Hoe gaan jy voort om te tuisskool?

Again by your faith and trust in Him!!! Have faith that HE is more than able to guide and help you. He would not have called you if He weren’t going to help you.

Weer deur jou geloof en vertroue in Hom!!! Jy moet geloof hê dat Hy meer as in staat is om jou te lei en te help. Hy sou jou nie geroep het as Hy jou nie sou help nie.

Prov. 1:8 “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching...”

Spr. 1:8 “My seun, jy moet luister na die onderrig wat jou vader jou gee; moenie wat jou moeder jou leer, verontagsaam nie…”

The Lord gives us a simple way to educate our children in Deut. 11:19: “And you shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Die Here gee vir ons ‘n eenvoudige manier om ons kinders te onderwys in Deut. 11:19: “Leer dit vir jou kinders deur met hulle daaroor te praat as jy in jou huis is en as jy op pad is, as jy gaan slaap en as jy opstaan. Skryf dit op jou deurkosyne en op jou stadspoorte.

Have faith when you are homeschooling that He will be glorified through your efforts to exalt Him. Isa. 52:13: “Behold, My servant will prosper; he will be high and lifted up, and greatly exalted.”

Jy moet geloof hê dat jy tuisskool dat Hy verheerlik gaan wees deur jou pogings om Hom eer te gee. Jes. 52:13: “ My dienaar sal voorspoedig wees. Hy sal hoog in aansien wees, hy sal baie eer ontvang

You must train yourself and your:: children to pray for everything!! 1Ths. 5:17 says that we are to “pray without ceasing”!!  Pray blessings over your children. Daily use 3x5 cards with pictures to pray for your needs and desires. Use pictures to pray for unsaved loved ones. When your homeschool day exalts the Lord, He will help you to advance your children academically for His Kingdom and for His good use!!!

Jy moet jouself en jou:: kinders oplei om te bid sonder ophou!! 1 Tess. 5:17 sê dat ons “gedurig moet bid”!! Bid seëninge oor jou kinders. Gebruik daagliks 3x5 kaarte met prentjies om vir jou behoeftes en begeertes te bid. Gebruik prentjies om vir ongeredde geliefdes te bid. Wanneer jou tuisskool dag die Here eer, sal Hy jou help om jou kinders akademies te vorder vir Sy Koninkryk en vir Sy goeie gebruik!!! 

 2Tim. 2:20-22 “Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if a man cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work. Now flee from youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love {and} peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”

2 Timoteus 2:20-22 “In 'n groot huis is daar nie alleen voorwerpe van goud en silwer nie, maar ook van hout en klei. Sommige is vir besondere gebruik en ander vir die alledaagse. As iemand hom van die kwaad gereinig het, sal hy 'n voorwerp vir besondere gebruik wees. Dan sal hy vir die eienaar afgesonder en bruikbaar wees, voorberei vir enige goeie diens. Vermy die begeertes wat 'n jongmens in gevaar bring, en streef na opregtheid, geloof, liefde en vrede, saam met almal wat uit 'n rein hart die Here aanroep.”

Homeschooling Through Relationship
Tuisskool Deur Verhouding


Homeschooling Under the Law
Tuisskool Onder die Wet

When we have a deep and loving relationship with the Lord, we don’t worry about the law, but about pleasing HIM!  Gal. 3:10: “For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, ‘CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO PERFORM THEM.’”

Wanneer ons ‘n diep en liefdevolle verhouding met die Here het, bekommer ons ons nie oor die wet nie, maar om HOM te behaag! Gal. 3:10: Maar almal wat staatmaak op die onderhouding van die wet, val onder die vloek, want daar staan geskrywe: “DAAR RUS ‘N VLOEK OP ELKEEN WAT NIE STIPTELIK ALLES DOEN WAT IN DIE BOEK VAN DIE WET GESKRYWE STAAN NIE.”

In the same way, we must build a deep and loving relationship with our children for them to want to please us rather than living by rules and regulations. We must encourage our children rather than demand from them. We must love rather than rule. By promoting and encouraging a loving and close relationship with your children, you will in turn help them to create a deep and loving relationship with the Lord. Their only fear of the Lord will be “How can I please Him?”

Op dieselfde manier, moet ons ‘n diep en liefdevolle verhouding met ons kinders bou vir hulle om ons te behaag eerder as om deur reëls en regulasies te lewe. Ons moet ons kinders aanmoedig eerder as om van hulle te eis. Ons moet lief hê eerder as om te regeer. Deur ‘n liefdevolle en intieme verhouding met jou kinders bevorder en aan te moedig, sal jy op jou beurt hulle help om ‘n diep en liefdevolle verhouding met die Here te skep. Hulle enigste vrees van die Here sal wees “Hoe kan ek Hom behaag?”


Gal. 2:16 “...nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified.”

Gal. 2:16” …En tog weet ons dat 'n mens nie van sonde vrygespreek word deur die wet van Moses te onderhou nie, maar alleen deur in Jesus Christus te glo. Ook ons het tot die geloof in Christus Jesus gekom, en dit is hoe ons vrygespreek is: deur in Christus te glo en nie deur die wet te onderhou nie, want geen mens word vrygespreek op grond daarvan dat hy die wet onderhou nie.”

Whenever we try to over-perform, we create an atmosphere for failure or burnout. Don’t fall into the trap that so many homeschool mothers have chosen. Keep your perspective, which can be difficult when there is someone else (the authors of your curriculum who believe your child should know and learn all they have put into their books). Seek the Lord first and ask Him to show you what your child needs to know and what trivia in the book is unnecessary.

Waneer ookal ons probeer om te oorpresteer, skep ons ‘n atmosfeer vir mislukking of uitbrand. Moet nie in die lokval val wat so baie tuisskool moeders gekies het. Hou perspektief, wat moeilik kan wees wanneer daar iemand anders is (die skrywers van jou kurikulum wat glo dat jou kind alles moet ken en leer wat hulle in hulle boeke gesit het). Streef die Here na en vra Hom om jou te wys wat jou kind nodig het om te weet en watter onbenullighede onnodig is. 

We are living in the days of EXPERTS — people with degrees who tell us they know what is right and wrong for our children and us. But they DON’T! Only the Lord really knows.

Ons leef in die dae van DESKUNDIGES — mense met grade wie vir ons vertel hulle weet wat reg en verkeerd is vir ons kinders en ons. Maar hulle DOEN NIE! Net Here weet regtig.

If you need help, those who have walked through it “with Him” can help you. But those of us who do help others, who have walked it “with the Lord,” must be careful to merely point the way. We must not make the mistake of taking over; instead we must allow the Lord to lead them. We can do just as much damage as the paid “experts” if we try to control or arrogantly believe that WE know what others who homeschool should or shouldn’t do. We don’t!! We must simply make ourselves available to help when encouragement is needed and possibly make “suggestions” in order to bring that mother peace. Praying with her, then praying for her, is the best thing you can do to teach her that that is the way to solve all her problems. But you can’t be an example UNLESS you pray yourself.

As jy hulp nodig het, die wat deur dit “saam Hom” geloop het kan jou help. Maar die van ons wat ander help, wie dit “saam die Here,” geloop het moet versigtig wees en eenvoudig die pad aanwys. Ons moet nie die fout begaan deur oor te neem nie; in plaas daarvan moet ons die Here toelaat om hulle te lei. Ons kan net soveel skade aanrig as die betaalde “deskundiges” as ons probeer beheer of arrogant glo dat ONS weet wat ander wat tuisskool behoort of nie behoort te doen nie. Ons doen nie. Ons moet onsself eenvoudig beskikbaar maak om te help wanneer aanmoediging nodig is en moontlik “voorstelle” maak om vir daardie moeder vrede te bring. Deur saam haar te bid, en dan vir haar te bid, is die beste ding wat jy kan doen om haar te leer dit is die manier om al haar probleme op te los. Maar jy kan nie ‘n voorbeeld wees TENSY jy vir jouself bid nie.

Curriculum Beware
Kurikulum Bewaar

If you BUY, you will try to USE; then you will be forced to PRESSURE your children. When you pressure your children, you lose your peace and destroy your relationship with your children and your Lord. Don’t quench the Holy Spirit by buying and using what you don’t need. 1Ths. 5:19: “Do not quench the Spirit...”

As jy KOOP, sal jy probeer GEBRUIK; dan sal jy geforseer wees om DRUK OP jou kinders te plaas. Wanneer jy druk op jou kinders plaas, verloor jy jou vrede en vernietig jou verhouding met jou kinders en jou Here. Moet nie die werking van die Heilige Gees teenstaan deur te koop en te gebruik wat jy nie nodig het nie. 1 Tess. 5:19: “  Moenie die werking van die Heilige Gees teenstaan nie…”

Watch out for the “works” of workbooks. When we buy workbooks, or any curriculum, we may be setting our children and ourselves up to fail. They are usually time consuming, and offer not as much fruit as they demand labor. They can be very monotonous, and I have found, not conducive to learning. Use them sparingly and cautiously. In the beginning, they may give you a sense of security, such as with using Paces; however, you should wean yourself from them for the reasons stated above. Easy workbooks, like those you get in the grocery store or Wal-Mart, can help you to teach some simple concepts such as writing numbers or letters.

Kyk uit vir die “werke” van werkboeke. Wanneer ons werkboeke koop, of enige kurikulum, mag ons onsself of ons kinders opstel vir mislukking. Hulle is gewoonlik tydrowend, en offer nie soveel vrugte as wat hulle arbeid vereis nie. Hulle kan baie eentonig wees, en ek het gevind nie bevorderlik om te leer nie. Gebruik hulle spaarsaam  en versigtig. In die begin, mag hulle jou ‘n sin van sekuriteit gee, soos om Paces te gebruik; nietemin jy moet jouself van hulle speen vir die redes bo verklaar. Maklike werkboeke, soos die wat jy in die kruidenierswinkel of in Wal-Mart kry, kan jou help om die eenvoudige konsep om woorde of letters te skryf te leer.


When you homeschool and you are motivated by pride, you are setting yourself and your children up for a fall. Pride is mentioned 51 times in the Bible, always in negative light. Prov. 16:18: “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.” If you want your children to learn something for the reason of pride or boasting, rather than to use as a talent for “the glory of God,” you set your children up for destruction.

Wanneer jy tuisskool en jy deur hoogmoed gemotiveer is, stel jy jouself en jou kinders op vir ‘n val. Hoogmoed word 51 keer in die Bybel genoem, altyd in ‘n negatiewe lig. Spr. 16:18: “Op hoogmoed volg ondergang, op selfverheffing volg die val.” As jy wil hê jou kinders moet iets leer vir die rede van hoogmoed of spog, eerder as om die talent te gebruik vir die “eer van God,” stel jy jou kinders op vir verwoesting.

Pride can also motivate you to do what you can to please or impress others, especially your parents or your in-laws who are against homeschooling and question your ability to educate their grandchildren.

Hoogmoed kan jou ook motiveer om te doen wat jy kan doen om ander te behaag of te beindruk, spesiaal jou ouers of jou skoonouers wat teen tuisskool is en bevraag jou vemoë om hulle kleinkinders te onderrig. 

James 4:4 says, “...whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

Jakobus 4:4 sê, “...Wie 'n vriend van die wêreld wil wees, wys daarmee dat hy 'n vyand van God is.”

Gal. 1:10 “For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.”

Gal. 1:10 “Klink dit nou asof ek die guns van mense soek, of soek ek die guns van God? Probeer ek by mense in die guns kom? As ek nog steeds die guns van mense soek, sou ek geen dienaar van Christus wees nie.”

Col. 3:22 “Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.”

Kol. 3:22 “Slawe, wees in alles gehoorsaam aan julle eienaars hier op aarde. Moenie net werk om deur hulle raakgesien te word en so in mense se guns te kom nie, maar werk met 'n opregte hart uit eerbied vir die Here.”

How do I begin?
Hoe begin ek?

Again, carefully seek Him through prayer. He is ALWAYS faithful to answer and lead you, open and shut the door for you, and keep you from falling!

Weer, soek Hom versigtig deur gebed. Hy is ALTYD getrou om jou te antwoord en te lei, die deur oop en toe vir jou te maak, en jou te weerhou dat jy val!

Prov. 8:17 “I love those who love me; and those who diligently seek me will find me.

Spr. 8:17 “Ek het dié lief wat my liefhet; dié wat my soek, vind my.

Isa. 30:21 “And your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”

Isa. 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Jes. 41:10 “Moenie bang wees nie, Ek is by jou, moenie bekommerd wees nie, Ek is jou God. Ek versterk jou, Ek help jou, Ek hou jou vas, met my eie hand red Ek jou.”

Build Daily upon Your Good and Solid Foundation
Bou Daagliks op Jou Goeie en Soliede Fondament

Matt. 7:25 “And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and {yet} it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock.”

Matt. 7:25 “ Die stortreën het geval, vloedwaters het afgekom, winde het teen daardie huis gewaai en daaraan geruk, en {tog} het dit nie ingestort nie, want die fondament was op rots.”

Your foundation, if you follow what has been said, will be the Rock of Jesus Christ. Now begin to build upon the Rock. Be sure that every day you cover “the basics.” Be sure to begin with Bible; then do reading, writing, arithmetic. Later, add science, geography, etc. If you do just a “little bit” every day you will have good fruits for your labor and be able to go the long haul.

Jou fondament, as jy volg wat gesê is, sal die Rots van Jesus Christus wees. Begin nou om te bou op die Rots. Maak seker dat jy elke dag “die basies” dek. Wees seker om met die Bybel te begin; doen dan lees, skryf, rekenkunde . Voeg later, wetenskap, aardrykskunde, ens by. As jy net ‘n “klein bietjie” elke dag doen sal jy goeie vrugte vir jou arbeid hê en in staat wees om die langpad te gaan.   

Prov. 6:6-11 “Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise, which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer, and gathers her provision in the harvest. How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? ‘A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest’— And your poverty will come in like a vagabond, And your need like an armed man.”

Spr. 6:6-11 “Gaan kyk na die mier, luiaard, kyk hoe hy werk, en leer by hom. Hy het nie 'n leier nie, nie 'n opsigter of 'n regeerder nie, tog maak hy sy kosvoorraad reg in die somer, versamel hy sy voedsel in die oestyd. Hoe lank gaan jy nog lê, luiaard, wanneer gaan jy opstaan? Nog 'n bietjie slaap, nog 'n bietjie sluimer, nog 'n bietjie handevou en bly lê, en daar oorval die armoede jou soos 'n rower, daar oorrompel die gebrek jou soos 'n inbreker.”

Those who fail to have the proper foundation, which is “Him,” and build with the fancy subjects and books, find that they fail. This is what our competition does, and their bad fruits are evidence.

Die wat misluk om die regte fondament te hê, wat “Hy,” is en met die oordrewe onderwerpe en boeke bou, vind dat hulle misluk. Dit is wat ons kompetisie doen, en hulle slegte vrugte is bewys.

85% of all high school graduates are functionally illiterate. Now colleges have had to add remedial courses. If that weren’t enough to wake up Christian parents (along with all the sin, evil, dangers, and evolution in the schools), large corporations have had to include basic remedial courses for those who come in with college diplomas! Apple Computer’s president said that if his system turned out that percentage of failures he would tear down the entire company and start over.

85% van hoërskool gegradueerdes is funskioneel ongeletterd. Nou moes kolleges remediërende lesse byvoeg, Asof dit nie genoeg is om Christelike ouers (saam met die sonde, boosheid, gevare, en evolusie), wakker te maak nie, moet groot maatskappye basiese remediërende lesse vir die wat met kollege diplomas inkom insluit! Apple rekenaar se president sê dat as sy sisteem daardie persentasie mislukkings uitlewer hy die hele maatskappy sou afbreek en oor begin.

It is so incredible that so many of us are intimidated to compete with the schools that have proven to be a failure both educationally and morally. It would be VERY foolish to try and imitate an educational system that is failing at a rate of 85% or to feel intimidated by trying to compete with this failing system.

Dit is ongelooflik dat so baie van ons intimideer is om met die skole te kompeteer wat bewys is om ‘n mislukking beide opvoedkundig en moreel te wees. Dit sal BAIE dwaas wees om te probeer om die opvoedkundige sisteem te probeer naboots wat teen ‘n koers van 85% misluk of om geintimideer te voel deur te probeer om met hierdie mislukte sisteem te kompeteer. 

Home School or Home Educate?
Tuisskool of Tuis Onderwys?

Work homeschooling into your home life. Some find it fun to “play” school especially with young children who thought they wanted to go to school. But to put a school into your home, rather than attaining the mindset of educating your children daily, you will be missing a blessing, you may burnout, and you may create an atmosphere for failure.

Werk tuisskool in jou huis lewe. Sommige vind dit pret om skool te “speel” spesiaal met jong kinders wie gedink het hulle wou skool toe gaan. Maar om skool in jou huis te plaas, eerder as om die ingesteldheid om jou kinders daagliks te onderwys, sal jy ‘n seën mis, jy mag uitbrand, en jy mag ‘n atmosfeer van mislukking skep.

It will be VERY difficult to begin to educate your children in your home, if your house and/or home is out of order. If you live without any routine, you will become exasperated and your children will become confused and even more unruly.  In addition, when you spread yourself or your children too thin, you will find yourself giving up. This is not God’s way. God is a God of order. God has a consistent routine. The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west at the same time every day! Give your children that same kind of consistency in your home to create security. God is a God of peace and of waiting. Rushing is of the enemy since it is his goal to “wear down the saints of the Highest One” (Dan. 7:25).

Dit kan BAIE moeilik wees om jou kinders in jou huis te begin onderwys, as jy en/of jou huis uit orde is. As jy sonder enige roetine lewe, sal jy meer geïrriteerd word en jou kinders sal verward en selfs meer weerbarstig word. Ter aanvulling, wanneer jy jouself of jou kinders te dun smeer, sal jy jouself vind opgee. Dit is nie God se manier nie. God is ‘n God van orde. God het ‘n konsekwente roetine. Die son kom in die ooste op en gaan in die weste onder dieselfde tyd elke dag! Gee jou kinders daardie selfde soort konsekwentheid in jou huis om sekuriteit te skep. God is ‘n God van vrede en van wag. Haas is van die vyand aangesien dit sy doel is om “die heiliges van die Allerhoogste te vervolg” (Dan. 7:25). 

Fulfilling Their Call
Vervul Hulle Roeping

You are raising no ordinary child. Your child has a special call on his or her life. God gave each of us our own special and unique children. They have been entrusted to you to love and train for Him. They are not for our good pleasure, but His. Yet, if you train them for Him, they will bring you pleasure and delight.

Jy maak nie ‘n gewone kind groot nie. Jou kind het ‘n spesiale roeping op sy lewe. God het vir elkeen van ons ons eie spesiale en unieke kinders gegee. Hulle is aan jou toevertrou om lief te hê en op te lei vir Hom. Hulle is nie vir ons goeie plesier nie, maar Syne. Tog, as jy hulle oplei vir Hom, sal hulle jou plesier en genot bring.

In addition, never forget that they don’t belong to anyone else either. Don’t make the mistake of turning your children over to others to train. Cherish and protect what the Lord has given you, so that you can give them to the Lord, undefiled and ready for His use. Think on this daily. Soon it will be your mindset and you will be able to better make decisions that you will face regarding your children's upbringing.

Ter aanvulling, moet nooit vergeet dat hulle aan niemand anders behoort nie. Moet nie die fout begaan om jou kinders oor te gee vir ander om op te lei. Koester en beskerm wat die Here vir jou gegee het, sodat jy hulle vir die Here kan gee, onbesmet en gereed vir Sy gebruik. Dink daagliks hieraan. Binnekort sal dit jou ingesteldheid wees en jy sal in staat wees om beter besluite te maak wat jy in die gesig sal staar in verband met jou kinders se opvoeding.

Our goal, my husband’s and mine, is for all of our children to go into full-time ministry to advance His kingdom. What is your goal? Is it money, fame, or pride?

Ons doel, my man en myne, is vir al ons kinders om in voltydse bediening te gaan. Wat is jou doel? Is dit geld, roem, of hoogmoed?

More Scripture for Your Foundation
Meer Heilige Skrif vir Jou Fondament

Our Promises:
Ons Beloftes:

  1. Dan. 1:17 “And as for these four youths, God GAVE them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.”
  2. Dan. 1:17 “God het aan hierdie vier jongmanne verstand gegee en insig in alles wat geskryf is, en ook wysheid. Daniël kon enige gesig of droom uitlê.
  3. Prov. 22:6 “…even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
  4. Spr. 22:6 “ …en hy sal ook as hy al oud is nie daarvan afwyk nie.”
  5. 1Cor. 13:8 “Love never fails...”
  6. 1Kor. 13:8 “Die liefde vergaan nooit nie…”

The Condition:
Die Voorwaarde:

  1. Dan. 1:8 “But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself …”
  2. Dan. 1:8 “Daniël het hom voorgeneem om hom nie met die koning se kos en wyn te verontreinig nie…
  3. Prov. 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go…”
  4. Spr. 22:6 “Gee leiding aan 'n jongmens oor hoe hy moet leef …”
  5. John 14:15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” and Luke 6:46 “And why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”
  6. Joh. 14: 15 “As julle My liefhet, sal julle my opdragte uitvoer" en Lukas 6:46 “Watter sin het dit dat julle My aanspreek met ‘Here, Here!’ en nie doen wat Ek sê nie?”


Prov. 14:7 “Leave the presence of a fool, or you will not discern words of knowledge.”

Spr. 14:7 “Vermy 'n dwase mens; jy sal nie by hom leer om verstandig te praat nie.”

Our Guide:
Ons Gids:

1Ths. 1:2-3 “We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father...”

1 Tess. 1:2-3 “Ons dank God altyd vir julle almal wanneer ons in ons gebede aan julle dink. Sonder ophou bring ons dan voor God ons Vader in herinnering die werk van julle geloof, die inspanning van julle liefde en die volharding van julle hoop op ons Here Jesus Christus…”

Prov. 1:8-9 “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching; Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head, and ornaments about your neck.”

Spr. 1:8-9 “My seun, jy moet luister na die onderrig wat jou vader jou gee; moenie wat jou moeder jou leer, verontagsaam nie: dit sal jou lewe versier soos 'n krans jou kop en 'n kettinkie jou hals.”


“Sy staan op as dit nog nag is …” Spreuke 31:15



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