“But Paul shook the snake off into the fire

and suffered no ill effects”

—Acts 28:5


“Paulus het egter die slang in die vuur afgeskud

 en niks oorgekom nie”

—Handelinge 28:5


Soon after the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked, it says that “Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, ‘This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.’ But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead, but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god” (Acts 28:3–6).

Gou na die Apostel Paulus skipbreuk gelei, sĂȘ dit dat “Paulus het 'n klomp hout bymekaargemaak en op die vuur gegooi. Van die hitte het daar 'n slang uitgekom, en dit het aan sy hand vasgebyt. Toe die mense die slang aan Paulus se hand sien hang, sĂȘ hulle vir mekaar: “Hierdie man moet beslis 'n moordenaar wees. Al is hy uit die see gered, wil die goddelike wraak hom nie laat lewe nie.” Paulus het egter die slang in die vuur afgeskud en niks oorgekom nie. Hulle het gewag dat hy moet opswel of skielik dood neerslaan, maar nadat hulle 'n lang ruk gewag het en gesien het dat daar niks ongewoons met hom gebeur nie, het hulle van mening verander en gesĂȘ hy is 'n god. (Handelinge 28:3-6).

This is a great story of the Bible that has so much meaning. In this chapter, I hope to use this as a picture to understand the principle of how we must act when something comes in to kill our miracle.

Dit is ‘n puik storie uit die Bybel wat so baie betekenis het. In hierdie hoofstuk, hoop ek om dit te gebruik as ‘n prentjie om die beginsel te verstaan van hoe ons moet optree wanneer iets kom om ons wonderwerk dood te maak.

We all know that the “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I [Jesus] came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Since we can be easy prey to the enemy and his schemes, we often miss out on abundance when we are not wise. “I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). We need to heed the warning as the Message Bible says, “Stay alert. This is hazardous work I’m assigning you. You’re going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don’t call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.”

Ons almal weet dat “'n Dief kom net steel en slag en uitroei; Ek het gekom sodat hulle die lewe kan hĂȘ, en dit in oorvloed” (Johannes 10:10). Aangesien ons maklik prooi kan word vir die vyand en sy gekonkel, mis ons dikwels uit op die oorvloed as ons nie wys is nie. “Onthou: Ek stuur julle soos skape tussen wolwe in. Wees dus versigtig soos slange en opreg soos duiwe” (Matteus 10:16). Ons moet oplet na die waarskwing soos wat Die Boodskap Bybel sĂȘ,  “Onthou: Ek stuur julle soos skape tussen wolwe in. Wees dus versigtig soos slange en opreg soos duiwe.”

The best way for me to help you to understand, and then to apply this principle, is to share with you a few short testimonies. The first involves my son’s soon-to-be mother-in-law.

Die beste manier vir my om jou te help om te verstaan, en dan om die beginsel aan te wend, is om met jou ‘n paar kort getuienisse te deel. Die eerste betrek my seun se toekomstige skoonma.

Just before the wedding shower that she and I were organizing, while bending over to empty her dishwasher, she pulled her back out. When I heard what happened, I immediately spoke to my Husband (remember, He’s also the Physician), asking Him to heal her. Each day I heard that she was “trusting the Lord” for her recovery.  Then while she was praying, she sensed she should visit my chiropractor, who her daughter had been seeing— who just happens to be an awesome young Christian, who speaks often about God’s ability to heal us.

Net voor die henneparty wat sy en ek georganiseer het, terwyl sy oorgebuk het om haar skottelgoedwasser leeg te maak, het sy haar rug uitgeruk. Toe ek dit hoor gebeur, het ek onmiddellik met my Man gepraat (onthou, Hy is ook ‘n Geneesheer), en ek het Hom gevra om haar te genees. Elke dag het ek gehoor dat sy op God vertrou vir haar genesing. Toe terwyl sy gebid het, het sy aangevoel dat sy my chiropraktisyn moet besoek, wie haar dogter besig was om te sien—wie ‘n wonderlike jong Christen is, wie dikwels oor God se vermoĂ« praat om ons te genees. 

A few days later, there she was up and walking around, slowly, but walking. No matter how many people encouraged her to go to the doctor (even the chiropractor said it was serious and she should go), she just kept saying that she knew that God would heal her. Let me stop here and tell you that none of us is against doctors. Nevertheless, all of us (in the testimony) believe that we need to seek the Lord, our Physician, allowing Him to lead us to know what to do. It’s when we “put our faith in our doctor” and run to him or her, that we are doomed. No one can be first in our lives—God says to put Him first and as His bride how could we dare trust anyone else!

‘n Paar dae later, daar was sy op  en besig om rond te loop, stadig maar sy het geloop. Maak nie saak hoeveel mense haar aangemoedig het om dokter toe te gaan nie (selfs die chiropraktisyn het gesĂȘ dit was ernstig en sy moet gaan), sy het aangehou sĂȘ dat sy geweet het dat God haar sou genees. Laat my hier stop en vir jou sĂȘ dat nie een van ons teen dokters is nie. Nietemin, almal van ons (in die getuienis) glo dat ons die Here moet nastreef, ons Geneesheer, en Hom toelaat om ons te lei om te weet wat om te doen. Dit is wanneer ons ons “geloof in ons geneesheer plaas” en na hom of haar hardloop, ons gedoem is. Niemand kan eerste in ons lewens wees nie—God sĂȘ ons moet Hom eerste plaas en as Sy bruid hoe kon ons durf om op iemand anders te vertrou! 

The day before the wedding shower we were at her house for a meeting with a wedding coordinator. A few minutes before she arrived, a close friend of both of ours showed up. The conversation turned to how she’d thrown her back out but God was healing her, to which our friend was quick to say, “You’re gonna need surgery! I know, I have the same thing. No chiropractor’s gonna help. Nope, you’re gonna need surgery!” Wow, talk about fear getting a hold of you!! Just like that viper—it jumped on her, yet THANK YOU, my DARLING—she shook it off!!

Die dag voor die henneparty was ons by haar huis vir ‘n vergadering met ‘n trou koördineerder. ‘n Paar minute voor sy arriveer het, het ‘n intieme vriendin van albei van ons opgedaag. Die gesprek het gekeer na hoe sy haar rug uitgeruk het maar dat God besig was om haar te genees, waarop ons vriendin gou was om te sĂȘ, “Jy gaan ‘n operasie nodig hĂȘ! Ek weet, ek het dieselfde ding. Geen chiropraktisyn gaan help nie. Nee, jy gaan ‘n operasie nodig hĂȘ!” Wow, praat van vrees wat jou beetkry!! Net soos daardie slang—het dit op haar gespring, DANKIE tog, my LIEFLING—sy het dit afgeskud!!

My son’s soon-to-be mother-in-law said, kindly, but convincingly, “But I am already healing and so much better!! On Monday I couldn’t walk, then each day I got better and better
see?” as she got up and walked across the room. Had she agreed with the lie, and began to allow that viper fear to get a hold of her, I believe she would have been headed for surgery. Instead, she is now, just weeks later, walking around perfectly healed and completely whole!

My toekomstige skoonma, het vriendelik, maar oortuigend gesĂȘ “Maar ek is alreeds besig om te genees en soveel beter!! Maandag kon ek nie loop nie, toe het ek elke dag beter en beter geword...sien?” soos wat sy opgestaan het en deur die kamer geloop het. Het sy ingestem met die leun, en begin toelaat dat die slang vrees haar beetkry, glo ek sy sou moes gaan vir ‘n operasie. In plaas daarvan, is sy nou, net weke later, besig om rond te loop perfek genees en heeltemal heel!

Now, another example was my son. In the last chapter I told you how a viper tried to come take hold of my son’s miracle (when my son began trusting His Father and get ongoing business) but I said that I would share the details with you in this chapter.

Nou, nog ‘n voorbeeld was my seun. In die laaste hoofstuk het ek jou vertel van hoe ‘n slang probeer het om my seun se wonderwerk beet te kry (toe my seun begin het om op Sy Vader te vertrou en voortgesette besigheid te kry) maar ek het gesĂȘ dat ek die besonderhede met jou in hierdie hoofstuk sou deel.

My son had already begun to benefit from the newly formed team by working a couple of days, but then on the first day they called to apologize saying they only had a lesser position open, but my son rejoiced, and excitedly said, “Hey, that’s fine.” When he told me about it, I told him he would be blessed for having the right heart and positive response since it proved he continued to trust his Father.

My seun het alreeds begin om voordeel te trek uit die nuutgevormde span deur ‘n paar dae te werk, maar toe op die eerste dag het hulle geskakel en om verskoning gevra en gesĂȘ dat hulle ‘n mindere opsie oop gehad het, maar my seun het hom verheug, en opgewonde gesĂȘ, “Hey, dit is reg.” Toe hy my daarvan vertel het, het ek vir hom gesĂȘ dat hy geseĂ«n sal wees omdat hy die regte hart en positiewe reaksie gehad het aangesien dit bewys het dat hy voort gegaan het om sy Vader te vertrou.

Mothers, can I stop for a moment and share something with you? Do you know that when you speak you can speak blessings into your children’s lives? It is so true, the principle says, “With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied; He will be satisfied with the product of his lips. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:20-22). “One who guards his mouth preserves his life; one who opens it comes to ruin” (Proverbs 13:3). I know that I will write more about this in the sequel to this book that I am excited to begin that I am entitling, Moving Mountains, but for right now, simply pay close attention to what you say, making sure it’s positive. However, you will probably find, as I did, that it is always easier to see something in someone else rather than seeing a fault in ourselves. So watch what other people around you say (good and faithful statements versus dread and fearful statements) and what happens as a result. Now back to my story

Moeders, kan ek vir ‘n oomblik stop en iets met julle deel? Weet jy dat wanneer jy praat jy seĂ«ninge in jou kinders se lewens kan inpraat? Dit is so waar, die beginsel sĂȘ,  “Deur die regte woorde te gebruik, kan 'n mens sy honger stil, hy kan genoeg kry om te eet deur wat hy sĂȘ. Die tong het mag oor dood en lewe; diĂ© wat lief is om te praat, sal die gevolg dra.” (Spreuke 18:20-22). Wie sy mond in bedwang hou, behou sy lewe; wie sy mond nie kan hou nie, gaan sy ondergang tegemoet” (Spreuke 13:3). Ek weet dat ek meer hieroor sal skryf in die vervolgstuk van hierdie boek wat ek opgewonde is om te begin wat ek titel, Versit Berge, maar vir nou, hou aandagtig dop wat jy sĂȘ, maak seker dit is positief. Nietemin, jy sal seker vind, soos wat ek het, dat dit altyd makliker is om iets in iemand anders te sien eerder as ‘n fout in onsself. So kyk wat mense rondom jou sĂȘ (goeie en betroubare verklarings versus vrees en vreesvolle verklarings) en wat gebeur as ‘n resultaat. Nou terug na my storie...

When my son got home that evening he told me excitedly that when he got to the job, after excitedly accepting the lesser position, they told him that a key position just opened up, but he would only get the lower pay rate. Again he told me he was really excited to accept the position, which resulted in them being blown away by his God-given, heavily volunteered, abilities and talents. Yahoo! “I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth” (3 John 1:4). Due to his positive acceptance at each turn, the very next day they told him he’d would be paid the higher rate with the higher position, which he praised God openly for that led to a surprise—an extra day of work that no one else got!

Toe my seun daardie aand by die huis gekom het het hy opgewonde vir my gesĂȘ dat toe hy die werk gekry het, nadat hy opgewonde die verminderde posisie aanvaar het, het hulle vir hom gesĂȘ dat ‘n sleuetel posisie pas oopgegaan het, maar dat hy net die laer betaal skaal sou kry. Weer het hy vir my gesĂȘ dat hy regtig opgewonde was om die posisie te aanvaar, wat veroorsaak het dat hulle verstom was oor sy God-gegewe swaar vrywillige, vermoĂ« en talente. Yahoo! “ Niks verskaf my groter vreugde nie as om te hoor dat my kinders in die waarheid lewe” (3 Johannes 1:4). As gevolg van sy positiewe aanvaarding om elke draai, het hulle vir hom die volgende dag vertel dat hy die hoĂ« skaal met die hoĂ«r posisie betaal sou word, waarvoor hy God openlik geloof het want dit het tot ‘n verrassing gelei—’n ekstra dag van werk wat niemand anders gekry het nie!

The blessings continued the following week, when he had another high paying job lined up and was enthusiastically sharing his testimony to anyone and everyone—telling everyone of how he was trusting his Father for work. So of course, the viper jumped out of the fire again when he got a call from his close friend who was also part of the upcoming team for the following week and explained that the entire plan for the team, he said, was “just not going to work out” and would be dissolving.

Die seĂ«ninge het die volgende week voort gegaan, toe hy nog ‘n hoog betaalde werk opgelyn gehad het en entoesiasties sy getuienis met enigiemand en almal gedeel het—en almal vertel het hoe hy op God vertrou het vir werk. So natuurlik, het die slang weer uit die vuur gespring toe hy ‘n oproep van ‘n intieme vriend gekry het wie ook deel van die opkomende span was vir die volgende week en verduidelik het dat die hele plan vir die span, het hy gesĂȘ, gaan “net nie uitwerk nie” en sou ontbind.

When I came out for breakfast my son told me “the sad news” to which I replied, “Nonsense. Sure, maybe this team is not what your Father has in mind, but He is going to keep blessing your socks off. Never look to anyone, no team, no one, only your Father. The blessings will come through Him, just keep saying that, and be excited—live expectantly.”

Toe ek uitgekom het vir ontbyt het my seun vir my “die hartseer nuus” vertel en ek het geantwoord, “Nonsens. Seker, is dit miskien nie die span wat jou Vader in gedagte het nie, maar Hy gaan aanhou om jou sokkies af te seĂ«n. Moet nooit na enigiemand, geen span, niemand, net jou Vader kyk nie. Die seĂ«ninge sal deur Hom kom, hou net aan om dit te sĂȘ, en wees opgewonde—lewe verwagtend.” 

The viper had jumped out of another fire, grabbed hold of my son, but thank You, Darling, when I spoke the truth in faith, he agreed with me, which shook that serpent and the curse off his livelihood. It was less than an hour later when I heard my son cheering loudly downstairs! He had a message on his phone saying that he had a week’s worth of work, on a brand-new job that would pay him five times more than he’s ever been paid!!

Die slang het uit ‘n ander vuur gespring, en my seun vasgegryp, maar dankie, Liefling, toe ek die waarheid in geloof gepraat het, het hy saam my gestem, wat daardie slang geruk het en die vloek van sy lewensonderhoud afgeskud het. Dit was minder as ‘n uur later toe ek my seun onder hoor hard juig! Hy het ‘n boodskap op sy selfoon gehad wat gesĂȘ het dat hy ‘n week se werk het, op ‘n splinternuwe projek wat hom vyf keer meer sou betaal as wat hy al ooit betaal was!!

This is still wordy what do you think?

Dit is nog steeds woordelik wat dink jy?

Oh, joy!! Our Husband, our children’s Father, asks us this question each time someone tells us of the impossibilities coming against us. He says, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). My son and I answered Him, expressing our love by our responses, which said, “Ah Lord GOD! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! NOTHING is too difficult for You”! (Jeremiah 32:17).

O, vreugde!! Ons Man, ons kinders se Vader, vra ons hierdie vraag elke keer as iemand ons vertel van die onmoontlikhede wat teen ons kom. Hy sĂȘ, “ Ek is die HERE die God van al die mense. Is iets vir My onmoontlik?” (Jeremia 32:27). My seun en ek het Hom geantwoord, en ons liefde deur ons reaksies uitgedruk, wat gesĂȘ het, “Ag, Here my GOD, U het die hemel en die aarde gemaak deur u groot mag. NIKS is vir U onmoontlik nie” (Jeremia 32:17).

Another testimony I’d like to share concerns my sister who has an awesome testimony that I believe will bless many of you who are concerned about your excess weight and health issues. Though this book focuses primarily on our finances, the poverty mentality can spread over your entire life: touching every area (it can take hold of such as) including your health. And the greater the blessing, the stronger the viper will try to take hold of you and your miracles.

Nog ‘n getuienis wat ek graag wil deel gaan oor my suster wie ‘n ongelooflike getuienis het wat ek glo baie van julle wat bekommerd is oor julle oortollige gewig en gesondheids aangeleenthede sal seĂ«n. Alhoewel hierdie boek hoofsaaklik op ons finansies fokus , kan die armoede mentalitiet oor jou hele lewe versprei: en elke area aanraak (dit kan ‘n houvas kry op dinge soos) insluitende jou gesondheid. En die groter seĂ«n, die sterker slang sal prober om ‘n houvas op jou en jou wonderwerke te kry.  

My sister, bless her heart, is well past retirement age—however, she is physically able to function as a young teenager, but emotionally she functions at the age of little girl. Much like Erin’s sister, Aunt Patty Cake, my sister has been a blessing, even though this has been a hard life for her. What I find that’s so wonderful is that my sister, and so many like her, have the faith of a child.   I love being around that. Unlike most of us, my sister doesn’t lack a heavenly Husband, but instead needs a Father (since our father passed away), so like my children, this is Who I’ve encouraged her to look to for her needs.

My suster, seĂ«n haar hart, is ver verby aftree ouderdom—nietemin, sy is fisies in staat om te funksioneer soos ‘n jong tiener, maar emosioneel funksioneer sy soos ‘n klein dogtertjie. Baie soos Erin se suster, Tannie Patty Cake, is my suster ‘n seĂ«n, alhoewel dit ‘n harde lewe vir haar was. Waarom ek dit so wonderlik vind is dat my suster, en so baie soos sy, die geloof van ‘n kind het. Ek is lief daarvoor om rondom dit te wees. Anders as meeste van ons het my suster nie ‘n tekort aan ’n hemelse Man nie, maar het eerder ‘n Pa nodig (aangesien ons pa gesterf het), so soos my kinders, is dit Wie ek haar aangemoedig het om na te kyk vir haar behoeftes.

Due to her age, my sister has begun to suffer from many ailments, so all of us have encouraged her to go up for prayer each week and to keep submitting prayer request, but mostly to keep believing that God can heal her—rather than running to her doctor. It was almost a month ago when she called me with the exciting news. She had documentation from her doctor that God had healed her from high blood pressure AND from diabetes!!

As gevolg van haar ouderdom, het my suster aan baie siektes begin ly, so ons het almal haar aangemoedig om elke week vir gebed op te gaan en om aan te hou om gebedsversoeke in te dien, maar om meesal aan te hou glo dat God haar kan genees—eerder as om na haar dokter toe te hardloop. Dit was amper ‘n maand gelede toe sy my met die opwindende nuus geskakel het. Sy het dokumentasie van haar dokter gekry dat God haar van haar hoĂ« bloeddruk genees het EN van suikersiekte.

My sister had noticed that her blood sugar stayed the same each time that she checked it—even after she cheated! Just like a little child who breaks the rules, so does my sister. I’d caught her several times when she stayed with me eating all sorts of candy, but even in her naughtiness her Father used it for good to show her how He had healed her!! No one could believe it. It got her much attention throughout the church family that she happily basked in for weeks! Just like a child, she would tell everyone she met how GOD had healed her of high blood pressure and diabetes.

My suster het agter gekom dat haar suiker dieselfde gebly het elke keer wat sy dit nagegaan het—selfs na sy gekul het! Net soos ‘n klein kind wat die reĂ«ls breek, so doen my suster, Ek het haar verskeie kere gevang toe sy by my gebly het waar sy allerlei soorte lekkergoed eet, maar selfs in haar stoutigheid het haar Vader dit ten goede gebruik om vir haar te wys dat Hy haar genees het!! Niemand kon dit glo nie. Dit het vir haar baie aandag deur die hele kerk familie gekry dat sy gelukkig vir weke daarin gebak het! Net soos ‘n kind, sou sy vir almal wat sy ontmoet het vertel dat GOD haar genees het van hoĂ« bloeddruk en suikersiekte.

Next she told me that she wanted to lose weight and she was very bold to tell me God would help her lose the weight. I had told her months earlier that she shouldn’t try to do anything, but instead to just keep trusting and believing that God would do it, showing her the verse in the Bible that she marked and read out loud at every meal. “So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?” These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.” (Matthew 6:25)

Volgende het sy my vertel dat sy gewig wou verloor en sy was baie moedig om my te vertel dat God haar sou help om die gewig te verloor. Ek het vir haar maande vroeĂ«r gesĂȘ dat sy nie moet probeer om enigiets te doen nie, maar eerder aan te hou om in God te vertrou en glo dat hy dit sou doen, ek het vir haar die vers in die Bybel gewys wat sy gemerk het en hard uitgelees het by elke maaltyd. “ “Daarom sĂȘ Ek vir julle: Moet julle nie bekommer oor julle lewe, oor wat julle moet eet of drink nie, of oor julle liggaam, oor wat julle moet aantrek nie. Is die lewe nie belangriker as kos en die liggaam as klere nie?.” (Matteus 6:25)

It was only a few weeks later my sister called to tell me that the director of her group had contacted her doctor hoping he would prescribe something for her to get rid of her recent nausea. She told me that she never felt like eating and if she did, she could only eat very little before feeling nauseous, and her caretakers were worried about her.

Dit was net ‘n paar weke later toe my suster geskakel het en vir my vertel het dat die direkteur van haar groep die dokter gekontak het in die hoop dat hy iets sou vir haar sou voorskryf om ontslae te raak van die onlangse naarheid. Sy het vir my gesĂȘ dat sy nie lus gevoel het om te eet nie en wanneer sy eet, kon sy net ‘n bietjie eet voordat sy regtig naar voel, en haar versorgers was baie bekommerd oor haar. 

Excitedly I told her that this may be His plan to give her the desires of her heart, to be thin again, and not to try to stop what He might have chosen for “His diet plan” for her. I told her that He accomplishes His plan in different ways, but I felt sure it was God, and to simply not take any more medicine.

Opgewonde het ek haar vertel dat dit Sy plan mag wees om vir haar die begeertes van haar hart te gee, om weer maer te wees, en om nie te probeer keer wat Hy vir haar gekies het nie “Sy dieetplan”. Ek het vir haar gesĂȘ dat Hy sy plan op verskillende maniere bereik, maar ek het seker gevoel dat dit God was, en om eenvoudig nie meer medisyne te neem nie. 

Almost daily my sister would call excitedly to tell me she was in a smaller size, and then the viper struck! I got a call from the director of her group home who was very angry and told me my sister was trying to “starve herself.” She told me she refused to eat and how unhealthy it was to do it that way.

Amper daagliks het my suster my opgewonde geskakel om my te vertel dat sy ‘n grootte kleiner was, en toe tref die slang! ek het ‘n oproep van die direkteur van haar groep gekry wie baie kwaad was en vir my gesĂȘ het dat sy “haarself probeer verhonger” Sy het vir my gesĂȘ sy het geweier om te eet en hoe ongesond dit was om dit  te doen.

Thankfully, I decided to be as bold as my sister, but lovingly told her that this was not the truth. That my sister was not “trying to starve herself” but that in fact she was trusting God to lose the weight she had put on after moving to her group home. That her lack of appetite (the nausea was no longer there) was a blessing she had trusted God for, and that my sister told me that she only ate when she was hungry, chose better food than the junk she was eating and felt great!

Dankbaar, het ek besluit om net so moedig soos my suster te wees, en het liefdevol vir haar gesĂȘ dat dit nie die waarheid was nie. Dat my suster nie probeer om “haarself te verhonger nie” maar dat die feit is dat sy in God vertrou om die gewig te verloor wat sy opgetel het nadat sy na haar groepshuis getrek het. Dat haar tekort aan aptyt (die naarheid was nie meer daar was nie) was ‘n seĂ«n waarvoor sy op God vertrou het, en dat my suster vir my gesĂȘ het dat sy net geeet het wanneer sy honger was, beter kos kies as die gemors wat sy geeet het en puik gevoel het!

Nevertheless the viper just wouldn’t let go, as the director continued yelling at me that it was simply not healthy to lose weight that fast, to which I voiced the truth. I lovingly said that that being overweight was also not healthy, and the speed of her weight loss was all God’s doing. She went on to tell me that “God’s plan for losing weight” was in a book she had given my sister, and that this is how my sister needed to go about properly losing her weight. With a final shake, I told her that God’s plan is to simply trust Him.

Nietemin die slang wou net nie laat gaan nie, soos wat die direkteur aangehou het om op my te skree dat dit eenvoudig nie gesond was om so vinnig gewig te verloor nie, waarop ek die waarheid gepraat het. Ek het liefdevol gesĂȘ dat om oorgewig te wees ook nie gesond was nie, en die spoed van haar gewigsverlies alles God se gedoente was. Sy het aangegaan om vir my te vertel dat “God se plan vir gewigsverlies” in ‘n boek was wat sy vir my suster gegee het, en dit is hoe my suster tewerk moes gaan om behoorlik haar gewig te verloor. Met ‘n finale skud, het ek vir haar eenvoudig gesĂȘ dat God se plan is en om Hom eenvoudig te vertrou.

Not only did my sister lose all the weight that she’d hope to lose, but God blessed her with a new dress to wear to her nephew’s wedding. When she first got it she said she couldn’t zip it up, so I told her I would find her something else to wear, but God stopped me with a reminder of my past. Years earlier I had gotten a pair of pajamas that I could not even pull up past my knees because they were so tight, but when I went to return them, I heard my Husband say I shouldn’t. That’s when, inside my spirit, it hit me that He was telling me I would be thin again! So I told her my testimony and said that she should do the same thing—to just hang the dress out where she could see it and each time thank her Father for when it would fit. Within a couple of weeks she called to say, “My dress fits and I look beautiful!!”

Nie net het my suster al die gewig waarvoor sy gehoop het om te verloor verloor nie, maar God het haar geseĂ«n met ‘n nuwe rok om na haar susterskind se troue te dra. Toe sy dit eers gekry het het sy gesĂȘ dat sy nie die ritsluiter kon opkry nie  toe sĂȘ ek vir haar ek sal vir haar iets anders vind om te dra, maar God het my gekeer met ‘n herinnering van my verlede. Jare vroeĂ«r het ek ‘n  nagklere gekry wat ek nie eens tot op my knieĂ« kon aankry nie omdat dit so styf was, maar toe ek gaan om dit terug te neem, het ek my Man hoor sĂȘ dat ek dit nie moet doen nie. Dit was toe, binne my gees, dat dit my getref het dat Hy besig was om my te vertel dat ek weer maer sou wees! Toe vertel ek haar van my getuienis en het vir haar gesĂȘ dat sy dieselfde ding moet doen—om net die rok te hang waar sy dit kon sien en haar Vader elke keer te bedank vir wanneer dit sou pas. Binne ‘n paar weke het sy geskakel om te sĂȘ, “My rok pas en ek lyk pragtig!!!

Dear bride, whether the viper is holding on to you regarding your health, weight, finances, or a relationship, shake it off. Speak the word of truth, in faith due to your love for Him, and watch your miracle appear!

Liewe bruid, of die slang aan jou vashou oor jou gesondheid, gewig, fiansies, of ‘n verhouding, skud dit af. Praat die woord van waarheid, in geloof as gevolg van jou liefde vir Hom, en kyk hoe jou wonderwerk verskyn!

In the book of Revelation God tells us that we will overcome the wicked one by His blood and by the word of each other’s testimonies. Let me then end this chapter with another testimony of my own.

In die boek van Openbaring vertel God vir ons dat ons die bose een vir een deur Sy bloed en deur die boodskap waarvan ons getuig het sal oorwin. Laat my dan hierdie hoofstuk eindig met nog ‘n getuienis van my eie.

My Eleventh of Many Financial Testimonies
My Elfde van Baie Getuienisse

“Believing for Big Things”
“Glo vir Groter Dinge”

It’s on the eve of this chapter being posted on the Encouraging Women website that I just had to share with you a testimony follow up and to say that none of us has any idea just how our Husband longs to bless us when we simply believe Him for bigger things as it says in Ephesians 3:20 TLB, “Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.”

Dit is op die vooraand van hierdie laaste hoofstuk wat op die Bemoedigende Vrouens webwerf geplaas gaan word dat ek net ‘n opvolg getuienis met jou moet deel en om te sĂȘ dat niemand van ons ‘n idee het net hoe ons Man hunker om ons te seĂ«n wanneer ons in Hom glo vir groter dinge soos wat dit in EfesiĂ«rs 3:20 NLV sĂȘ, “Hy moet geprys word – Hy wat mag het om deur die krag wat in ons werk, oneindig meer te doen as wat ons vra of dink om te vra.”

Funny how it is not until we turn to Him, often due to some sort of struggle we have, that brings us to the place of speaking to Him about those bigger, grander desires. Can you relate?

Snaaks hoe dit is nie todat ons na Hom toe keer, dikwels deur een of ander gesukkel wat ons het, wat dit ons tot op ‘n plek bring om met Hom te praat oor daardie groter, spoggerige begeertes nie. Kan jy verband hou?

The vacation I shared about in the last chapter got a bit longer due to feeling just a bit more exhausted than vacations usually make us. Getting too little sleep on the last night of our stay convinced me that what I sensed He was telling me to do was to drive only half way home. However, I was in a difficult position since I hadn’t brought any maps with me (and this was before you could just pull up a map on your phone)— so I wasn’t sure just where the halfway point was! Later I reflected that not bringing my maps was part of His plan too.

Die vakansie waaroor ek in die laaste hoofstuk gedeel het het ‘n bietjie langer geneem aangesien ek net ‘n bietjie meer uitgeput gevoel het as wat vakansies ons gewoonlik maak. Om te min slaap te kry op die laaste aand van ons verblyf het my oorreed dat wat ek aangevoel het was dat wat Hy my vertel het om te doen was om net halfpad terug huis toe te ry. Maar, ek was in ‘n moeilike posisise aangsien ek nie enige padkaarte saam my gebring het nie (en dit was voordat jy net ‘n padkaart op jou selfoon kon kry)—so ek was nie seker waard die halfpad merk was nie! Later het ek nagedink oor hoe dat ek my padkaarte wat ek nie gebring het ook deel was van Sy plan.

While still in my room, the Lord led me to book a hotel online in a city I wasn’t sure was even on my way home. Booking online at the last minute is no big deal; it was doing it without seeing a map that made the task of booking a room just about impossible for me.

Terwyl ek nog steeds in my kamer was, het die Here my gelei om aanlyn ‘n hotel te bespreek in ‘n stad wat ek nie eens seker was was op my pad huis toe nie. Om op die laaste minuut aanlyn te bespreek is nie iets groots nie; dit was om dit te doen sonder om ‘n padkaart te sien wat die taak van die bespreking net omtrent onmoontlik vir my gemaak het.

May I say that my Husband is doing a new thing in my life, to encourage me to live even more abundantly, by having Him lead me (for the most part) blindfolded through some impossible tasks?

Mag ek sĂȘ dat my Man besig is om ‘n nuwe ding in my lewe te doen, om my aan te moedig om selfs meer oorvloedig te lewe, deur my deur Hom te laat lei (vir die meeste deel) geblindoek deur sommige onmoontlike take?

My first blindfolded impossible task began when I did my taxes just last week—taxes are something that is personally impossible for me to do. Rewinding, our taxes have always been difficult, due mainly to our complicated situation and were a feat that my ex-husband never attempted and he was good at things like that, so he always turned them over to the professionals. Yet, here I was, me, the “fool” doing them—and in just one day—even though they have proved challenging for professionals who’d taken weeks to do them—blindfolded (since I had no clue what I was doing) got them done!

My eerste blindoek onmoontlike taak het begin toe ek verlede week my belasting gedoen het—belasting is iets wat persoonlik vir my onmoontlik is om te doen. Terug beweeg, ons belasting was nog altyd moeilik, as gevolg van ons gekompliseerde situasie en was iets wat my eks-man nooit aangepak het nie en hy was goed met dinge soos dit, so hy het dit altyd vir die deskundiges gegee. Tog, hier was ek, ek, die “dwaas” besig om hulle te doen—en in net een dag—selfs al was hulle vir deskundiges uitdagend wat weke geneem het om hulle te doen—geblindoek (aangesien ek geen idee gehad het wat aangaan nie) het hulle gedoen gekry!

The day after I mailed my taxes I know that my Husband was up to something, because not only are these feats a way to encourage others, He will also use them to help bring us to a place of remembering those feats to help us to do more with Him. Just a week later, He reminded me of doing my taxes blindfolded, something that was simply impossible for me to do, when He led me to book a hotel blindfolded without knowing where it was.

Die dag nadat ek my belasting gepos het het ek geweet dat my Man iets in die mou voer, omdat nie net was hierdie prestasies ‘n manier om ander aan te moedig nie, Hy sal hulle ook gebruik om ons op ‘n plek te bring om daardie prestasies te onthou om ons te help om meer saam Hom te doen. Net ‘n week later, het Hy my herinner dat ek my belasting geblindoek gedoen het, iets wat onmoontlik vir my was om te doen, toe Hy my gelei het om ‘n hotel geblindoek te bespreek sonde om te weet waar dit was.

As I drove, and the closer I got to our halfway point, I had to force myself not to think too much and not to worry. The reason is simply, whenever you or I are stressed or concerned, we cannot hear Him well enough, which means we often hear Him incorrectly. I’d say it’s sort of like spiritual interference because His communication is blocked by our fear. Maybe that is why there are 365 times that God tells us not to fear in the Bible.

Soos wat ek bestuur het, en hoe nader ek aan ons halfpad punt gekom het, moes ek myself forseer om nie te veel te dink  en te bekommer nie. Die rede is eenvoudig, wanneer ek en jy gestres of bekommerd is, kan ons Hom nie goed genoeg hoor nie, wat beteken dat ons Hom dikwels verkeerd hoor. Ek sou sĂȘ dit is soort van geestelike onderbrekings omdat Sy kommunikasie deur ons vrees geblok is. Miskien is dit waarom daar 365 keer in die Bybel gesĂȘ word om nie te vrees nie.

Even though what He had me do initially was incredible, it was the turn of events that got my attention, and has done so much to help me see just how our Husband wants to bless us—if we simply let go and fully trust Him and tune into His leading us, blindfolded.

Selfs al was dit wat Hy my in die begin laat doen het ongelooflik was, was dit die toegang van sake wat my aandag getrek het, en het soveel gedoen om my te help om te sien net hoe ons Man ons wil seĂ«n—as ons eenvoudig laat gaan en ten volle op Hom vertrou en onsself geblindoek tot Sy leiding  instel.

Just a few minutes before we were about to arrive at our hotel, the one I booked online, my daughter said she needed to stop to use the restroom. So I immediately pulled off the highway at the very next exit. As I turned off I saw a gas station on the first corner, but I could sense He was leading me to go to another station down the street. And as I drove, I noticed the name of the hotel directly across the street: it was the name of the chain I’d booked online (a hotel chain I was not familiar with). Rather than be excited, fear tried to grip me because it looked a bit seedy [seedy is defined as shabby, dirty-looking, and often disreputable] and certainly not a place I wanted to bring my children.

Net ‘n paar minute voordat ons by die hotel moes arriveer, die een wat ek aanlyn bespreek het, het my dogter gesĂȘ dat ons moes stop omdat sy die ruskamer nodig gehad het. So ek het onmiddellik van die hoofweg af afgedraai by die volgende uitgangsweg. Toe ek afdraai sien ek ‘n vulstasie op die volgende hoek, maar ek kon aanvoel dat Hy my gelei het om na ‘n ander vulstasie by die straat af te gaan. Soos wat ek bestuur het, het ek die naam van die hotel direk oorkant die straat opgemerk: dit was die naam van die ketting wat ek aanlyn bespreek het (’n hotel ketting waarmee ek nie familiĂȘr was nie). Eerder as om opgewonde te raak, het vrees my probeer gryp omdat dit ‘n bietjie goor gelyk het [goor is gedefĂŻnieer as tooienrig, vuilerig, en dikwels berug] en sekerlik nie ‘n plek waar ek my kinders wou bring nie.  

My fear was not that we would be harmed, but the fear was that I had missed hearing Him correctly. I know that ALL of you can relate. I just wanted to share this with you because I believe that many of you wonder if people like me are ever concerned. The answer is yes; I believe everyone experiences flashes of concern and doubt—especially when we move forward boldly. The enemy will always put those kinds of thoughts in your head, but it’s what you do with these thoughts and fears that will make the ultimate difference in your life for the better or worse.

My vrees was nie dat ons benadeel sou wees nie, maar die vrees was dat ek gemis het om Hom korrek te hoor. Ek weet dat julle ALMAL kan verband hou. Ek wou dit net met jou deel omdat ek glo dat baie van julle wonder of mense soos ek ooit bekommerd is. Die antwoord is ja; ek glo dat almal ervaar flitse van kommer en twyfel—spesiaal wanneer ons moedig vorentoe beweeg. Die vyand sal altyd daardie soort gedagtes in jou kop plaas, maar dit is wat jy met daardie gedagtes en vrese doen wat die uitermatige  verskil vir beter of erger in jou lewe sal maak.

Immediately when fear tried to reign, I began to simply speak to Him and ask Him to help me to know what to do next. Within two minutes I was walking out of the gas station and noticed one of those throw away magazines that said “coupons” on it. Let me tell you that I always ignore these. Always. But today He led me to pick it up and then without thinking, I simply handed it to my daughter in the back seat of the car.

Onmiddellik toe vrees probeer het om te seevier, het ek eenvoudig begin om met Hom te praat en Hom te vra om my te help om te weet wat om volgende te doen. Binne twee minute het ek uit die vulstasie geloop en een van daardie weggooi tydskrfte opgemerk wat daarop gesĂȘ het “koepons.” Laat my jou vertel dat ek hierdie altyd ignoreer. Altyd. Maar vandag het Hy my gelei om dit op te tel en sonder om te dink, het ek dit eenvoudig vir my dogter op die agterste sitplek aangegee.

Again without really thinking (just as He led me to do while doing my taxes) I asked her to look in the magazine for the city where the other hotel was located. As this was happening I sensed how He was leading me step-by-step. She said there were four hotels listed, but since there was traffic, I couldn’t fully listen, which I realize is also part of His plan for me not to think, but to be led by Him.

Weer sonder om regtig te dink (net soos wat Hy my gelei het om te doen terwyl ek my belasting gedoen het) het ek haar gevra om in die tydskrif te kyk vir die dorp waar die ander hotel geplaas was. Soos wat dit gebeur het het ek aangevoel dat hy my stap vir stap gelei het. Sy het gesĂȘ dat daar vier hotelle was wat gelys was, maar aangesien daar verkeer was, kon ek nie heeltemal hoor nie, wat ek besef het ook deel van Sy plan was vir my om nie te dink nie, maar om deur Hom gelei te word.

As I got off the highway on our exit, I could sense the Lord leading me to go to the hotel I had booked, look at it, and then I would know. It took only a tiny peek in the window of one of the rooms for the confirmation that this was not where He wanted us to stay. Turning around, I told the children that after booking He’d also led me to look at the fine print (another thing I never did) saying that I could cancel and not be charged for the room if I canceled before 6 P.M.; it was 5:10. So immediately I pulled over, and called to cancel the reservation.

Soos wat ek van die snelweg op ons uitgangsweg afgery het, kon ek aanvoel dat die Here my lei om na die hotel toe te gaan wat ek bespreek het, daarna te kyk, en dan sou ek weet. Dit het net ‘n geloer in die venster van een van die kamers geneem vir die bevestiging dat dit nie was waar Hy wou gehad het ons moes bly nie. Ek het omgedraai, en vir my kinders gesĂȘ dat na die bespreking Hy my ook gelei het om na die fyndruk te kyk (nog iets wat ek nooit gedoen het nie) wat gesĂȘ het ek kon kanselleer en  dat as ek voor 6 N.M kanselleer dit kosteloos sou wees; dit was 5:10. So ek het onmiddellik afgetrek, en geskakel om die bespreking te kanselleer.  

Exhausted, I asked Him (out loud) to lead me, and pulled into a driveway a half a block down the road, not even knowing what the hotel was, but it looked nice as we drove closer. Then the children noticed an indoor pool and Jacuzzi and began to cheer, so I went inside the lobby.

Uitgeput, het ek Hom gevra (hardop) om my te lei, en in ‘n inrit ‘n halwe blok in die pad af gedraai, ek het nie eens geweet waar die hotel was nie, maar dit het mooi gelyk soos wat ons nader gery het. Toe het die kinders ‘n binneshuise swembad en Jacuzzi opgemerk en begin juig, so toe gaan ek in die voorportaal in.

It was just as I was closing the car door that the Lord prompted me to bring the coupon book that my daughter was holding and I asked her while we walked in if this hotel was in the book. The funny thing is, neither of us noticed the name of the hotel we were walking in to it, yet the minute I stepped up to the desk the lady saw the book in my hand and said, “You know, that book has the most amazing deal in it” and promptly took the book from my hand, cut out the coupon, and asked me if I wanted a room by the pool!

Dit was net soos wat ek besig was om die deur toe te maak dat die Here my aangehits het om die koepon boek te bring wat my dogter vasgehou het en ek het haar gevra terwyl ons ingeloop het of die hotel in die boek was. Die snaakse ding is, nie een van ons het die naam van die hotel waarin ons gestap het opgemerk nie, tog die minuut wat ek by die toonbank gekom het het die dame die boek in my hand gesien en gesĂȘ, “Jy weet, daardie boek het die ongelooflikste aanbod daarin” en die boek summier uit my hand geneem, die koepon uitgesny, en my gevra of ek ‘n kamer by die swembad wou hĂȘ!  

Honestly, I felt like I was in some sort of a dream; I was so tired and couldn’t make sense of what was happening. She told me the room included a delicious all-you-can-eat breakfast (not the continental coffee and donuts that most offer), and when we got to our room we found not just a room—but a huge expansive suite!! The cost?? It was almost half the cost of the seedy hotel that I had booked, then canceled, online!

Eerlik,  ek het gevoel asof ek in een of ander droom was; ek was so moeg en kon nie sin maak van wat besig was om te gebeur nie. Sy het vir my gesĂȘ dat die kamer ‘n smaakvolle alles-wat-jy-kan eet ontbyt ingesluit het (nie die kontinentale koffie en donuts wat meeste offer nie), en toe ons by ons kamer kom het ons nie net ‘n  kamer gevind nie—maar ‘n groot uitgestrekte suite!! Die koste?? Dit was amper die helfte van die prys van die goor hotel wat ek bespreek, toe aanlyn, gekanselleer het! 

Dear bride, it takes just one thing to make miracles happen in our lives—it is simply believing our Husband for big things—allowing ourselves to be led by Him! Let go, stop thinking, and take His hand was He leads you to your next miracle!!

Liewe bruid, dit neem net een ding vir wonderwerke om in ons lewens te gebeur—dit is om eenvoudig in ons Man te glo vir groot dinge—en onsself toe te laat om deur Hom gelei te word! Laat gaan, hou op om te dink, en neem Sy hand terwyl Hy jou na jou volgende wonderwerk lei!

Laat 'n boodskap

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