Questions Asked, Biblically Answered
Vrae Gevra, Bybels Beantwoord

What about my children being a witness at our local public school?  
Wat van my kinders om ‘n getuie by ons plaaslike publieke skool te wees?

We are told to flee youthful lusts, which are rampant in the schools.
1. Ons word gesê om begeertes te vermy, wat welig in die skole is.

Prov. 14:7 “Leave the presence of a fool, or you will not discern words of knowledge.”
Spr. 14:7 “Vermy 'n dwase mens; jy sal nie by hom leer om verstandig te praat nie.”

1Cor. 15:33 “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’ ”
1Kor. 15:33 “Moet julle nie langer laat mislei nie: “Slegte geselskap bederf goeie sedes.”

2Cor. 6:17 “‘Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE,’ says the Lord.”
2Kor. 6:17 “‘Daarom: “GAAN VAN HULLE AF WEG EN SONDER JULLE AF,” sê die Here.’’

2. We are told to gain wisdom and are warned about gaining knowledge of evil.
2. Ons word gesê om wysheid te bekom en word gewaarsku oor die kennis van die bose te bekom.

Dan. 1:17 “And as for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and intelligence in EVERY branch of literature and WISDOM; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.”
Dan. 1:17 “God het aan hierdie vier jongmanne verstand gegee en insig in ALLES wat geskryf is, en ook WYSHEID; Daniël kon enige gesig of droom uitlê.”

Gen. 2:17 “…but from the tree of the knowledge of good AND evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die.”  Not MAYBE die. SURELY die. The knowledge of evil kills us morally and spiritually.
Gen. 2:17”...maar van die boom van alle kennis mag jy nie eet nie. Die dag as jy daarvan eet, sterf jy.” Nie MISKIEN sterf. ‘ SEKERLIK sterf. Die kennis van die bose maak ons moreel en geestelik dood.

Proverbs 1
“Wisdom shouts in the street, She lifts her voice in the square; At the head of the noisy streets she cries out; At the entrance of the gates in the city, she utters her sayings: ‘How long, O naive ones, will you love simplicity? And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing, and fools hate knowledge? Turn to my reproof, Behold, I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Because I called, and you refused; I stretched out my hand, and no one paid attention; And you neglected all my counsel, And did not want my reproof; I will even laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your dread comes, When your dread comes like a storm, And your calamity comes on like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come on you. Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently, but they shall not find me, because they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD. They would not accept my counsel; they spurned all my reproof. So they shall eat of the fruit of their own way, and be satiated with their own devices. For the waywardness of the naive shall kill them, and the complacency of fools shall destroy them. But he who listens to me shall live securely, and shall be at ease from the dread of evil.’”

Spreuke 1
Wysheid is 'n vrou wat langs die straat staan en roep, sy laat haar stem hoor op die stadspleine, sy roep bo die rumoer uit, by die ingange van die stadspoorte sê sy wat sy te sê het: “Julle onkundiges, hoe lank gaan julle nog vashou aan julle onkunde, gaan die grootpraters hulle pratery geniet en die swape 'n afkeer hê van kennis? As julle luister na my teregwysing, gee ek julle my wysheid in oorvloed en leer ek julle my woorde begryp. “Ek het geroep en julle wou nie luister nie, ek het my hand uitgesteek en julle het dit nie gegryp nie. Julle het my raad alles in die wind geslaan, julle wou julle nie laat teregwys nie. Daarom sal ek lag as die ongeluk julle tref, ek sal met julle spot wanneer die angs julle oorval, wanneer daar nood en kwelling oor julle kom. Die angs sal soos 'n storm oor julle kom, die ongeluk sal julle tref soos 'n orkaan. Dán sal julle my roep en ek sal nie antwoord nie, julle sal my soek en my nie kry nie. Julle het 'n afkeer van kennis gehad, julle het geweier om die HERE te dien, julle het my raad verontagsaam en elke teregwysing van my geminag. Julle sal die vrugte van julle optrede pluk, julle sal van julle eie planne walg. “Die onkundiges se dwaling kos hulle die dood, die dwase word vernietig deur hulle selfversekerdheid, maar wie na my luister, sal veilig wees en hoef geen ramp te vrees nie.”

Did God Tell Us to Seek WISDOM or KNOWLEDGE?
Het God Vir ons Vertel om WYSHEID of KENNIS te soek?

 In the public schools, they are formally taught about SIN or the KNOWLEDGE of EVIL! They are educated in drugs, fornication, and homosexuality. They are NOT taught wisdom.

In die publieke skole word hulle formeel geleer oor SONDE en die KENNIS van die BOSE! Hulle word opgelei in dwelms, ontug en homoseksualiteit. Hulle word nie wysheid geleer nie.


2Tim. 2:22 “Now flee from youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”

2Tim. 2:22 “ Vermy die begeertes wat 'n jongmens in gevaar bring, en streef na opregtheid, geloof, liefde en vrede, saam met almal wat uit 'n rein hart die Here aanroep.”

Dating is nothing more than unpaid prostitution. Parents who allow their daughters to date are selling them as unpaid harlots. Those who date are practicing for divorce, not marriage. Any young man or woman who goes to any school or is part of a youth group is taught, peer pressured, and surrounded by the practice of dating. Can any parent really believe that there is ANY way that your child could remain morally pure in the midst of the practice of dating? Your child’s marriage bed is defiled before they get to the altar — usually with MANY partners.

Uitgaan is niks meer as onbetaalde prostitusie nie. Ouers wat hulle dogters toelaat om te dateer verkoop hulle as onbetaalde hoere. Die wat dateer oefen vir egskeiding, nie die huwelik nie. Enige jong man of vrou wat na enige skool toe gaan of deel is van ‘n jeug groep word geleer, groepsdruk, en omring deur die uitoefen van datering. Kan enige ouer regtig glo dat daar ENIGE manier is dat jou kind moreel rein kan bly ten midde van die uitoefen van datering? Jou kind se huweliks bed is besmet voordat hulle by die altaar kom — gewoonlik met BAIE deelgenote.


Lev. 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.”

Lev. 18:22 “Jy mag nie 'n homoseksuele verhouding hê nie. Dit is 'n afstootlike sonde.”

Lev. 20:13 “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.”

Lev. 20:13 “Twee mans wat homoseksueel verkeer, doen 'n afskuwelike sonde. Hulle moet doodgemaak word. Hulle verdien die dood.”

Rom. 1:24 “Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them.”

Rom. 1:24 “Daarom gee God hulle aan die drange van hulle hart oor en aan sedelike onreinheid, sodat hulle hulle liggame onder mekaar onteer.”

Rom. 1:26 “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,”

Rom. 1:26 “Daarom gee God hulle oor aan skandelike drifte. Hulle vroue verander die natuurlike omgang in 'n teen-natuurlike omgang.”

Rom. 1:28 “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper...”

Rom. 1:28 “En omdat hulle dit van geen belang ag om God te ken nie, gee Hy hulle oor aan hulle verdraaide opvattings, sodat hulle doen wat onbetaamlik is.”

3. We are told that God will only hear the prayers of those who are pure, lift up holy hands, and are righteous.
3. Ons word vertel dat God net die gebede van die wat rein is hoor, heilige hande oplig, en regverdig is.



1Tim. 2:8 “Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension.”

1Tim. 2:8 “Ek wil dus hê dat die mans by elke plek van samekoms met 'n skoon gewete hande in gebed tot God moet ophef, vry van onmin en twis.”

James 5:16 “…The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

Jakobus 5:16” …Die gebed van 'n gelowige het 'n kragtige uitwerking.”

Abraham was able to speak to God about sparing the city of Sodom because he did NOT PITCH his tent toward Sodom, but separated himself and his son, which we will later read.

Abraham was in staat om met God te praat om die stad van Sodom te spaar omdat hy NIE sy tent in die rigting van Sodom OPGESLAAN het nie, maar hy het homself en sy seun verwyder, wat ons later sal lees.

We remember in Gen. 18:23 Abraham’s plea to God for the city: “And Abraham came near and said, ‘Wilt Thou indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?’”

Ons onthou in Gen. 18:23 Abraham se pleidooi aan God vir die stad: “Abraham het toe nader gekom na die Here toe en gevra: “Sal U die regverdiges saam met die goddeloses vernietig?

Lot, Abraham’s nephew, was living in wickedness. In Gen. 14:12 Lot “was living in Sodom.” Please note: First Lot pitched his tent “toward” Sodom; all too soon he lived in it! It was the prayers and the righteousness of his uncle that SAVED him twice from destruction.

Lot, Abraham se broerskind, het in goddeloosheid gewoon. In Gen. 14:12 Lot “het in Sodom gewoon.” Neem kennis: Eerstens het Lot sy tent in die “rigting” van Sodom opgeslaan; al te gou het hy daarin gewoon! Dit was die gebede en die regverdigheid van sy oom wat hom TWEE keer van verwoesting gered het.

In Gen. 14:14 we read that Abram heard that his relative had been “taken captive.”  Abram rescued Lot from captivity but refused to entangle himself with the wicked city.

In Gen. 14:14 lees ons dat Abraham gehoor het dat sy familielid “weggevoer” is. Abraham het Lot uit gevangenskap gered maar het geweier om homself met die goddelose stad te verstrengel.

Gen. 14:21   “And the king of Sodom said to Abram, ‘Give the people to me and take the goods for yourself...’ ‘I will not take a thread or a sandal thong or anything that is yours, lest you should say, “I have made Abram rich.” …The word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; your reward shall be very great.”

Gen. 14:21 “Die koning van Sodom het vir Abram gesê: “Gee my net die mense en vat die besittings vir jou.” Maar Abram het hom geantwoord: “Ek het my hand opgelig en 'n eed afgelê voor die Here, voor God die Allerhoogste, Skepper van hemel en aarde, dat ek niks van jou sal vat nie, nie eers 'n garingdraad of 'n skoenveter nie, sodat jy nie kan sê: ‘Ek het vir Abram ryk gemaak’ nie.”

This is a message to us about our loved ones. Unless we are clean before the Lord by not becoming OF this world or entangled in it, we cannot effectively win the lost in our families or go before the throne on their behalf.

Hierdie is ‘n boodskap aan ons oor ons geliefdes. Tensy ons skoon is voor die Here deur nie VAN hierdie wêreld te kom of in dit verstrengel te wees nIe, kan ons nie effektiewelik die verlorenes in ons families wen of na die troon gaan om hulle onthalwe nie.

4. The men and women who had a holy call on their lives were SET APART for God and protected from evil influence.
4. Die mans en vrouens wie ‘n heilige roeping op hulle lewens gehad het was AFGESONDER vir God en beskerm deur die bose invloed.

Isaac, the promise, was SET APART!
Isak, die belofte, was AFGESONDER!

Gen. 21:14 “So Abraham rose early in the morning, and took bread and a skin of water, and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder, and gave her the boy, and sent her away. And she departed, and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba.”

Gen. 21:14 “Vroeg die volgende môre het Abraham kos gevat en 'n velsak water en dit vir Hagar gegee. Hy het dit saam met die kind op haar rug gesit en haar weggestuur. Sy is toe weg en het in die Bersebawoestyn rondgeswerf.”

Gen. 24:4-6 “...but you shall go to my country and to my relatives, and take a wife for my son Isaac. And the servant said to him, ‘Suppose the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land; should I take your son back to the land from where you came?’ Then Abraham said to him, ‘Beware lest you take my son back there!’”

Gen. 24:4-6 “...jy moet na my land toe gaan, die land waar ek gebore is, en daar 'n vrou gaan haal vir my seun Isak.” Die slaaf het vir Abraham gevra: “En as die vrou nie saam met my hierheen wil kom nie? Moet ek dan u seun laat teruggaan na die land toe waar u vandaan kom?” Toe sê Abraham vir hom: “Sorg dat jy nie my seun daarnatoe laat teruggaan nie.”

Moses was SET APART! Exod. 2:15   “When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the presence of Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well.” Moses was set apart for 40 years to prepare for the call on his life to deliver the Israelites from bondage.

Moses was AFGESONDER! Eksod. 2:15 “Toe dit by die farao uitkom, wou hy vir Moses laat doodmaak, maar Moses het van hom af weggevlug en in Midian gaan woon. Terwyl hy daar by 'n put sit.” Moses was vir 40 jaar afgesonder om voor te berei vir die roeping op sy lewe om die Israeliete uit slawerny te bevry.

John the Baptist was SET APART from birth!
Johannes die Doper was AFGESONDER van geboorte!

Zacharias, John the Baptist’s father, said this in Luke 1:76-80: “‘And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go on BEFORE THE LORD TO PREPARE HIS WAYS; To give to His people the knowledge of salvation By the forgiveness of their sins, Because of the tender mercy of our God, With which the Sunrise from on high shall visit us, TO SHINE UPON THOSE WHO SIT IN DARKNESS AND THE SHADOW OF DEATH, To guide our feet into the way of peace.’ And the child continued to grow, and to become strong in spirit, and he lived in the deserts until the day of his public appearance to Israel.”

Ruth was SET APART!

Ruth 1:16   “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.’ When she saw that she was determined to go with her, she said no more to her.”

Rut 1:16 “Maar Rut het geantwoord: “Moet my tog nie dwing om van u af weg te gaan en om om te draai nie, want waar u gaan, sal ek gaan; waar u bly, sal ek bly; u volk is my volk; u God is my God; waar u sterf, sal ek sterf en daar sal ek begrawe word. Ek lê 'n eed af voor die HERE: net die dood sal ons skei.” Naomi het besef dat Rut vasbeslote was om saam met haar te gaan en sy het opgehou om haar te probeer ompraat. “

Jesus was SET APART! Jesus remained with his mother and father instead of remaining with the teachers in the temple.
Jesus was AFGESONDER! Jesus het by sy moeder en vader gebly in plaas daarvan om met die geleerdes in die tempel te bly. 

Luke 2:46 “And it came about that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions...And when they saw Him, they were astonished; and His mother said to Him, ‘Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You.’ And He said to them, ‘Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?’…and He continued in subjection to them... And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”

Lukas 2:46 “Na drie dae het hulle Hom by die tempel gekry waar Hy tussen die geleerdes sit en na hulle luister en hulle uitvra. Almal wat Hom gehoor het, was verbaas oor sy insig en sy antwoorde. Toe sy ouers Hom sien, was hulle verslae, en sy moeder sê vir Hom: “Kind, waarom het jy so met ons gemaak? Kyk, jou vader en ek het met angs na jou gesoek.” Maar Hy antwoord hulle: “Waarom het u na My gesoek? Het u nie geweet dat Ek in die huis van my Vader moet wees nie?”...en Hy was aan hulle onderdanig…En Jesus het verstandelik en liggaamlik gegroei en in guns by God en die mense toegeneem.

Jesus was set apart for 30 years in order to deliver mankind from the bondage of sin and death. During those 30 years there were many dying in their sin. So why didn’t Jesus, as a young boy, go to preach the Good News?

Jesus was vir 30 jaar afgesonder sodat hy die mensdom van die slawerny van die sonde en die dood kon uitlewer. Gedurende daardie 30 jaar was daar baie wat in hulle sonde dood gegaan het. So waarom het Jesus, as ‘n klein seuntjie gegaan om die Goeie Nuus te preek?

Also, why didn’t Jesus stay to learn from the Bible scholars of that day? This brings up the question of Bible college or seminary.

Ook, waarom het Jesus nie gebly om van die Bybel skoliere van daardie dag te leer? Dit bring die vraag op van Bybel Kollege of kweekskool.

If my children do not go through college, seminary, etc. how will they be prepared?
As my kinders nie deur kollege, kweekskool, ens. gegaan het nie hoe sal hulle voorbereid wees?

Some of the most influential Christians that the LORD is using today are those who have little or no formal Bible training. They have walked through His school. “Overcomers” are God’s leaders. Joyce Meyer says that she was “Trained in the school of the Holy Ghost!” Pastor John Kilpatrick, the “pastor of pastors,” had the minimum amount of training from the Assembly of God. Reverend Steve Hill also had a minimum of education and training - yet is considered one of the greatest evangelists of our time. Katherine Kuhlman, Marie Woodworth Etter, Smith Wigglesworth all had little or no formal training.

Sommige van die mees invloedryke Christene wat die HERE vandag gebruik is die wat min of geen formele opleiding het nie. Hulle het deur Sy skool geloop. “Oorwinnaars” is God se leiers. Joyce Meyer sê dat sy “in die skool van die Heilige Gees opgelei is!” Pastoor John Kilpatrick, die pastoor van pastore,” het die minimum van opleiding van die Assembly van God gehad en Steve Hill het ook minimum opvoeding en opleiding gehad - tog word oorweeg as een van die grootste evangeliste van ons tyd.  Katherine Kuhlman, Marie Woodworth Etter, Smith Wigglesworth het geen of baie min formele opleiding gehad. 

I, too, have NO formal or even informal Bible training. The refining fire that Jesus walked with me through, along with DEVOURING His Word and walking WITH Him, prepared me for my ministry. God’s training through adversity will prepare anyone to be used by the Lord.

Ek, ook, het geen formele of selfs informele Bybel opleiding nie. Die verfyning vuur wat Jesus saam my deur geloop het, gepaard met om Sy Woord te VERSLIND en SAAM Hom te loop, het my voorberei  vir my bediening. God se opleiding deur teëspoed sal enigiemand voorberei om deur die Here gebruik te word.

Many of those I mentioned make it a point to state that “There is nothing wrong with education– get all you can.” But I will boldly state that there is a LOT wrong with education and be CAREFUL what you get and where you send your treasures (children).

Baie van die genoem maak ‘n punt daarvan om te verklaar dat “Daar is niks fout met onderwys nie—kry alles wat jy kan.” Maar ek sal vrymoedig verklaar dat daar BAIE verkeerd met onderwys is en wees VERSIGTIG wat jy kry en waar jy jou skatte stuur (kinders).

After I was called and saw my inadequacy, I prayed and asked for wisdom:

Nadat ek geroep was en my ontoereikenheid gesien het, het ek vir wysheid gevra:

2Chr. 1:7-12 “...God appeared to Solomon and said to him, ‘Ask what I shall give you.’ And Solomon said to God, ‘…Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can rule this great people of Thine?’ And God said to Solomon, ‘Because you had this in mind, and did not ask for riches, wealth, or honor, or the life of those who hate you, nor have you even asked for long life, but you have asked for yourself wisdom and knowledge, that you may rule My people, over whom I have made you king, wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. And I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings who were before you has possessed, nor those who will come after you.’”

2Kro. 1:7-12’...Daardie nag het God aan Salomo verskyn en vir hom gesê: “Vra wat Ek jou moet gee.” Salomo sê toe vir God: “U het groot trou aan my vader Dawid bewys en my in sy plek koning gemaak. Vervul nou, Here God, u belofte aan my vader Dawid, want U het my koning gemaak oor 'n volk so baie soos die stof van die aarde. Gee my nou wysheid en kennis dat ek hierdie volk reg kan lei, want wie kan uit homself hierdie groot volk van U regeer?” God het vir Salomo geantwoord: “Omdat jy dít besluit het en jy nie rykdom, besittings, aansien of jou vyande se lewens gevra het nie, en ook nie 'n lang leeftyd nie, maar wysheid en kennis waarmee jy my volk oor wie Ek jou koning gemaak het, kan regeer, daarom word die wysheid en kennis aan jou geskenk. Maar Ek gee jou bowendien rykdom, besittings en aansien soos die konings voor jou nie gehad het nie en dié ná jou ook nie sal hê nie.”

What about high school? I feel confident about homeschooling the younger grades but feel inadequate with high school courses.
Wat van hoërskool? Ek voel selfversekerd om tuisskool aan jonger grade te gee maar voel onbevoegd met hoërskool kursusse.

Dan. 1:17 “And as for these four youths, God GAVE them knowledge and intelligence in every branch of literature and wisdom; Daniel even understood all kinds of visions and dreams.”

Dan. 1:17 “God het aan hierdie vier jongmanne verstand GEGEE en insig in alles wat geskryf is, en ook wysheid. Daniël kon enige gesig of droom uitlê.”

What about sports? My children are very good in sports. I don’t want them to miss out.
Wat van sports? My kinders is baie goed in sports. Ek wil nie hê hulle moet uitmis nie.

Ps. 147:10-11 “God does not delight in the strength of the horse; He does not take pleasure in the legs of a man.  The LORD favors those who fear Him, Those who wait for His lovingkindness.”

Ps. 147:10-11 “Die Here het niks aan die krag van 'n perd of die liggaamskrag van 'n soldaat nie, maar Hy stel prys op dié wat Hom dien, dié wat hulle hoop vestig op sy trou.”

What about being prepared for college? I am concerned that if they are not in a good college preparatory high school they will miss out.
Wat van om voorbereid te wees vir kollege? Ek is bekommerd dat as hulle nie in ‘n goeie kollege voorbereidende hoërskool is nie dat hulle sal uitmis.  

In the last few years “Ivy League” recruiters have traveled to homeschool groups around the country trying to persuade homeschool graduates to come to their school. A gentleman from Annapolis told our high school students that they had a “competitive” package designed to encourage homeschoolers to choose his university.

In die laaste paar jaar het “Ivy League” werwers na tuisskool groepe rondom die land gereis om te probeer om tuisskool gegradueerders te oortuig om na hulle skool toe te kom. ‘n Meneer van Annapolis het vir ons hoërskool studente gesê dat hulle ‘n “mededingende” pakket ontwerp het om tuisskoliere aan te moedig om sy universiteit te kies.

The couple we bought our farm from shared the same desire for their children – to make it into a good college. The mother drove over an hour to send her four children to a school that was know to be a good college preparatory school. Their children are all grown. We were able to buy this beautiful farm because not one of their children wanted the farm that has been in their family for generations. They also will have just one grandchild out of four children, since the rest have chosen not to have any children since it could jeopardize their careers. All their children live states away. Their careers have become their god. This couple unfortunately does not know the Lord. However, most Christians choose this same goal for their children, sow the same seed, and reap the same harvest. Gal. 6:7: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.”

Die paartjie by wie ons ons plaas gekoop het het dieselfde begeerte vir hulle kinders gedeel - om dit in ‘n goeie Kollege te maak. Die moeder het meer as ‘n uur gery om haar vier kinders na ‘n skool toe te stuur wat bekend was om ‘n goeie kollege en voorbereidende skool te wees. Hulle kinders is almal volwasse. Ons was in staat om die pragtige plaas te koop omdat nie een van hulle kinders die plaas wou hê wat al vir generasies in hulle families was. Hulle loopbane het hulle god geword. Die paartjie ken ongelukkig nie die Here nie. Nietemin, meeste Christene kies dieselfde doel vir hulle kinders, saai dieselfde saad, en oes dieselfde gewas. Gal. 6:7: “ Moenie julleself mislei nie: God laat nie met Hom spot nie. Wat 'n mens saai, dit sal hy ook oes.”

We have a different vision for our children!
Ons het ‘n verskillende visie vir ons kinders!

Matt. 28:19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matt. 28:19 “Gaan dan na al die nasies toe en maak die mense my dissipels: doop hulle in die Naam van die Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees, en leer hulle om alles te onderhou wat Ek julle beveel het. En onthou: Ek is by julle al die dae tot die voleinding van die wêreld.”

Deut. 6:6 “And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

Deut. 6:6 “Hierdie gebooie wat ek jou vandag gegee het, moet in jou gedagtes bly. Jy moet dit inskerp by jou kinders en met hulle daaroor praat as jy in jou huis is en as jy op pad is, as jy gaan slaap en as jy opstaan.”

Is your goal to help your children do whatever makes them happy?

Is dit jou doel om jou kinders te help om te doen wat ook al hulle gelukkig maak?

1Cor. 6:20 “For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.”

1Kor. 6:20 “julle is gekoop, en die prys is betaal. Julle moet God dus in julle liggaam verheerlik.”

1Cor. 7:23 “You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.”

1Kor. 7:23 “ Julle is vrygekoop en die prys is betaal; moet dan nie slawe van mense wees nie.”

From the time your children are little (or whatever age they are now) teach them to seek the Lord for the call He has on their lives. We pray daily for all of our children to go into full-time ministry. We know lawyers, a dentist, and a taxidermist who have walked away from their professions to save the lost. As Christians, we all believe that we are close to the end times. Our time is so short on earth and the laborers are few, so WHY do we not think that God wants to use our children when they are grown to advance His kingdom as they may possibly be the last generation and see the rapture of the church?

Van die tyd wat jou kinders klein is (of wat ook al ouderdom hulle nou is) leer hulle om die Here te soek vir die roeping wat Hy op hulle lewens het. Ons bid daagliks vir al ons kinders om in voltydse bediening te gaan. Ons ken prokureurs, ‘n tandarts en ‘n taksidermis wat van hulle beroepe weggeloop het om die verlore te red. As Christene, glo ons almal dat ons by die eindtye is. Ons tyd is so kort op die aarde en die arbeiders is so min, so WAAROM dink ons nie dat God ons kinders wil gebruik wanneer hulle volwasse is om Sy Koninkryk te bevorder aangesien hulle moontlik die laaste generasie gaan wees en die wegraping van die kerk gaan sien.

Isa. 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Jes. 6:8 Toe het ek die Here hoor vra: “Wie kan Ek stuur? Wie sal ons boodskapper wees?” Ek het geantwoord: “Hier is ek! Stuur my!”

How can I set my children apart for Him?
Hoe kan ek my kinders vir Hom afsonder? 

Certainly the greatest opportunity in our country is the freedom to homeschool; however, only a small percentage of Christian parents see the need or have the desire to keep their children with them.

Sekerlik die grootste geleentheid in ons land is die vryheid om te tuisskool; nietemin, net ‘n klein persentasie van Christen ouers sien die behoefte of het die begeerte om hulle kinders by hulle te hou.

What do you do about neighborhood children? Basically, the most important thing to keep in mind is the amount of exposure. How can a child spend 8 hours a day at school, any school, 5 days a week and not be affected by that much exposure to evil and the ungodly influence? Private schools are a false security. The children there are often just as evil as those in public schools. This is really more dangerous because your guard is down.

Wat doen jy omtrent die bure se kinders? Basies, die mees belangrikste ding om te onthou is die hoeveelheid blootstelling. Hoe kan ‘n kind 8 uur ‘n dag by die skool spandeer, enige skool, 5 dae ‘n week en nie geaffekteer word deur so baie blootstelling aan die bose en ongoddelike invloed? Private skool is vals sekuriteit. Die kinders daar is dikwels net so boos soos die in publieke skole. Dit is regtig meer gevaarlik omdat jy nie op jou hoede is nie. 

Compare those 40 hours a week to the amount of time they spend in church services and/or Sunday Schools.

Vergelyk daardie 40 jaar ‘n week met die bedrag tyd wat hulle in kerkdienste en/of Sondagskool spandeer.

Our children, for the most part, do not participate in youth activities. We have heard from some of the most powerful men and women of God that they spent hours in long revival services and “cut their teeth on the pews.” We chose not to put our babies in the nursery, first because they were nursed and did not have bottles or pacifiers, so they did not want them (God’s sovereignty). When they were a bit older, they did not like to be separated. Going against the current trend of parenting, we kept our children with us.

Ons kinders, vir die meeste deel, neem nie deel aan jeug aktiwiteite nie. Ons het van sommige van die mees magtigste mans en vrouens van God gehoor dat hulle ure in lang herlewing dienste spandeer en “hulle tande in die banke” sny. Ons kies om nie ons baba in die kleuterskool te sit nie, eerstens omdat hulle geborsvoed was en het nie bottels of fopspene gehad nie, so hulle wou hulle nie gehad het nie. (God se soewereiniteit ). Toe hulle ‘n bietjie ouer was, het hulle nie daarvan gehou om geskei wou wees nie. Ons het teen die huidige trant van ouerskap gegaan, ons het ons kinders by ons gehou.

When they were old enough to want to go, they usually brought back a steady stream of communicable diseases, so I soon put an end to going to that. The only thing I remember that my children really enjoyed was VBS (Vacation Bible School). The time was short, fun and there was little time to get to know or be exposed to ill-behaved children.

Toe hulle ouer was om te wil gaan, het hulle gewoonlik ‘n bestendige stroom van oordraagbare siektes terug gebring, so ek het gou ‘n einde daaraan gesit. Die enigste ding wat ek onthou wat my kinders regtig geniet het was VBS (Vakansie Bybel Skool). Die tyd was kort, pret en daar was min tyd om slegte gedrag kinders te leer ken of aan hulle bloot gestel te word.

Later, when we moved to our farm, we are a part of 4-H. The time with the children is short — each unit is just 6 hours — and our group is adamant about the parents being at every meeting. My children were also part of a swim team. I began a homeschool swim team and turned it over to a mother of 10 when the ministry began to grow. Our children continued for several years. It is a very good form of exercise. It also leaves little time for conversations and poor influences.

Later, toe ons na ons plaas toe getrek het, ons is deel van 4-H. Die tyd met die kinders is kort — elke eenheid is net 6 uur — en ons groep is vasberade dat die ouers by elke vergadering moet wees. My kinders was ook deel van ‘n swemspan. Ek het ‘n tuisskool swemspan begin en dit aan ‘n moeder van 10 oorgegee toe die bediening begin groei het. Ons kinders het vir etlike jare voort gegaan. Dit is ‘n baie goeie vorm van oefening. Dit los baie min tyd vir gesprekke en slegte invloede.

The bottom line is to keep your children near you when other children are visiting. Allow only short and infrequent exposure. Make sure you are selective about whom your children associate with. If you see any potential danger or wrong influence, don’t hesitate to pull them out immediately. There may be just a season of time that God would have them be part of a particular activity; however, it is usually difficult to pull out of things once you are involved in them, so choose wisely.

Die punt is om jou kinders naby jou te hou wanneer ander kinders besoek aflê. Laat net kort en selde blootstelling toe. Maak seker jy is selektief oor wie jou kinders mee assosieer. As jy enige potensiale gevaar sien of verkeerde invloed, moet nie huiwer om hulle onmiddellik te onttrek nie. Daar mag net ‘n seisoen van tyd wees wat God wil hê dat hulle deel van ‘n spesifieke aktiwiteit moet wees; nietemin, dit is gewoonlik moeilik om uit dinge te onttrek sodra jy by hulle betrokke is, so kies wys.   

If you are still interested in pursuing college, here is an article from a homeschool newsletter that may be of some interest to you:

As jy nog steeds geinteresseerd is om ‘n kollege na te sit, hier is ‘n artikel van ‘n tuisskool nuusbrief wat van belang vir jou mag wees. 


Brad Voeller earned his fully accredited four-year college degree in six months, without leaving home and for a fraction of the cost. His book Accelerated Distance Learning addresses the questions of cost-effective alternatives to brick and mortar college.

Brad Voeller het sy ten volle geakkrediteerde vier-jaar kollege graad in ses maande verdien, sonder om die huis te verlaat en teen ‘n fraksie van die koste. Sy boek  Accelerated Distance Learning roer die kwessie van vrae van koste-effektiewe alternatiewe teenoor baksteen en sement kollege aan. 

In a world of escalating tuition costs, dangerous campus moral trends, and renegade university philosophies, parents need to carefully weigh their options for their children's higher education. Many who get their education outside a brick and mortar college are vastly superior both in skill and character to the typical college graduate. I would strongly urge parents to pray about your options before sending your young person off to college.

In ‘n wêreld van stygende onderrig kostes, gevaarlike kampus morele neigings, en afvallige universiteits filosofie, moet ouers versigtig hulle opsies vir hulle kinders se hoër onderwys opweeg. Baie wat hulle onderwys buite ‘n baksteen en sement kollege kry is grootliks superieur beide in vaardigheid en karakter teenoor die tipiese kollege gegradueerde. Ek sou ouers sterk aanbeveel om te bid oor jou opsies voordat jy jou jong persoon kollege toe stuur.

Many have responded when I have shared my concerns about sending children who have been kept from evil through homeschooling, off to the sinful college campuses. One woman in particular told me with tears in her eyes that she has NEVER recovered from what she experienced at her CHRISTIAN college. She was not homeschooled, but came from a small Christian school. Years after she was married to a very godly man, her faith was in question and she almost walked away from the Lord. Now she is a devout homeschool mother to her three young children.

Baie het reageer toe ek my bekommernisse gedeel het oor om kinders te stuur wie van die bose weggehou was deur tuisskool, weg na die sondige kollege kampusse. Een vrou in besonder het my vertel met trane in haar oë dat sy NOOIT herstel het van wat sy by haar CHRISTELIKE kollege ervaar het nie. Jare nadat sy met ‘n baie goddelike man getroud was, was haar geloof bevraag en sy het amper van die Here af weggeloop. Nou is sy ‘n godvrugtige tuisskool moeder vir haar drie kinders.

There is no doubt that obtaining a four-year college degree at home is MUCH better than going to a college campus. However, before you go ahead with the option of earning a degree at home, be sure to think about the material that they will be studying. Will all of the required curriculum STRENGTHEN your child’s walk with the Lord? Or, could some of it cause doubt or confusion? Without reading everything that your young man or woman is required to read and study, can you be sure that it will move them closer to the Lord?

Daar is geen twyfel dat om ‘n vier-jaar kollege graad by die huis te bekom BAIE beter is as om na ‘n kollege kampus te gaan. Nietemin, voordat jy voortgaan met die opsie om ‘n graad by die huis te bekom, wees seker om te dink aan die materiaal wat hulle gaan studeer. Sal al die vereiste kurikulum jou kind se wandel met die Here VERSTERK? Of, kan van dit twyfel of verwarring veroorsaak? Sonder om alles te lees wat van jou jong man of vrou vereis is om te lees en studeer, kan jy seker wees dat dit hulle nader aan die Here sal beweeg?


“Sy staan op as dit nog nag is …” Spreuke 31:15



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