“You will say to this mountain,

‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move;

And nothing will be impossible to you.”

— Matthew 17:20


“Dít verseker Ek julle, as julle geloof selfs so klein

soos ’n mosterdsaadjie was, sou julle vir hierdie berg sĂȘ:

‘Skuif soontoe,’ en hy sal dit doen. Ja, niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie.”

— Matthew 17:20


There is no principle more important than having control over what you speak. “You will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you” (Matthew 17:20).

Daar is geen beginsel meer belangrik as om beheer te hĂȘ oor wat jy sĂȘ nie. “sal julle vir hierdie berg  sĂȘ, ‘Gaan staan daar anderkant!” en hy sal gaan. Niks sal vir julle onmoontlik wees nie” (Matteus 17:20).

Most people, Christian or not, haven’t any idea of the creative power of our words. Even though I had read and studied endlessly two of Erin’s books that devote two entire chapters in each, four chapters to learn that we should be careful what we say in our marriage (or other relationships we hold dear to our hearts.) Yet, until now, I had no idea how truly powerful our words can be in determining what we attract, when we react, resulting in a positive or a negative outcome.

Meeste mense, Christene of nie, het geen idee van die kreatiewe krag van ons woorde nie. Selfs al het ek twee van Erin se boeke gelees en eindeloos bestudeer wat twee hele hoofstukke in elkeen toewy, vier hoofstukke om te leer wat ons in ons huwelik sĂȘ (of ander verhoudings wat ons na aan ons harte hou.) Tog, tot nou, het ek geen idee gehad hoe werklik magtig ons woorde kan  wees om te bepaal wat ons aantrek, wanneer ons reageer, en gevolglik in ‘n positiewe of negtiewe uitkoms .

It wasn’t until just recently that I began to wonder if my marriage restoration was due more to what I believed, and as a result, said, than it was by my following the seemingly endless list of other principles laid out in the two books I wore out reading. Was it more what I said, than what I did? I began to wonder.

Dit was nie totdat ek net onlangs begin wonder het of my huweliks herstel meer die gevolg was van wat ek geglo het, en gevolglik, gesĂȘ het, as wat fit was dat ek die eindelose lys van ander beginsels wat in die twee boeke uitgelĂȘ het gevolg het. Was dit meer van wat ek gesĂȘ het as wat ek gedoen het? ek het begin wonder.

Again, speaking stems from what we have hidden within our hearts, which is what we believe, and is primarily because of what we can imagine. So just to say something, without feeling it, is not what will move a mountain; only those things that you truly believe in your heart will result in you feeling it and speaking it out loud with the power of moving impossible obstacles. (We will discuss the importance of our feelings in chapter 9.)

Weer, praat se oorsprong kom van wat ons in binne ons harte weggesteek het, wat is wat ons glo, en is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van wat ons kan dink. So om net iets te sĂȘ, sonder om dit te voel, is nie wat ‘n berg sal versit nie; net daardie dinge wat jy werklik in jou hart glo sal veroorsaak dat jy dit voel en hardop sĂȘ met die krag om onmoontlike struikelblokke te versit. (Ons sal die belangrikheid van ons gevoelens in hoofstuk 9 bespreek.)

Not only is what you speak the most powerful principle to moving mountains, in a way, it is also the principle that is the most fun when you understand its power.

Nie net is wat jy praat die mees kragtigste beginsel om berge te versit nie, op ‘n manier, is dit ook die beginsel wat die meeste pret is wanneer jy sy krag verstaan.

It really caught my attention just a few months ago, when the Lord began to reveal to me a secret that I already basically knew, which is: Since we are all created in the image of God, we also hold the power of creating our world: good and bad. God simply spoke the world into existence—simply spoke. Then later, we see Jesus doing the very same thing: he simply spoke to calm the sea and the wind; He also spoke and told Lazarus to come forth, thereby raising him from the dead.

Dit het ‘n paar maande terug regtig my aandag getrek, toe die Here ‘n geheim aan my ontbloot het wat ek alreeds basies geweet het, wat is: Aangesien ons almal in die beeld van God geskep is, hou ons ook die krag om ons wĂȘreld te skep: goed en sleg. God het eenvoudig die wĂȘreld in bestaan gepraat—eenvoudig gepraat. Toe later, sien ons dat Jesus dieselfde ding doen: hy het eenvoudig gepraat om die see en die wind te kalmeer; Hy het ook gepraat en vir Lasarus gesĂȘ om uit te kom, en hom daarby uit die dood  laat opstaan het. 

We have to pay close attention to how Jesus moved mountains, because when He was about to go to the cross, He told His disciples, His followers (you and me), that we would be able to do far greater feats than what we had seen Him do. But are we? No. This means that we are not utilizing the power that He died to give us, mainly because we are ignorant of that power and misuse it horribly.

Ons moet noukeurig aandag skenk oor hoe Jesus berge versit, want toe Hy op die punt gestaan het om na die kruis toe te gaan, het Hy vir sy dissippels, Sy volgelinge, gesĂȘ (jy en ek), dat ons in staat sal wees om groter wapenfeite te doen as wat ons Hom sien doen het. Maar doen ons? Nee. Dit beteken dat ons nie die krag waarvoor Hy gesterf het om vir ons te gebruik nie, hoofsaaklik omdat ons onkundig is oor daardie krag en dit verskriklik misbruik.

While talking to my dear, sweet neighbor, I was telling her about the book that I was writing at that time, The Poverty Mentality, which deals more with how we think, good and bad, which led to how we will speak about it, since how we speak, good and bad, is implanted in our hearts. There are no less than twenty-seven times in the Bible where speaking is linked to our heart: did you know that? Here’s just one of my favorites:

Terwyl ek met my liewe, liefste buurvrou gepraat het, het ek haar van die boek wat ek besig was om destyds te skryf, Die Armoede Mentaliteit, te vertel wat meer afreken met hoe ons dink, goed en sleg, wat lei tot hoe ons daaroor sal praat, aangesien hoe ons praat, goed en sleg, in ons harte ingeplant is. Daar is  niks minder as sewe-en-twintig keer in die Bybel waar praat aan ons harte gekoppel is nie: het jy dit geweet? Hier is net een van my gunstelinge:

 “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart” (Luke 6:45).

“Die goeie mens bring die goeie te voorskyn uit die oorvloed goeie dinge in sy hart, en die slegte mens bring die slegte te voorskyn uit die oorvloed slegte dinge. Waar die hart van vol is, loop die mond van oor” (Lukas 6:45).

That was when my neighbor told me about a new video and book that revealed a secret, and the movie shows that the principle originated from a very old book—a book that is never revealed in this video. The interesting thing is, when she told me about it, I instantly knew I had the book—it was sitting next to my bed, a gift that had been given to me by a fellowship member I met while in Colorado on my very first travel destination, during the same month as my divorce. Interesting. What’s most interesting, like other methods that “work,” is that the principle is really from the Bible.

Dit was toe my buurvrou my vertel het van ‘n nuwe video en boek wat ‘n geheim openbaar het, en die fliek wys dat die beginsel sy oorsprong van ‘n baie ou boek gekry het—’n boek wat nooit in die video geopenbaar is nie. Die interessante ding is, toe sy my darvan vertel, het ek onmiddellik geweet dat ek die boek het—dit was langs my bed, ‘n geskenk wat deur ‘n mede bediening lid wie ek ontmoet het terwyl ek op my heel eerste reis bestemming, gedurende dieselfde maand as my egskeiding gegee het. Interessant. Wat meer interessant is, soos ander metodes wat “werk, ” is dat die beginsel regtig uit die Bybel is.

The book confirmed to me, when I read it (then and just recently), that the power of how we think, which leads to what we believe, which turns the heart, would naturally cause us to have peace or joy as we speak of what we think about—it all began to come together beautifully. It was then, at that moment, that I knew that I would have to write this book “Moving Mountains.” All the principles to move those foreboding mountains in our lives were out there just waiting to be corralled into a book, which would unleash the joy that the abundant life held for every woman who wanted all that Jesus died to give her.

Die boek het vir my bevestig, toe ek dit gelees het (toe en nou onlangs), dat die krag van hoe ons dink, wat lei tot na wat ons glo, wat die hart draai, ons natuurswyse sal veroorsaak om vrede of vreugde te hĂȘ soos wat ons praat waaraan ons dink—dit het alles begin om pragtig bymekaar te kom. Dit was toe, op daardie oomblik, dat ek geweet het dat ek hierdie boek moet skryf “Versit B Berge.” Al die beginsels om daar die afstootlike berge in ons lewens te versit was daar buite en het net gewag om in ‘n boek korrelleer te word, wat die vreugde wat die oorvloedige lewe gehou het vir elke vrou wat alles wil hĂȘ waarvoor Jesus gesterf het om vir haar te gee ontketen.

Though these “secret” principles work for non-Christians, and even when a person removes God from the picture (which is what this video and the book carefully chooses to do), it does not make it unscriptural or prove it is unsafe for the Christian to believe or act upon. To believe this would mean that we are ignorant of what Jesus Himself said in Matthew 5:45, “For He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” God is a God who blesses anyone, whenever anyone follows the laws God created, correct? For instance, if someone respects gravity, or chooses to ignore it, that has nothing to do with whether or not he or she is a Christian, right? There was a whole movement not too long ago about the “power of positive thinking” which worked, of course, because it’s one of God’s laws.

Alhoewel hierdie geheime beginsels vir nie-Christene werk, en selfs wanneer ‘n mens God uit die prentjie verwyder (wat is wat die video en boek versigtig verkies om te doen), dit maak dit nie onskriftuurlik of bewys dat dit onveilig is vir Christene om te glo en daarop te reageer nie. Om dit te glo sal beteken dat ons onunkundig is oor wat Jesus Homself gesĂȘ het in Matteus 5:45, “Hy laat immers sy son opkom oor slegtes en goeies, en Hy laat reĂ«n oor diĂ© wat reg doen en oor diĂ© wat verkeerd doen.” God is ‘n God wat almal seĂ«n, wanneer ookal iemand die wette volg wat God geskep het, korrek? By voorbeeld, as iemand swaartekrag respekteer, of verkies om dit te ignoreer, het dit niks te doen met of hy ‘n Christen is of nie, reg? Daar was ‘n hele beweging nie so lank terug oor die “krag van ‘n positiewe denkwyse” wat gewerk het, natuurlik, omdat dit een van God se wette is. 

In addition, this principle of the power of what we speak is literally everywhere in the Bible. Yet, even though it is right under our very noses, day after day, as we read our Bibles for our morning devotionals, we forget what we read, and we walk right out into our day violating His principles, one after another. And I am not talking about sin; I am simply talking about how we are robbed, day after day, of what Jesus shed His blood for: Allowing us to live a life of abundance, rather than struggling with lack. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).

Ter aanvulling, die beginsel van die krag waarvan ons praat is letterlik oral in die Bybel. Tog, alhoewel dit reg onder ons neuse is, dag na dag, soos wat ons ons Bybels lees vir ons oggend toewydings, vergeet ons wat ons lees, en ons loop reg in ons dag in en oortree Sy beginsels, een na die ander. En ek praat nie oor sonde nie; ek praat eenvoudig oor hoe ons beroof is, dag na dag, van wat Jesus Sy bloed vir ons gegiet het: Ons toe te laat om ‘n lewe van oorvloed te lewe, eerder as om met ‘n tekort te sukkel. “'n Dief kom net steel en slag en uitroei; Ek het gekom sodat hulle die lewe kan hĂȘ, en dit in oorvloed” (Johannes 10:10).

As I have done with just about every chapter of this book, I want to share with you a few stories that will help you to understand more fully that you need to pay close attention to what you say. “Now therefore, my sons, listen to me, and pay attention to the words of my mouth” (Proverbs 7:24). For in our words are the “power of life or death,” “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

Omdat ek dit met net omtrent elke hoofstuk van hierdie boek gedoen het, wil ek ‘n paar stories met jou deel wat jou sal help om meer ten volle te verstaan dat jy moet aandag skenk aan wat jy sĂȘ. “Luister na my, my seun, slaan ag op wat ek sĂȘ” (Spreuke 7:24). Want in ons oorde is die “krag van die lewe of die dood,” “Die tong het mag oor dood en lewe; diĂ© wat lief is om te praat, sal die gevolg dra” Spreuke 18:21)).

Whether you experience joy or sorrow, abundance or lack, will usually be contained within your words; will you choose to learn and finally live this truth? Since the Bible tells us that many “will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Proverbs 5:23).

Of jy vreugde of smart ervaar, oorvloed of tekort, dit sal gewoonlik binne jou woorde vervat word; sal jy kies om te leer en finaal hierdie waarheid te lewe? Aangesien die Bybel vir ons vertel dat baie sal “sterf deur sy gebrek aan selfbeheersing, sy dwaasheid het hom op die verkeerde pad gebring” (Spreuke 5:23).

Why is it important? So “the ransomed of the LORD will return and come with joyful shouting to Zion, with everlasting joy upon their heads they will find gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away” (Isaiah 35:10).

Waarom is dit so belangrik? Sodat ‘DiĂ© wat deur die HERE verlos is, sal terugkeer, hulle sal juigend in Sion aankom, hulle sal altyd straal van blydskap, hulle sal vol vreugde en blydskap wees; ellende en smart sal verdwyn.

Just read these next verses from Isaiah 55, with which many of you are familiar, but this time, with what this chapter has taught you so far:

Lees net hierdie verse van Jesaja 55, waarmee baie van julle familiĂȘr is, maar hierdie keer, met wat die hoofstuk jou tot dusver geleer het.

 “‘Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance. Incline your ear and come to Me. Listen, that you may live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, according to the faithful mercies shown to David

“‘Kom, almal wat dors is, kom na die water toe, selfs ook diĂ© wat nie geld het nie, kom, koop en eet; ja, kom, koop sonder geld en sonder om te betaal, wyn en melk. Waarom betaal julle vir iets wat nie brood is nie, waarom werk julle vir iets wat nie kan versadig nie? Luister aandagtig na My, sodat julle kan eet wat goed is en versadig kan word met die beste wat daar is. Gee aandag en kom na My toe, luister, en julle sal lewe. Ek wil met julle 'n ewige verbond sluit, Ek wil my troue liefde aan julle betoon soos aan Dawid...

 “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts

“‘My gedagtes is nie julle gedagtes nie, en julle optrede nie soos Myne nie, sĂȘ die Here; soos die hemel hoĂ«r is as die aarde, so is my optrede verhewe bo julle optrede en my gedagtes bo julle gedagtes...

 “‘So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. For you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you.’” (Isaiah 55:1-3, 8-9, 11-12)

“‘So sal die woord wat uit my mond kom, ook wees: dit sal nie onverrigter sake na My toe terugkeer nie, maar dit sal doen wat Ek gedoen wil hĂȘ en tot stand bring waarvoor Ek dit gestuur het’” Julle sal met blydskap uit Babel wegtrek en in vrede gelei word; die berge en die heuwels sal voor julle uit jubel en juig en al die bome in die veld sal hande klap. (Jesaja 55:1-3,8-9,11-12)

The new revelation of the power of what we simply speak began to unfold when my son decided that he needed to have steady income to “just make his car payment.” Please notice the word I bolded and italicized. “Just” —so simple a word yet it holds so much power. Since he asked, God opened the door for a job that he worked terribly hard at, but he made “just” enough to meet his car payment. He was hoping to make a lot in tips, which he should have gotten, since he is a hard worker, has lots of personality, and has a handsome look to complement these other traits. However, what he asked for was to “just make his car payment.” That’s what I told him when he came home very late one night and asked me what I thought was wrong. I explained that God gave him just what he had asked for, “just.” Because he was exhausted after working a double shift, and so terribly frustrated, he then said, “Okay then, if it’s what I speak, let me say this! ‘I want a job where I can use my God-given talents, doing what I really enjoy doing. I want some great paying jobs in media, doing camera work!!’”

Die nuwe openbaring van die krag van wat ons eenvoudig praat het begin ontvou toe my seun besluit het dat hy ‘n vaste inkomste nodig gehad het om “net om sy motor paaiement te maak.” Neem kennis van die woord wat ek in drukletters en kursief gemaak het. “Net” —so eenvoudig ‘n woord tog het dit soveel krag. Aangesien hy gevra het, het God die deur oopgemaak vir ‘n werk waarvoor hy verskriklik hard gewerk ht, maar hy het “net” genoeg gemaak om sy motor paaiement te betaal. Hy het gehoop om baie in fooitjies te maak, wat hy moes gekry het, aangesien hy ‘n harde werker is, het baie persoonlikheid, en is aantreklik om die ander eienskappe te komplimenteer. Nietemin, waarvoor hy gevra het was om “net sy motor paaiement te betaal.” Dit is wat ek vir hom gesĂȘ het toe hy een aand baie laat huis toe gekom het en my gevra het wat ek gedink het verkeerd was. Ek het verduidelik dat God hom net gegee het waarvoor hy gevra het “net.” Omdat hy uitgeput was nadat hy ‘n dubbelskof gewerk het, en so vreeslik gefrustreerd,  het hy toe gesĂȘ, “Reg, dan, as dit is wat ek  praat, laat my dit sĂȘ! ‘Ek wil werk hĂȘ waar ek my God-gegewe talente kan gebruik, en doen wat ek regtig geniet om te doen. Ek wil goed betalende werk in die media hĂȘ, en kamera werk doen!!”’     

Most of you might question the validity of what I am going to say, but the truth is: within a week, my son received a call from a guy who wanted him to manage the camera work for his team (similar to putting together a union) for production companies that come to this area from Hollywood. These film companies would rather use local film crews, instead of flying in their own production team and equipment. What my son began making per day was MORE than what he would have made working double shifts as a waiter for an entire month!

Meeste van julle sal die geldigheid van wat ek gaan sĂȘ bevraagteken, maar die waarheid is: binne ‘n week, het my seun ‘n oproep van ‘n ou ontvang wat wou gehad het dat hy die kamera vir sy span moet bestuur (eenders as om ‘n unie bymekaar te sit) vir produksie maatskappye wat na hierdie gebied toe kom uit Hollywood uit. Die vliek maatskappye sou eerder plaaslike fliek spanne gebruik, eerder as om hulle eie produksie span en toerusting in te vlieg. Wat my seun per dag begin maak het WAS meer as wat hy sou gemaak het deur dubbel skofte as ‘n bediener te werk vir ‘n hele maand!

*This is the same power that God gave each of us, but unfortunately, we ignorantly speak against ourselves rather than for ourselves.

*Dit is dieselfde krag wat God vir elkeen van ons gegee het, maar ongelukkig, praat ons onkundig teen onsself eerder as vir onsself.

A short time later, my son was talking to me about his brother, who had been offered a position as a Media Director but wasn’t sure if he wanted it. My son, who is primarily a cameraman, said that a Media Director’s job was exactly what he wanted some day. So, together we spoke about it, and he said that he didn’t have the training that his brother did, and he needed more in the area of directing.

‘n Kort tydjie later, het my seun met my gepraat oor sy broer, wat ‘n pos as ‘n media Direkteur geoffer was maar nie seker was of hy dit wou gehad het nie. My seun, wie hoofsaaklik ‘n kameraman is, het gesĂȘ dat die Media Direkteur se werk presies iets was wat hy eendag wou hĂȘ. So, saam het ons darvan gepraat, en hy het gesĂȘ dat hy nie die opleiding gehad het wat sy broer gehad het ne, en dat hy meer in die area van derigering nodig gehad het.

Would you believe that just a few days later, one evening, my son was running out the door to TD at a local church (technical director, who is the person who pushes the buttons for the director, just one position away from the director). While he was running out the door, I smiled and said, “Next, God will have you Direct!” which happened that very evening! Two-thirds of the way through the church service, the director pushed his seat back and told my son to take over—my son directed the remainder of the service!

Sou jy glo dat net ‘n paar dae later, een aand, was my seun besig om uit died eur uit te hardloop na ‘n plaaslike kerk toe om te TD (tegniese direkteur, wie die persoon is wat die knoppies vir die direkteur druk, net een posissie weg van ‘n direkteur af). Terwyl ht uit die deur uit gehardloop het, het ek geglimlag en gesĂȘ, “Volgende sal God jou laat Direkteur!” wat dieelfde  aand gebeur het! Tweede-derdes van die pad  deur die kerk diens, het die direkteur sy sitplek teruggestoot en vir my seun gesĂȘ om oor te vat—my seun het die oorblywende deel van die dien gedirekteur!   

Have I caught your attention yet? If not, now listen to this. It was about ten days later that I walked by my son, who was on the couch talking to a young man who I didn’t recognize (but that happens all the time). The next morning, my son asked me if I knew who he was, and why he was there, and what he was talking to him about. When I said no, he went on to tell me that this young man’s father was the pastor of a mega church in San Diego, and he wanted my son to be its Media Director!

Het ek jou andag al getrek? Indien nie, luister hierna. Dit was omtrent tien dae later wat ek verby my seun geloop het, wie op die bank was besig om met ‘n jong man te praat wat ek nie erken het nie (maar dit gebeur al die tyd). Die volgende oggend, het my seun gevra of ek weet wie hy was,  en waarom hy daar was, en waaroor hy met hom gepraat het.  Toe ek gesĂȘ het nee, het hy vir my vertel dat die jong man se pa ‘n pastoor van ‘n mega kerk in San Diego was, en hy wou gehad het dat my seun sy media Direkteur moet wees!

My son and I spoke it, and there it was manifested right before our eyes, and well before my son felt he was even ready. What he spoke, saying what he wanted, came to him. Even now it is pending, as is the position for his brother. Even though they both readily know this principle, and it’s been reinforced by what they’ve witnessed me doing, I still see that so often they ignore its power and often speak that they are “not sure if they want it” (the positions). So, the positions remain pending.

My seun en ek het dit uigespreek, en daar was dit reg voor ons oĂ« gemanifesteer, en lank voor my seun gevoel het dat hy gereed was. Wat hy uitgespreek het, deur te sĂȘ wat hy wou gehad het, het na hom toe gekom. Self nou is dit nog hangende, so ook die posisie vir sy broer. Alhoewel albei geredelik hierdie beginsel geken het, en dit versterk is deur wat hulle getuig het ek doen, sien ek dat hulle so dikwels sy krag ignoreer en praat dikwels dat hulle “nie seker is of hulle dit wil hĂȘ nie” (die posisies). So, die posisies bly hangende.

How many of you are getting this? What we speak is powerful. Whether or not we say things consistently, not just if we say positive versus negative things.

Hoeveel van julle verstaan dit? Wat julle praat is kragtig. Of ons dinge konsekwent sĂȘ of nie, nie net as ons positiewe versus negatiewe dinge nie.       

Not convinced? Let me go on. After the recent car accident that my daughter had, I drove her to and from work, while her car was being repaired. I began to dread these times, because my daughter has been extremely negative, ever since her dad left her. (That’s how our children feel, you know; even though your husband might have walked out on you, your children, especially your daughters, were rejected by him, and they feel it immensely.) Normally I just listen, since to say something only brings about a more negative reaction; I know you understand what I mean.

Nie oortuig nie? Laat my aangaan. Na die onlangse motorongeluk wat my dogter gehad het, het ek haar werk toe en terug bestuur, terwyl haar motor in was vir herstel. Ek het begin om hierdie tye te vrees, omdat my dogter uiters negatief is, vandat haar pa haar verlaat het. (Dit is hoe ons kinders voel, weet jy; selfs al het jou man op jou uitgeloop, jou kinders, spesiaal jou dogters, was deur hom verwerp, en hulle voel dit ontsaglik aan.) Normaalweg luister ek net, aangesien om iets te sĂȘ net meer negatiewe raksie uitlok; ek weet jy verstaan wat ek bedoel.

On this particular morning, I lovingly interrupted her with a very positive and powerful tone of voice. I asked her why she kept talking about her job with all its problems. Didn’t she know that it kept unleashing more and more negative things in her life? She didn’t like me interrupting her, nor what I’d said, but then I turned our conversation toward a positive note and related the recent events in her brother’s life that I just shared with you. She knew all about them, but she had not looked at the chain of events all at the same time. It got her attention, and she immediately said, “Well, okay, then what I really want is a job at the church [naming it] and for it to pay well, so that I can quit my job here!” Then she said that she would go over and fill out an application.

Op hierdie spesifieke oggend, het ek haar liefdevol onderbreek in ‘n baie positiewe en kragtige stem. Ek het vir haar gevra waarom sy aanhou praat oor haar werk met al die probleme. Het sy nie geweet dat dit meer en meer negatiewe dinge in haar lewe ontketen nie? Sy het nie daarvan gehou dat ek haar onderbreek nie, nog minder wat ek gesĂȘ het, maar toe keer ek ons gesprek na ‘n poiiewe rigting en die verwante onlangese gebeure in haar broer se lewe wat ek nounet met jou gedeel het. Sy het alles daarvan geweet, maar sy het nie na die ketting van gebeure almal op dieselfde tyd gekyk nie. Dit het haar aandag getrek, en sy het onmiddellik gesĂȘ, “Wel, goed dan, dan wat ek regtig wil hĂȘ is werk by die kerk [sy het dit genoem] en vir dit om goed te betaal, sodat ek my werk hier kan opgee!” Toe sĂȘ sy sy sal oor gaan en die aansoek invul.

Unfortunately, I needed to break in again, because I felt the prompting of her Father, my HH, saying that she had so many connections (she has volunteered in so many areas of the church for almost 7 years), and I sensed she should simply talk to one of the pastors she knew and worked with. When I began naming them, she jumped on the second name, Pastor Brandon.

Ongelukkig, moes ek weer inbreek, omdat ek die aanhitsing van haar Vader, my HM gevoel het, en vir haar gesĂȘ dat sy so baie verbinding het (sy het in baie areas van die kerk vrywilligheidswerk gedoen vir amper 7 jare), en ek het aangevoel dat sy eenvoudig met een van haar pastore kon praat wie sy geken het en saam wie sy gewerk het. Toe ek hulle begin opnoem, het sy regaeer op die tweede naam, Pastoor Brandon. 

It was about 7 A.M. when she said that, and just hours later, at 2 P.M., while I was in the chiropractor’s office, I heard someone call my name, and when I turned around to see “who” was speaking—of course, it was Pastor Brandon! I laughed, since I had not seen or spoken to him in almost a year, but there he was for me to tell him that my daughter was hoping for a job at the church and needed his advice.

Dit was omtrent 7 V.M. toe sy dit gesĂȘ het, en net twee ure later, om 2 N.M., terwyl ek in die chiropraktisyn se kantoor was, het ek iemand gehoor my naam uitroep, toe ek omgedraai het om te sien “wie” dit was wat gepraat het—natuurlik was dit Pastoor Brandon! Het ek gelag, aangesen ek hom in amper ‘n jaar hom nie gesien of met hom gepraat het nie, maar daar was hy om vir my te sĂȘ dat my dogter gehoop het vir ‘n werk by die kerk en sy advies nodig ghead het.

The job didn’t end up coming through him, but through God and in yet another divine appointment. This is another principle that you need to know, never fixate yourself on someone or something. Just simply move as your HH continues to lead you. Too many people miss this and wonder why they never move forward. It is not the person, nor the situation—it is simply God who will move you as you continue to believe and to speak positively and refrain from the negative. In addition, we have already discussed timing, correct? As it says in Habakkuk 2:2-3, everything is set for an appointed time. “Then the LORD answered me and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, WAIT for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.’”

Die werk het nie opgeeindig om deur hom te kom nie, maar deur God en in nog ‘n godsgerige afspraak. Dit is nog ‘n beginsel wat jy nodig het om te weet, moet jouself nooit op iemand of iets fikseer nie. Beweeg eenvoudig soos wat jou HM jou lei. Te veel mense mis dit en wonder waarom hulle nooit vorentoe beweeg nie. Dit is nie die persoon, of die situasie nie—dit is eenvoudig God wat jou sal roer soos wat jy voortgaan om te glo en positief te praat en te weerhou van die negatiewe. Ter aanvulling, het ons alreeds tydsberekening bespreek, korrek? Soos wat dit sĂȘ in Habakkuk 2:2-3, alles is vir ‘n vasgestelde tyd. “Die HERE het toe vir my gesĂȘ: Skryf wat Ek aan jou gaan openbaar duidelik op kleitablette sodat mense dit sommer in die verbygaan kan lees. Die openbaring geld vir 'n bepaalde tyd; dit sal gou kom want dit kom beslis. Jy moet net geduldig bly WAG as dit nie gou kom nie, want dit kom beslis, dit sal nie uitbly nie.”’

The more you absorb the truth in this principle the more you’ll realized that some connections take longer, so we must be willing to wait, if it is necessary, to catch the next flow of events. (Picture how we connect in a train station or an airline flight while traveling.) Also, add to this what we learned in prior chapters, that often He knows we need more spiritual strength then we have, so it means we need to wait in order to “renew our strength.”

Hoe meer jy die waarheid in hierdie beginsel absorbeer hoe meer sal jy besef dat sommige verbindings langer neem, so ons moet gewillig wees om te wag, indien nodig, om die volgende vloei van gebeure te vang. (Verbeel jou hoe ons by ‘n treinstasie of ‘n lugredery vlug wag terwyl ons reis). Ook, voeg by dit by dit wat ons in vorige hoofstukke geleer het, dat Hy dikwels weet dat ons meer geestelike krag nodig het as wat ons het, so dit beteken ons moet wag sodat ons “ons krag kan hernu.”

Your life can be like this; it really can. It only takes tuning in to what is constantly happening in your life as you speak. Until now, you were simply unaware of it. And another secret to this principle of the creative power of what you speak is that you and I will be able to see it in other people’s lives much more clearly than you and I can see it in our own lives. So, to fine-tune this principle in your mind, you, too, should become a sort of “Moving Mountain Coach” for those to whom you are closest. It will result in you being much more aware of what you speak, when you help others realize the power they possess, since they, too, are made in the image of God and were in our Savior’s mind when He chose to walk the road to the cross on Calvary.

Jou lewe kan so wees; dit kan regtig. Dit neem net om in te skakel tot wat aanhoudend in jou lewe gebeur soos wat jy praat. Tot nou, was jy eenvoudig nie daarvan bewus nie. En nog ‘n geheim met hierdie beginsel van die kreatiewe krag van wat jy praat is dat ek en jy dit in ander mense se lewens meer duidelik sal sien as jy en ek dit in ons eie lewens kan sien. So, verfyn hierdie beginel in jou verstand, jy, sal ook, ‘n soort van “Versit Berge Afrigter” word vir die aan wie jy die naaste is. Dit sal veroorsaak dat jy baie meer bewus is wanneer jy praat, wanneer jy ander help besef die krag wat hulle besit, aangesien hulle, ook, in die beeld van God geskep is en in ons Redder se verstand was toe Hy gekies het om die pad na die kruis op Golgota te loop.

*Just remember, if you live it, others will witness it, and soon they will ask. Until then, be quiet and live it—until asked.

*Onthou net, as jy dit uitleef, sal ander daarvan attesteer, en gou sal hulle vra. Tot dan, wees stil en leef dit uit—totdat jy gevra word.

Now, back to the story. The divine appointments (or coincidences as many people want to call them) didn’t stop with speaking to the pastor. The very next day, I picked up my daughter to bring her to the bank with a copy of her insurance, but she had forgotten to print it. Right now, I can’t remember why I had my laptop in the car, but I did, so we headed over to church, rather than going back home, because they had Wi-Fi.

Nou terug na die storie toe. Die godsgerigte afsprake (of toevalle soos wat baie mense hulle wil noem) het nie gestop deur met die pastoor te praat nie. Die volgende dag, het ek my dogter opgetel om haar bank toe te neem met ‘n afskrif van haar assuransie , maar sy het vergeet om dit te uit te druk. Nou, kan ek nie onthou waarom ek my skootrekenaar in my motor gehad het nie, maar ek het, so ons is weg kerk toe, eerder as om terug te gaan huis toe, omdat hulle Wi-Fi gehad het.

Here is another principle that I am keenly aware of that I need to share: God sets us up to do things that are unusual, and even to forget something on purpose—it’s all part of His plan. And when you sense you should do something, like me grabbing my computer, do not stop to reason! With what you’ve learned, read Proverbs 3:5–6 to see how so many get off course, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” When you lean to your understanding, like I could have done when grabbing my laptop, “What do I need this for? Why put it in the car when it’s safer at home?”—the flow would have been broken.

Hier is nog ‘n beginsel waaroor ek skerp bewus is wat ek moeet deel: God stel ons op om ongewone dinge te doen, en selfs om iets aspris te vergeet—dit is alles deel van Sy plan. En wanneer jy aanvoel dat jy iets moet doen, soos ek wat my rekenaar gegryp het, moet nie ophou om te redekawel nie! Met wat jy geleer het, lees Spreuke 3:5-6 om te sien hoe baie van koers af raak, “ ertrou volkome op die Here en moenie op jou eie insigte staatmaak nie. Ken Hom in alles wat jy doen en Hy sal jou die regte pad laat loop.” Wanneer jy op jou eie insigte staatmaak soos ek kon gedoen het toe ek my rekenaar gegryp het, “Waarvoor het ek dit nodig? Waarom dit in die motor plaas wanneer dit veiliger by die huis is?”—die vloei sou onderbreek wees.

To live abundantly, we must stop running around ignorant of what is happening. We really need to, again, tune in to this incredible world, each day, that the Lord makes for us, equipped with all the principles that make up this abundant life!

Om oorvloedig te lewe, moet ons ophou onkundig rondhardloop van wat besig is om te gebeur. Ons moet regtig, weer, elke dag, in hierdie ongelooflike wĂȘreld inskakel, wat die Here vir ons maak, toegerus met al die beginsels wat hierdie oorvloedige lewe opmaak!

As soon as my daughter said that we should run to the church, I could literally “feel” that something was about to happen. Once you begin to become aware of the spiritual realm that we are a part of every day of our lives, you, too, will soon be able to sense when a miracle or spiritual blessing is about to happen.

Toe my dogter gesĂȘ het ons moet na die kerk toe ry, kon ek letterlik “voel” dat iets gaan gebeur. Soda jy begin om bewus te word van die spirituele ryk warvan ons elke dag van ons lewens deel is, sal jy, ook, gou in staat wees om aan te voel wanneer ‘n wonderwerk of geestelike seĂ«n op die punt staan om te gebeur.

As we walked in, I just kept looking around, wondering where this miracle or blessing was about to come from. After a few minutes, I had to just give the whole thing to the Lord, since I thought I might be wrong or that I was trying to make something happen. I didn’t want to get into the flesh, pushing against that mountain, when all that God asks us to do is to simply speak and to tell it to move.

Toe ons ingeloop het, het ek net aanhou rondgekyk, en gewonder waar hierdie wonderwerk of seĂ«n vandaan sou kom. Na ‘n paar minute, moes ek net die hele ding vir die Here gee, aangesien ek geink het dit mag dalk verkeerd wees of dat ek probeer het om dit te maak gebeur. Ek wou nie in die vlees kom nie, en teen die berg stoot nie, wanneer al wat God ons vra om te doen is om eenvoudig te praat en vir dit sĂȘ om te versit.

A moment later, I spotted a Starbucks kiosk, and I asked my daughter if she wanted anything. She said no, but I kept on asking her. Then I stood up and told her that I was going to get something. Now, let me see if I can explain this. I normally would never ask someone something twice, as I did with my daughter. In addition, I never, ever drink coffee, after my first cup in the morning. Never. The flavor doesn’t appeal to me. Nevertheless, there I was at the counter.

‘n Oomblik later, het ek ‘n Starbucks kiosk gesien, en my dogter gevra of sy enigiets wil hĂȘ. Sy het nee gesĂȘ, maar ek het haar aanhoudend gevra. Toe staan ek op en sĂȘ vir haar ek gaan iets kry. Nou, laat ek sien of ek dit kan verduidelik. Ek sou normaalweg nie vir iemand twee keer vra nie. Ter aanvulling, drink ek nooit, ooit koffie, na my eerste koppie in die oggend  nie. Nooit. Die geur staan my nie aan nie. Nietemin, daar was ek by die toonbank.

Then it was like my eyes were opened, and I asked the lady there if she was hiring. She looked at me kind of funny. Maybe she thought I was too old to work there or not the type who would work making coffee at Starbucks. But the real reason she looked at me like that, stunned, was because she had just hung up the phone, after speaking to a girl who she had let go (on the phone), because she had not shown up for work that day! And at that very moment, the Lord had led us to walk in. Coincidence? Or, was this indeed a divine appointment, due to what we both believed and spoke about? “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father Who is in heaven” (Matthew 18:19).

Toe was dit asof my oĂ« oop gegaan het, en ek het vir die dame daar gevra of sy iemand soek. Sy het ietwat snaaks vir my gekyk. Misien het sy gedink dat ek te oud was om daar te werk of nie die soort wat koffie by Starbucks sou maak nie. Maar die regte rede wat sy so na my gekyk het, verstom, was omdat sy pas van die telefoon afgekom het, nadat sy met ‘n meisie gepraat het wie sy laat gaan het (oor die telefoon), omdat sy nie opgedaag het vir werk daardie dag nie! Op daardie oomblik, het die Here ons gelei om in te loop. Per toeval? of, was dit inderdaad ‘n godsgerigte afspraak, as gevolg van dit wat ons alby geglo het en oor gepraat het? Verder verseker Ek julle: As twee van julle op aarde oor enige saak saamstem en daaroor bid, sal my Vader wat in die hemel is, hulle dit laat kry” (Matteus 18:19).

That’s when I pointed to my daughter who was on my laptop, as I began telling the lady at the Starbucks counter that she wanted a job, working at the church. We spoke some more, then I took my coffee over and told my daughter about what had just happened, telling her to go over and talk to her. She simply said, “No, thank you,” and we left. As I said, for the past two years, since her dad left her, she has resisted everyone and everything and has become primarily negative about life.

Dit was toe dat ek my dogter uitgewys het wie op my skootrekenaar was, en ek het vir die dame by die Starbucks toonbank gesĂȘ dat sy die werk wou hĂȘ, by die kerk wou werk. Ons het meer gepraat, toe neem ek my koffie oor en vertel my dogter wat so pas gebeur het, ek het vir haar gesĂȘ om oor te gaan en met haar te gaan praat. Sy het eenvoudig gesĂȘ, ‘Nee, dankie,” en ons is daar weg. Soos wat ek gesĂȘ het, vir die afgelope twee jaar, vandat haar pa weg is, het sy almal teen gestaan en alles oor die lewe het hoofsaaklik negatief geword. 

Nevertheless, you know what? I didn’t oppose her. You see, you and I have to follow all the principles. And we learned in the last chapter that we are not to resist or oppose when a negative or a counter power comes against us. So, I didn’t. God and His power of goodness are greater than any negative power that exists. Our outcome only depends on where we plug ourselves into: negative or positive force.

Nietemin, weet jy wat? ek het haar nie teen gestaan nie. Jy sien, jy en ek moet al die beginsels volg. En ons het in die laaste hoofstuk geleer dat ons nie moet weerstaan of teenstaan wanneer ‘n  negatiewe mag teen ons kom nie. So, ek het nie. God en Sy krag van goedheid is groter as enige negatiewe krag wat bestaan. Ons uitkoms hang af of ons onsself in: negatiewe of positiewe magte inprop.

Yet, within 48 hours, my daughter called me from the Starbucks kiosk to tell me that she had gotten the job! And you will never believe just how she got it. The manager was speaking to the wife of the senior pastor (not the Pastor Brandon) telling her she needed to hire someone, when she said, “I know who you should hire!” and the pastor’s wife said my daughter’s name. The manager was shocked because that morning my daughter had gone back in and filled out an application, unbeknownst to me. No one told the pastor’s wife, nor had she just seen her either time my daughter was there at the church. Yes, my daughter had been a close friend with her daughter years ago, before her daughter went off to college. The only explanation was that what we speak, due to what we believe, as a result of what we choose to imagine, is a force that is more powerful and more at work in our lives—much more than what we realize.

Tog, binne 48 ure, het my dogter my van die Starbucks kiosk af geskakel om vir my te vertel dat sy die werk gekry het! En jy sal nooit glo hoe sy dit gekry het nie. Die bestuurder het met die vrou van die senior pastoor gepraat (nie Pastoor Brendon nie) en vir haar gesĂȘ dat sy iemand moet huur, toe sy gesĂȘ het, “ek weet wie jy moe huur!” en die pastoor se vrou het my dogter se naam genoem. Die bestuurder was geskok omdat my dogter daardie oggend teruggegaan het en ‘n aansoek ingevul het, onbekend vir my. Niemand het vir die pastoor se vrou gesĂȘ nie, nog minder het sy haar enigsins gesien toe my dogter by die kerk was. Ja, my dogter was ‘n intieme vriendin van haar dogter, jare vantevore, voordat sy weg is kollege toe. Die enigste verduideliking was dat wat ons praat, as gevolg van wat ons bglo, deur wat ons kies om te verbeel, is ‘n mag wat meer kragtig en meer tewerk is in ons lewens—meer as wat ons besef.

Each and every day, I see the results of what I speak and what is spoken about in the lives of those around me. Try it yourself, study the Scriptures, and you will see for yourself that what we simply speak about will happen, even to the extent of moving a mountain.

Ieder en elke dag, sien ek die resultate van wat ek praat en waaroor daar in die lewens van die rondom my gepraat is. Probeer dit jouself, bestudeer die Skriftuur, en jy sal vir jouself sien dat wat ons eenvoudig oor praat sal gebeur, selfs tot die uiterste om ‘n berg te versit.

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