“Do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled”
—1 Peter 3:13-15
“Moenie vir mense bang wees of julle laat afskrik nie.”
—1 Petrus 3:13-15

“But seeing the wind, he became afraid”
—Matthew 14:30
“Maar toe Petrus sien hoe sterk is die wind, het hy bang geword
—Matteus 14:30


Obedience to follow His principles is impossible when it’s combined with fear. Fear, which will always want to come in to stop you from gaining all that God has for you! Let me share another faith building testimony to show how God longs to be gracious to us!

Gehoorsaamheid om Sy beginsels te volg is onmoontlik wanneer dit met vrees gekombineer word. Vrees wat altyd sal wil inkom om jou te verhoed om alles te verkry wat God vir jou het! Kom ek deel nog ‘n geloofsbou-getuienis om te wys hoe gretig God is om ons genadig te wees!

“[God Is Gracious and Just] Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him” (Isaiah 30:18).

“Tog is die Here gretig om julle genadig te wees en wil Hy Hom oor julle ontferm: Die Here is 'n God wat reg laat geskied, en dit gaan goed met elkeen wat op Hom vertrou.”(Jesaja 30:18).

When I took over the finances, one of the areas of debt that I was the most concerned about was a building pledge we (my husband and I) had made almost two years earlier that I knew was almost due to be paid off. For some reason, back when we made it, I felt that there was something very significant in our making this particular pledge.

Toe ek die finansies oorgeneem het, was een van die skuld areas waaroor ek die meeste bekommerd was, ‘n boubelofte wat ons (ek en my man) amper twee jaar vantevore gemaak het, wat ek geweet het amper afbetaal moes word. Vir een of ander rede, toe ons dit gemaak het, het ek aangevoel dat daar iets baie belangrik aan hierdie boubelofte was wat ons gemaak het.

How did I know? Because my husband really balked and resisted “even praying” about making the pledge in the first place; he argued with me about it, though I never said a word, but when he kept pressing me, my only response was, “Can you just pray about it?” when he asked me what I thought.

Hoe het ek geweet? Omdat my man in die eerste plek regtig gehuiwer en weerstaan het om “selfs net te bid” oor die maak van die boubelofte; hy het met my gestry daaroor, alhoewel ek nooit ‘n woord gesĂȘ het nie, maar toe hy aanhou om my te druk, was my enigste reaksie: “Kan jy net daaroor bid?” toe hy my gevra het wat ek daaroor dink.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger” (Proverbs 15:1)

“’n Sagte antwoord laat woede bedaar; ‘n krenkende woord laat woede ontvlam” (Spreuke 15:1).

Dear reader, any time you see resistance like that, which is out of proportion to what is being discussed, you can be sure that the enemy is lurking about, trying to steal something from you (or your family or your ministry). And you can’t blame any loss on your spouse (or ex-spouse), boss or parent, since you have the power to keep and gain every blessing through your obedience and trust in the Lord! And if someone does try to steal something from you that is when you really can rejoice since God promises a double recompense!

Liewe leser, enige tyd wat jy weerstand soos dit sien, wat buite verhouding is tot wat bepreek word, kan jy seker wees die vyand skuil iewers om iets van jou te probeer steel (of jou gesin of jou bediening). En jy kan nie jou eggenoot (of eks eggenoot), baas of ouer vir enige verlies blameer nie, aangesien jy die mag het om elke seëning te verkry en te behou deur jou gehoorsaamheid en vertroue in die Here! En as iemand wel iets van jou probeer steel, kan jy regtig bly wees, aangesien God dubbel vergoeding belowe!

Isaiah 61:7-9 says, “Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, everlasting joy will be theirs. For I, the LORD, love justice, I hate robbery in the burnt offering; and I will faithfully give them their recompense”!

Jesaja 61:7-9 sĂȘ: “In plaas van vernedering sal julle twee keer soveel besittings hĂȘ as tevore, in plaas van minagting sal julle lof ontvang oor wat julle besit. Julle sal in julle land twee keer soveel besit as tevore en julle sal altyd vreugde hĂȘ. Ek is die Here, Ek het die reg lief, Ek haat roof en misdaad. In my trou sal Ek my volk gee wat Ek beloof het, Ek sal 'n ewige verbond met hulle sluit.”!

After my husband finally prayed, he had an immediate change of heart and excitement. He said he knew now how important it was to pledge—and it was far more than I would have ever dreamed we would give!! However, because I was never included in the finances, I was totally in the dark as to how much we had paid on the pledge (paying it down each month over the two years as the church says we are to do). When the announcement was made in church, that the pledges would be due within a few short weeks, it was during the time of my husband divorcing me and had already turned the finances over to me.

Nadat my man uiteindelik gebid het, het hy dadelik van plan verander en was opgewonde. Hy het gesĂȘ hy weet hoe belangrik dit was om ‘n boubelofte te maak—en dit was veel meer as wat ek ooit kon gedink het ons sou gee!! Maar, omdat ek nooit by die finansies ingesluit was nie, was ek heeltemal in die duister oor hoeveel ons op die boubelofte afbetaal het (die kerk het gesĂȘ ons moes dit maandeliks, oor twee jaar afbetaal). Toe die aankondiging by die kerk gemaak was, dat die boubeloftes binne paar kort weke betaal moes word, was dit gedurende die tyd wat my man van my geskei het en alreeds al die finansies aan my oorgegee het.

When I asked my husband how much we still owed, my husband said he didn’t know, but that I could call the church accountant for the balance. To my surprise, three-fourths (thousands of dollars!!) were still due! For me to pay this would truly have to come from God—I would need Him to make a way.

Toe ek my man gevra het hoeveel ons nog skuld, het hy gesĂȘ dat hy nie weet nie, maar dat ek die kerk se boekhouer kon bel vir die balans. Tot my verbasing, was driekwart (duisende dollars!!) nog uitstaande! Vir my om dit te betaal, sou werklik van God af moes kom—ek sou Hom nodig gehad het om ‘n manier te maak.

The significance in this pledge was confirmed over, and over, and over again when time after time, my husband kept trying to persuade me not to pay it. He told me that he had made the pledge, not me, so I didn’t need to pay it. He said I should contact the pastor who was over the single moms and widows to ask to be released from the commitment! He told my children that if I acted so stupidly, I would surely lose our home, so they, too, began to beg me not to pay it. However, for me, each attempt to stop me confirmed that to miss paying this would be a huge loss for me and for our future in regard to our finances.

Die belangrikheid van hierdie boubelofte was oor en oor en oor bevestig wanneer my man my keer op keer probeer ooreed het om dit nie te betaal nie. Hy het vir my gesĂȘ dat hy die belofte gemaak het, nie ek nie, so ek het nie nodig gehad om dit te betaal nie. Hy het gesĂȘ ek moes die pastoor kontak wat oor die enkelma’s en weduwees was, om te vra om vrygestel te word van die verbintenis! Hy het vir my kinders gesĂȘ dat as ek so dom optree, ek sekerlik die huis sou verloor, so toe begin hulle my ook smeek om dit nie te betaal nie. Maar, vir my het elke poging om my te keer, egter bevestig dat om hierdie betaling te mis, ‘n groot verlies vir my en vir ons toekoms ten opsigte van ons finansies sou wees.

Let me add something here: each time my husband spoke to me, we were still legally married, but since he had moved out and filed for divorce, he kept telling me that I needed to make the decision myself (that he was only concerned and didn’t want me to make a mistake that would mean losing our house—remember I told you it was a very large amount!). And each time, I assured him that I would do nothing but pray about it, which I did. And each time I did, God continued to tell me that He wanted me to pay it and He would show me the way.

Laat ek iets hier byvoeg: elke keer wat my man met my gepraat het, ons was nog wettig getroud, maar aangesien hy uitgetrek en ‘n egskeiding aanhangig gemaak het, het hy aangehou om my te vertel dat ek self die besluit moes maak (dat hy net bekommerd was en nie wou hĂȘ ek moet ‘n fout maak wat sou beteken dat ons ons huis verloor nie—onthou ek het gesĂȘ dit was ‘n baie groot bedrag!). En elke keer het ek hom verseker dat ek niks anders sou doen as om daaroor te bid nie, wat ek gedoen het. En elke keer wat ek gebid het, het God voortgegaan om my te vertel dat Hy wou gehad het dat ek dit betaal en dat Hy my sou wys hoe.

That is the other point I want to make—there was no way that I could have found a way to pay it. I was backed up so far to the Red Sea to the point that my heels were getting wet! God had to be the One to do it, which I kept assuring my husband and children—there was no way I could do it, but if He wanted it paid, He would make a way.

Dit is die ander punt wat ek wil maak—dit sou nie vir my moontlik gewees het om ‘n manier te vind om dit te betaal nie. Ek was so ver teen die Rooi See vasgedruk dat my hakke nat geword het! God sou die EEN moes wees wat dit doen, waarvan ek my man en kinders aangehou verseker het—daar was geen manier waarop ek dit kon doen nie, maar as Hy dit betaal wou hĂȘ, sou Hy ‘n manier maak.

The day that the pledge was due—came and went. God didn’t show me a way to pay it, but when I prayed, I still believed God wanted me to seek Him to pay it even if it was late! Then one evening, our senior pastor made an announcement, “Anyone who had not yet paid is released from what you owe!” Yet, when I prayed and asked if that was Him speaking to me, He, again, assured me that He would make a way for me to pay it!

Die dag wat die boubelofte betaal moes word—het gekom en gegaan. God het nie vir my ‘n manier gewys om dit te betaal nie, maar toe ek gebid het, het ek nog steeds geglo dat God wou hĂȘ ek moes Hom soek om dit te betaal, selfs al was dit laat! Toe het ons senior pastoor een aand ‘n aankondiging gemaak: “Enigiemand wat nog nie betaal het nie, is vrygestel van wat jy skuld!” Tog, toe ek gebid en Hom gevra het of dit Hy was wat met my gepraat het, het Hy my weereens verseker dat Hy ‘n manier sou maak sodat ek dit kan betaal!

Almost a month after the pledges were due, God showed me a way!! I was so excited to write the check, my hands trembled with excitement. Yet I needed to wait three more days for our prayer meeting so I could put it in the offering! And even then, only two minutes before I was to slip the envelope into the offering, the enemy had a dear friend lean forward to tell me something to steal the joy I was experiencing, as I watched the offering plate coming down my row!!

Amper ‘n maand nadat die boubeloftes betaal moes word, het God vir my ‘n manier gewys!! Ek was so opgewonde om die tjek uit te skryf, my hande het gebewe van opgewondenheid. Tog moes ek nog drie dae wag vir ons gebedsvergadering sodat ek dit in die offerande kon plaas! En selfs toe, slegs twee minute voordat ek die koevert in die offerande geplaas het, het die vyand ‘n liewe vriendin gemaak vorentoe leen om my iets te vertel om die vreugde te steel wat ek ervaar het, terwyl ek gekyk het hoe die offerande bord in my ry afkom!!

But PRAISE THE LORD!! God got the victory, and less than three hours later, God blessed me beyond my dreams!! Even now my eyes fill with tears when I think of how awesome God is!!

Maar PRYS DIE HERE!! God het die oorwinning behaal en minder as drie ure later, het God my ver bo my drome geseën!! Selfs nou vul my oë met trane wanneer ek dink aan hoe ontsagwekkend God is!!

Just a little over two hours after I put the check in the offering, I got an email from a friend who had moved to the east coast who said that God had laid it on her heart to “Sow a substantial seed” into my ministry to women!! The seed was the EXACT amount of the entire pledge!!! Not just what I had put in the offering just two and a half hours earlier, but ALL that we gave over the two years—the entire pledge!

Net ‘n bietjie meer as twee uur nadat ek die tjek in die offerande geplaas het, het ek ‘n e-pos gekry van ‘n vriendin wat na die ooskus verhuis het, sy het gesĂȘ dat God dit op haar hart gelĂȘ het om “’n aansienlike saad” in my bediening aan vroue te saai!! Die saad was die PRESIESE bedrag van die hele boubelofte!!! Nie net wat ek twee en ‘n half uur vroĂ«r in die offerande geplaas het nie, maar ALLES wat ons oor die twee jaar gegee het—die hele boubelofte!

But that is not the end of the blessing—when I called and told my children, they in turn told their father, who called me and left me a message on my cell phone: “You were right Michele, and I was dead wrong” and he went on to tell me he was so happy for me. This was huge (as I am sure it would be for you too)!!!

Maar dit is nie die einde van die seĂ«ning nie—toe ek my kinders bel en hulle vertel, het hulle op hulle beurt hul pa vertel, wie my gebel en ‘n boodskap op my selfoon gelos het: “Jy was reg Michele, en ek was verkeerd” en hy het voortgegaan om my te vertel dat hy so gelukkig was vir my. Dit was groot (soos ek seker is dit vir jou ook sal wees)!!!

The Blessings Continue Long After the Divorce
Die Seëninge Duur Voort Lank Nå die Egskeiding

Almost a year to the day that my husband announced that he was divorcing me, I was able to go the extra mile that has opened the door for me to lead countless people to know the Lord. It is so absurd, however, that many Christians believe I am completely nuts. Nevertheless, it is the lost souls who need Him, right? So I am glad that the Lord provided these outrageous testimonies that have proved to shake up those who hear them.

Vir byna ‘n jaar sedert die dag wat my man aangekondig het dat hy van my gaan skei, was ek in staat om die ekstra kilometer te loop wat die deur vir my oopgemaak het om ontelbare mense na die Here te lei. Dit is egter so absurd dat baie Christene glo dat ek heeltemal mal is. Nietemin, dit is die verlore siele wat Hom nodig het, reg? So ek is bly dat die Here hierdie verregaande getuienisse voorsien het, wat bewys het om diegene wat na hul luister, te skud.

When my husband was leaving, he did his best to try to help me get a handle on the finances by advising me to consolidate our debt by taking out a second loan on our home. Since I was simply following the Lord’s leading, it never came to mind until I began to travel extensively out of the country. While gone for long periods, it was difficult to pay so many different bills, so the Lord led me to look into a consolidation loan so I could pay off most of our debt, leaving me with a lower percentage rate and only one bill instead of dozens.

Toe my man my verlaat het, hy het sy bes gedoen om my te probeer help om beheer oor die finansies te kry deur my te adviseer om ons skuld te konsolideer deur ‘n tweede verband op ons huis uit te neem. Aangesien ek eenvoudig die Here se leiding gevolg het, het ek nooit daaraan gedink todat ek met my uitgebreide buitelandse reise begin het nie. Terwyl ek vir lang periodes weg was, was dit moeilik om so baie verskillende rekeninge te betaal, so die Here het my gelei om te kyk na ‘n konsolidasie lening sodat ek meeste van ons skuld kon afbetaal, wat my sou los met ‘n laer rentekoers en slegs een rekening in plaas van dosyne.

It was on the last day before I signed the papers that I got a call from a woman (my neighbor and friend) who told me some shocking news. In the midst of the divorce, my divorce papers were written up in a way that it said that I had a huge “judgment” against me. My husband did not only ask to pay no child support, and leave all the debt to me, but he wanted half of the equity in our home. So his attorney told him the only way he would get it (since the divorce judge would never agree to it) was to file a judgment against me for half the equity. God saw fit to back me into the Red Sea again. A huge judgment against me meant that financially it ruined me— even worse than a bankruptcy would do (since a judgment stays on your record for ten years not just seven like a bankruptcy).

Die dag voor ek die dokumente onderteken het, het ek ‘n oproep van ‘n dame (my buurvrou en vriendin) ontvang met skokkende nuus. Halfpad gedurende die egskeiding was my egskeidingsdokumente op so ‘n manier geskryf dat dit gesĂȘ het dat ek ‘n groot “hof uitspraak” teen my gehad het. My man het nie net gevra om geen kinderonderhoud te betaal en al die skuld aan my oor te laat nie, maar hy wou helfte van ons huis se ekwiteit hĂȘ. So sy prokureur het vir hom gesĂȘ dat die enigste manier waarop hy dit kon verkry (aangesien die regter dit nooit sou toestaan nie), was om ‘n hof uitspraak teen my in te dien vir die helfte van die ekwiteit. God het dit goed gedink om my weereens teen die Rooi See vas te druk. ‘n Groot hof uitspraak teen my het beteken dat ek finansieel geruĂŻneer sou wees—erger as wat bankrotskap sou doen (aangesien ‘n hof uitspraak op jou rekord bly vir tien jaar, nie net sewe soos in die geval van bankrotskap nie).

My friend (who was handling my consolidation loan) asked me to call my ex-husband since he could easily get this amended through his attorney and allow me to pay it when I refinanced the house. Immediately my husband agreed, but a day later told me that his attorney told him NOT to do so since that was the only way he was sure he would get his money. I gently reminded him of how I had given him more than he asked for when he filed for divorce, had given him rather than loaned him money, and that this should prove that I would do the same thing when the house was refinanced. Nevertheless, he said he had prayed about it and God said not to do it.

My vriendin (wat my konsolidasie lening hanteer het), het my gevra om my eksman te bel aangesien hy dit maklik deur sy prokureur kon wysig om my toe te laat om dit te betaal, wanneer ek die huis herfinansier. My man het dadelik ingestem, maar ‘n dag later het hy vir my gesĂȘ dat sy prokureur vir hom gesĂȘ het om dit NIE te doen nie, aangesien dit die enigste manier was waarop hy seker kon wees hy kry sy geld. Ek het hom sagkens herinner dat ek hom alreeds meer gegee het as waarvoor hy gevra het toe hy die egskeiding aanhangig gemaak het, ek het vir hom geld gegee in plaas van leen, en dat dit genoeg bewys moes wees dat ek dieselfde sou doen wanneer die huis geherfinansier word. Hy het nietemin gesĂȘ dat hy daaroor gebid het en God het gesĂȘ om dit nie te doen nie.

“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Go to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may perform these signs of Mine among them’” (Exodus 10:1).

“Daarna het die Here vir Moses gesĂȘ: ‘Gaan na die farao toe, want Ek het hom en sy amptenare onversetlik gemaak sodat Ek hierdie wonders van My onder hulle kan doen’” (Eksodus 10:1).

Christians are notorious for always giving the enemy the credit for a disaster or for causing us difficulty, when it often times is God who wants to do something special in the life of the believer when we are willing to be used by Him and not protect ourselves or fight back!

Christene is berug daarvoor dat hulle altyd die vyand die eer gee vir ‘n ramp of omdat hy ons probleme veroorsaak, wanneer dit dikwels God is wat iets spesiaals in die lewe van die gelowige wil doen wanneer ons bereid is om deur Hom gebruik te word en onsself nie beskerm of terug baklei nie.

not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing” (1 Peter 3:9).

“Moenie kwaad met kwaad vergeld of belediging met belediging nie. Inteendeel, antwoord met 'n seĂ«nwens, want daartoe is julle geroep, sodat julle die seĂ«n van God kan verkry” (1 Petrus 3:9).

When my ex-husband adamanetly refused to amend the judgment, I told my friend what he said, which led to a very surprising offer from the loan company. They said that if I were to take out another loan and pay off my ex-husband five years early, then they would put the first loan through. Immediately it sounded like God since He tells us that we need to bless our enemies, and to give my ex-husband a huge lump sum five years early would certainly be a blessing!

Toe my eksman vasbeslote geweier het om die hof uitspraak te wysig, het ek my vriendin vertel wat hy gesĂȘ het, wat gelei het tot ‘n verrasende aanbod van die lening maatskapy. Hulle het gesĂȘ dat as ek nog ‘n lening sou uitneem en my eksman vyf jaar vroeĂ«r afbetaal, dan sal hulle die eerste lening goedkeur. Onmiddelik het dit soos God geklink, aangesien Hy vir ons sĂȘ dat ons ons vyande moet seĂ«n en om vir my eksman ‘n groot enkelbedrag vyf jaar vroeĂ«r te gee, sou beslis ‘n seĂ«n wees!

Since this was such a big step, I told my friend to give me 24 hours to seek the Lord; however, immediately the Lord brought the answer to me in the form of another surprising situation. My son came in and sat next to me with his laptop and asked me how things were going. I told him that I was seeking God about the judgment payout and told him my only hesitancy was something that had happened a few months earlier. I was about to bless my ex-husband with a much smaller sum of money, but my children had stopped me and begged me not to. When I asked why, they said they were concerned that he would use the money to move back to our area. They no longer trusted him and were afraid that he would flaunt his new lifestyle, and show up at the mall, or a restaurant with his girlfriend that they would have to explain to their friends.

Aangesien dit so ‘n groot stap was, het ek vir my vriendin gesĂȘ om my 24 uur te gee om die Here te soek, maar die Here het dadelik die antwoord gebring in die vorm van nog ‘n verrasende situasie. My seun het ingekom en langs my kom sit met sy skootrekenaar en gevra hoe gaan dit. Ek het vir hom gesĂȘ dat ek God soek oor die hof uitspraak se betaling en vir hom gesĂȘ my enigste huiwerig was iets wat paar maande vroeĂ«r gebeur het. Ek was op die punt om my eksman te seĂ«n met ‘n baie kleiner bedrag geld, maar my kinders het my gekeer en gesmeek om dit nie te doen nie. Toe ek gevra het hoekom, het hulle gesĂȘ hulle is bekommerd dat hy die geld sou gebruik om terug te trek na ons gebied. Hulle het hom nie meer vertrou nie en was bang dat hy met sy nuwe lewenstyl sou spog en by die winkelsentrum sou opdaag, of ‘n restaurant saam met sy nuwe meisie wat hulle aan hul vriende sou moes verduidelik.

To my surprise, my son said that they no longer were worried about their father using the money to move closer. A bit baffled how he knew that for sure, he went on to say that his dad just announced he was engaged to his high school sweetheart that he had left us for. I thanked my son profusely since I now had my answer—give my ex-husband the huge lump sum of money early.

Tot my verbasing het my seun gesĂȘ dat hulle nie meer bekommerd was oor hul pa wat die geld sou gebruik om nader te trek nie. ‘n Bietjie verbaas hoe hy dit vir seker geweet het, het hy voortgegaan en gesĂȘ dat sy pa sopas sy verlowing aangekondig het aan sy hoĂ«rskool liefde vir wie hy ons gelos het. Ek het my seun oordadig bedank aangesien ek nou my antwoord gehad het—gee vir my eksman die groot enkelbedrag geld vroeĂ«r.

“But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you” (Matthew 5:38).

“Maar Ek sĂȘ vir julle: Julle moet julle nie teen 'n kwaadwillige mens verset nie. As iemand jou op die regterwang slaan, draai ook die ander wang na hom toe. As iemand jou hof toe wil vat om jou onderklere te eis, gee hom ook jou boklere. As iemand jou dwing om sy goed een kilometer ver te dra, dra dit vir hom twee kilometer. Gee aan hom wat iets van jou vra, en moet hom wat van jou wil leen, nie afwys nie” (Matteus 5:38-42).

Then, that same night I woke up at midnight with the most absurd, outrageous thought that I told God had to be Him (because a thought like what I was thinking would never enter my mind), but just to be sure, I would dismiss it and just go back to sleep. If it was Him, I asked that He confirm it in the morning.

Ek het daardie selfde aand om middernag wakker geword met die mees absurde, verregaande gedagte wat ek vir God gesĂȘ het, net van Hom af kon wees (want ‘n gedagte soos wat ek gehad het, sou nooit by my opkom nie), maar net om seker te wees sou ek dit ignoreer en verder slaap. As dit van Hom was, het ek gevra dat Hy dit in die oggend bevestig.

When I woke up the absurdity doubled, with a more of a plan of what He was now asking me to do. I didn’t need to wait any later than 8 in the morning (when I knew my ex-husband would be awake) to step forward and state the outrageous way He showed me He wanted me to do. When I telephoned, I began by telling him that the next day he would be getting a certified check for the full amount of half the equity of our home sent by special courier. He was so stunned he couldn’t even speak, but then he tried to thank me over and over, and also apologize at the same time for not signing the papers to release me and that he knew there was a distinct possibly that I may never recover my financial ruin done by the judgment he placed on me.

Toe ek wakker geword het, het die absurditeit verdubbel, met ‘n beter idee van wat Hy my gevra het om te doen. Ek het nie nodig gehad om te wag tot na 8 in die oggend (ek het geweet my eksman sou al wakker wees) om na vore te kom en die verregaande manier wat Hy my gewys het Hy wil hĂȘ ek moet doen, te verklaar nie. Toe ek gebel het, het ek begin deur vir hom te sĂȘ dat hy die volgende dag ‘n gesertifiseerde tjek vir die volle bedrag van die helfte van ons huis se ekwiteit sou ontvang, gestuur deur spesiale koerier. Hy was so verstom dat hy nie eers kon praat nie, maar toe het hy probeer om my oor en oor te bedank, en het ook terselfdertyd om verskoning gevra omdat hy nie die dokumente onderteken het om my vry te stel nie en dat hy geweet het dat daar ‘n moontlikheid was dat ek nooit van my finansiĂ«le ondergang sou herstel wat aangerig is deur die hof uitspraak wat hy op my geplaas het nie.  

I told him that it was okay, and “you’re welcome.” Then I went on to share with him what the Lord spoke to me in the middle of the night, and then again, with even more details that morning. I said, “I heard congratulations are in order. I heard you are engaged!” He mumbled, “Yes, sorry, I had planned to tell you myself.” I told him it was not a problem, and that I wanted to do something special to bless him and his fiancĂ© with a really special honeymoon.

Ek het vir hom gesĂȘ dis okei en “jy is welkom.” Toe het ek voortgegaan om met hom te deel wat die Here in die middel van die nag vir my gesĂȘ het, en toe weer daardie oggend, met selfs meer besonderhede. Ek het gesĂȘ: “Ek het gehoor gelukwense is in orde. Ek het gehoor jy is verloof!” Hy het gemompel: “Ja, jammer, ek was van plan om self vir jou te sĂȘ.” Ek het vir hom gesĂȘ dit is nie ‘n probleem nie en dat ek iets spesiaals wou doen om hom en sy nuwe verloofde te seĂ«n met ‘n baie spesiale wittebrood.

Again he went silent, so I continued to tell him that I had quite a few new flying miles, and that they would take him and his new bride just about anywhere in the world, except Africa. (I explained these were the miles that I was going to use to visit a friend in Africa with me, but I was short flying miles.) Then I completed the honeymoon package gift with a week at a resort since I also got in the divorce a crown level timeshare that they could use (he didn’t want the timeshare because there were ongoing payments due, but what the Lord helped me pay off!). Though he tried not to accept, he finally gave in and again thanked me over and over.

Weer het hy stil geraak, so ek het voortgegaan om vir hom te sĂȘ dat ek ‘n hele paar nuwe vliegmyle gehad het, en dat dit hom en sy nuwe bruid na omtrent enige plek in die wĂȘreld sou neem, behalwe Afrika (ek het verduidelik dat dit die myle was wat ek gaan gebruik om ‘n vriendin in Afrika te besoek, maar dat ek te min myle gehad het.) Toe het ek die wittebrood pakket geskenk voltooi met ‘n week by ‘n oord, aangesien ek ook ‘n kroonvlak tyddeel uit die egskeiding gekry het, wat hulle kon gebruik (hy wou nie die tyddeel gehad het nie, want daar was voortgesette betallings verskuldig, maar wat die Here my gehelp het om af te betaal!). Alhoewel hy probeer het om nie te aanvaar nie, het hy uiteindelik ingegee en het my weereens oor en oor bedank.

Ladies, I wasn’t doing this to impress him or you or anyone else. What I did was God’s plan, that’s all. And why, you may ask, would God want to bless a man who committed adultery, who left his family and had just ruined a family’s financial credit (amongst many other things)? Because, you may remember, it was while we were yet sinners, yes, sinners, that He laid down His life and died for us. This principle is as powerful today as it was back then.

Dames, ek het dit nie gedoen om hom of enigiemand anders te beĂŻndruk nie. Wat ek gedoen het was God se plan, dis al. En waarom, mag jy vra, wil God ‘n man seĂ«n wat egbreuk gepleeg het, wat sy gesin gelos het en sopas ‘n gesin se finansiĂ«le krediet geruĂŻneer het (onder andere)? Want, jy mag dalk onthou, dit was terwyl ons nog sondaars was, ja, sondaars, dat Hy Sy lewe vir ons neergelĂȘ en gesterf het. Die beginsel is so kragtig vandag as wat dit toe was.

When I shared this with ladies in Nairobi, Kenya one of their top female leaders couldn’t get over it and told the audience that if it were her, and her husband had done the same thing to her, she would have found the largest object she could find and beat him with it! But then she said, “God help us all to have the humility that is possible with a relationship that Michele has with our Savior.”

Toe ek dit met dames in Nairobi, Kenia gedeel het, kon een van hul top vroulike leiers nie daaroor kom nie en het vir die gehoor gesĂȘ dat as dit sy was, en haar man het dieselfde aan haar gedoen, sou sy hom geslaan het met die grootste voorwerp wat sy kon vind! Maar toe het sy gesĂȘ: “Mag God ons almal help om die nederigheid te hĂȘ wat moontlik is met ‘n verhouding wat Michele met ons Verlosser het.”

Again, this is not about me; I am no superstar (or maybe you just think I more of a nut or a fool), but I believe that God is looking for anyone, just someone, who is willing to be used by Him to prove that He is as amazing as He really is!

Weer, dit gaan nie oor my nie; ek is nie ‘n superster nie (of dalk dink jy net ek is mal of ‘n dwaas), maar ek glo dat God enigiemand soek, net iemand, wat gewillig is om deur Hom gebruik te word om te bewys dat Hy so wonderlik is soos wat Hy regtig is!

What is exciting is that I have shared this story with several strangers on the phone (when closing credit card accounts as they got paid off, and because these were my ex-husband’s accounts that I was paying off and closing, I was easily able to share my faith with them too because they asked why I did what I did). Most of them told me this was not the God they had ever heard of at all, and asked me what it all meant, so I often spent almost an hour sharing about the Husband I had now and that the church (anyone who accepted His gift of eternal life) was His bride.

Wat opwindend is, is dat ek hierdie storie kon deel met ‘n hele paar vreemdelinge oor die telefoon (by die sluiting van kredietkaartrekeninge wat ek afbetaal het, en omdat hierdie my eksman se rekeninge was wat ek afbetaal en toegemaak het, kon ek maklik my geloof ook met hulle deel, want hulle het gevra hoekom ek dit gedoen het). Meeste van hulle het gesĂȘ dat hierdie nie die God was waarvan hulle al ooit gehoor het nie en vir my gevra wat dit alles beteken, so ek het dikwels meer as ‘n uur gespandeer om hulle te vertel van die Man wat ek nou het en dat die kerk (enigiemand wat Sy geskenk van die ewige lewe aanvaar het) Sy Bruid was.

One of my favorite responses was the cab driver in Hong Kong who slammed on his brakes, turned around and shouted at me: “Why did you do that?! Why did you do that?!!!” My response was simple, “Because while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us.” His response, “This Jesus is Someone I need to know. Please tell me about Him.” This is what witnessing to someone is about. When they witness your peace in the midst of horrible horrendous storms, only then do they beg to know Him too!

Een van my gunsteling reaksies was die taxibestuurder in Hong Kong wat brieke aangeslaan het, omgedraai en op my geskree het: “Hoekom het jy dit gedoen?! Hoekom het jy dit gedoen?!!!” My reaksie was eenvoudig: “Want toe ons nog sondaars was, het Jesus vir ons gesterf.” Sy reaksie: “Hierdie Jesus is iemand wat ek moet ken. Vertel my asseblief van Hom.” Dit is waaroor getuienislewering aan iemand gaan.

As I close this chapter, I hope that everything that I have shared with you will give you the faith to trust the Lord with everything and anything that is going on now and in your future!

Soos ek hierdie hoofstuk afsluit, hoop ek dat alles wat ek met jou gedeel het, jou die geloof sal gee om die Here te vertrou met alles en enigiets wat nou aangaan en ook in jou toekoms!

When facing divorce, it doesn’t matter what your spouse wants, just be sure to give more than he/she asks. It doesn’t matter if there are lies your spouse is telling you or there are lies in the divorce papers. It doesn’t matter if your spouse tries to steal from you, or if the other person in your spouse’s life (or parents or the other man/woman) who has put your spouse up to it—bless him/her by giving your coat! God is your Source! If you look to Him and give all you have when asked (and then more), then God will open the windows of heaven over your life too!

Wanneer jy egskeiding in die gesig staar, maak dit nie saak wat jou eggenoot wil hĂȘ nie, wees net seker jy gee meer as wat hy/sy vra. Dit maak nie saak of daar leuens is wat jou eggenoot jou vertel of leuens in die egskeidingsdokumente is nie. Dit maak nie saak of jou eggenoot van jou probeer steel nie, of as die ander die ander persoon in jou eggenoot se lewe (of ouers of die ander man/vrou) jou eggenoot aangesĂȘ het om dit te doen nie—seĂ«n hom/haar deur jou boklere te gee! God is jou Bron! As jy na Hom kyk en alles gee wat jy het wanneer gevra word (en nog meer), dan sal God die venters van die hemel oopmaak oor jou lewe ook!

You may even see a deadline come and go, but God is not bound by deadlines or death!! He often waits, like He did with Lazarus (when he waited for him to be in the tomb 3 days and began to stink) before He shows up in your situation!

Jy mag selfs ‘n sperdatum sien kom en gaan, maar God word nie gebind deur sperdatums of die dood nie!! Hy wag dikwels, soos wat Hy met Lasarus gedoen het (toe Hy gewag het dat hy 3 dae in die graf was en begin stink het), voordat Hy opdaag in jou situasie!

And if you have other people who can help you financially (I don’t, so that it does not pose a temptation), do not go to them for help!! Everyone, but God, has a limited supply and there are always strings attached. Don’t sell yourself short! Tap into God who has it all and is more generous (and loving) than any other person ever created!!

En as jy ander mense het wat jou finansieel kan help (ek het nie, so dit is nie ‘n versoeking nie), moenie na hulle toe gaan vir hulp nie!! Almal, behalwe God, het ‘n beperkte voorraad en daar is altyd voorwaardes. Moenie jouself te kort skiet nie! Skakel by God in wat alles het en meer vrygewig (en liefdevol) is as enige ander persoon wat ooit geskep is!!

Update: God bless me in so many ways, more than double! One blessing that happened a year after I gave my ex-husband the honeymoon to Hawaii. I was able to bless my son with a destination wedding in Kauai, Hawaii— with a honeymoon— a full week at a gorgeous beachside resort.

Opdatering: God seen my op soveel maniere, meer as dubbel! Een seĂ«ning het gebeur ‘n jaar nadat ek vir my eksman die wittebrood in Hawaii gegee het. Ek was in staat om my seun te seen met ‘n bestemming troue in Kauai, Hawaii—met ‘n wittebrood— ‘n volle week by 'n pragtige strandoord.


As jy gereed is om 'n verbintenis met GOD te maak dat jy die kursus gaan voltooi, KLIK HIER dat jy saamstem en gereed is om elke stap van jou Reis na Herstel te dokumenteer in jou "My Daaglikse Joernaal" vorm. Vat jou tyd, sit, kry vir jou koffie of tee en stort jou hart uit in jou Joernaal.

As "ouer vroue...sodat julle die jonger vrouens kan leer..." (Titus 2:3) jy sal die geleentheid hĂȘ om met jonger vrouens te praat wat nog alleenlopend is as deel van jou bediening.

Laat 'n boodskap

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