“Whoever slaps you on your right cheek,
Turn the other to him also.”
—Matthew 5:39

“As iemand jou op die regterwang slaan,
draai ook die ander wang na hom toe.”
—Matteus 5:39


When faced with divorce papers, which has become, for the most part, nothing about saving the marriage, but instead has become a financial and possession tug-of-war, most Christians try to give only what they believe is “fair,” or what they believe their spouse deserves—but this is unbiblical. It is not the way God treats us, nor is it the example Jesus gave us when He lived amongst mankind nor what taught us when He ministered here on earth. He said

Wanneer jy gekonfronteer word met egskeidingsdokumente, wat vir die grootste gedeelte niks uit te waai het met die huwelik probeer red nie, maar eerder ‘n toutrekkery geword het oor finansies en besittings, probeer meeste Christene slegs gee wat hulle dink “regverdig” is, of wat hulle glo hul eggenoot verdien—maar dit is onbybels. Dit is nie hoe God ons behandel nie, dit is ook nie die voorbeeld wat Jesus vir ons gegee het terwyl Hy tussen die mensdom geleef het nie, ook nie wat ons geleer het toe Hy hier op aarde gedien het nie. Hy het gesĂȘ:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you” (Matt. 5:38–42).

“’Julle het gehoor dat daar gesĂȘ is: ‘'n Oog vir 'n oog en 'n tand vir 'n tand.’ Maar Ek sĂȘ vir julle: Julle moet julle nie teen 'n kwaadwillige mens verset nie. As iemand jou op die regterwang slaan, draai ook die ander wang na hom toe. As iemand jou hof toe wil vat om jou onderklere te eis, gee hom ook jou boklere. As iemand jou dwing om sy goed een kilometer ver te dra, dra dit vir hom twee kilometer. Gee aan hom wat iets van jou vra, en moet hom wat van jou wil leen, nie afwys nie.’” (Matteus: 538-42)

You cannot read this portion of Matthew and come to any other conclusion—we must give more than is asked of us. We are not to resist any evil done to us—but we must not stop there. We must turn the other cheek; give the coat when he asks for our shirt; and go beyond one mile—instead we must go two. And when your reward comes, it will (more than likely) not come from your spouse, but will, instead, come directly from God!!

Jy kan nie hierdie gedeelte van Matteus lees en tot enige ander gevolgtrekking kom nie—Ons moet meer gee as wat van ons gevra word. Ons moet ons nie verset teen enige kwaad wat aan ons gedoen word nie—maar ons moenie daar ophou nie. Ons moet die ander wang draai; die boklere gee wanneer hy die onderklere vra; sy goed verder as een kilometer dra—ons moet dit eerder twee kilometer dra. En wanneer jou belonging kom, sal dit (heel waarskynlik) nie van jou eggenoot af kom nie, maar eerder direk van God af!!

When my husband told me he was divorcing me, he told me that he was leaving all our debt to me. Debt I knew nothing about and what came from his involvement with the OW. In addition, though we had young children, he emphatically and unashamedly told me that he did not want to pay any child support whatsoever. The first time I was so distraught when he said he wouldn’t pay, though praise God I didn’t fight it and the first time, he did pay out of conviction even though the court didn’t make him pay.

Toe my man vir my sĂȘ dat hy van my skei, het hy ook gesĂȘ dat hy al ons skuld aan my oorlaat. Skuld waarvan ek niks geweet het nie en wat veroorsaak was deur sy betrokkenheid by die AV. Alhoewel ons jong kinders gehad het, het hy ook uitdruklik en onbeskaamd vir my gesĂȘ dat hy hoegenaamd geen kinderonderhoud wou betaal nie. Die eerste keer was ek so ontsteld toe hy gesĂȘ het hy sal nie betaal nie, maar loof God, ek het dit nie beveg nie en hy het dit uit oortuiging betaal, alhoewel die hof hom nie gedwing het om te betaal nie.

But, this time, rather than worry, I “enthusiastically” agreed to every one of his terms as he headed for his appointment with his attorney—but not before I gave him more than he asked for. Why? In order to follow the principle I just shared that Jesus taught us and this one in First Peter 3:8–9:

Maar, hierdie keer, eerder as om bekommerd te wees, het ek “entoesiasties” ingestem tot elkeen van sy bepalings terwyl hy op pad was na sy afspraak met sy prokureur—maar nie voordat ek hom meer gegee het as wat hy gevra het nie. Hoekom? Om die beginsel te volg wat ek nounet gedeel het, wat Jesus ons geleer het en ook hierdie een in 1 Petrus 3:8-9:

“To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing.”

“Ten slotte: Wees almal eensgesind, medelydend, liefdevol, goedhartig, nederig. Moenie kwaad met kwaad vergeld of belediging met belediging nie. Inteendeel, antwoord met 'n seĂ«nwens, want daartoe is julle geroep, sodat julle die seĂ«n van God kan verkry.”

The only debt he said he was going to take was a car payment. We had two cars, one was paid for, and the other still had payments. So I offered to take the one with payments since that was all that was left to give that he didn’t already ask for. Several times he questioned me to be sure that was what I wanted to do, and then he happily agreed. I knew when he began that to agree to his terms was not enough, so as I was praying (while he was talking) to know what I could give as my extra mile, when, immediately, the car with the payments came to mind.

Die enigste skuld wat hy gesĂȘ het hy gaan vat, was ‘n voertuig betaling. Ons het twee voertuie gehad, een was afbetaal en die ander een het nog paaiemente gehad. So ek het aangebied om die een met die paaiemente oor te neem, want dit was al wat oorgebly het om te gee wat hy nie alreeds voor gevra het nie. Hy het my paar keer gevra om seker te wees dat dit was wat ek wou doen en dan het hy tevrede ingestem. Toe hy begin het, het ek geweet om in te stem tot sy bepalings, was nie genoeg nie, so terwyl ek gebid het (terwyl hy gepraat het) om te weet wat ek kan gee as my ekstra kilometer, het die voertuig paaiemente dadelik in my gedagtes gekom.

Shortly after my divorce that car was paid off and it has been such a blessing driving it because it reminds me of God’s goodness, faithfulness, and His love! Years later even my mechanic tells me this car is blessed and anointed and seems to continue running supernaturally while it has become a classic other people admire. Yes, only by trusting God could this be true!!

Kort na my egskeiding is daardie motor afbetaal en dit was so ‘n seĂ«n om dit te bestuur, want dit herinner my aan God se goedheid, getrouheid en Sy liefde! Jare later vertel selfs my werktuigkundige vir my hierdie motor is geseĂ«nd en gesalf en dit lyk asof dit bonatuurlik bly hardloop terwyl dit 'n antieke voertuig geword het wat ander mense bewonder. Ja, slegs deur op God te vertrou kan dit waar wees!!

As I mentioned, the first time my husband divorced me I was terrified at the thought of being an “accomplice” by signing the papers. But, since the terms of this divorce (the financial aspects) were so radical, as I said, my husband’s attorney explained that the judge would never grant it without my signing the papers.

Soos ek voorheen genoem het, die eerste keer wat my man van my geskei het, was ek doodbang dat ek ‘n “medepligtige” sou wees deur die dokumente te onderteken. Maar aangesien die terme van hierdie egskeiding (die finansiĂ«le aspekte) so radikaal was, soos ek gesĂȘ het, het my man se prokureur verduidelik dat die regter dit nooit sal toestaan tensy ek die dokumente onderteken nie.

When I signed the papers, I had no idea what my financial state was. I simply trusted God. I knew that whatever was ahead, He knew about it (even if I didn’t) and He would not only make a way through it, but the end would be a blessing!!

Toe ek die dokumente onderteken, het ek geen idee gehad wat my finansiĂ«le toestand was nie, ek het eenvoudig op God vertrou. Ek het geweet dat wat ook al voorlĂȘ, Hy het daarvan geweet (selfs al het ek nie) en Hy sou nie net ‘n pad daardeur maak nie, maar die einde sou ‘n seĂ«n wees!!

After I signed the papers, I realized that the amount of debt we had was really three times the amount that was stated in the divorce papers! From the time that my husband had become involved with the *AW our finances had begun to plummet that very month.

Nadat ek die dokumente onderteken het, het ek besef dat die hoeveelheid skuld wat ons gehad het, eintlik drie keer meer was as wat in die egskeidingsdokumente vermeld was! Sedert my man by die *NV betrokke geraak het, het ons finansies begin val, daardie einste maand.

*I began referring to the OW as AW: The first time my husband having an OW hurt or “ouch” but this time due to the amount of His love I was able to feel, and knowing I was His bride, I was able to let go of fear and changed to calling her just “another woman” or AW.et,

*Ek het na die AV as NV begin verwys: Die eerste keer toe my man ‘n AV gehad het, het dit seergemaak, of was “eina,” maar hierdie keer, as gevolg van die hoeveelheid liefde wat ek in staat was om van Hom te voel, en die wete dat ek Sy bruid was, was ek in staat om te laat gaan van vrees en het haar net “nog ‘n vrou” begin noem, of NV.

Even though our church made a significant surge in new members and in donations early that year, a pile of personal and church debt began to incur! This is because this is a spiritual battle and His word tells us this:

Alhoewel ons kerk vroeg daardie jaar 'n beduidende oplewing in nuwe lidmate en in skenkings gemaak het, is ‘n hoop persoonlike en kerkskuld aangegaan! Dit is omdat dit ‘n geestelike stryd is en Sy Woord sĂȘ dit vir ons:

“For on account of a harlot one is reduced to a loaf of bread, and an adulteress hunts for the precious life” (Prov. 6:26).

want vir 'n hoer verval ‘n mens tot ‘n stuk brood, en ‘n ander se vrou maak jag op ‘n kosbare lewe” (Spreuke 6:26).

Because I had never been involved with paying our bills, or any part of the financial side of our church, I had to become totally dependent on God to lead me to know how to pay back the debt to the church and also be able to pay the bills that we had, and wasn’t even sure if I knew what bills that had to be paid!!

 Omdat ek nooit betrokke was by die betaling van ons rekeninge nie, of enige deel van die finansiële kant van ons kerk nie, moes ek heeltemal afhanklik word van God om my te lei om te weet hoe om die skuld aan die kerk terug te betaal, ook om in staat te wees om die rekeninge te betaal wat ons gehad het en ek was nie eens seker of ek geweet het watter rekeninge wat betaal moes word nie!!

 Several times I got up in the middle of the night, when my children were asleep, so it would be quiet enough to seek God (and also so I was not interrupted), to begin to “seek and find” all the bills to get them into some sort of list, so I could get some sort of system to pay them.

Ek het ‘n paar keer in die middel van die nag opgestaan, wanneer my kinders geslaap het, sodat dit stil genoeg sou wees om God te soek (en ook sodat ek nie onderbreek sou word nie), om al die rekeninge te "soek en te vind" om hulle in ‘n tipe lys te kry, sodat ek ‘n tipe stelsel kon kry om hulle te betaal.

My husband had a system all in his head; it was not in any organized fashioned, so I needed to search through our checkbooks (personal and church), search through our files (four drawers that were intermixed with other things he saved) to be able to even find all the bills so I could uncover all of our debt. To even know how to do this was a God thing! I really didn’t know where to even begin, and often was on the verge of tears due to frustration, not fear—and yet, when I called upon my Husband, He was always there to comfort and take over!!

My man het ‘n stelsel in sy kop gehad; dit was nie op enige wyse georganiseerd nie, so ek moes deur ons tjekboeke soek (persoonlik en kerk), deur ons lĂȘers soek (vier laaie gemeng met ander goed wat hy gebĂȘre het) om net al die rekeninge te kon vind sodat ek al ons skuld kon ontbloot. Om net te weet hoe om dit te doen was ‘n God ding! Ek het regtig nie eers geweet waar om te begin nie en was dikwels op die rand van trane as gevolg van frustrasie, nie vrees nie—en tog, wanneer ek my Man geroep het, was Hy altyd daar om te vertroos en oor te neem!!

He led me to simply make a list of everything: the total that was due, how much it needed to be paid each month, when it was due, and out of which account I should be paying it. The Lord gave me such amazing wisdom!!! God showed me many things: one huge revelation was that, many bills our family was paying, should have been paid by the church. By paying from the church account, it would, in the end, save us thousands of dollars in taxes, since our church is nonprofit and doesn’t pay taxes, and the bills were for church related things—but this came only after God set me up to look like a fool, so He alone would get the glory!!

Hy het my gelei om eenvoudig ‘n lys van alles te maak: die totaal wat verskuldig was, hoeveel elke maand betaal moes word, wanneer dit verskuldig was en uit watter rekening ek dit moes betaal. Die Here het my ongelooflike wysheid gegee!!! God het my baie dinge gewys: een groot openbaring was dat baie van die rekeninge wat ons gesin betaal het, deur die kerk betaal moes word. Deur uit die kerkrekening te betaal, sal ons uiteindelik duisende dollars in belasting bespaar, aangesien ons kerk ‘n niewinsorganisasie is en nie belasting betaal nie, en die rekeninge was kerk verwante dinge—maar dit het slegs gekom nadat God my opgestel het om soos ‘n dwaas te lyk, sodat Hy alleen die glorie kon kry!!

The first two bills I paid were tithes to our church, and the other was to begin to pay off a building project that we (as a couple) had pledged to our church. My husband was gone (he left to go be with the AW), so I went ahead and paid that week’s tithe, which caused us to be overdrawn in our personal account. The second one I paid out of the church account, that he told me, in anger, wiped out the donations we had received for a pledged project—he said the money was just not there and told me I was an idiot.

Die eerste twee rekeninge wat ek betaal het, was tiendes aan ons kerk en die ander was om ‘n bouprojek af te betaal wat ons (as ‘n paartjie) aan ons kerk belowe het. My man was weg (hy het my verlaat om by die NV te wees), daarom ek het voortgegaan en daardie week se tiende betaal, wat veroorsaak het dat ons oortrokke was in ons persoonlike rekening. Die tweede een het ek uit die kerkrekening betaal wat my man woedend gesĂȘ het, die skenkings wat ons vir ‘n beloofde bouprojek ontvang het, uitgewis het—hy het gesĂȘ die geld was net nie daar nie en dat ek ‘n idioot was.

My husband was so angry that he kept telling our children that I was going to lose our house because I was so stupid. However, it was God who had set me up! Because of the accusations, I gained a greater dependence on the Lord to guide me and help me and to be my Lover. The results were incredible!!

My man was so kwaad dat hy aangehou het om vir ons kinders te vertel dat ek ons huis gaan verloor, omdat ek so dom was. Maar dit was God wat my opgestel het! As gevolg van die beskuldigings, het ek ‘n groter afhanklikheid van die Here verkry om my te lei en my te help en om my Minnaar te wees. Die resultate was ongelooflik!!

God began to reveal so much financial wisdom to me, which totally blew my husband (and our children) away! Wisdom that could only be from God!! Rearranging who paid for each bill (church or family) was only the beginning. And, in addition, God surrounded me with favor wherever I turned— from that point on to the present!!

God het soveel finansiĂ«le wysheid aan my begin openbaar, wat my man (en ons kinders) stomgeslaan het! Wysheid wat net van God kan wees!! Om te herrangskik wie (kerk of gesin) vir elke rekening verantwoordelik was, was net die begin. En boonop het God my omring met guns waar ek ook al gedraai het—van daardie tyd tot vandag toe!!  

Favor like when we went to change the loan on the car into my name only (the one that I had used as my “extra mile” or as the “coat” He tells us to walk/give), the loan officer gave me a better rate, which dropped my monthly payments almost in half. My husband, who was there to sign the debt over to me, heard this and was shocked when the loan officer went onto say that I had a better credit rating than my husband did—only God could do that because I hadn’t worked outside the home for years!!!

Guns soos toe ons gegaan het om die lening op die voertuig oor te sit in my naam alleen (die een wat ek gebruik het as my “ekstra kilometer” of as die “boklere” wat Hy sĂȘ ons moet loop/gee), die leningsbeampte het my ‘n beter rentekoers gegee, wat die maandelikse paaiemente met amper die helfde gesny het. My man, wat daar was om die skuld aan my oor te teken, het dit gehoor en was geskok toe die leningsbeampte sĂȘ dat ek ‘n beter kredietgradering het as hy—net God kan dit doen, want ek het vir jare nie buite die huis gewerk nie!!!

Then, the Lord took that incident to a higher blessing, when I was led to ask about rounding the payments up to be an even number, which I said would make it easier to write out the check each month, to which the loan officer stated would be fantastic, and said that it meant I would be paying more on the principal and it would be paid off almost a year earlier. This question totally baffled my husband because he knows I am a fool when it comes to financial issues! God got the glory!

Toe het die Here daardie insident geneem na ‘n hoĂ«r seĂ«n toe ek gelei was om te vra of die paaiement afgerond kon word tot ‘n ewe getal, wat ek gesĂȘ het, dit makliker sou maak om die tjek elke maand uit te skryf, wat die leningsbeampte gesĂȘ het fantasties sou wees want dit sou beteken dat ek meer op die hoofbedrag sou betaal en dit sou byna ‘n jaar vroeĂ«r afbetaal word. Hierdie vraag het my man heeltemal verbyster omdat hy weet ek is 'n dwaas wanneer dit kom by finansiĂ«le kwessies! God het die heerlikheid ontvang!

1 Corinthians 1:27 (KJV), “But God hath chosen the foolish of the world to confound the wise.”

1 KorintiĂ«rs 1:27 (AFR53): “. . . maar wat dwaas is by die wĂȘreld, het God uitverkies om die wyse te beskaam.”

1 Corinthians 1:27, “but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong.”

1 KorintiĂ«rs 1:27: “En tog, wat vir die wĂȘreld onsin is, het God uitgekies om die geleerdes te beskaam; wat vir die wĂȘreld swak is, het God uitgekies om die sterkes te beskaam.”

When we were ready to transfer the title of the car, God set me up once again. The clerk we got ended up being a member of our church, who of course knew us (but not what was going on), and who ended up giving me favor again! Instead of it costing the $800 that it was supposed to cost to transfer the title, this woman wrote it up so it would cost me nothing!! Then she went even further and gave me two new license plates (one of our plates had been lost) and helped me pay for two years instead of one! Again, as I walked out—God got the glory!!

Toe ons gereed was om die titel van die voertuig oor te dra, het God my weer opgestel. Die klerk wat ons gekry het was ‘n lid van ons kerk, daarom het hy ons geken (maar het nie geweet wat aangaan nie) en hy het my uiteindelik weer guns gegee! In plaas daarvan dat dit die $800 gekos het wat dit veronderstel was om te kos om die titel oor te dra, het hierdie vrou dit geskryf sodat dit my niks sou kos nie!! Toe het sy selfs verder gegaan en vir my twee nuwe nommerplate gegee (een van ons ou plate was weg) en het my gehelp om vir twee jaar in plaas van een te betaal! Weereens, terwyl ek uitgeloop het—God het die heerlikheid ontvang!!

This happened over and over again over the next several weeks. Time after time the Lord would give me wisdom and surround me with favor! And it only got better after the divorce was final!! God was showing me, my husband, my children, and everyone else, how much He loved me (by how He kept blessing me) and that I truly was His bride and He was my Husband. Dear Reader, the same will happen to you when you accept the Lord’s proposal and become His bride ladies.

Gedurende die volgende paar weke het dit oor en oor gebeur. Keer op keer sou die Here my wysheid gee en omring met guns! En dit het net beter geword nadat die egskeiding gefinaliseer was!! God het my, my man, my kinders en almal anders gewys hoe lief Hy my het (deur my aan te hou seën) en dat ek waarlik Sy bruid was en Hy was my Man. Liewe Leser, dieselfde sal met jou gebeur as jy die Here se aanbod aanvaar en Sy bruid word dames.

“For your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the LORD of hosts; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth” (Is. 54:5).

“Want jou Maker is jou Man; Here van die leĂ«rskare is sy Naam; en die Heilige van Israel is jou Verlosser. Hy sal die God van die hele aarde genoem word.” (Jesaja 54:5).

But you must expect trials and more debt when you trust the Lord to provide! During these same days, while awaiting the final divorce decree, my car turned up with a “check engine” light coming on (not good). And once again, because of my “enthusiastic” giving to my husband, he offered to take the car in for me so I could keep my date with my children to go to a water park. Walking out these principles work dear reader!!

Maar jy moet meer beproewinge en skuld verwag as jy op die Here vertrou om te voorsien! Gedurende hierdie selfde tyd, terwyl ek gewag het vir die finale egskeidingsbevel, het my voertuig se “kontroleer enjin” liggie aangekom (nie so goed nie). En weereens, as gevolg van my “entoesiastiese” gee aan my man, het hy aangebied om die voertuig vir my in te vat, sodat ek by my afspraak met my kinders kon hou om hul na ‘n waterpark te neem.

When my husband called, he said that the mechanic found that I needed some servicing done, but that I did not need a repair (praise the Lord!). So my husband asked me what I wanted to do (he knew that I was in utter financial ruin and had no money to pay for anything). Though I had a “twinge” of fear that pricked my heart, I quickly sent up a “flair prayer” while he was explaining about the servicing needed (that I didn’t understand anyway!). God reminded me that He was my Husband now, and of course—He would pay for anything that I needed!

Toe my man gebel het, het hy gesĂȘ dat die werktuigkundige gevind het dat die voertuig ‘n diens nodig gehad het, maar dat dit nie herstelwerk nodig het nie (prys die Here!). So my man het my gevra wat ek wou doen (hy het geweet dat ek finansieel besig was om onder te gaan en dat ek niks geld gehad het om enigiets te betaal nie). Alhoewel ‘n “tikkie” vrees my hart geprik het, het ek vining ‘n “ligfakkel gebed” opgestuur terwyl hy verduidelik het oor die diens wat nodig was (wat ek in elk geval nie verstaan het nie!). God het my herinner dat Hy nou my Man is en natuurlik— Hy sal betaal vir alles wat ek nodig het!

 So I quickly answered, “Go ahead!” to everything that needed servicing (since my husband had been involved with the AW for months, and our finances were plummeting months, so he had to neglect things, like keeping the car serviced). Though he hesitated he said, “Okay” but I could tell again he thought I was making a huge mistake.

So toe antwoord ek vining: “Gaan voort!” met alles wat gediens moet word (aangesien my man al vir maande by die NV betrokke was en ons finansies al vir maande geval het, het hy dinge afgeskeep, soos om die voertuig te laat diens). Alhoewel hy getwyfel het, het hy gesĂȘ: “Dis reg,” maar ek kon weereens agterkom dat hy dink ek maak ‘n groot fout.

A few hours later, my husband called to tell me “some amazing news!” He said that the manufacturer of my car now provided a new service plan for cars built the year mine was built and the years prior, and that it would always be the same fee each time I had it serviced—no matter what was needed!! Not only was I shocked, so was my husband, whose car (the one that was paid for) just missed this new service plan. Ladies, this again is God!!

‘n Paar uur later het my man gebel om vir my “wonderlike nuus!” te gee. Hy het gesĂȘ dat die vervaardiger van my motor 'n nuwe diensplan verskaf het, vir voertuie wat gebou is in die jaar wat myne gebou is en die jare voor dit, die fooi sou elke keer as ek dit laat diens het, dieselfde wees—maak nie saak wat nodig was nie!! Nie net was ek geskok nie, so ook was my man, wie se voertuig (die een wat klaar betaal was) net hierdie nuwe diensplan gemis het. Dames, dit is weereens God!!

Our beloved Husband actually looks for opportunities to remind us (and even our earthly husbands or ex-husbands) that He is able to provide all of our needs!!! Don’t miss an opportunity to turn to your new Husband when a need arises so that you don’t miss any blessing!

Ons geliefde Man soek eintlik geleenthede om ons te herinner (en selfs ons aardse mans of eks mans) dat Hy in staat is om in al ons behoeftes te voorsien!!! Moenie ‘n geleentheid mis om na jou nuwe Man te draai wanneer ‘n behoefte ontstaan nie, sodat jy nie enige seĂ«ning misloop nie!

And men, God says He is your provider too! You need to get a hold of this since too many men think they need to work hard in order to provide for their families. If you are in financial ruin, first be sure you are not in adultery, since this is ultimately the source of most financial ruin. This goes for pornography too since Jesus said clearly this is adultery in Matthew 5:28, “but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

En manne, God sĂȘ Hy is ook jou voorsiener! Jy moet dit vasgryp, aangesien te veel mans dink hulle moet hard werk om vir hul gesinne te sorg. As jy finansieel geruĂŻneer is, maak eerstens seker dat jy nie egbreuk pleeg nie, aangesien dit uiteindelik die oorsaak van die meeste finansiĂ«le ondergang is. Dit geld ook vir pornografie, aangesien Jesus in Matteus 5:28 duidelik gesĂȘ het dat dit ook owerspel is: “Maar Ek sĂȘ vir julle: Elkeen wat na 'n vrou kyk en haar begeer, het reeds in sy hart met haar egbreuk gepleeg.”

Men, if your heart is clear, then claim this verse so that God will provide everything you, your wife, and your children need:

Manne, as jou hart skoon is, eis dan hierdie vers, sodat God alles sal voorsien wat jy, jou vrou en jou kinders nodig het:

Psalm 127:2 says clearly, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.”

Psalms 127:2 sĂȘ duidelik: “Tevergeefs dat julle vroeg opstaan en laat gaan slaap om met moeite 'n bestaan te maak. Vir diĂ© wat Hy liefhet, gee die Here dit in hulle slaap.”

And Psalm 37:25 says, “I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.”

En Psalms 37:25 sĂȘ: “Ek was jonk en ek het oud geword, maar nooit het ek 'n regverdige verlate gesien of dat sy nageslag brood soek nie.”

If you are struggling financially it is either due to adultery, another sin, OR because you are trying to provide yourself, not looking to God to do it for you. And God wants to go beyond to supplying needs, but to shower you with blessings!

As jy finansieel sukkel is dit as gevolg van owerspel, ‘n ander sonde, OF omdat jy vir jouself probeer voorsien en nie na God kyk om dit vir jou te doen nie. En God wil verder gaan as om in behoeftes te voorsien, Hy wil seĂ«ninge op jou uitstort!

One of my absolute favorite blessings was how He blessed me with a new wedding ring, which is in the next chapter. But before I share that awesome testimony with you, let me share one more very important principle.

Een van my absolute gunsteling seëninge was hoe Hy my geseën het met 'n nuwe trouring, wat in die volgende hoofstuk is. Maar voor ek daardie ongelooflike getuienis met jou deel, laat ek nog een baie belangrike beginsel met jou deel.


As jy gereed is om 'n verbintenis met GOD te maak dat jy die kursus gaan voltooi, KLIK HIER dat jy saamstem en gereed is om elke stap van jou Reis na Herstel te dokumenteer in jou "My Daaglikse Joernaal" vorm. Vat jou tyd, sit, kry vir jou koffie of tee en stort jou hart uit in jou Joernaal.

As "ouer vroue...sodat julle die jonger vrouens kan leer..." (Titus 2:3) jy sal die geleentheid hĂȘ om met jonger vrouens te praat wat nog alleenlopend is as deel van jou bediening.

Laat 'n boodskap

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