Day 23

Dag 23

A Church without Walls

‘n Kerk sonder Mure 

an internet Church—

just for WOMEN

where we help you find true

Love at Last !

‘n Internet Kerk—

net vir VROUENS

waar ons jou help 

Om Uiteindelik ware 

Liefde te vind! 


  • Whether YOU are Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Assemblies of God, or Baptist 

  • Of jy nou ‘n Mormoon, Jehova se Getuienis, Gemeentes van God, of Baptiste...
  • YOU are welcomed, encouraged, and are challenged to find that One true relationship with Jesus that will fill the void in YOUR heart and life—forever!!
  • JY is verwelkom, aangemoedig, en uitgedaag om die Een ware verhouding met Jesus te vind wat die leemte in jou hart en lewe—vir ewig sal vul!!
  • and because RF is online, YOU are welcome to come and go at any hour of the day or night to be ministered to.
  • en omdat HG aanlyn is, is JY welkom om enige uur van die dag of nag te kom en gaan om geminister te word.
  • and because there are no WALLS to our virtual church you are challenged to see if the lack of JOY in your life is due to the false security that many women have when sitting in a church pew.
  • en omdat daar geen MURE is aan ons virtuele kerk word jy uitgedaag om te sien of die gebrek aan VREUGDE in jou lewe as gevolg van vals sekuriteit is wat vrouens het wanneer hulle op ‘n kerk bankie sit. 

Did you know that being a church member or choir member or Sunday school teacher doesn't mean you automatically are on your way to heaven? The only way to heaven (especially heaven on earth) is to not only to “know about” your Savior, Jesus Christ INTIMATELY and PERSONALLY—but for Him to know YOU

  1. Het jy geweet dat deur n‘ kerk lid of koor lid of Sondag skool onderwyser te wees beteken nie jy is automaties oppad hemel toe nie? Die enigste manier hemel toe (spesiaal hemel op aarde) is om nie net te “weet oor” jou Redder, Jesus Christus INTIEM en PERSOONLIK nie—maar vir Hom om JOU te ken   

"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I NEVER KNEW YOU' depart from Me you who practice lawlessness"—Matthew 7:22-23.

“ Baie sal daardie dag vir My sĂȘ: ‘ Here, Here, het ons dan nie in u Naam gepreek nie, deur u Naam bose geeste uitgedryf en deur u Naam baie wonders gedoen nie? Dan sal ek openlik vir hulle sĂȘ: Ek het julle nooit geken nie. Gaan weg van My af julle wat die wet van God oortree het”—Matteus 7:22-23 

WHY a "church" without walls?

HOEKOM ‘n “kerk” sonder mure?

In May 2005 our Restoration Fellowship became a "Ministry for Women Only." Only a few months later, women from around the world began writing to tell Erin that they considered her as their pastor and that Restoration Fellowship was their true "church" in every sense of the word.

In Mei 2005 het ons Herstel Gemeenskap ‘n “Ministerie vir Vrouens Alleen” geword. Net ‘n paar maande later, het vrouens oral om die wĂȘreld vir Erin begin skryf en gesĂȘ hulle beskou Erin as hulle pastoor en dat Herstel Gemeenskap hulle ware “kerk” in elke sin van die woord was.

It was online through Restoration Fellowship where most of women were fed daily, not just weekly or bi-weekly. And it was from being fed DAILY that each were learning the principles and gaining the enthusiasm for a greater and a deeper and more personal desire to have a true walk and relationship with the Lord.

Dit was aanlyn deur Herstel Gemeenskap waar meeste vrouens daagliks gevoed was, nie net weekliks of elke twee weke nie. En dit was uit die DAAGLIKSE voeding dat elkeen die beginsels en entoesiasme vir ‘n groter en dieper en meer persoonlike begeerte om ‘n ware wandel en verhouding met die Here te hĂȘ geleer het.  

It was through Restoration Fellowship where the friends that were met, began creating deeper relationships, due to our like-minded devotion to the Lord and His Word. These relationships are what helped strengthen our commitment and ability to travel along our Restoration Journey—especially learning how to travel with the Lord guiding us—thus strengthening our relationship with Him even more!

Dit was deur Herstel Gemeenskap waar die vriende wat ontmoet was, begin het om dieper verhoudings te skep, as gevolg van ons eensgesinde toewyding aan die Here en Sy Woord. Hierdie verhoudings is wat gehelp het om ons toewyding en vermoĂ« om langs ons Herstel Reiste te reis te versterk—spesiaal om te leer hoe om te reis met die Here wat ons lei—dus ons verhouding nog meer met Hom te versterk! 

Very soon, our RF members began to tell their friends and their family about their new "church"—the church that had changed in lives—becoming His Church who now began tearing down our own walls.

Baie gou, het ons  HG lede hulle vriende en familie begin verte loor hulle nuwe “kerk”—die kerk wat hulle lewens verander het—om Sy Kerk  te word wat nou begin om ons mure af te breek.

It was through RF that women learned about tithing to our new storehouse because RF was where each was being wonderfully spiritually nourished & strengthened—usually for the first time in their lives!!!

Dit was deur HG dat vrouens geleer het oor tiendes na ons nuwe stoorkamer te betaal want HG was waar elke een wonderlik spiritueel gevoed en versterk was—gewoonlik vir die eerste keer in hulle lewens!!!

"Being part of this Internet fellowship has helped change in the short amount of time that I have known it. My life has changed so much in this past week more than it has in the past few years combined." Cynthia in New Jersey RESTORED

*Deur deel te wees van hierdie internet gemeenskap in die kort tyd wat ek daarvan geweet het. Het my lewe so veel verander  in die afgelope week meer as in die laaste paar jare gekombineer” Cynthia in New Jersey HERSTEL. 

"I just wanted to let you know that what God has put into Erin to make this fellowship possible has really been a true blessing to my family and I. I have finally found my one real true love and that is my Lord Jesus Christ! I just can't express the joy that I feel right now with everything (I am in awe)"  ~Victoria

“Ek wil julle net laat weet dat wat God in Erin geplaas het om hierdie gemeenskap moontlik te maak was regtig ‘n ware seĂ«n aan my familie en ek. Ek het finaal my een ware liefde gevind en dit is my Here Jesus Christus! Ek kan net nie die vreugde uitdruk wat ek nou met alles voel nie (ek is met ontsag gevul)” ~Victoria

Though you may still be attending a local church, there is no doubt that your church failed you as our church failed us. They did NOT give us the truth regarding marriage, which is why our marriage failed too—and when He led us to find RMIEW.

Alhoewel jy nog steeds nie ‘n plaaslike kerk bywoon nie, is daar geen twyfel dat jou kerk jou gefaal het soos ons kerk ons gefaal het. Hulle het ons NIE die waarheid gegee tot betrekking me ons huwelik nie, wat ook die rede is hoekom ons huwelik ook gefaal het—en toe Hy ons gelei het om RMIEW te vind. 

RMIEW's ministry’s goal is to encourage you to be fed here for now, in order to help you to heal. Our goal is to encourage you to be fed here for now. You may still want to attend your church for the sake of fellowship, or you may find that the Lord is asking you to fast from your church for a time, in order that you can focus on and gain the spiritual strength to finish your restoration. Ultimately, the decision is yours, so take it to the Lord and talk to Him about it.

RMIEW se ministerie se doel is om jou aan te moedig om vir nou hier gevoed te word, om jou in staat te stel om te genees. Jy mag nog steeds jou kerk wil bywoon vir die saak van gemeenskap, of jy mag vind dat die Here jou vra om van jou kerk te vas vir ‘n tydperk, sodat jy kan fokus op en die spirituele krag kan win om jou herstel te volledig. Uitermatig, is die besluit joune, so neem dit na die Here toe en praat met Hom daaroor.

If you sense He's asking you to fast from attending church for a time, like He did with so many others who came along this Restoration Journey before you, here are some testimonies to help encourage you.

As jy voel dat Hy jou vra om te vas van kerk bywoning vir ‘n tydperk, soos wat Hy gedoen het met so baie ander wat voor jou langs hierdie Herstel Reis gekom het, hier is sommige getuienisse om te help om jou aan te moedig. 

Regardless of what you sense you need to do, just keep moving forward. Continue being fed through our Daily Encourager and these free Daily lessons. What we want to do is continue to help give you spiritual wisdom and spiritual strength to first finish your journey and also to be able to encourage other women along the way.

Ongeag van wat jy voel jy moet doen, hou aan om vorentoe te beweeg. Hou aan om deur ons Daaglikse Aanmoediger  en hierdie gratis Daaglikse lesse gevoed te word. Wat ons wil doen is om voort te gaan om jou spirituele wysheid en krag te gee om eers jou reis te voltooi en ook om in staat te wees om ander vrouens langs die pad aan te moedig.

We hope you are just beginning to grasp and understand that YOU are HIS church, His beautiful bride, because the Bible says that we are. And with this understanding—you will be gaining the spiritual wisdom you will need to complete your Restoration Journey. Once you are able to embrace the truth that YOU really are HIS church, His bride, AND that He has given each of us the Ministry of Reconciliation—you'll find yourself naturally helping women who are also hurting—this too will help speed up your restoration. Your marriage crisis is simply what God used to get our attention. It is the "bait" He gave us that He wants us to use as "fishers" of women.

Ons hoop dat jy begin om te begryp en te verstaan dat JY SY kerk is, Sy pragtige bruid, omdat die Bybel sĂȘ dat ons is. En met hierdie verstandhouding—sal jy spirituele wysheid win wat jy nodig sal hĂȘ om jou Herstel Reis te voltooi. Sodra jy in staat is om die waarheid te omarm dat JY rgtig SY kerk is, Sy bruid, EN dat Hy aan elkeen van ons die Ministerie van  Versoening gegee het—sal jy jouself vind dat jy op ‘n natuurlike wyse vrouens help wat ook seerkry—dit sal ook jou herstel versnel. Jou huwelik krisis is eenvoudig wat God gebruik het om ons aandag te trek. Dit is die “aas” wat Hy ons gegee het wat Hy wil hĂȘ ons moet gebruik as “vissers” van vrouens.  

His Bride

Sy Bruid

Just about every pastor would agree that when Jesus comes back for His Bride, His “Church”  He is NOT coming back for a building.

Net omtrent elke pastoor sal saam stem dat wanneer Jesus terug kom vir Sy Bruid, Sy “Kerk” kom Hy NIE terug vir ‘n gebou nie.

May I ask what or who is He coming back for?

Mag ek vra vir wie of wat Hy terugkom?

Right, not a church building—He is coming back for YOU!

Reg, nie ‘n kerk gebou nie—Hy kom terug vir JOU!

“Fear not, for you will not be put to shame;

“Moenie bang wees nie, jy sal nie weer in die skande kom nie,

And do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced;

Moenie so verleë daar staan nie, jy sal nie weer verneder word nie.

But you will forget the shame of your youth, 

Jy sal die skande uit jou jong dae vergeet

And the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more. 

En nie meer dink hoe jy verneder is toe jy ‘n weduwee was nie.

“For your Husband is your Maker, Whose name is the Lord of hosts; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth. 

“Hy wat jou gemaak het, is jou man, sy Naam is die Here die Almagtige. Die Heilige van Israel is jou Verlosser; Hy word die God van die hele wĂȘreld genoem.

“'For the Lord has called you, Like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, Even like a wife of one’s youth when she is rejected,' Says your God"–Isaiah 54:4-6

“Jy is ‘n verstote en bitter bedroefde vrou, maar die Here roep jou terug, want hoe kan ‘n man sy eie vrou vergeet? SĂȘ jou God”—Jesaja 54:4-6

"Instead of your shame you will have a double portion, and instead of humiliation they will shout for joy over their portion. Therefore they will possess a double portion in their land, Everlasting joy will be theirs. For I, the Lord, love justice, I hate robbery...and I will faithfully give them their recompense and make an everlasting covenant with them. Then their offspring will be known among the nations, and their descendants in the midst of the peoples.

“In plaas van vernedering sal julle twee keer soveel besittings hĂȘ as tevore, in plaas van minagting sal julle lof ontvang oor wat julle besit. Julle sal in julle land twee keer soveel besit as tevore en julle sal altyd vreugde hĂȘ. Ek is die Here, Ek het die reg lief, Ek haat roof en misdaad. In my trou sal Ek my volk gee wat Ek beloof het, Ek sal ‘n ewige verbond met hulle sluit. Hulle afstammelinge sal bekend wees onder die nasies, hulle nakomelinge onder die volke. 

All who see them will recognize them because they are the offspring whom the Lord has blessed. 

Almal wat na my volk kyk, sal besef dat hulle ‘n volk is wat deur die Here geseĂ«n is.

And you will say, once you've experienced this is

En jy sal, sodra jy dit beleef het sĂȘ...

"I will rejoice greatly in the Lord, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes the things sown in it to spring up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring up before all the nations"—Isaiah: 61:7-11

“Ek is baie bly oor die Here, en juig oor my God, want Hy het my gered, vir my oorwinnaarsklere aangetrek. Ek is soos ‘n bruidegom met ‘n priesterkroon op, soos ‘n bruid met haar juwele aan. Soos die grond plante laat uitspruit, soos die plante in ‘n tuin vrugte gee, so gee die Here my God die oorwinning en laat Hy al die nasies luister na die loflied tot sy eer—Jesaja: 61:7-11  

Though we call Restoration Fellowship a “church without walls” because it is a virtual church without walls, the truth is that our RF Members ARE His church—the women themselves are His church, His bride, who are daily tearing down walls in their lives. We have proof, not only in our lives, but based on each of us living these verses with our whole heart that He can become everything you'll ever want or need.

Alhoewel ons Herstel Gemeenskap ‘n “kerk sonder mure” noem omdat dit ‘n virtuele kerk sonder mure is, die waarheid is dat ons HG lede sy kerk IS—die vrouens hulleself is Sy kerk, Sy bruid, wie daagliks die mure in hulle lewens afbreek. Ons het bewyse, nie net in ons lewens nie, maar gebaseer op elkeen van ons wat hierdie verse uitleef met ons hele hart dat Hy alles kan word wat jy ooit sal wil hĂȘ of nodig hĂȘ.

“For your husband is your Maker, whose name is the LORD of hosts;  and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, who is called the God of all the earth. For the LORD has called you, like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, even like a wife of one’s youth when she is rejected, says your God”—Isaiah 54:5-6

“Hy wat jou gemaak het, is jou man, sy Naam is die Here die Almagtige. Die Heilige van Israel is jou Verlosser; Hy word die God van die hele wĂȘreld genoem. Jy is ‘n verstote en bitter bedroefde vrou, maar die Here roep jou terug, want hoe kan ‘n man sy eie vrou vergeet? SĂȘ jou God”—Jesaj 54:5-6

We believe it is safe to say that every single one of our RF Members were “forsaken,” “grieved” and “rejected” by their earthly husbands. Therefore, the more they learned, the more they were able to experience His love for themselves— when they took Him as their Husband in every sense of the word.

Ons glo dit is veilig om te sĂȘ dat elkeen van ons HG Lede “verstote,” “bedroefd” en “verwerp” was deur hulle aardse mans. Daarom, hoe meer hulle geleer het, hoe meer was hulle in staat om Sy liefde te ervaar vir hulleself— toe hulle Hom as hulle Man en elke sin van die woord geneem het. 

“...Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit”—Ephesians 2:20-22

“...Julle is ‘n gebou wat opgerig is op die fondament van die apostels en die profete, ‘n gebou waarvan Christus Jesus self die hoeksteen is. In Hom sluit die hele gebou saam en verrys dit tot ‘n heilige tempel vir die Here, in wie julle ook saam opgebou word as ‘n geestelike huis waarin God woon.

~ Cierra, Like you may be feeling, I too struggled with the concept in the beginning— for me it was based on some of the things that were said and what happened at my former church. But I what I really feel led to say is that you really have to be committed to Him to understand this concept. For me, it was after I spent an evening alone with Him, that I really understood, embraced and appreciated the idea that I was His Bride and He was my HH and this was after I released my restoration to Him and had room in my heart to receive Him as my Heavenly Love. I'd encourage you to do the same thing; set aside one evening just to spend with Him.

~Cierra, Soos julle dalk mag voel, ek het ook in die begin gesukkel met die konsep—vir my was dit gebaseer op sommige van die dinge wat gesĂȘ was en wat in my vorige kerk gebeur het. Maar wat ek regtig gelei gevoel het om te sĂȘ is dat jy regtig aan Hom toegewy moet wees om hierdie konsep te verstaan. Vir my, was dit na ek ‘n aand alleen saam Hom spandeer het, wat ek regtig verstaan het en die idee dat ek Sy bruid was en Hy my HM en dit was na ek my herstel aan Hom afgestaan het en plek in my hart gehad het om Hom te ontvang as my Hemelse Man. Ek sal daarvan hou om jou aan te moedig om dieselfde ding te doen; sit een aand opsy om net met Hom te spandeer.   

Click here to read Cierra's Restored Marriage Testimony...

Klik hier om Cierra se Herstelde Huweliks Getuienis te lees...

Dear Brides, HE is the great Protector!! HE will continue to protect you from things that want to hurt you and your heart. No battle is too big or too small for Him. I smile when I think of Him as my “knight in shiny armor.” We as little girls always dream that someday a prince will ride in and save us. That day is when we give our hearts to our HH. He is that Prince. He longs to be all we need and want!! So brides give up the fight and allow Him to cover you in His love!

Liewe Bruide, HY is die groot Beskermer!! HY sal voort gaan om jou te beskerm van die dinge wat jou en jou hart wil seermaak. Geen stryd is te groot of te klein vir Hom nie. Ek glimlag wanneer ek aan Hom dink as my “ridder op ‘n wit perd.” Ons as klein dogtertjies droom dat ‘n prins een dag sal inry en ons red. Daardie dag is wanneer ons ons harte aan ons HM gee. Hy is daardie Prins. Hy begeer om alles te wees wat ons nodig het en wil hĂȘ!! So bruide  hou op met die baklei en laat Hom toe om jou in Sy liefde te dek!

~ Leslie


 TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit

 TEMPEL van die Heilige Gees

“... just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless"—Ephesians 5:25-27

“...soos Christus die kerk liefgehad en sy lewe daarvoor afgelĂȘ het. Dit het Hy gedoen om die kerk aan God te wy, nadat Hy dit met die water en die woord gereinig het, sodat Hy die kerk in volle heerlikheid by Hom kan neem, sonder vlek of rimpel of iets dergeliks, heilig en onberispelik”—EfesiĂ«rs 5:25-27

His Church, again, is clearly not a building that Christ loved and gave Himself up for.  It is YOU who He wants to sanctify and cleanse from all the pain and shame of your past. Shame that was done to you and shameful things you fell into yourself.  His love will make you new, holy (which actually means “set apart”) and blameless! How glorious!!

Sy Kerk, weer, is duidelik nie ‘n gebou waarvoor Christus lief was en Homself opgegee het nie. Dit is JY vir wie Hy wil hĂȘ om jou te heilig en reinig van al die pyn en skande van jou verlede. Skande wat aan jou gedoen is en skandalige dinge waarin jy jouself gekry het. Sy liefde sal jou nuut, en heilig maak (wat eintlik beteken “daartoe bestem” en onberispelik! Hoe glorieryk!!   

His Bride and His Church are one and the same and WHO Jesus will come back for.

Sy Bruid en Sy Kerk is een en dieselfde en vir WIE Jesus terugkom.

Pastors would also agree that back during the first “churches” they did NOT meet in a church building but used to meet or “fellowship” in homes. It was not until decades later when, like so much else, His people wanted what everyone else had. They wanted a place to worship, which they named a "church" rather than calling it a synagogue (which translates to "assembly") like the Jewish people. This meant that, that place, that church was where they would primarily worship—no longer doing much of this in their homes. And sadly, this is when the church became just another "religion" rather than being the "relationship" He longs to have with us.

Pastore sou saamstem dat in die verlede gedurende die eerste “kerke” hulle NIE in ‘n kerk gebou ontmoet het nie maar het in huise ontmoet en “fellowship”. Dit was nie tot dekades later toe, soos soveel ander dinge, Sy mense alles wou gehad het wat ander gehad het. Hulle wou ‘n plek gehad het om te “aanbid”, wat hulle ‘n kerk genoem het eerder as ‘n sinagoge (wat oorvertaal word na “vergadering”) soos die Joodse mense. Dit beteken dat, daardie plek, die kerk was waar hulle hoofsaaklik aanbid het—en nie veel hiervan in hulle huise doen nie. En droewiglik, is dit toe die kerk net nog ‘n “geloof” geword het eerder as die “verhouding” wat Hy begeer om met ons te hĂȘ.    

“Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him”—Isaiah 30:18. Christians instead long for fellowship within the church, almost as a social club, missing the true relationship that fills every need.

“Tog is die HERE gretig om julle genadig te wees, en wil Hy Hom oor julle ontferm: Die Here is ‘n God wat reg laat geskied, en dit gaan goed met elkeen wat op Hom vertrou.”—Jesaja 30:18. Christene smag na fellowship binne die kerk, amper soos ‘n sosiale klub, en mis die ware verhouding wat elke benodigheid vervul. 

Forming a "religious" church also led to the believers to being restricted to being taught and learning about the Lord to just two days a week. Sundays and later, midweek, Wednesdays. This ultimately resulted in the church being weakened and also the “church” becoming their "religion" all because believers sought after what other "religions" had. And even worse, fellowshipping was primarily with other church members rather than with the Lord Himself.

Deur ‘n “godsdienstige” kerk te vorm het ook gelowiges gelei om beperk te wees om onderrig te word en net twee dae ‘n week oor die Here te leer. Sondae en later, in die middel van die week, Woensdae. Dit het uitermatig veroorsaak dat die kerk verswak het en ook dat die “kerk” hulle “geloof” geword het alles omdat gelowiges gestreef het na wat ander “gelowe” gehad het. En selfs erger, deur te fellowship was hoofsaaklik met ander kerk lede eerder as met die Here Homself.  

Once again, the truth is that WE are the “church” and as such, we don’t belong in another church. Ours is a relationship that should not be restricted to Sundays and Wednesdays. We should never try to make the experience of knowing Him any better by adding rules or things to check off as a morning "ritual" like reading the bible. If we are NOT a religion, then we don't need to compete with other religions, because we aren't a religion but His church is a relationship with Him.

Weereens, is die waarheid dat ONS die “kerk” is en so, behoort ons nie in ‘n ander kerk nie. Ons sin is ‘n verhouding wat nie tot Sondae en Woensdae beperk moet wees nie. Ons moet probeer om die ondervinding om Hom beter te leer ken deur reĂ«ls by te voeg of dinge af te tik as ‘n oggend “ritueel” soos om die bybel te lees. As ons NIE ‘n geloof is nie, dan hoef ons nie met ander gelowe te kompeteer nie, omdat ons nie ‘n geloof is maar Sy kerk in ‘n verhouding met Hom. 

RF focuses on learning how to enhance your RELATIONSHIP with the Lord and Savior and, more importantly, becoming His Bride, with Him as our Husband. 

HF fokus om te leer hoe om jou VERHOUDING met die Here en Redder te vermeerder, en meer belangrik, om Sy Bruid te word, met Hom as ons Man.

I have with my HH now, knowing that He only wants the very best for me. In fact, worrying about what other people think or feel is one of the things He is freeing me from on this restoration journey. It is about Him and putting Him first whilst having a gentle quiet spirit. It is about listening for His direction and leading and this is what He is leading me to do NOW.

Ek het nou met my HM, wetend dat Hy net wil hĂȘ wat die beste vir my is. Om die waarheid te sĂȘ, om bekommerd te wees oor wat ander mense dink of voel is een van die dinge waarvan hy my vrymaak op hierdie herstel reis. Dit gaan oor Hom en om Hom eerste te plaas tewyl ons ‘n stil en sagmoedige gees het. Dit gaan oor om te luister vir Sy direksie en leiding en dit is wat Hy my NOU lei om te doen.   

~ Nellie in Scotland

~Nellie in Skotland

Click here to read Nellie's RESTORED Marriage Testimony

Klik hier om Nellie se HERSTELDE Huweliks Getuienis te lees.

Our goal is not to attack churches, but to simply allow women to understand that THEY are His church. WE are His Bride and as such He longs for us to fellowship with Him all day, every day. And when we speak to others, we can easily share what He is doing in our lives, which is what "witnessing" really means. And when we do this out of the excitement in our hearts, without even trying, we will be encouraging other women to also become His church and His bride.

Ons doel is nie om kerke aan te val nie, maar eenvoudig vrouens toe te laat om te verstaan dat HULLE Sy kerk is. ONS is Sy Bruid en so smag Hy vir ons om elke dag heeldag met Hom te fellowship. En wanneer ons met ander praat, kan ons maklik deel wat Hy in ons lewens doen, wat is wat “getuig” regtig beteken. En wanneer ons dit doen uit opgewondenheid in ons harte, sonder om te probeer, moedig ons ander vrouens aan om ook Sy kerk en Sy bruid te word. 

What is so fantastic, is that each and every time RF members meet anyone, no matter where we are, we can't help but bring Him up, speak HIS name, tell others what He's doing in our lives and therefore HE is in our midst—therefore we are experiencing and in a way, having "church" everywhere!!!!

Wat so fantasties is, is dat ieder en elke keer wat HF enige iemand ontmoet, maak nie saak waar ons is nie,  kan ons nie help om Hom te noem nie, SY naam uit te spreek, en ander te vertel wat Hy in ons lewens doen en daarom is Hy in ons midde—daarom verwag ons op ‘n manier, om orals ‘n “kerk” te hĂȘ!!!!   

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst”—Matthew 18:20

“Want waar twee of drie in  my Naam saam is, daar is Ek by hulle”—Matteus 18:20

Isn't that what Jesus said to do in Mark 16:15?

Is dit nie wat Jesus vir ons gesĂȘ het om te doen in Markus 16:15?

"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'"

“Hy het vir hulle gesĂȘ: ’Gaan uit, die hele wĂȘreld in, en verkondig die evangelie aan die hele mensdom.”

The word "preach" actually translates and means to "proclaim." And the word "gospel" actually translates to simply mean the "Good News."

Die woord “preek” vertaal en beteken eintlik om te “verkondig.” En die woord “evangelie” vertaal eintlik om eenvoudig te beteken “Goeie Nuus.”

Let me ask you, wasn't it "Good News" when you heard and later experienced how much the Lord LOVED you—not to mention finding the Abundant Life and later when we die how thrilling to know we will be spending eternity with Him?!?!?

Laat my jou vra, was dit nie ‘Goeie Nuus” toe jy gehoor het en later ervaar het hoe baie die Here jou LIEFHET nie—om nie te noem om die Oorvloedige Lewe later te vind en wanneer ons dood gaan hoe sensasiewekkend om te weet dat ons die ewigheid met Hom gaan deel?!?!?

I also want to encourage you today to continue to hold His hand and stay the course. He has something so special for you! He is with you, planning, directing, and orchestrating the outcome of every day so that you can find the abundant life here on earth until we transition to the everlasting eternal with Him! I pray for your strength and endurance!!

Ek wil jou ook vandag aanmoedig om voort te gaan om Sy hand vas te hou en koers te hou. Hy het iets so spesiaal vir jou! Hy is by jou, beplan, dirigeer, en orkestreer die uitkoms van elke dag sodat jy die oorvloedige lewe hier op aarde kan vind totdat ons oorgaan tot in alle ewigheid met Hom! Ek bid vir jou krag en uithouvermoë!! 

“You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy” (Psalm 30:11-12 AMP) 

“Ek was in die rou, maar U het my van vreugde laat dans. U het my rouklere uitgetrek en vir my feesklere aangetrek. (Psalm 30:11-12)

"Praise God who did not ignore my prayer and did not withdraw His unfailing love from me." (Psalm 66:20)

“Die lof kom God toe wat my gebed nie afgewys en sy trou van my weerhou hou het nie. “ (Psalm 66:20)

“Those who sow with tears, will reap with songs of joy.” (Psalms 126:5 NIV)

“Wie met trane saai, sal die oes met gejuig inbring.” (Psalms 126:5) 

“You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” (Psalm 30:11-12 AMP)

~ Cierra





Question #1 

Vraag #1

What about the church I attend right now?

Wat van die kerk wat ek nou bywoon?

Does your church agree with your desire to restore your marriage? If not, then to you may want to talk to the Lord about whether you should continue to attend. Just like not submitting to our husbands, as a church member, you should submit to your pastor's and your church's beliefs. To not obey or going agains their beliefs is actually rebellion. And even if your pastor does agree, did your pastor give you the truth in order to prevent your marriage from being destroyed, and what have they given to you to help you restore your marriage?

Stem jou kerk saam met jou begeerte om jou huwelik te herstel? Indien nie, mag jy dalk met die Here wil praat of jy moet voort gaan om jou kerk by te woon. Net soos om nie onderdanig aan julle man te wees nie, as ‘n kerk lid moet jy jou onderwerp aan jou pastoor en jou kerk se menings. Om nie te gehoorsaam nie of teen hulle menings te gaan is eintlik rebellie. En selfs as jou pastoor saamstem, het jou pastoor jou die waarheid gegee om te voorkom dat jou huwelik vernietig word, en wat het hulle jou gegee om jou te help om jou huwelik te herstel?    

Our desire is for you is simply—it's to encourage you to find a closer, more intimate relationship with the Lord that is only accomplished, like any close relationship, alone, and the best place is not in a group gathering together, but in your home.

Ons begeerte vir jou is eenvoudig—om jou aan te moedig om ‘n nouer, meer intieme verhouding met die Here te vind wat net, soos enige ander verhouding, alleen, volbring kan word, en die beste plek is nie ‘n groep vergadering saam nie, maar in jou huis.  

And again, please be honest and realize that your church didn't teach you what you needed in order for you not to "drown" in lies, which led to your current marriage crisis. If no one learns how to teach others or rescue others, your church will continue to lose marriages and families will continue to be destroyed.

En weer, wees asseblief eerlik en besef dat jou kerk jou nie geleer het wat jy nodig het om jou in staat te stel om nie in leuns “te verdrink” nie, wat gelei het tot jou huidige huweliks krisis. As niemand leer hoe om ander te leer of ander te red nie, sal jou kerk voort gaan om huwelike te verloor en families sal aanhou om vernietig te word.

And if they ARE for restoration, are they currently teaching what would have helped PREVENT your marriage from collapsing? If not, think of others who will face the same devastation and leave (for a time) to get trained and come back to your church (and other churches in your area—thus tearing down denominational walls) and help others.

En as hulle vir herstel is, onderrig hulle huidiglik wat sou gehelp het om te VOORKOM dat jou huwelik in duie stort? Indien nie, dink aan ander wat dieselfde verwoesting in die gesig sal staar en weg gaan (vir ‘n tydperk) om opgelei te word en terug te kom na jou kerk toe (en ander kerke in jou area—dus konfessionele mure) af te breek en ander te help.

I am so happy with what God is doing in my life after I felt Him asking me to stop attending church. For most of my married life I had fears of losing my husband I now see my HH more important and love spending time each day with Him. I look forward with great anticipation of my time with the LORD each day. He provides all my needs. I can talk to Him all day long and never feel lonely. I can run to Him when I am facing problems and need advice. I sense His love and care as I read the WORD. He gives me guidance, love, comfort, companionship, forgiveness, grace, mercy, a refuge and shield in times of trouble. I have so much to be thankful for each day. The wisdom He gives me keeps me from falling into the traps of the enemy of this WORLD. Learning to respond differently to my problems has given me such peace. I praise the Lord for His kindness and goodness, His unfailing love, and for His promise to never leave me.

Ek is so gelukkig met wat God besig is om in my lewe te doen nadat ek Hom gevra het om my te help om op te hou om kerk by te woon. Vir meeste van my getroude lewe het ek vrese gehad dat ek my man sou verloor en nou sien ek my HM is meer belangrik en ek hou daarvan om elke dag tyd saam Hom te spandeer. Ek kyk vorentoe met groot afwagting vir my tyd elke dag saam die HERE, Hy voorsien in al my behoeftes. Ek kan die heel dag met Hom praat en nooit eensaam voel nie. Ek kan na Hom toe hardloop wanneer ek probleme in die gesig staar en advies nodig het. Ek voel sy liefde en sorg aan soos wat ek die Woord lees. Hy gee my leiding, liefde, troos, geselskap, vergiffenis, guns, genade en beskerm my in tye van nood. Ek het elke dag soveel om vir dankbaar te wees. Die wysheid wat Hy my gee keer dat ek in lokvalle van die vyand van hierdie WÊRELD val. Om te leer om anders met my probleme af te reken het my so ‘n vrede gegee. Ek loof die Here vir sy vriendelikheid en goedheid, sy onfeilbare liefde, en vir sy belofte om my nooit te verlaat nie.  

“For your Maker is your husband— the Lord Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit— a wife who married young, only to be rejected,” says your God. “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back.” (Isaiah 54:5-7 NIV)

“Hy wat jou gemaak het, is jou man, sy Naam is die Here die Almagtige. Die Heilige van Israel is jou Verlosser; Hy word die God van hele wĂȘreld genoem. Jy is ‘n verstote en bitter bedroefde vrou, maar die Here roep jou terug, want hoe kan ‘n man sy eie vrou vergeet? SĂȘ jou God. Net ‘n oomblik het Ek jou verstoot, in My groot liefde vat Ek jou terug.” (Jesaja 54:5-7)

I once lived in fear because my security was in my EH. Now my security is in my HH.

Ek het eens op ‘n tyd in vrees gelewe omdat my sekuriteit in my AM  was. Nou is my sekuriteit in my HM. 

~ Judith in Indiana

~Judith in Indiana

Click here to Read Judith's RESTORED Marriage Testimony

Klik hier om Judith se HERSTELDE Huwelik Getuienis te Lees

Question #2

Vraag #2

Do I have to convert?

Sal ek moet omvorm? 

No. There is no perfect church or denomination and the denominational walls are what cause division within the church. As a "church without walls" RF has purposely set up with no doctrine or set of church rules you need to agree to or follow. You will find that once you know the Lord personally, as intimately as the rest of us have come to know Him, you naturally, without effort, simply change.

Nee. Daar is geen perfekte kerk of denominasie nie en die konfessionele mure is wat verdeling veroorsaak binne die kerk. As ‘n “kerk sonder mure” is HF doelgerig met geen doktrine of ‘n stel kerk reĂ«ls opgestel wat jy moet mee saamstem of volg nie. Jy sal vind dat sodra jy die Here persoonlik ken, so intiem as wat die res van ons Hom leer ken het, sal jy natuurlik, sonder poging, eenvoudig verander.   

You may not realize you have changed, it will be your family and friends who begin to notice the glow on your face and the joy they hear in your voice. And as far as converting, we prefer you remain as you are. If you don't return to your church to some day help others, you are simply allowing destruction to continue.

Jy mag nie besef dat jy verander het nie, dit sal jou familie en vriende wees wat die skynsel op jou gesig en die vreugde wat hulle in jou stem hoor agter kom. En so ver as om te ontvorm, ons verkies dat jy bly soos wat jy is. As jy nie eendag na jou kerk toe terug keer om ander te help nie, laat jy eenvoudig toe vir verwoesting om voort te gaan.  

I have finally realized the mistakes I have made that led to the destruction of my marriage. I have continued on rebellion and prolonged my restoration by holding onto my ways and self-sufficiency keeping RMI as "one" of my spiritual resources. Only RMI was feeding where I am hurting the most, my relationships, my marriage, and my family. I need support on how to become HIS bride before I can be the kind of earthly bride that I was meant to be. And RMI needs to be that one source; a source that will not point to itself, but rather to the Lord who behind it all. ONE leader, the LORD, with His brides, each seeking His direction for our lives.

Ek het finaal besef die foute wat ek gemaak het wat na die verwoesting van my huwelik gelei het. Ek het voort gegaan om rebels te wees en my herstel uitgestel deur vas te klou aan my eie maniere en self-onderhouding en het  HMI as “een” van my spirituele bronne gehou. Net HMI het my gevoer waar ek die seerste gehad het, my verhoudings, my huwelik, en my familie. Ek het ondersteuning nodig oor hoe om SY bruid te word voordat ek die soort aardse bruid kan wees wat ek bedoel is om te wees. En HMI moet daardie een bron wees; ‘n bron wat nie na hulleself sal uitwys nie, maar eerder na die Here wie agter dit sit. EEN leier, die HERE, met Sy bruide, elke een wat Sy rigting vir ons lewens soek.   

I was raised as a Catholic and was devout the traditions and expressions of that faith for most of my life and most of my marriage life. It as in 2010 that I came to understand and accept that I had never accepted what the Lord did on the cross for ME. I always believed in what He had done for the world, but had never believed it for me personally. I joined a non-denominational church, but I desired to go deeper with Him and was acutely aware of how much I DIDN'T know about Him despite previously feeling pretty confident in my faith.

Ek was in ‘n Katolieke kerk groot gemaak en was toegerig aan die tradisies en uitdrukkings van die geloof vir meeste van my lewe en meeste van my huwelik. Dit was in 2010 wat ek verstaan het en aanvaar het dat ek nooit aanvaar het wat Jesus aan die kruis vir MY gedoen het nie. Ek het altyd geglo in wat Hy vir die wĂȘreld gedoen het, maar het dit nooit vir my persoonlik geglo nie. Ek het by ‘n nie-konfessionele kerk aangesluit, maar ek het begeer om ‘n dieper verhouding met Hom te hĂȘ en was akuut bewus van hoeveel ek NIE geweet het oor Hom ten spyte van dat ek voorheen taamlik oortuig in my geloof was.

When it was first suggested I speak to the Lord about becoming HIS church, not relying on a church building, I put it off, surely He would not take me from my one place of solace would He? The truth is, yes, He has asked me because He wants to show me that HE is my ONE, TRUE, ONLY love. I do not need anything or anyone but HIM. He is a jealous God and I have put everything, my husband, kids, bible study fellowship, church, extended family, friends, material possession before HIM.

Toe dit eers voorgestel was dat ek met die Here praat oor SY kerk te word, en nie op ‘n kerk gebou te vertrou nie, het ek dit uitgestel, sekerlik sal Hy my nie neem van my een plek van troos sou Hy? Die waarheid is, ja, hy het my gevra omdat Hy my wil wys dat HY my EEN, WARE, ENIGSTE liefde is. Ek het niks of niemand behalwe HOM nodig nie. Hy is ‘n jaloerse God en ek het alles, my man, kinders, bybel studie fellowship, kerk, en uigebreide familie, vriende, materiale besittings voor HOM gesit.   

So, yes, I chose to letting go of my church because I have loved it more than HIM. I am also letting go of it because I am in need of His spiritual covering. Hanging on to a church that is not encouraging the true principles of restoration is only prolonging my restoration journey. As with anything in this journey, if letting go of something temporarily for the sake of leaving room for God to do a drastic transformation and work in my life. I am encouraged by the other testimonies of women who chose to let go of attending a church andreceived such grace and truth and freedom in the process of witnessing their faith. Now I ask the Lord to find another woman who needs to know about Him and His love, and this becomes my church!

So, ja, ek het verkies om my kerk te laat gaan omdat ek meer lief was daarvoor as vir HOM. Ek gaan ook daarvan laat gaan omdat ek Sy spirituele dekking nodig het. Deur aan te hang aan ‘n kerk wat nie die ware prinsiepe van herstel aanmoedig nie verleng net my herstel reis. Soos met enige iets op hierdie reis, as om te laat gaan van iets tydelik om plek vir God te los om ‘n dramatiese transformasie en werk in my lewe te doen. Ek is aangemoedig der die ander getuienisse van vrouens wat verkies het om hulle kerk bywoning te laat gaan en soveel guns en  waarheid en vrydom in die proses om hulle geloof te getuig ontvang het. Nou vra ek die Here om ‘n ander vrou te vind wie van Hom en Sy liefde moet weet, en dit word my kerk!    

~ Heather in Texas

Question #3

Vraag #3

Is RF a church as I’ve known a “church” to be?

Is HF ‘n kerk soos wat ek weet ‘n ‘kerk” om te wees?

RF is NOT really a "church" since the Bible clearly refers to US as His church—not a building—but individually and as a group of believers who gather together, with His name on our lips where He says He will be there in our midst. RF is fulfilling the verse that so many people use to PROVE that we must be part of a local CHURCH.

HF is NIE regtig ‘n ”kerk” nie aangesien die Bybel duidelik na ONS verwys as Sy kerk—nie ‘n gebou—maar individueel en as ‘n groep gelowiges wie saam vergader, met Sy naam op ons lippe waar Hy sĂȘ Hy sal wees in ons midde. HF vulvul die verse wat soveel mense gebruik om te BEWYS dat ons deel moet wees van ‘n plaaslike KERK. 

Hebrews 10:24-25 "and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” 

HebreĂ«rs 10:24-25 “ laat ons ook na mekaar omsien deur mekaar aan te spoor tot liefde en goeie dade. Ons moenie van die samekomste van die gemeente af wegbly soos party se gewoonte is nie, maar mekaar eerder aanmoedig om daarheen te gaan, en dit des te meer namate julle die oordeelsdag sien nader kom.’

KJV 25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting [encouraging] one another.”

Again, RF is NOT a church, YOU are His Church (who He is coming back for), He is the Bridegroom, we His bride. RF is the "fellowship," the "assembling together" to ENCOURAGE one another to put HIM first and to become His bride AND where we speak of Him, due to Him being the Lover of our souls, which means He is with us in our midst!!

Weer, HF is NIE ‘n kerk nie, JY is Sy Kerk ( vir wie Hy terugkom), Hy is die Bruidegom, ons is Sy bruid. HF is die “fellowship,” die “samekoms” om mekaar aan te MOEDIG om HOM eerste te plaas en Sy bruid te word EN waar ons van Hom praat, omdat Hy die Minnaar van ons siele is, wat beteken dat Hy is in ons midde is!!

And by having this relationship with the Lord, something you do everyday throughout the day, you will not be able to keep quiet about bringing Him up everywhere. This means you are assembling together.

En deur hierdie verhouding met die Here te hĂȘ, iets wat jy elke dag dwarsdeur die jaar doen, sal jy nie in staat wees om stil te bly oor Hom orals te noem nie. Dit beteken julle kom saam.   

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst”—Matthew 18:20

“Want waar twee of drie in My naam saam is, daar is Ek by hulle”—Matteus 18:20 

And the way we handle "exhorting" (which translates to "encouraging") naturally happens with our DAILY Encourager. Then, later, you'll increase and extend that encouragement when you begin meeting in and around your home by having a Home Fellowship.

En die manier wat ons “vermaning” hanteer (wat oor vertaal beteken “aanmoediging”) gebeur natuurlik met ons DAAGLIKSE Aanmoediger. Dan, later, sal jy die aanmoediging vermeerder wanneer jy begin om in en om jou huis te ontmoet deur ’n Tuis  Fellowship te hĂȘ.  

When I felt the Lord asking me to let go and no longer attend my church, I found it to be the most freeing thing He has led me to do so far. Though it was not easy at first, I simply asked for His help and He made it easy! I finally understand that His church is not a building or a religion or rituals! Now that He showed me through RMI to follow Him, my "church" is everywhere I go singing my praises and love to my HH! Sundays are now day long dates with my sweet Beloved 

Toe ek gevoel het dat die Here my vra om te laat gaan en nie meer my kerk by te woon nie, het ek gevind dat dit die mees bevrydigende ding was wat Hy my tot dusver gelei het om te doen. Alhoewel dit nie maklik was in die begin nie, ek het eenvoudig gevra vir Sy hulp en Hy het dit maklik gemaak! Ek verstaan ten volle dat Sy kerk nie ‘n gebou of ‘n geloof of rituele is nie! Noudat Hy my gewys het deur HMI om Hom te volg, is my “kerk” orals en ek sing lofliedere en liefde aan my HM! Sondae is nou dag lange afsprake met my beminde Geliefde. 

~Pamela in Idaho

Question #4

Vraag #4

How can remaining in my current church be so bad?

Hoe kan om in my huidige kerk te bly so erg wees?

One principle that we need to share with you is one that the Lord showed us based on this verse from Romans 13:1, especially for those who belong to a church.

Een prinsiep wat ons nodig het om met jou te deel is een wat die Here ons gewys het gebaseer op die verse uit Romeine 13:1, spesiaal vir die wat aan ‘n kerk behoort.

"Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God."

“Elke mens moet hom onderwerp aan die owerhede wat oor hom gestel is. Daar is immers geen gesag wat nie van God af kom nie, en die owerhede wat daar is, is daar deur die beskikking van God.”

This means that women who sit under the authority of a pastor/priest and church MUST obey her pastor/priest and church's teachings. When a woman is tithing and/or attending a church where her church's teachings or counseling is CONTRARY to what the Lord has revealed to her, then she is in rebellion to her authority. To be under authority, but not to submit to it is rebellion and how could any woman be blessed when she is living in rebellion??

Dit beteken dat vrouens wat onder die autoriteit van ‘n pastoor/priester en kerk sit MOET haar pastoor/priester en die kerk se onderrig gehoorsaam. Wanneer ‘n vrou haar tiende bydra en /of ‘n kerk bywoon waar haar kerk se onderrig of berading TEENSTRYDIG is met wat die Here aan haar openbaar het, dan is sy in rebellie aan haar gesag. Om onder gesag te wees, maar jou nie aan dit te onderwerp nie is rebellie en hoe kan enige vrou geseĂ«n wees wanneer sy in rebellie leef??   

Let's face it, 99.9% of what RMIEW is teaching you was NEVER taught in your church or you wouldn't have looked and found us. And this also leads to double-mindedness which is not where you spiritually want to be either.

Kom ons wees eerlik, 99.9% van wat RMIEW jou leer was NOOIT in jou kerk geleer nie of jy sou nie vir ons gesoek en gevind het nie. En dit lei ook tot besluitloosheid wat nie is waar jy spiritueel wil wees nie.

If this is where you are, we encourage you to seek God and ask Him what HE is leading you to do, so you are not following different teachings, which causes double-mindedness. If you feel He is leading you to remain in your church, it is better for you to leave being fed by us.

As dit is waar jy is, moedig ons jou aan om God na te streef en Hom te vra waarna Hy jou lei om te doen, so jy volg nie verskillende leringe nie, wat besluitloosheid veroorsaak. As jy voel dat Hy jou lei om in die kerk te bly, is dit beter vir jou om weg te gaan en deur ons gevoed te word.

"For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways" James 1:7-8

“ So ‘n mens wat altyd aan die twyfel is en onbestendig is in al sy doen en late moet nie dink dat hy iets van die Here sal ontvang nie” Jakobus 1:7-8

Letting go of anything familiar is hard. Even if it is an unpleasant thing. I have been apprehensive to do anything including going to church because sometime the sermons would only make me feel worse. Of course it was not the pastor's fault it was because I was not following what the church believed "to move on" and "divorce was okay." Thankfully Restoration Fellowship 'feeds' my spirit with what I need to grow in a true intimate relationship with my Lord and HH. The messages here are laser focused on helping with my feelings and the road I am traveling. I have felt closer to the Lord through Restoration Fellowship than all my years of attending church. It didn't seem right at first but I am so glad I took a leap of faith and got out of the boat. I am no longer in rebellion to what my church and my pastor believes, and now I am at peace!

Deur te laat gaan van enige iets wat familiĂȘr is is moeilik.  Al is dit ‘n onaangename ding. Ek was bedug om enige iets te doen insluitende om kerk toe te gaan omdat die preke my somtyds erger sou laat voel. Natuurlik was dit nie die pastoor se skuld nie dit was omdat ek nie gevolg het wat die kerk geglo het om “aan te beweeg” nie en dat “egskeiding ok was.” Dankbaar het Herstel Fellowship my gees “gevoed” met wat dit nodig gehad het om in ‘n ware intieme verhouding met die Here en HM te groei. Die boodskappe hier is laser gefokus om te help met my gevoelens en die pad wat ek reis. Ek het nader aan die Here gevoel deur Herstel Fellowship as in al my jare van kerk bywoning. Dit het nie in die begin reg gelyk nie maar ek is so bly ek het ‘n sprong van geloof geneem en uit die boot uit geklim. Ek is nie meer in rebellie oor wat my kerk en my pastoor glo nie, en nou is ek vredevol! 

~ Diane in Texas

Imagine being His church

Stel jou voor dat Jy Sy kerk is 

& without Walls

& sonder Mure

The decision is yours. So many women from all over the world have made Restoration Fellowship their “church,” either because they could not find a good church in their area, or because their husbands who lived at home did not go to church, or simply because they found that they began growing in their relationship with the Lord through RMI's Encouraging Women and wanted MORE.

Die besluit is joune. So baie vrouens van oral om die wĂȘreld wie Herstel Fellowship hulle “kerk” gemaak het, is eerder omdat hulle nie ‘n goeie kerk in die area kon vind nie, of omdat hulle mans wie by die huis gebly het nie kerk toe gegaan het nie, of eenvoudig omdat hulle gevind het dat hulle begin groei het in hulle verhouding met die Here deur HMI se Vrouens Aanmoediger Vrouens en wou MEER hĂȘ.   

Another reason women want to be part of a "church without walls" is that thankfully more and more women want to help ENCOURAGE and MINISTER to hurting and abandoned women in their area. After being trained and equipped to help minister to other women through RMIOU, so many more women are able to reach out to women in their church. Some women enjoying meeting together and fellowshipping—basically having "church" in each other's homes. “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst” (Matthew 18:20).

Nog ‘n rede dat vrouens ‘n deel wil wees van die “kerk sonder mure” is dat dankbaar meer en meer vrouens  verlate vrouens in die area wil help en AANMOEDIG en aan hulle MINISTER. Nadat hulle opgelei en toegerus is om te help om aan ander vrouens te minister deur RMIOU, kan so baie vrouens na vrouens in hulle kerke uitreik. Sommige vrouens geniet dit om saam te ontmoet en te fellowship—basies om ‘n “kerk” in mekaar se huise te hĂȘ.  “ Want waar twee of drie in my Naam saam is, daar is Ek by hulle” (Matteus 18:20)  

So it's finally time to officially invite YOU to join Restoration Fellowship as a church member. What is most important is what the Lord wants YOU to do — so ask Him and He will lead you.

So dit is finaal tyd om JOU offisieĂ«l te nooi na ons Herstel Fellowship as ‘n kerk lid. Wat die mees belangrikste is is wat die Here wil hĂȘ JY moet doen— so vra Hom en Hy sal jou lei.

Once again, as we've said over and over again, always ask Him about each and every decision you need to make and then watch your life take on a new and blessed appearance! This change will not only affect your life, but all the lives that touch yours: your children, your husband or former husband, your siblings, your parents, and even the people at your workplace.

Weer eens soos wat ons oor en oor gesĂȘ het, vra Hom altyd oor ieder en elke besluit wat jy nodig het om te maak en kyk hoe jou lewe ‘n nuwe en geseĂ«nde voorkoms aanneem! Hierdie verandering sal nie net jou lewe affekteer nie, maar al die lewens wat joune aanraak: jou kinders, jou man of vorige man, jou broers en susters, jou ouers, en selfs die mense by jou werkplek.   

Everyone needs more of HIM in their lives, and the more of Him that you and I have, the more it will overflow into the lives of those whom we love and are around without us ever saying one word!

Elke een het meer van HOM in julle lewens nodig, en hoe meer jy en ek van Hom het, hoe meer sal dit oorvloei in die lewens van die vir wie ons lief is en om ons is sonder om selfs ‘n woord te sĂȘ!  

The main objective of RF is helping to bridge the gap between attending a typical "church" to FULLY becoming His bride. By us "assembling together" in the same way the early church came together—first online and later in each other's homes or just meeting to fellowship over a meal or coffee together—we are each learning more, growing more, and becoming much more intimate with the Lord.

Die hoof doel van HF is om te help om die tipiese ‘kerk” bywoning te oorbrug en TEN VOLLE sy bruid te word. Deur  “bymekaar te kom” op dieselfde manier as wat die vroeĂ« kerk bymekaar gekom het—eerste aanlyn en later in mekaar se huise of net ontmoet om te fellowship oor ‘n maaltyd of koffie saam—ons leer meer en meer, groei meer, en word meer intiem met die Here. 

Testimonies of Finding Their Heavenly Husband Testimonies

Getuienise van Hulle Hemelse Mans Vind Getuienisse

“For by wise leading you will make war, and the fight is won when there are many wise [wo]men to help you make the right plans.” Proverbs 24:5-6.

“Dit is die wyse man wat sterk is, die een wat kennis het, wat werklik mag het. Jy maak oorlog na beraadslaging, en die oorwinning kom deur baie raadgewers.” Spreuke 24:5-6

 We'd NOW Like to INVITE YOU to JOIN Restoration Fellowship.

 Ons sal NOU daarvan hou om JOU te NOOI om by ons Herstel Fellowship aan te sluit.

CLICK HERE to fill out a short form to help us know you better.

KLIK HIER om ‘n kort vorm in te vul om ons te help om jou beter te leer ken.

NEXT, CLICK BELOW to fill out the


RF: Restoration Fellowship Application Form that will be sent to the Minister in your area.

HF: Herstel Fellowship Aansoek Vorm in te vul wat na die Minister in jou area gestuur sal word.

If you have any MORE questions, please take a moment to contact our team of ministers:

As jy nog MEER vrae het, neem asseblief ‘n oomblik om ons span ministers te kontak:

If you don't feel it's time to JOIN RF—

As jy nie voel dit is tyd om by HF aan te sluit nie—

we would LOVE to offer you our

sal ons daarvan HOU om vir jou ons   

FREE online Bible studies.

GRATIS aanlyn Bybel studies aan te bied. 



“...en julle sal die waarheid ken, en die waarheid sal julle vry maak.” —Joh 8:32 

Nou is dit tyd om HIER TE KLIK en jou hart aan die Here uit te stort en te joernaal “Wat ek Geleer Het.”  


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